HK !!!! here we come................. =))
HONEY !!! here we come............. =))
so so so am happy!! finally today confirmed the tixs.............we had a change of plans coz the original dates no air tix to go, so we brought forward the departure date to 5th Aug.........yipppeee.........and straightaway tix confirmed........why?? becoz we took business class........???!!??
anyway, SORRY, Mic.......i have to skip ur wedding dinner.......not tt i bo sim or what.......i even thought of what to wear on ur big day!! but its really very difficult to book tt bloody tixs.........PLEASE forgive me........ =)) but ang pao i still will give, coz qi once said during xiong's rom, tt ang pao represents our blessings to the couple, so even if i cannot make it, well, u still have my blessings............gam dong or not.....
next on my agenda today is to wish tt bloody hell who "drew" on my dear's car. i sincerely wished tt you bloody hell will get your hands rotten........bloody hell!! =))
stuipiak F***er who gave u permission to "draw" on other ppl 's property........ u bo tak che or tak too much che? or eat full full and got nothing to poo out...........its F***ing ILLEGAL to vandalise .......hopefully u will be caught by the police and then hand rotten and then kana rotan on ur cha cha cha.........3 bloody, f***ing strokes.......damn it!!! think u who? ZORRO is it? trying to leave ur "Z" on ppl's property......
i still truly believe in karma one lor.........u reap the fruits u sow.........so beware!!! it WILL happen to your car in future.......might be worst then just a "Z".........BLOODY HELL.........pui pui pui
sorry to sound so offensive........but i am really very offended by such babarian behaviour of a SINGAPOREAN(ok, maybe not singaporean, could be other nationalility).........and afterall, u started it first ok.........."an eye for an eye, a tooth for a toot".......as simple as tt........... ur damaged is PERMANENT while mine, well, just laff it off sleep over it and tomolo the sun will still shines..........but as for u, i think u better stay in the dark lah, dare to do such a thingy but want to remain as unknown..........next time leave a name card behind lah.
very curious to know, what did the car did to u?? it transformed and whack u? or destroy ur house........ or steal ur "cube"??? KNN........
Went to Xiong and Siew Imm's House warming at Simei........
was raining cats n dogs when i reached their place.......so i was lucky to siam the rain
they ordered KFC and Pizza and Siew Imm cooked curry chicken, jellies and also we had watermelons......red and yellow ones......very seldom get to eat yellow one.....actually is, we always buy red ones from the fruit stall who buys yellow??!??? minority lor.......
didn't know tt got ppl never inform xiong tt they won't be coming....... and he ordered the veg pizza for her........... anyway, she will have her 101 reasons......... "if no reply from her, then must call her mah. she very busy one no check email so often" then WTF u have pc at home or in office and u dun use it!!!!! its what century liao lor........ i still think no eq, dun even know basic courtesy lor...... its like having aircon and fan at home and dun even on them....white elephant....... and the other one, erm.....no answer their calls when they called him........must be busy too...
anyway, their house, i have to say is nicely decorated. very homely. but has alot of FREE space. FREE space in the sense of got a sense of empytness feelings like tt......but i dun mind, coz clean less......hahaha and also more space to move ard.....esp in future when they have kids.....even though tt man said "i dun intend to have kids"......hmph......
anyway, as the chinese saying goes, if u gives ppl treat and it rains, means u r "meow".......hehehe
so ...so ...soo.............should be lah.......hahaha =P
besides inviting us to their new love nest to eat, drink and be merry, they also gave away money......hahaha xiong lost in MJ......so all the others 3 have winnings to bring home......he claimed tt its his stragegy so tt in future, we will still want to go back and play MJ with him........*rolled eyes*....so what do u think??
dear said if by 30th July no news from SIA means HK trip "BOOM"......bubble burst.......wtf!! take so long to confirm........its our entitlement rite??........exchange krisflyer pts for tix to elsewhere wat......like this also take so long.......KNN......whatever lah.......nothing i can do. afterall i have already done so much, plan the programmes, check and ask ard, surf net for hotels and just waiting for one pair of bloody f***ing tix......... wonder if last min will we be able to book the tiger airway tix.........heehee *crossed fingers*
I WANT TO GO HK SEE HONEY!!!!!!!!!! so difficult meh?? its like, what, 2 yrs, since i last saw her.......i went there visit her before i went to CPG....... christmas, i still remembered. so cooling......everyday just eat and walk and sleep. didn't shop much the other time. coz u know me, i am not a SHOPPER.....i am much of a EATER......and of course SLEEPER.....and follower......anyway it was winter time lor. what u expect to buy?? singapore weather no have 4 seasons so even if i have great bargains on winter clothing so??? dun expect me to wear in this kind of weather. even if i REALLY dare to be different and wear them, i will get heat stroke lor....dun laugh.......try it urself and u will know.....
