cLoSiNg DoWn BlOg..........
i am totally speechless
dun know what to say
stephy told me to send an email to the blogger and get them to solve it for me
but i "Stubborn" lor
and then esther helped me create a new blog.........but i cannot find it
i just find tt no pt in updating this blog since the date something wrong one lor
so i decided to close it down............
TODAY IS 080908...........
TrUsT Me??
on my way back just now,
these 2 girls approached me and asked "which bus go to blk XXX"
and i went "both buses also can go actually"
then the taller one went "but i want to go to the bus stop behind block XXX"
"oh, then its this one"...........the bus door closed and driver drove off.......
the girls then went "ohhh" and went to q up in the bus lane lor
the taller one told the shorter one to stay in the q while she go and check it out
and i was like "duh! asked me and dun believe then ask me for what?"
anyway, few min later, their bus came.......muahaha
the taller one has not returned, so the shorter one no choice has to get out of the q and called the taller one
then when the passengers almost all went up the bus, the taller one ran back and said "ya, this is the bus"
so instead of being 1st in the q, they are now the last fews to get on
well, it just teaches me a lesson
not sure abt u lor.. but it taught me
"if u ask me, then trust me, if u dun trust me then dun ask me"
LovE me, Love Me Not
we saw this couple at the fishing spot so so so "romantic" leh
i think the guy bought the girl a bouquet of roses
and they were at the bridge, standing there, and talking
next moment, i saw the girl passed one stalk of rose to the guy
dun know what they said then "threw the stalk into the sea"
and then slowly, one by one, all the stalks went into the sea.......... *shake head*
"wa!! u see them so romantic leh. come here with the rose to "u love me, u love me not"
"siao lor. throw money into the sea. might as well give me the money. and ppl hor is throw the petals one lor, not the stalk"
"ppl is ppl. this one different mah"
"siao rite? u love me, u love me not, if go by the stalk, then no need to throw lor, count will do mah. odd or even" *shake head*
how can make it like tt, i cannot take it lor
really waste of money, even though, i know now not season so flowers are cheap......
but imagine, the guy so romantic bought u flowers leh, then u threw them into the sea to romantic??!!?? i just dun get it!! might as well, give me the money.......
anywa, then i saw the girl holding on to the last stalk of rose and she starting to peel off petal by petal and throw it into the!! si bey buay ta han liao, lao liang wa really want to go slap her wake up!!
anyway, suddenly, the couple embraced each other and i no see liao
really *shake head*
so the final answer from the flower must be "HE LOVES ME" lah, if not, the guy where got chance to hug hug......hahaha *evil grin*
out of so many stalks, this is the CHOSEN one, and then the sign is "HE LOVES ME" wa kao!! i think the guy must have having heart attack before the answer is out leh......
funny hor
i own self see show own self add in the dialouge leh
just for entertainment sake
anyway, tt reminds me
i asked dear yesterday afternoon this
"also dun know why i love u leh"
then he said "ya lor, why huh?"
and i said "i dun know. sigh"
"so now u tell me lor. we discussed this qn now"
"i also dun have the answer. why not u tell me why u love me then"
"i love u, coz i can whack u and bully u mah"
"wa kao!! so many ppl out there to bully why me??"
"becoz u let me bully u lor. then u own self "song shang men" free one why dun take, tts why i choose u lor. no matter how i bully u, u still loves me so deep"
*rolled eyes* "who said i love u deep deep?"
can u figure out who said what and who is stunned?
dun Need anY Pts
dear bought the snow skin mooncake from 4 seasons......
with double eye yolk ok!!!!
i loved it!!!
at first i thought he got the durians one
coz the box said DURIAN
but when i came home last nite and wanted to eat it, hey!!! its double yolk one lor
i got him the much talked abt snow skin mooncake from raffles
not sure nice or not
but it does smell nice....
dear told me to give the box of durian mooncakes which he bought to mama then can score pts
i told him "dun need lah. no need any pts"
then he said what if mama dun like,
then i said last yr i gave the baked skin one, u said u want snow skin
so this yr i bought snow skin one lor.
and then he said what if mama took a bite and said "this one from "big china one huh?" then i will be TL lor
then i said "won't lah. at most next yr i buy from "big china" lor.....
and then to have the final words, which actually shocked me BIG time he said "mama asked me to change gf." wa!!! stunned rite?? just pulled a stunt......i also stunned.....*speechless* why dear said tt, i dun know.....change then change lor. everybody wants the best for their children, if i am not the best, then change lor....BE MY GUEST. just dun let me be the last to know ok......
i gave his mama the one which i bought anyway... =))
as usual, parents will go "dun need to buy lah. dun waste money. we dun eat one. did JR(dear's chinese name) bought for ur mama?"
