TaSk CoMpLetEd
today me very tired lehafter an hour wait at ps last nite for a cab to come home from the late night meeting, today me very tired lor.........reached home 11 plus, washed hair and waited for it to dry till almost 2 plus but i still went to bed with wet hair......use a hairdryer lah, u will tell me. so its ur own fault for not using one. i tell u lor, use hairdryer to dry hair too often will damage your hair......and since me always perm and rebond better dun play play, later become botak then too late liao.......
next time i will not hesitate to DIAL A CABhow could 50 over taxis come into the taxi stand of ps and all are BLOODY HELL ON CALL.......i am not exaggerating ok........really 50 over taxis all came in same time, one after another all ON CALL.......its either we have pampered these drivers too much or they have terrible working attitude. so pls stop complaining tt we the passengers are a fussy lot. coz u are not a saint too urselves......
even YC also said "y u looked like u dragging urself to work?" so i told her "in future when i have late night meetings, next day i will be in late so dun call me ok?" and she nodded her head
what a good pal....... =))anyway, today really very tired lor.like a zombie
i tried to clear the paper works for last nite meeting but someone not helpful lor. never revert back to me, but i tried my best to complete whatever i can lor..... to the best of my abilityme booked a facial today coz WY's wedding is this coming friday!!! so fast hor, so scary...we were like just discussing about it last yr.......and this coming friday is THE DAY!!!
must be wondering why no meet old man rite? well, ecoz dear said he got course today and got provide dinner one so i decided not to meet him if not it will be too rushing for him to come home and meet me. so i went and booked the facial session and then hor, dear smsed me this morning and said "bookie said wrongly not all got the dinner i can meet u tonight liao" sorry dear, lim pei already booked a facial and i really need one as the dinner is this friday......so sorrieee......but help me thank bookie ok.....NICE JOB!!! good timing too =P
anyway, after the site inspection i went to get my eyebrow trimmed and shaped. $21 bucks lor and she plucked damn painful lor.... no skill like tt, pluck whole chunk of hair almost want to cry lor.......if go back to joanne, it will only cost me $0, hahaha, coz included in the facial. but i dun intend to go back to her coz her services getting exp and dun know why i feel tt her products no longer suitable for me.......
this one i now go to, is home facial lor. u go to her house one. its at east side and cost only $55 for aroma facial. so those staying east side and dun know who to go to, i think she is ok lor. but if compare with the gua sha one, i would have to say if based on extraction, gua sha one is the better one. really very clean very thorough. this one, not thorough and clean lor. still got bits and pcs here and there. so i dun really like. in term of location, i will go for this one, coz i stayed in the east mah, gua sha at AMK so sort of out of the way for me. imagine u go home whole face red on the MRT, ppl will be looking at u lor. for this one face no red so u can proceed to go to anywhere after the facial NO PROBLEM...... =))
anyway, whatever now tt i gotten my face clean, me happy girl liao....... yippppeee
ok, think me off track liao, so now must get back on right track, after eyebrow shaping, me went to get dinner at .........hehehe u guessed it rite......

one of a eateries inside parco
becoz today no the dried mee siam......so me ordered one of my favorite from the menu.......

fried rice with 3 chicken wings....yum yum =P
and today i must say it was a fruitful trip at bugis coz hor, i trimmed and shaped my brows, ate my favourite fried rice and most impt, i got the dress for Wy's wedding dinner lor..muahahaha...coz she said she prefers us not to wear black despite me telling her ppl will wear even if i dun wear. but to please and make her happy on her special day, i roamed whole of singapore and finally found this!!! and pls bear in mind, me very busy for the last 2 weeks but i still tried to sneak a little time off to source for the perfect dress........got heart ok

fyi, it still has black colour lor but at least the main colour is green........and actually hor, green was never my colour lor. but i dun have such colour so try lor.....moreover the shop having sales so.......hehehe........make my friend happy at a little cost........ =)) promised to get a pic of me wearing in........ =))
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