so exciting!! to think tt busy ppl like stephy and honey and i think once awhile WL will come into my blog and read what i have written........ =)) honey said its so like me, my style of writing....hahaha.......must be very cartoon....... =)) anyway, how's my style like?? i think if i narrrate it would be more interesting.........ma chiam my story will come alive one...... maybe, perhaps, probably, i will let more ppl know about my blog........maybe Al, WY, Angela, qi, zhuang and ping and of course, the list will add on and on.........but like stephy, this blog will be kept out of bounds to dear..........hahaha if not he will knows all my complains......and most imptly bad stuff i wrote about him!!!
well, well, so junior's name will be kept a secret till 26th Nov.......so be it!! *EVIL GRIN* maybe, just maybe, one fine day, i might be able to ply it out from stephy's mouth or even from her blog...........hehehe =P
BuSy Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Well, 2 more weeks and yours truly is out of here....... =))
not tt i am very happy or excited about it but i do am looking forward to a "brand" new start......after 11 yrs in this line as a QS, moi is FINALLY out of it........to think 11 years ago, when i first started out, i only gave myself 5 years in this job!!! 5 years became 11 years......my holly cow!!!
anyway, everyday am bzzzzzzzzz, also dun know bzzzzzzzzz with what........trying to clear and settle as many things as possible.......but end of the day when i questioned myself what have i done today, as usual the answer is " I DON'T KNOW".............sigh *rolled eyes* i bet many of u out there sometimes feel what i felt too rite.........everyday rushing for tt "extra" time but end of the day nothing accomplished......*failure* sigh....
HK's air tix no confirmed yet.........dear informed tt the return tix has been confirmed the go one leh, well, still on the stupiak waiting list.....so difficult one meh? i think hor, must be tt the SXX wants to sell the tix than to give FOC lor.........but but but..........its accumulated MILEAGE lor.......means entitlement after flying to many places with their airlines wat........now want something back in return so difficult to give meh?? if like this, no confirm, then how?? i cannot go, i will, i will, i will write to minister........hehehe.........*wonder who should i write to to voice out my displeasure/disappointment*
must be wondering what else i am busy with rite? well, am busy with the HK trip lor. need to plan the programmes leh.........coz F&E....so what to do.......got to plan lor.....surf net to find places of interest and also look for accomodation.........wanted to go disney but was told now school holiday so after some food for thoughts, i decided to GIVE UP ON DISNEY!!!!!!!! sorry uncle disney, just tt i dun want to wait in line for a ride for over 1/2 hours..... we have limited time in HK lor........so need to go as many places as possible.......and moreover its SUMMER SALEs......so why waste time q-ing....... =)) anyway, till the air tix confirmed if not what also dun want to do yet....coz i dun want to be disappointed end of the day........ =(( wonder will i be compensated if HK trip no go.......*wonder wonder*
anyway, yesterday dear recovered..........but today its mine turn......wtf!! was still alright in the morning, afternoon and evening........then suddenly me feel cold then body aches and i know gone case liao........but luckily no fever or anything........bought a bottle of green tea and is busy drinking it up..........hopefully tomolo will also recover coz i haven go source for the things to buy for co-workers........not sure is it the BOTAK JONES tt i ate.........perhaps didn't drink even water after having the MOST POPULAR dish on the menu.......FISH AND CHIPS!!!!! but i have to say, IT's GOOD!!! should go try it , if u haven tested it yet..........worth ur $$$$ so what r u waiting for.......u got to go taste it for yourself to find it out why its good....... =P
today i bought the beard papa for my Team members only........extra 5 pcs.....over estimated, hehehe.......to think me a qs.......anyway, still managed to distribute all out.......only to those lucky ones who passed by my desk........lolz....... anyway, there's no intention to treat the WHOLE office, afterall, i am only here for less than 2 years, so why bother...not as if i am here for like what 5 years onward.......tts why when brian, june and raymond said want to give me a treat i told them "no no no" . why waste money on me, not worth it..........even when my team wants to give me a treat and a watch as a present, i also feel pai seh......afterall, moi here for less than 2 years, dun have to give me just treatment lor.......even if they buy me a cup of bubble tea or even treat me a small little pc of sweet, i will be more than happy liao....... (whether u believe it or not, its the truth lor. and i y should i care whether u believe it or not........pui)
Now for some update on some Happy events...... =)) and events which me looking forward to besides new job and trip.......