"yes auntie. JR bought for my mama too." smiled sweetly.
score pts or not i am not sure
but i do know tt we are currently both mad with each other
not madly in love ok, but mad as in angry
i dun want what started IT
but we were just talking after he casted his rods
then dun know what he said while he was holding on to a broken seashell
he always said things tt hurt ppl unintentionally which he dun know or he knows?? hmmmm......sigh......
though he meant nothing, but sometimes it hurts......
then i got agitated and started blah blah blah
abt planning, abt the aust trip, abt i dun get it...
and then he was still ok
he said something like "planning are for ppl who are not go aust coz no money....blah blah blah..."whatever he said lah. dun remember liao.
then i started to "play rough" and whacked him with the mag
then i blah blah blah
and he still steady lor
then stopped, i also can't be bother anymore
and i am no longer angry, i think i burst out everything and so therefore i felt so much better =))
and perhaps by coming clean abt certain things, dear was not happy abt it
and so therefore, after dinner last nite, i got to eat ice cream, drink coke, watch movie and all these while he is "black faced"
so on the way home, we both decided to keep quiet and let jacky cheung's voice filled the quiet atmosphere in the car......lolz
and i was trying very hard to keep my eyes opened, i am VERY TIRED.......
and when i am tired i dun talk...tts my practise......
but i can tell u, i am not angry anymore, but i think he is just buay siong.....
tts what not good abt me. when i keep quiet, i do it very well
but when i key siao, i think i really key siao......
so what's the situation now?? dun ask me i also dun know..
i remember before we went fishing
we were in the room
then he said something like "hey quick change, we gg fishing liao. i am not gg to wait for u"
and i went "wait awhile also cannot. and only wait 1 day lor. i also waiting for u wat"
then he looked at me and said "u wait what for me?"
i knew he must have off track and thought tt i am waiting for him to marry me
but sorry, when i said tt, i didn't meant tt lor. i meant tt i always waiting for him to call me and said "we go dinner tonite" "meet for a movie" "go shopping". u know, my time is always for him, if he wants it. i am always at standby mode. and i went 'i everyday at home waiting for u lor"
and he dare dare replied me with "u can dun wait one. who ask u to wait."
FINE!! bloody pork!!
i know he just say it for the sake of having the last and final words, but it hurts, dun u think so???
or am i just being sensitive....
i just wanted to reply him with "ya. tts why i not waiting mah"
the words were just at the tip of my mouth lor, but i know, if tt one burst out, sigh, its gg to start a string of conversation later i just shut up!!
i am not like him, i dun say it for the sake of winning, i said something when i need to!!!
so now wondering, why bother to score pts? u r marrying the son/daughter not the parents lor...lolz....though parents do play a part....but u r gg to spend the rest of ur life with the person whom eventually be ur significant other half.....if can't score pts with them, score with parents for what???? *ponder*
guess now its neg pts liao........ =((
sEt It BaCk???
something is wrong with the blog leh
i wrote new entries today, it stated tt its posted on 26th AUG!!
so what so special abt 26th AUG tt my blog entries all have to dated on this SPECIAL DATE??
anyone knows how to set the records back??
did u notice tt my early blog entries can "move abt"
spot it!!!
hm.....what's wrong huh?
kana virus huh?
i am just a nobody...
GoT iT!!
i collected the iphones today!!!
wanted to take a pic of the white and black phones
but hor, not my phones lor
so not very good rite
must hand over to the rightful owner in TIP TOP condition!!
i queued for 1hr just to collect the iphones lor
was informed tt iphone dun allowed us to use corporate rates to purchase the plan
sigh *shake head*
no have then no have lor, i also not getting iphone
*beam beam*
so u asked me "chio or not?" my reply is "its slim lor, but i not gian"
buy for me, give me, maybe i may consider using it........lolz
i also bought the snow skinned mooncakes from raffles hotel!!
one for dear's family and the other for me
ks recommended so i try lor
told ks "need the mooncakes to score pts and get myself married off this yr"
and he really believed me!! muahaha.......
so today, i accomplished what i went out to do........
except i have no more hands to buy my shoes
wanted to get 2 pairs of shoes actually
but left hand iphones, right hand mooncake
sigh.........therefore everybody happy except me.......... =((
think dear is very stressed at work
he has been gg to the jackpot room and "pulling the handle" after work
yesterday told me he "lost an iphone"
just now told me "lost another iphone"
sigh, i am totally speechless
frankly speaking, i dun mind him playing
but he has to know his limits
and when to stop
as in, enough is buts and no ifs........
i will really be tl if he got addicted to it
really, no joke
imagine last time tt one hor
can play the jackpot until no go home
