BlUe BiRd
dear told me tt by end of Jan, armour's blue bird will have to go go goya, as in GONE!!!
coz its the new regulations now if not, we will have to pay extra for his licence renewal
and i am very the sad lor
why blue bird has to go?
just becoz the authorites dun want ppl to anyhow breed or the animals to anyhow use their blue bird to poke each other, the poor animals have to have their blue bird chop off???but they r not human how to teach them not to anyhow poke??!!?? even humans are difficult to educate lor
i am so the very sad =((
dear told me "no lah. not chop off as in chop off. think they will tie a knot or something, bird blue will still be there"
then i said "fine. then we tie a ribbon on armour's blue bird. anyway, the authorities will not know whether blue bird there or not lor"
then dear said "ya. true. unless they come down and check"
but i do believe there must be some sort of system to keep track one lor. the authorities will not suka suka believe u say u have chop off the blue bird liao without witnessing it themselves.
sigh.....whatever it is, armour's blue bird will have to go .......... then he will be so unbalance. he has never use his blue bird to poke sad rite. he will miss that experience..... =((
then an idea popped into my mind
in tt case, why not have all the males in Sing to go chop their blue bird too
since we cannot educate them to practise safe sex, to have only one regular partner, and prevention of AIDS and also elimination of rapists then we will have to have the regulations of chopping off their blue birds too just like the animals... then if they want to keep blue bird, well, pay a sum of money and blue bird is urs to keep......ta da!! idea more AIDS, no more rapists........
afternoon while watching the oprah show, i tell u, they were asking this doc abt MEN'S PROBLEMS. and i realised tt even the blue bird can be broken lor!!! ya!! its true. not joking k!! coz this man, he wrote in and said tt when he was making out with his gf, and his gf excitedly sat on his lap and he hear "pia" and he knew something is broken. and till today his blue bird no can stand up anymore!!!! sigh......poor man.....wonder why he no see a doc immediately, nothing to be pai seh of rite? *wonder*
anyway, there is this guy in the audience, he confessed tt his blue bird was also broken by his wife and he immediately went to see the doc. did a surgery to fix bck the broken vein or whatever the thingy is call and hey!! he is a father of 2 today lor!!! =)) *happy man*
then there were questions like "to circumcise or not to" well, the answer is "UP TO U".... ppl circumcise due to cleaniness and also transmittance of virus, germs, bacteria. and doc also confirmed tt ppl who does not circumcise will enjoy sex better......lolz........true or not, i won't be able to know, and poor armour he also won't get to know......... =((
bye bye blue bird.......bye bye
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