Wednesday, 5 December 2007

KiD's ExPloReR

yap, as i was saying in my early blog, i want to blog on kid's explorer at downtown east.

beside the slide and the climbing stuff, there is this little corner where the kids can dive into, jump into and lay buried in........ sounds familar, we used to play such thingy in BK at parkway parade, my era.....=))

saw the little boy in blue pants standing at that edge??

u see the children of all shapes, sizes, ages, colours all playing in this so called "play pan". they were like jumping into the pool of balls, throwing balls at each other, burying each other under the balls. all i want to say is "NEVER ATTTEMPT TO LET UR KIDS SIT ARD THE AREA WHERE THE LITTLE BOY IN BLUE PANTS IS STANDING" coz when that's the entrance and kids like to jump into the pool of balls from there. big kids can jump far but not the smaller ones. so if ur kid is sitting ard tt area in front of the entrance then hor, sure kana hit when the kids jump into the pool lor. then dun blame anybody or any one, its nobody's fault actually.

coz i witnessed this little girl, she very cute one lor. she small sized mah, so she sat near the entrance and enjoying herself. her mama was just seated outside next to the entrance looking at her playing. then this bigger size boy, was like jumping into the pool and climb up and jumping into the pool and climb up *repeating action* then suddenly he jumped and knocked into the little girl. u must be thking tt the little girl cried like? well, apparently, she no cried but her mama got very mad and shouted at the boy "EXCUSE ME. EXCUSE ME. U DO NOT JUMP INTO LITTLE CHILDREN LIKE THIS. " then the boy looked at the little girl's mama and stared at her and then continued to play on his own. then the mama went "U BETTER SAY SORRY TO HER NOW!" and the little boy went "SORRIE".....i really pity the boy lor. and then here comes the maid to the rescuse. but before the maid carried him away, he was telling the little girl's mama tt he will go tell his mama. maid quickly carried boy away but he struggled free and dun know what he said to the little girl's mama. then the little girl's mama went "I M NOT SCARE OF U"!! fantastic huh? like i said, its nobody's fault. just dun sit near the entrance where ppl moves in and out, sure kana knock one.

and before tt an ah nei nei's girl also kana. dun know what did she do, i saw her playing by herself and next moment this boy starts to throw the balls at her. and she wailed, luckily her mama happened to be there and quickly told the girl to come out, and once out, the mama shouted at the boy "Y DID U THROW THE BALLS AT HER? WHAT DID SHE DO?" come on lor, its play pan lor.....children play there lor. so its just playing lor. but i got to say, quite rude to throw balls at others when u dun even know them.......sigh

anyway, just be prepared lor. this sort of things do happened when kids gather together to play. so just be mindful......end of the day, also want the kids to enjoy themselves, esp u paid the entrance fees for them to go in and be merry not cry lor. =))

i remembered few years back, chloe and me went to kid's explorer with pecky and YJ. the 2 kids were playing and we were sitting there talking. then hor, pecky scolded someone who was "bullying" our kids. i was like "wow!! kids playing mah. so should be ok lor. push here and there." apparently i think tt bully was really bullying the kids lor, tts why pecky cannot ta han. her precious kid leh. of course lor. but i not saying chloe not my precious niece. as i always told her, if ppl pull her hair, bite her or beat her, she will just have to return the same favour to tt person lor. an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. as simple as tt. =) bad yee yee rite? could be becoz of my own bad exp when i was in kindergarten. i told mama i dun want to go school coz class got bullies. she told me to tell teacher. when i told my teacher, she dun believe me and yet scolded me and the bullies got bolder. and then i just refused to go to school until my mama got the school to transfer me to another class. but becoz tt was a lower class, eventually i will still have to go back to that "hell" classroom (to me its hell not heaven). my mama strict instruction was to separate me and the bullies but tt stupiak teacher eventually put us all at one table again and my nitemare starts all over ago. i learnt to bear with it. and leave them alone. ignored them. and eventually they also find me no fun to bully and left me alone. i have a "prince charming" who saved me lor. he told them not to bully me anymore. and they got lagi angry with me coz tt "prince charming" spoke up for me. i learnt from tt bad exp if u listen to parents sure die one, in order to survive, u have to FIGHT BACK!!!


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