i really got so mad with him
esp tt time he told his parents tt he is with me and end up when his papa called me the next day, the cat came out of the bag
i immediately called him and gave him a pc of my good sound mind
i also remembered once his papa said he has to go down personally to the club to get his son back home.......*shake head*
i really hope dear knows his limits......
and he is not addicted to "pulling the handle" but i dun mind he addicted to me........lolz
Wat A CrAp!!!
today angry lor
before i went for the tender briefing i informed the Project Officer tt i will be attending a briefing
and that the consultants will come and collect the doc at 430pm from her
she said ok
and my instruction was to open both envelopes
and i tell u, luckily i told P to cover for me when the docs come back
and u know what happened
tt PO hor
ma chiam she damn suk kee and the only one in the office working.........
made a big hoo ha in the office
"WHERE IS SY? J, CAN U PLEASE CALL HER? SHE ASKED THE CONSULTANTS TO COME AND COLLECT THE DOC YET SHE IS NOT HERE HERSELF" and for ur info, i already told the consultants tt i will not be in the office so pls go find the PO, so i am fully covered!!! =)
and this J also very fantastic lor "SHE WENT MEETING, SHE TOOK HER LAP TOP WITH HER"
she knew i went for tender briefing lor, i told her so before i went for the briefing, i really can vomit blood
anyway, then P came to the recuse...
and J told me tt after P said tt, PO shut up
i am really lucky tt i asked P to cover me instead of J
anyway, when i came back, i was told tt they only opened 1 envelope!!!
and got to open the 2nd one another day
i was like "wtf" simple instructions cannot follow?
we need the $$$$ urgently lor
tt PO no think is it?
i already filled up the 2 forms for her and told her to open both enevlopes!!!
i really cannot understand leh
i just think tt the ppl here damn cukoo one
wants to do things their own way, end of the day expect us to go clean it up??
omg!! what is this?
but then again, so what if u yayakalapa???!!?
i am in no fault.......
happened tt 2 event clashed and then luckily opening of tender we dun need to be present.....
and its ur tender, dun u know ANYTHING abt YOUR OWN TENDER??
and most imptly, i got informed........i covered myself
dad sold his car!!!
when i came back today, he broke the pc of news to me
monday he is handing the car to the new buyer
i have absolutely no idea why he wants to sell it
basically he always said "i bought the car for u"
sigh!! *speechless*
anyway, since i no drive it, he said "since u also dun want to drive, i shall sell it"
by all means lor
mum did not think this is a good idea
afterall we need the car, coz dad dun take public transport!!!
ok ok, give him some credits lah, he did take bus to CHINATOWN or MRT to CHINATOWN
tts the only place he goes......dun ask me why, he said the food there is good and cheap
and mum will tell him "the meal is $3.50, transport to and fro is $X. total up its so exp to go there for lunch. might as well eat at our hawker" hahaha
"save save save, mother's the best!!"
anyway, there goes the car
so we just have to rely on public transport bah
makes no difference to me, coz i take public tranport one
its the waiting time tt "kills" lor
wait till he finds out himself
*evil grin*
wait till we need to go "sweep tomb", cny, christmas, new yr, then he will know......for now, just let him be......
the car is his afterall.......
WaT tHe ShIt???
i read an article yesterday (i think) abt D
i really wonder whether the author of the article is a D him/herself
frankly speaking, i do feel tt, in my own humble opinion lah, tt unless u have gone thru the process urself, if not keep ur trap shut!!!
the article mentioned abt ppl thinking tt by D-ing, u get freedom....u r escaping from the reality, u think tt by D-ing, u will get away from all the pain, agony, the whatever shit, and then u have ur FREEDOM!!!
but in actual fact, u r just jumping into another shit hole........
i totally have to disagree with such a statement made
just becoz u dun want to go thru the pain, the frustration, the agony, the shit, u stay on???!!???
if u r already in a shitty marriage, and u have tried means and ways to try salvage it but its not a matter of whether u want or not, but the marriage is beyond repair, then why bother to stay in it?? i do agreed tt the process of D is very tiring, time consuming and plenty of frustration, but let me tell u this, end of the day, when u finally sees the light at the end of the very dark dark tunnel, u will know tt all the pain, agony, sleepless days and nite, frustration, shit, etc, are all WORTH IT!!!!!!!
frankly speaking, its not abt freedom, its abt moving on!!!
start life afresh, start life anew!! u know as in being reborn??
the sun will still rise and shines for u and me!!!
(whether u like it or not) hehehe
GaThErInG wItH Ex CoLl
we went suntec for steamboat buffet
$25.80+++ per person
ivan's treat!!! he said give me a treat when he got his 1st pay......btw, this is his 2nd pay........ =))
AL joined us later for a drink at starsbuck and anna joined us later for a drink in a pub!!