Stephy's bb junior due on 26th NOV 2007. so need to look out for what to get for junior goh.......if still cant think of any, coz stephy's wish list too expensive for my tiny weeny budget i will have to give junior an ang pow............ =)) *wonder have parents Goh thought of a name for junior* *blink blink*
Michele's wedding a day after national day........think will skip the soleminzation and cocktail....arrived in style at 730pm sharp instead........anyway doubt dinner will start so ON THE DOT, u know, SINGAPOREANs......u wait for me and i wait for u, coz we all know tt u will be late so why should i be there early and wait.........dam cukoo one lor, if u dun come late and i dun think tt u will come late, just be there on time and respect the married couples and all other guests then dinner can start early and all can go home early too!!! =))
WY's wedding on 28th Sept........sorry gal, cannot be ur sista as promised......new job just started no can take leave within 1st 3 months...... i know i should put up my request to the management now so tt i can be ur sista.......but but but.........well, i am sorry ok...... =)) i will TRY to be there early only thing is how!!! hehehe.......
BBQ and Update
Went to Amy's new house for BBQ with the rest of the gang on sunday....(accomodate tammy's off day)
all turned up except for NO. 1, 2 and 3...........
anyway, it was raining when we got to her place, luckily the bbq pit was at her roof top and it was THANK GOD sheltered........ =))
Esther's hubby to be, Dixon, "volunteered" to bbq the food for us.....we had fishballs, fishcakes, chicken wings, sotong, fish, stingrays.... hope i didn't miss out on anything esle.......coz i was afraid tt last min, ppl will put aeroplane so i told Amy not to prepare too much food and turn out the food is not enough!!! omg!! luckily amy's hubby, alvin "volunteered" to drive out and ta bao from zi cha for us..........so end of the day we are all full and happy.
the couple did turned up afterall. seemed normal to everybody but the wedding ring were no longer at where they used/supposed to be........ frankly speaking, this kind of thing cannot rush one.......male actor, u got to hang on there and be persistant, show her tt u still care for her and ur arms are always open for her............ so romantic
but when comes to a point of no return, male actor, i hope and truly hope tt u will let it go......." ke xi bu si ni, pei wo dao zui huo....................." and finally u got to "cheng quan".........
ok ok, back to esther and her hubby to be.......they will rom on 8th Aug 2007.........one day before Michele..........whether will a dinner be held, will be aka datang........to be continued..... =P coz it so happened tt hubby to be is D!!! no big deal rite?? whats so big deal abt it.......as long as things work out between them so be it lor. why bother........ anyway, esther will be shifting to tiong bahru area.........hm........can't wait to go to her house for any event......... =P
ok, back to the male and female actor/actress.........really make me wonder why bother to get marry.......marry liao so many problem........dear said imagine 2 yrs ago they were eating "po luo bao" by the mrt station just to save money for the wedding and the house and everything for the two of them.........2 yrs later.......all these have been forgotten.......sigh......i jus dun get it!! why ppl just dun want to cherish their marriage when they have one.......is it tt the wild flower is better than the one at home?? y ppl are willing to give up their 99.9% just for tt miserable 0.1%, temporary thingy which dun even can last or brave thru the wind and rain..........must always remember if today tt person can give up his family for u, who can guarantee tt in the near future, he will not give u up for someone else.......* so much ink*...... well said, clap clap clap!! ok even if u have so much confidence in yourself and said tt u will be his final dock, but r u sure??? i strongly believe in Karma, one good deed leads to another.......and therefore bad one will also lead to ur down fall........even if its not on u, it will be someone u loved dearly........ so WAKE UP!!!! =))
dear is sick. hehehe.......normally i will feel heart ache but this time......"huo gai" who told him to lie to me........he knows jolly well tt i hate liars.........small things also lie then big things how.......fri smsed me said tt will settle his shares thingy on monday during office hours. today i asked him hows the shares thingy " didn't i tell u tt i have settle liao" WTF lor......pui pui pui.....tell tt to my hand is it? or in his dream.........anyway, i think upstairs took pity on me and "punish" him for lying........."huo gai"........*evil grin* even if he doesn't mean to lie. coz he felt tt he need not tell me such small thingy then sorry lor. already said he should tell me, afterall i am special to him rite? gf leh.........what also dun say then be gf for wat. might as well be friend............anyway, since he sick, i will forgive him lah.......hehehe afterall, i think he fell sick becoz he let me have the blanket......hahaha........ =P who asked him raining still on the fan, lazy lor, dun off it so now sick.........poor dear.......*evil grin*
OnE mOrE tImE
I am gg to say this just ONE MORE time..........
