Monday, 7 January 2008


if u haven watched it, i think unless u are an avid fan if not skip it
or if u have money to spare and nothing to do then go lor
i didn't watch avp but since dear said he wants to watch avp2, then ok lor
i read from the reviewed tt the ending was a disappointment
"JUST ONE BOMB" ended it all.....
so i told Ivan abt it and he went to watch the movie and smsed tt nite to say "not nice"

the predators gg back
on way back the alien popped out from the "injuried" predator's tummy
and it looked exactly like it....hehehe
anyway, the alien killed the predators and then the ship went back to earth
happened tt this papa and son was in the forrest hunting
so they chanced upon the spaceship
and when they were gg back to "call the police" the aliens came and went into their tummy and then popped up aliens....
then the sherrif came with him men to look for them when the "liu lang ren"'s dog found a sevred arm. then they no can find the bodies why? becoz hor, one predator found out what happened and "hao lian" come to earth to eliminate the aliens ALL BY HIMSELF
so he poured the blue potion onto the papa and son and their bodies, the spaceship all disappeared.
then the story goes on, the predator looking for the aliens who were already mulitlying and creating havoc on earth
then the sherrif called for help and u know the rest liao lor. the govt send plane to bomb the place lor. and all aliens, predator, human beings all go, went and gone......
just like tt
all happened just becoz of one "hao lian" predator who thinks he can make it but instead in turn create so many problems
why can't he just radio back for reinforcement lor
dun understand why he must kill the humans and even skinned one.....*scratch head*
dear asked me to call armold coz he fought with them in predator few yrs back......crazy man....ppl now a governer lor, u think he be bothered with predators.....chey!!
then end of the day, everybody kana bomb, sigh.......
and he loses his weapon, and it got into the hands of the military....and then what happened? wait for avp3 lor......
told old man, if avp2 sucks, who wants to watch avp 3........*speechless*

to watch or not to watch, its up to u....... =)) dun say i never warn u


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