our own personalised pot....we ordered the bak kut teh soup base.....i tell u........cmi lor.......has the smell but no the taste........*shake head* waiting for it to boil........ =))

tried the popiah first.......yummy.......what a good way to start the buffet....... =))

ivan went to take the like he dun know what i like to eat.......sigh..=))

at least on this plate most of the items i like lor, esp the EGGIEEEEEEEEE.........=P

the chicken think the chicken rice taste better......... =))

the roasted pork and the chay siew...*shake head*

my soup is boiling........yum yum....... =9

i took one of each of the dessert........yum yum........

the jelly.......
we ended the meal with fruits, rojak and finally ice cream........
overall experience, i think, in my own humble opinion, dun go there!!!
where u may ask......cannot say, u go find out lor, if not later kana lawsuit leh......not very nice lor
as the saying goes "one man's meat is another poison"........
Gg NuTs.........

i tried this first.........omg!!! it either the cashew nuts expired or the butter expired.....tasted funny....dun dare to offer to anyone but along came KS and he exclaimed "wa!! got things to eat dun want to offer" and i went to explain to him something not rite so dare not offer. but he insisted so i gave lor in the end, hahaha!!! i think he regretted it!!

then i tried the left top hand corner "nut" sweets........omg!!! looked solid but one bite into it, i tell u, cmi lor. it seemed like the sweet absorbed the moisture from the air.......and became nua nua one. but in the evening, KW came along and he said he hungry so i offered him and he, he, he.........well, he just swallowed it down......hahaha
i tried the left bttm corner nuts and i got to say its best of the lot, so far......tomolo will try the top right hand corner one.......hehehe........
anyway, thanks ivan.... =))
see what ivan got from my from PH
really appreciated it!!!
it was raining in PH when he went ard looking high and low for the nuts for me.......
i told him i want the "train" nuts and he couldn't find so he got me all the nuts tt he could lay his hands on.........
what plan? only think.......
how to go to flyer huh from here? dear asked me
dun know my usual reply
then i remembered how the route which the taxi driver used this morning
hey!! u can go straight like we go to ecp like tt, but we go straight straight, then up the bridge, then we will see the flyer on the left then hor got one exit and we turn left out then hor go to suntec then hor the roundabout there then i dun remember liao......
u mean use the ecp huh?
what ecp? what pie? i dun know lah, dun always tell me the road name leh, i only recognise the roads not names...
following my instructions, we finally reached suntec
hey so from here how to go?
i think its u go to the marina sqaure exit bah.....*very unsure*
u sure its marina sqaure exit?
hm.........actually i dun know leh
then we both saw the directory pointing the direction of flyer
and dear went "ok found it"
and we were on the right track to flyer
"dear is this the route u planned to come here just now?"
"what plan? i never plan one lor"
"who asked u abt plan? i am asking whether is this the route which u plan to use to come here to flyer just now?"
"no plan lor. i think"
omg!! just becoz i asked him once abt his plans for our future
does not mean tt i kept harping on it lor
buay ta han
i already know tt i am not in his plans lor then why bother to ask him.......
he always think too much into things
dun talk to him liao.....stupiak old man
i made a blunder at work today
dun know why i uploaded a confidential dwg to the net
KW was mad at me and before he left my cubicle he went "all effort wasted. fought 2 weeks with XXX for nothing"
i was sad.....its like a blade cut thru my heart
i didn't want to blunder up the thingy
i was also fighting with them just tt the most fierceful battle was fought during the 3 days i was not ard......
i can understand how he felt
esp its his 1st tender.
but to me, maybe i "see very far?", it already went out, there is nothing i can do abt it. so why not just take it lor. be steady abt it
but for him, maybe he had put in so much effort to do this tender tts why he was so mad with me
J told me next time he can make me angry but i cannot be angry with him
so tt fair and square..........
lolz can be angry?? how to rite?
well, what to do? i made him mad.........
but i am also feeling sad now lor