so whether u get it or not, believe it or not, SO BE IT!! hmph......
There, just do it, did it and done that....... =))
i really have no hard feelings about that promotion. what's so big deal about that promotion......so what if i am scheduled in the next batch for the next promotion in 6-9 months time.........i don't care much about the title.......if u know me well enough, title is not something which i look upon very dearly or seriously. I WORKED FOR "$$$$$$$$" not the title ok....sigh....some ppl just don't get it rite? *wonder who really works for title* hm.......must be crazy ppl.........
Well, i have said it one more time as promised and so i won't repeat it again........ just say tt i am a QUITTER ok.......or perhaps hopper......hop, hop , hop........hm......like a grasshopper leh.......
tomolo WL bringing yours truly to shopping......hehehe........so excited. First time we go shopping together. if we don't take into account the trip to genting and cameron, or the co's trip...... she is representing the gang to get moi a watch.......i sort of know what i want liao. must be metal strap (looks classy and also more for work ) coz mine are always the sporty type, u know, BABY G......tt doesn't goes well with dresses...... and then most impt, it must be DIGITAL.....yayaya, i know why so fussy rite......a watch is just a watch. just an accessories.......but i tell u lor, to me a watch is to tell time one not wear for fun, numeric ones will take me ages to tell the time....ok, i admit i am just plain LAZY to count 5, 10, 15, blah blah blah.....hehehe...... =P
whatever it is, moi getting a new watch tomolo..............muahahaha.........thanks QSCD(office 3).....u r a bunch of great co-workers.......really can't bear to leave u guys....afterall we have been thru lots of ups and downs........ =((
hopefully when moi in new office i will also get such nice coll..........
remember my first day in CPG.......i was assigned to sit next to AL......hehehe
she was and still is such a dear..........she brought me into her group, intro me to the office staff, took good care of me, and taught me what she knows......thanks gal......
sad to leave cpg on 3rd Aug........but but but.......all good things must come to an end...........i will always be remember as the JOKER of Office 3........hahaha........
LiFe A gAmBlE
heard a pc of sad news today
was so affected by it
2 of my frendz are gg thru their divorce proceedings
wife wants out but hubby wants in
hubby tried all ways and means to save the marriage but wife totally just want to block him out of her life............
so sad rite?
we saw them pak tor, marry and happily everafter and now this!!!!!!!!!
wtf!! what has become of this world and the ppl. why they dun take the marriage vows seriously!!
frankly speaking why bother to marry in the first place if ppl dun take their marriage seriously!!
so sad
actually during one of my gf's wedding, i already sensed tt their is something wrong b/w them. but i just hoped and wished tt i was just being plain sensitive........and who knows.......BINGO!!
really it the jackpot
i truly hope tt my gf will WAKE UP!!! and try to work things out........if u watch those tv serial shows u will also know tt r/s with a married man, or worst married man with children somemore, will NEVER WORK OUT......coz u will also be the third party, the VIXEN......so pls pls pls........wake up my dearie friend.........
so am affected tt i told dear if one day he no longer loves me PLEASE TELL ME AND LET ME KNOW.......
just like what stephy told me, she also tell hubby goh tt
i truly believe tt we have the bloodly rights to know. not let us find it from someone else or worst find out ourselves thru the bloodly hdp sms........or email or whatever shit........JUST LET US KNOW......so difficult meh? u do wrong leh......then expect the victims to do what............still want to turn ard and bite us first...pui pui pui
anyway, besides tt, i think if u love the person, also must let tt person know. just 3 simple words " I LOVE U" , say it out, make someone's day........not tt difficult rite?
we also dun know what will happen tomolo, what if the person "ki chia" or the person suddenly leaves the country, then u will regret for life for not letting the person know how u feel abt him or her.............
