I m A sUpeRsTaR

Hi There!!!
my name is wang zhen yu, jayvier
my birth date is 3rd july 2008
i popped out at 17XXhrs (its a mi mi cannot tell u, later dun know what u go do to me........ =p)
and i weighed 3.12kg..........i am not light lor.......i have "weight" one lor......i am the pearl in my parents' eyes lor......so dun play play.........
my daddy said i can be a superstar on the internet so i decided to be a good boy(for few mins. stopped crying) and let "jie jie" take my photos so tt i can be a SUPERSTAR!!! =))
am i a superstar yet???
daddy, are these photos of me handsome??
happy with it or not?
if no good, not up to expectations, send better photos of me to "jie jie" ok.......
i wailed so loudly when visitors come see me and mama
i am the limelight lor. main attraction lor. but all of the visitors keep talking to my mama and papa
sigh, so what do i do?? i wailed as loud as i can go.......drives my mama nuts!!! hehehe.......but she no spank me. she went "shhhh......sssshhhhh........ why? why are u crying? what's the problem? mummy is here with u."
hear already so shiok, so i stopped what i am best at ...........wailing.......no tears one only sound. but tt alone drove my mama crazy over me.......lolz
dun understand why my daddy keeps saying tt my mama "talks rubbish"
and why my mama complained abt me being "ren xiao xiao but the fart very smell"
hm........i see them all so gan cheong abt me, so am the very the happy..... =))
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