JuSt 4 FuN
saw this "no smoking"sign at the loading and unloading carpark wall
but this morning i still saw a ah nah nah standing a few metres away from the sign and lighted away........
does he care? NO!!! and he puff and puff and puff away
what made me wonder is on the "no smoking" sign, there is a catch here lor. there is another sentence which goes "anybody caught smoking will be handle over to XXA"
u mean, nobody is scare abt being handled over to XXA??? wow!! and fyi, this is not the 1st time i saw ppl puffing away near the signages lor
anyway, i was told "even if u call XXA and tell them someone is smoking at the premises, XXA will tell u "its not our business"
if its not their business then whose? coz under the NO SMOKING sign, there is the XXA's number for ppl to call........
*scratch head*
if this "law" is not enforcement, then why paste it all over the premises??
the only reason i can think of it = just for fun????
Eat Healthy. Stay Healthy..........
i almost want to vomit blood this morning.
becoz becoz becoz........bloody pork lor
this happened last fri......
8.50am, 1st sms
"i am gg to see doc. 2 hours only. i am fine. just need to see doc to take med."
few hrs later, 2hr sms
"will request doc to give me 1/2 day mc"
few hrs later before 12pm
"am taking mc. doc said i have fever. need to rest at home"
wa kao!!! what is this???!!???
u mean u have fever u dun know?
the feeling of fever is horrible rite?
nua nua one. head hot hot. buay ta han rite?
so dun tell me u dun know u having fever lor
so when Q send the email to inform us of the mc thingy
i quickly reply "at first said nothing. see doc to take med nia. now said fever. "
and Q came and said "hey!! u kept DD in the loop"
"ya i know. i deliberately did it"
and she went "oh ya"
this morning the reply from DD came in......everybody got the shock of their lives!!!!
"its very unpleasant to be sick. let's all eat healthy and stay healthy" (something like tt lah)
*slap forehead*
wtf!! what is it??
he dun get it? or i dun see it?
omg omg omg!
i really peng san lor
decided to keep my mouth shut ............
everybody knows tt i am trying to highlight the pts and everybody knows it, but but but....somebody just choose to be blind on it......
u mean i dun know its unpleasant to be sick??!!??
u mean i like to be sick??!!!??
think i will just quietly sit in my cubicle and do my own work
as long as i dun have to "deal" with her, i will be fine.........
but do remember, "EAT HEALTHY, STAY HEALTHY" ok.......
really wtf!!!
*faint can*
CoVeR mYSeLf??
esther told me to cover myself
but how to?
she told me what to do but how can i start a link.......*thinking very hard*
then i think like god send, the email came........
i took the opportunity and ride on it!!!!!!!!!
"SY, can let us know when the contract doc will be ready for signing? the LA was dated XX May and the contract doc is long over due for the signing. is there a time limit for the doc to be signed"wa kao!! now dun shoot when shoot loaded my gun with the bullets and there i go.........weeeeeeeeeeeeee.........."PS, i have asked F to compile the doc after the LA was issued. she only forwarded me the doc last week and told me tt there were missing sections eg. XXXXXXXX which she is still looking for. should any one have the infor, pls kindly forward to her for her immediate compilation"and i cc to the WORLD AT LARGE........hahaha
in fact, i did not want to do tt, but i have no choice, coz PS emailed to his head and supervisor so i had to do it too!! i cc to DD and buddy lor.........he got ppl protect, i also have lor
anyway, then i went to look for ps to explain and he told me he happened to have an extra copy with him. and i told him
extra? i dun want copy i want original. and when i flipped open the doc, i was like "
ps!!! this is the original doc u r holding on to leh" and he went
"ai yo!! why u never ask me in the first place" and i was like "ya lor, dun understand why F dun come and ask u but just tell me "i dun know. i dun have" *shake head*
anyway, i quickly passed the doc to F and told her to compile. she asked me who has it, i told her "PS lor" and i walked away. it just showed one thing lor. her mouth inside got gold, cannot open and asked
but, do i care?? no lor, coz i covered myself........hahaha
fLyEr (Part 3)

first pic when we got into the cabin............moving to fall asleep........

dear decided to do a "sleeping buddha" pose........