trust me, ego won't buy u love........ok rephrase, ego can't get u ANYTHING............
then another kapo pc of news i heard from my mama
our neighbour's daughter falls in love with the neighbour's son
nothing wrong rite?
but the muslim family dun like their daughter to be with indian
so they objected to it
daughter no want to listen, buay siong, run away from home..........now mama and papa cry until the heart sour lor
so poor thing...........
love is blind meh? really blind until u cannot see...........sigh.......i tell u lor, based on my own experience, i got to agree, LOVE IS BLIND..............*faint*
ok ok, shoot me shoot me. but its a fact lor..........dun know how to tell u guys, but when u in love, u only see him and u, no other ppl in the world besides the 2 of u lor........and its not tt u want to be rebellious or what, its just tt, just tt, u die die also want to be with tt person..........and one day when u finally woke up, u will realised what a jerk tt person has been........and u should have listen to the ppl ard u........but but but, is it too late to listen to them now???!!?? well, my answer is, its never too late..............
IA StUdEnTs Go, WeNt AnD gOnE!!!
Back from my 3D2N Bintan Trip
It was Fun
highly recommended if u r a NTUC union member. what u waiting for? go book tt villa........ really a place for R&R and get away from the hustle busy city life.........
eat and sleep, eat and sleep, what more u want to ask for......... =P
when i went back to office today. life is back to normal........work work work
1/2 of the IA students are go.........and the remaining will be gone by end of this week and the last one will be end of the month. If i didn't sell my leave, i would also be gone by end of the month..........
revising and revising payment for MC. just becoz some ppl dun know what they want. keep changing their minds, tt we at the bottom aka the working ants, got to slog like mad. change, change, change, u think very fun meh? if dun know what u want, then in the first place dun request us to make the payment so urgently. now change, amend and revised really waste paper, time, effort and energy........save the trees and earth ok........ sigh.......i am really *speechless*...
as i was telling WL, this is the 1st time in history we were very "attached" to the students. probably becoz of the RVH BQ, if not, i think i will still be sitting at my desk and "acting" busy with my own project. let's see, we wentr karaoke, bowling, fireflies trip, makan cum clubbing session with the students.......never before in my life........the previous 2 grp of attachment students, i wasn't even "close" to them...... the only activity i had with them is "chit chat" and tts all.........
hopefully ah boy remembers to upload the pic into the blog for me.......it was the last pic i took with him.......and it will go down in history lane............ =P
planning to go on a trip before i start work at new place. coz for the next 3 months no can take leave lor......and the grp is planning a phuket trip end of the year.......got to wait so long for a trip....i have got about 1 week or so before i start work.....hehehe.......either HK, Taiwan or Aust...... maybe go HK, can go disney........then can also visit Honey and perhaps get to see her new place which she bought with eric........they planned to dang dang dang dang next year......so happy for her.........esp since eric decided to settle down......FINALLY!!...... coz at the beginning of the r/s, eric made it clear tt he has no intention to settle down.........guess Honey made him change his mind..........ITS THE RIGHT DECISION!!! =))
BiNtAn HeRe I cOmE..............
As the title said it all...........We are gg to Bintan................. =))
GG to have so much fun........ haven gone on any trip with the gang since since since.......since our Langkawi trip few years back.....and tt was not even full force lor.......
of course there was the redang trip and then a diving trip.......but then again also no full force lor
bet with u the gang is gg to play MJ thru out the whole trip
We staying at the NTUC villa........cost me $220 for this 3d2N trip ok...... we have own private pool.......hehehe....not as if i am a national swimmer but but but.......haven "touch" the pool for a long long time.........can wear my new swimming suit.........bought like centuries ago.......no chance to wear and TODAY IS THE DAY!!!!!! lolz..... can't wait........
yesterday nite went KARAOKE........our so called "last" singing session with the IA students.......this time we have more ppl and went to K Box........we left early coz dear and me went to watch HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHONEIX....original plan was to watch the movie first then join them later but dear didnt managed to get the earlier shows coz he was afraid i couldn't make it in time for the 630pm show.....anyway, we bought the 12.15am slot coz the 12.05am was like , no more "good" seats. One thing i want to mentioned is there is this guy sitting beside me, and he was so damn rude lor.........within few mins of the show he actually Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........i was wondering why this guy breathe so heavily like a DRAGON??!!?? so afraid tt he will breathe out fire lor.......then i turned and saw him in DREAMLAND liao .......*faint* so rude to the director, actors and actresses, the front and behind the scene workers who made this movie.......true, the movie abit slow, "boring" but if not interested in HARRY then go home sleep lor, paid few dollars and sleep in cinema, sigh!! *speechless* ok. Perhaps his mama or gf wants to watch the movie so he accompanied, hmph......
anyway, luckily today gg to bintan, if not, i tell u lor, i only managed to open my eyes at 9am......hahaha.......lazy pig........snort......who cares..........
