mY NeW ToP
anyway, off track abit, when i reached there, so happened tt a customer came in and asked the sales girl whether she has any extra buttons for the top which she just bought as the button on the sleeve has dun know drop where liao. after searching for few mins, the sales girl told her "dun have leh. why dun u cut off a button on the blouse since u dun button it and sew it on ur sleeve lor" and i went "rolled eyes" couldn't it look awful??? anyway, the customer just couldn't accept no for an answer. she asked politely again what she can do? and she is ok with a transparent coloured button. the sales girl told her "really dun have" and then she really went the extra mile leh. the sales girl went to look for the similar top (but in white coz the pink was sold out at the store), she snipped off the top most button and passed it to the customer. customer happy but the next customer or the customer who gg to buy tt white top will have to live with the fact tt her newly purchased top has a missing button. provided of course, she didn't find out lor......unless she read this blog of mine....... anyway, i learnt one lesson today, to count all the buttons when buying tops in future, esp from this store!!!! hahaha *wink eyes*
i went to self collect it today. should have met with zhuang and ping for lunchie. but today is a busy day for me. i planned to go for a foot and half body massage after the collection coz i am aching all over!!! the pain in my foot just refused to go away and instead i am in PAIN!!! i woke up every morning with such pain tt there is no word to describe it. and the moment the foot hit the ground, i tell u, i rather no wake up lor. but after walking all over the house, the pain will dun know disappear to where or i just simply immune to the pain and comes night time, the pain will come pain and haunt me till i fall asleep and the cycle repeats all over again.....and bloody pork!! its has been a month lor. and the culprit is HEELS!!! and my beloved heels.......but i can't do without them so what's the outcome of the massage??!!?? i am still aching all over!!! hahaha...maybe i shopped too long.... =))
bought this black dress from iora!!! hehehe.......think will wear this instead of the grey and yellow dress which i bought. tt pc will have to be in the "cold palace" till i think of a way to take care of the 2 sleeves....this one looked more "power" lor
actually am thinking of re vamping my wardrobe, u know lor. i dun have many clothings. AL told me or advised tt "buy lor, as long as u think its nice and u like it then buy. but dun buy for the sake of buying" so i decided to hang on first. hehehe........just buy for day 1 and the re vamping will have to be on the next few pay days. no pt changing every pcs at one shot. do it gradually........dun u agreed =))
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