cUrB mY cRaViNgS.......
brought the little one to one of our favourite jap rest for lunchie today!! we made the date last fri though....and becoz of her project, she only came back home at 230pm and i was STARVING lor....we forgot to take the photos of what we ate earlier. when i remembered, we left with the egg maki lor...heheheone thing i got to comment abt my niece is tt she always will share the food. she will take whatever she wants, and then she will eat one and the other one she will say "yee yee, this is urs." then when she took the kani maki, she ate 3 and pointed to the leftovers "urs" see!! she is so what is the at least she knows tt she has to share. anyway, to tell the truth, by sharing, u actually gets to eat more variety lor. so dun be selfish!!! =))

i had the craving for jap curry. so i ordered this. i only managed to finish half the bowl....i was so fulled after eating the sushi while waiting for the MAIN course to come.........wasted lor

and this is our final bill!!!! no more 10% from UOB card lor. so sad. =(( and its the 1st time tt we ate till almost $50 bucks!!! hahaha.....never before!!! think we were both hungry........whatever it is, no more cravings and now i am down with the horrible flu..........ahhhh cccchhhhhooooo!!
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