Done it!!!
happy at the same time sad. mixed feelings lor
broke the news to kakis and colleagues too....all so supportive..... =)) said i am still young should go and try new things.....but but but i am already......erm....... *evil grin*
but then again, think of it this way, one straight train and then 9am start work......muahahaha
can sleep for an extra of 1/2 hrs lor. who dun want.......
well, as the poly lecturer once said " u gain something u lose something" so i leaving the company of good co workers and friends, i gain 1/2 hrs more sleep.........ZZZZzzzzzzzzz
but then got late meetings one lor. coz those committee members work during day time so nite time they free to ah ji ah cho lor........
hopefully i made the right decision. well, if dun like then go lor. anyway during probation can leave after 2 weeks notice.......so during the 1st 3 months if i dun like better hop fast leh.......and then upon confirmation its 2 months notice lor. which co will want to wait 2 months for me.........sigh.........stupiak one.
anyway, if stayed long enough, like Honey, i might be pioneer of the dept leh.....damn suk kee lor.... i will treat this as my training ground, battle ground and stepping stone......got to learn all i can from here. so hopefully this is it........
WISH ME LUCK ......... =))
i MaDe It!!!!!
MAde It! Made It! i actually made it and didn't break it........
so happy
hip hip hurray
now i can have a proper sleep
didn't sleep well last nite.........
well, now the thing is when to break it.........
ThIs Is It??!!??
Wish me luck!!
Either i make it or i break it...................
to be continue
don't know what the F*** everybody is doing..........do they know their role and responsibilities or perhaps i am the one who is the blur sotong??!!??
everyody has a role to play lor and yet hor i seemed to be the one clearing the shit for everybody.
PM called and asked me the procedure of the payment. HELLO??? how the hell do i know what happens to the payment once it leave my office........i dun trace or follow or neither do i attached a bug on the payment and see what happened to it once it leaves my hands........sigh......if PM can opened his big mouth to ask me, then why can't he just walk over to his neighbour and ask?? sigh........
PM called and asked abt the figures in the RAOV. HELLO?? i am not the one issuing the certificate so WHY ASK ME!!!
PM called and asked for the cost cut list, items in the cost cut list.......blah blah blah........HELLO??!!?? i only do data entry. entered the figures given by MC go asked the arch lor.....
client called and asked about the basketball court. HELLO??!!?? u dun want to build the court tell me for what F***, tell the arch. i dun have power or the so called AUTHORITY....... why all come to me..........
coz my f***ing DID very easy to remember??? want my hdp no........FAT HOPE lor........
buy me a nokia N95 with monthly subscription and bills fully paid and no qn asked, u will have my no. EXCLUSIVELY..........
client called and asked for a set of drawings. HELLO!!??!!?? do i look like a drafter to u??!! what u expect me to do?? lay eggs and hope tt drawings will hatch out of them?? sigh.......
totally *SPEECHLESS*
just dun understand y the people just cannot go find the RIGHT and CORRECT person to poise the qn to.........asked me then i go asked them then i passed the message back......so cukoo one rite? straightaway go ask tt person, skipped all the middle men, dun u think u can get the job done in a split second??
really am tired liao.......everyday entertain such people. i am sure they are all so much more experienced than me. have been doing countless projects yet..... sigh.......*speechless* if not becoz of tt dangling carrot in front of me, i think i , i , i want ANNIE.........Annie is a good boss......its a loss to co tt she has gone. and as the saying goes, one man's meat is another poison........ bunch of losers
anyway........BONUS....come to mama.........hehehe =P still got a month to go before i can lay my fat fingers on tt stack of green green notes....hm..........