and then followed by the "V" sign post......... dun asked me why his mouth like tt lor, he himself also dun know why

"ah siao pose"

then we self head too big

told dear to take the camera and shoot instead......"ur hands longer" was my reason to him...haha

camera hold too high, very ugly lor.......sigh.......... think its the way we looked at the camera.....

finally, something tt is acceptable...........

wanted to take night view.....but but but ...."dun use flash" dear said

ta da!!!!! dear is so the very smart......=P *beam beam*

another shot..........

can see fullerton???

photo taken by dear, said want to take the cabin after us.........

can see the "durians"??? ritz?? meritius marina??

can see me??hehehe

closed up pic of "durians"

another shot at cabin ......

we got some one to take pic for us........still asked ppl to "take vertical one"....lolz

testing to see whether can take pic with the background lightings.......

self shot......coz could not find timer in camera......dun asked me, even though camera belongs to me, but i dun know lor.........anyway "why my head so big, dun care, take again, i move back abit, u move forward"..........guess who said it......

managed to get the correct answer?
hehe =P

"why u pang sai huh?" wa tt say me.........

"have not finish doing ur business?"........

found the timer the very smart leh......of course not me lah.......

yeah!!! we made it!!!

crazy couples........lying on the floor of the cabin........ artistic shot............*rolled eyes*

at another angel........

night view of flyer on the ground.......
FlYeR (part 2)

i made these tattoos when i reached singapore flyer
i thought it was a rabbit at first....really, no blur......but then it turned out tt cinnamonroll is a TINY WHITE PUPPY........omg!!!!
sa lah leh........*slap forehead*

collected the candy floss (potong and popcorn too long Q) then went to the center stage and stationed myself there.......
conducting the colouring contest for the children...........

on the other side, they have the "playground" for the younger ones......

took a pic of the cabin of the flyer.........

what is this huh? who can tell me? i was looking for the rest for my lunch when i chanced upon it. symbolised what huh??need enlightenment....... =P

my lunch......its nice!! the battered fish is nice so are the buffalo wings........yum yum!! =9
KS commented that the raffles hotel's snow skin mooncakes very nice
so i decided to get from them this year
i surfed the net yesterday to make sure"all in order"
before i go down personally to place order today after the event
they dun allow reservation
is buy on the spot thingy
why why why
the sales told me " why dun u just buy and eat now?"
and i went "but i want to give ppl one"
the sales went "but many ppl have started buying and give ppl lor"
"but the actual day is still far away lor" (i wanted to say, u mean 7th month ppl still give? but dun want to malu these sweet young things)
"14th is the actual day"
"today not even the 1st of sept lor"
"why not u buy the bigger one (meaning the baked skin)? can keep longer "
"but i only want the snow skin"
*whisper to each other*
both ignored me.....ok lor, i walked away......LL
but i really dun want to give the mooncakes now even though today is last day of 7th month....
think maybe next week bah, next week i make a trip down again and buy the week give should be ok lor... =))
FlYer (Part 1)
"wake up! wake up! wake up yet?"
i smsed dear at 9am........
sigh and it started everything.........
dun know why i just knew it tt something will happened, he "choot" pattern (hehe)
he said tt I JUST TOLD HIM TO SIT FLYER. nothing abt FAMILY DAY!!!!!!!! he knows nothing abt the event
i told him i said the event was from 830 to 2pm. flyer can sit anything before 10pm and got a free lunch
he still said i did not tell him
"ok. its not a big deal. never mind. go back to sleep"
and he actually dare smsed me "u go for the event urself and i go fishing later then we meet at night for the flyer"
and i damn TL lor..."ya" my reply.........wanted to sms back "whatever"
so i went myself.......=))
i dun need man!! i am independent......
he has no heart to go for this event anyway.
he implied tt nite rite? when he said tt i forgot tt he is gg to kukup and wanted to stay overnight actually.
i have waited a long time for this trip (1 month to be exact)
i dun want a stupiak old man to spoil everything.......
i took some pic on my hdp.......will upload it later in part 2....... till then....
PrInCesS BoTtLe......

saw this princess bottle, think the little one will love it
and YEAH!!
she really LOVES it......
YEah!!! *victory sign*

our flyers' tickets.......

my lucky draw number and lunchie.......
FiNalLy iT CaMe.........

apparently, clothing no. 3 was send to the wrong add.
so she resend and i FINALLY received it today
wonder why again, it looks much better in the pic then in my room.......sigh
*shake head*
somewhere must be different again to go spot the difference.....