LoAn ShArKs
whats so special abt tt unit u must be wondering.......
the special thingy is tt its being hounded by loan sharks.......
if u have read this article one fine sunday on buying resales flat in the SUNDAY TIMES
they have skillfully and professionally listed 10 commandments for the buyers to follow strictly to when buying resales flats. actually not all need to be followed but this particular one i think must lor. spend a bit of time and save all the trouble later on...... =))
the report mentioned tt u must played detective yourself
dun listen to what the agent or the buyer tells u
u must one fine day "disguise" urself and then park urself near the unit or at void deck listen to those "3 gu 6 po" yakking at the common areas. if u lucky u will get to hear gossips and these are not just normal gossips lor, these gossips might affect your decision to purchase the flat or not. Imgaine u kapo kapo sit ard them and some one mentioned something interesting like "LS blah blah blah........" dun u think u would have strike gold??!!?? =)) hehe
imagine, while doing your own investigation, u noticed tt certain floors have many paint markings or wordings like " O $ P $" then below stating the hdp number and name and unit no. if its the buyer's unit or even the neighbouring units, advise is, drop the idea of buying tt unit no matter how attractive the buying price is or how much u like the flat.........
this particular unit of my block, well, u got to see the pics then u will know........sometimes must listen to advise from the professional....... =P
1st action taken by LS
actually i also dun know is this the 1st action they took, coz suddenly at tt particular landing got cat's dropping lor.......everyday without failed and its damned smelly, really pity those who stayed at that floors..
they the proceeded to write the "OP" thingy at other floors except his floor, and i thought, why write also write wrongly one......*arm chio inside* but then later i realised its tactics action from unit but neighbours repainted the walls
and worst, they came back and scribbled again and again until pek chey dun repaint liao.........
anyway subsequently, they splashed paint at his unit and even pad lock his gate.....still no action
neighbours reported to police, police came, look see look see, action or not i dun know
then LS splashed paint at his neighbour's units (upstairs and downstairs both affected lor) dun play play........(neighbour unhappy liao. clean the mess. ) see the tactics??
then i thinking the LS so stupiak meh? the padlock was not removed since day 1 lor, so how can the guy still be ard.......they just want to cause nusiance lor......and irritate everybody.......
anyway, till today padlock there, paint markings there, wordings there.......everything still there
i just wished tt the guy and his family is safe lor......poor things......sigh

can u see the patches on the poor wall
its repainted and repainted .....

look at the poor unit, first it was orange, then white, red, finally purple and the bicycle lock (can see)
anyway, back to today's topic, so u buyers out there, just be careful rite? dun be conned into buying a problematic flat........
but i also want to say something abt the LS
i know its their job, their bread and butter
but why want to cause so much inconvenience to others
we very innocent lor
we not asked them to go borrow money from u all lor, we not the guarantor leh, so why come kar jiao us...........
moroever we also got pay town council monthly conservation fees one leh, their duties to make sure our estate is clean clean lor. sparkling clean ok........then u all create so many graffitis then how?? they only cleaners lor, why make life so difficult for them......later residents complained said the cleaners no do good job then again, becoz of the inconvenience u created, u caused ppl their jobs leh......its also ppl's bread and butter lor.......sigh
*speechless* *shake head*
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