5 staff were promoted today!!
everybody a bit shock tt i didn't get tt little white enevelope
so what if i didn't received tt white enevelope....not sour grapes or sour plums lor..but i am really
not looking forward to a promotion........rather i prefer to have a pay rise.......hehehe
i rather every day just do my part and help out here and there when possible and then get my well deserved pay than to take on more responsibilities........
Told Honey tt WL is really very capable and also very calm and cool at times. she has helped me alot in the past and also more to come..........hahaha
so WL if u r reading this, NO HARD FEELING....... =))
The other day was reading the Cleo mag in Borders.......she said her bf told her "i love u but i am not in love with u"............she was very sad and felt so hurt........hm.... come to think of it perhaps jerk loves me but not in love with me tt's why he can bear to hurt me.......but its all so crappy lor.....just becoz her bf doesn't want to commit in the r/s does not gives men the excuse of using just crappy "reasons"......... if ppl want to off track, i tell u lor, what shit reasons also can be used lor..... really pity her afterall she is waiting to marry him..........
so now bring us to the qn on whether dear loves me or dear is in love with me ..... hm........if he ever said tt he loves me but not in love with me......i think i will break down, whole world will tumble down or worst crashes down on me.......or will i ...*evil grin*..... =P
well, actually i also dun know what will actually happen..........*wonder wonder*
My SwEeT eNcOuNtEr WiTh FiReFlIeS
29th June 2007.........Co organised a 1 day trip to malaysia.......
trip comprises of Shopping, Food and Fireflies.........
gather at cityhall at 815am
Bus No. 1 came and we are on our way.......
Jammed for approximately 1 hr and i tell u.........now i understand the true meaning of " so near yet so far" hehehe......i can see the woodlands check point but but but, yet we are still not there to get our little red book stamped........sigh
after the long wait and the going up and down from the tour bus, finally, we got the little red book verifed and stamped by all relevant parties and we are in MALAYSIA..........
1st stop........JUSCO for what else but SHOPPING!!
once we arrived, first destination was the SECRET RECIPE for their "cheap cheap" cakes, coz its in ringgit so they are selling so much cheaper than in singapore
WL bought 3 slices of cakes for her family members and i bought NONE!!!
muahahaha......coz dearest mama instruction was "dun buy things come back"
so her wish is my command........YES MADAM!!
then WL and me just went jalang.......went in to the shops made so much noise and comments then out we went and continue with our jalang........
saw the boy's lamp which i saw in peninsula plaza.....selling same price and i tell u its better coz it has a clock..........and mind u its an ALARM clock lor......so tempted to buy it on the spot but but but, the thought of carrying back gives me head pain so finally i "cut love"and decided that i dun really need it.......its just a want...........but i tell u lor, when i came back to sing, i saw the exact thingy in one of the push cart in suntec........sigh.......do u think its a sign???
2nd stop...........out bb lobster lunch......i tell u, its the longest lunch i ever had to wait. we drove for abt one and a half hour before we reached this small village to have the FAMOUS BB lobsters...........and i tell u, its not very worth it lah.......maybe i am over hungry liao......so dun feel like eating liao, afterall, your truly, moi, no take breakfast lor.......but i did have a donut in Jusco
after lunch we proceed to the orstrich farm and then after the Desaru Fruit Farm........quite enjoyable..... Eden precious, dun know how to spell her name, but in short "lia lia" haven quite warm up yet before lunch but i tell u, once the engine started, its totally a different story...........too bad, i dun have her "warm up"pics, if not you can try to spot the difference.........hahaha

"lia lia", Nemo and moi

Another pic of "lia lia", Nemo and Moi
last stop............dinner and then off we went for the sightseeing of fireflies.......i tell u lor. very ROMANTIC lor..........sigh.........speechless..........its like one of my wishes lor besides sitting in the ferris wheel with THE ONE, seeing fireflies with THE ONE also one of my wishes........ imagine so romantic and then THE ONE proposes at that very moment, special moment........so touching........dun ask me when is that very moment or special moment ok........if u ask, means u r not THE ONE.......this kind of thingy where can ask one.........its THE SPECIAL MOMENT........
anyway, as the saying goes, all good things must come to end..........and and and so we all got back onto the tour bus and zoomed our way back to singapore......luckily no jam so we were all out of malaysia like in a split second.........but then again i still reached home ard 11 plus......washed hair and all........so slept late but who cares coz the next day is SUNDAY no work but but but i gotten myself a stiff neck and i very much badly wants to go for a shoulder massage!!!! oh god!! i really need one.........