Sunday, 27 January 2008

tHe MiSt

went watched The Mist on friday with dear
when he came fetch me, omg!! his car filled with alcohol smell lor
i dread it so muchie and he knew
but we all know very clearly dun tell a drunkard tt he is drunk lor
and who in the right mind will admit tt he is drunk??!!?? hehehe
he was exceptionally very talkative. omg!!
almost can faint from the strench lor
ok. maybe i exagerated. to u might not be strench but to me is lor

the movie. if u intend to watch it, then dun continue to read my blog entry for the day, coz the ending will be revealed and then no fun liao lor. =)) up to u lor, if u decided to take the risk and continue reading

story begins like this:-

showed a man in his living room painting and then outside heavy downpour
then next scene, he brought his wife and son down to the basement to sleep and then thunder, lightning outside continued and then tree fell into the house, destroyed the painting and then morning liao

3 of them came out, saw the damaged. then they all saw THE MIST. man asked wife to dress son up so tt later he will bring him to the town to buy stuff back to repair the house while he popped over to neighbour's to check out on him and asked him abt the insurance no. coz their boat house was damaged by his neighbour tree.

ok, then the men talked and then drove to the town. saw alot of army trucks going up hill while they on their way down hill to town.
son and neighbour went into the supermarket first coz man went to make a call from the public phone coz his cell phone no line lor.
ok then the public phone also no line lor then he went into the supermarket and met up with his neighbour and son.

suddenly an old man ran into the supermarket with blood running down from him nose and mouth. he urged them to close the doors and stayed in coz "there is something in the mist"
all of them very shock and scare and confused. coz dun know what to do. then suddenly supermaket shooked and then quiet down.

a woman said she needs to go home. coz her 8 yrs old child is at home. and asked someone to send her back, if any of them is willing to do so. and none lor. coz all scare mah. so she left the store herself..........brave aunty lor........

man went to the back and check and then he saw and heard "the thing" he went back to the front and told some guys what he saw and heard but nobody believed him so they all went back and checked. of course, they no see, no hear lor. if got hear got see then no need to continue on liao rite? anyway, 3 of them decided to turn back on the generator but alot of smoke came out so the guy suggested to open up the shutter door then he go out and clear it then generator can work. man told them not to do it coz not sure what is outside. 3 guys dun believed him and called him a coward. so they opened up the door and investigated on the mist. nothing happened, so they laff laff laff at the man lor. then suddenly, the many testicles (not sure what u called those. i also dun know how to spell lah) came flowing into the back and then one of it grab the guy, norman, and even bite him lor. bloody hell!! scared the shit of me lor........kept closing my eyes lor. then the norman kept shouting for them to help him. but the other 2 guys were too shocked to do anything. so the man and another shop supervisor helped him lor. of course lah, 2 men how to fight with "the thing" so in the end, u guessed it norman died. they closed the shutter door. axed out a small part of the testicles and then shut down the generator.

went back to the supermarket to break news. nobody believed lor. so brought the manager back and he saw it and then came back and told everybody its true. but then not all believe lor and so the ppl in the supermarket were split into 2 grps. the believers and non believers.

subsequently the grp of non believers left the store coz they want to go out and look for help and not wait inside the store. and meantime there is this man who also volunteered himself to go out with a rope tied to him. he wants to go take a gun i think. and also at the same time showed the ppl how far he can go, in safely, and then he will come back.

anyway, he did returned lor. but only the lower damn bloody grossed lor.... omg!!
still want to continue on??

by this time, the ppl in the supermarket has now split into 2 grps. the believer and the god believer, led by this "crazy" woman.....she talked abt the, ok maybe i won't say what she said coz its abit like talking bad abt ppl's religion. anyway she meant well lor. but to the extreme liao....which eventually lead to her own death........ =)) and i got to tell u lor, the ppl in the cinema clapped and cheered when she was killed.......hehehe... think she should win an award for her acting in this movie.......=))

ok, anyway, by this time, we have already saw the cricket looked alike, the flying dinosaur, beatles and a spider looked alike creature. and this military guy confessed abt an experiment went wrong to create a window to look at the past and then dun know what happened brought all these creatures back. anyway this poor military guy was first stabbed and then send out to be fed to the thing lor. so poor thing u know. its not his fault lor but tt woman hor, she damned suk kee lor. she can say until like its the guy's fault like tt and her "believers" grew in numbers by the minutes coz the ppl in the supermarket very desperate liao after seeing so many ppl dead and so many creatures. they were all pushed to the edge liao.

ok then the believer grp they decided to leave the supermarket and drive to safety if there is lah. take the risk lor. so there were some shuffles between these 2 grp which lead to the killing of the woman lor. she wanted the man's son as a sacrficial. u think the man will allowed it?? of course not lor. whose parent will do such a thingy?? so a fight broke out and then she kana shot by the supervisor.....*clap clap clap* went the cinema........lolz......damn funny lor

anyway, 10 left the supermarket only 5 made it to the car, 1 ran back to the supermarket coz he was lost and the others were killed by the creatures out there. so the 5 of them drove on and on and on to wherever the petrol in the car can lead them to lor.

oh ya, before i forget, they also got go home lor. his wife also died liao. sad rite? but anyway they continued on their way to safety.
then they saw this really huge spider creature walked passed them lor. all speechless, i also speechless lor. got such creature meh? some more so tall lor. the air above must be fresher and also much clearer....hehehe
finally the car no longer can move lor and stuck in the middle of no where (coz they also dun know where they are lor. so misty out there)....end of the road to them liao. so all very sad. but they said at least they tried

sure u want to continue reading?? coz the ending is here lor..... =))
so man took out gun, checked, only 4 bullets.....
so how?
someone cannot die lor
so after 4 shots we all heard the man shouting, so he was the one left lor
so he very sad lor
he left the car went to the open and lept shouting. asking the creature to "come get him"
u gg to love it from here lor......twist of events
then suddenly, the mist started to clear, and u can see army tanks, trucks ferrying the surviors including the 1st lady who left the store. bless her!! =))
and then the man this time really broke down and cry......
wtf rite???
what an ending!!! i really cannot believe it.......sigh
they have all actually escaped lor......4 ppl die for nothing..........

this bring me to another story......
"either u live for nothing, or u die for something. your call."
ta da!!
RAMBO 4......
stay tuned


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