Thursday, 3 April 2008

a KiNd GeStUre

watched the Oprah show??
well, yesterday, Oprah as usual, in her "giving" mood. gave US$1000 to every audience who attended her show
they were to spend tt money on a stranger, whether in WHOLE or PART
every audience were given a sony cam to record down what they did with the money
sponsored by (opps!! i forgot what bank) and of course, SONY!!! who else!!

many touching stories were revealed today.
some examples which i can remember:-

1) a mother of 3 ordered delivery for pizza and dun know what other services and paid these delivery men with the money which Oprah "gave"....happy delivery men!! =P
2) a woman who was assulted when she was young wanted to "give back to the society" so she went to the house which helped her and she inturn found someone who needed help. she donated the money and an additional of US$1600 to this woman who was shot by her then bf right in her face!!! bloody pork!!! and i think she needed to money to do a face reconstruction......god bless her!!
3) this man used all the money to buy sport shoes for his school basketball players!! yipeee!!!!
4) and there were grp of ppl who waited either in the carpark or inside the supermarket or shopping centre and gave the money to strangers
5) this girl used the money and bought tickets to watch dun know what match and gave to the construction workers
6)then this old man he is dun know how old liao. but he doesn't know how to read. so he enrolled himself with this kindergarten and started reading and learning words. he is the eldest of 9 siblings and he had to sacrifice his education to help his mama out. he said tt whenever his twin bro skipped school, his mama will cried her heart out coz she knew deep inside he will be very sad. coz he was deprived of the education and yet his twin bro did not cherish it. so the kindergarten teachers used the money and bought story books for this old man!!! the teachers said tt when he first came to school, he could not even recognised his own name or sad to say spell his own name!! and i tell u, when he saw the books!! he was overwhelmed with joy!!
7) some family packed boxes of food and clothings and send it over to places and gave to ppl who needed them
8) companies saw what Oprah did in her show and they too sponsored shoes to this particular oprhanage!! jesus!!! and this home organised a walkathon to raise money to buy books for another charity home!!! omg!! one good deed leads to another !!! =))
9) and this family of 4 combined their money and bought a car for this family who needed a family car badly. its a single parent family and the mama is the sole breadwinner of the family!!! she was in tears when she saw the car!! imagine she said she took 2 and a half hour bus ride to go to work after sending all her 4 children to school and with the car she can reached her work place within 10 mins!!

what a kind gesture!!! =)) i am very the touchie.......good samaritians out there!! r u one??


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