HiP hIP hUrRaY
noticed any difference to my blog?
well, i changed the blog skin lor.....and its ALL BY MYSELF
but did u notice any thing missing?
well, the calendar and my chat box!!!!! omg omg omfg....hehehe
dun asked me where did they go, coz i also dun know
but dun worry, i have informed ah boi abt it and he said he will do it for me when he is free after his exams which is suppose to be today! but i no see my calendar anywhere in my blog lor......but ok lah, coz i had to rely on him to do for me, so no choice lor got to wait......
but me beri smart rite.... =))
tts it!!
go, went gone........tomorrow is the FINAL COUNTDOWN
tomorrow go in type report, sign my transport expenses claim, ha lah abit here and there. then tea break go get them some snack as farewell gift and tts it!! calling it a day at PFS at 6pm on the dot!!
3 months.....say long no long, short no short lor
i have been working hard for my each and every day and my every single cent
hopefully no hipcups lor after tomorrow
SF called me today said got one temp admin post in her office at cityhall. asked me interested or not. i told her if price is right, i dun mind lor. can commit for whole month of dec no problem. and then on off go interviews lor. she said ok. so now pending her boss approval...... =))
might not be jobless afterall if her boss nice enought to give me a temp job till i find my ideal job......there's a little catch here......office alot of blackies.....but but but....who cares rite.....as long as they dun order me ard i am fine..... *cross fingers* ....but then again, whats an "ideal job"? is there such thingy as an "ideal job" just like is there such thing as a "lifetime marriage"?....sigh.....in today's world very seldom can get to see lor, but in yester days, i got to say yes, coz no matter how bad the guy turns out to be or how inperfect the marriage is, "divorce" is never say out let alone action lor
btw, ANY ONE's CO LOOKING FOR TEMP STAFF!! MIN $10/HR......can can can? call me ok..... =)) actually, esther and me both jobless on same day......day after tomorrow......hehehe...but she went for more interviews than me, so her chances are higher esp everywhere are employing for MA lor.....so she luckier than me..me searching high and low for my idea job.......
tomorrow gg for karaoke lor......celebrating my last day with a BANG!! hopefully tomorrow handing over ceremony will be an easy one and goes smoothly too.......
god bless
CoUnTiNg DoWn
2 more days to go and i am outa here!!
looking forward to being jobless again
hope i won't stay jobless for a long time.....
dun really like the feeling of having no income....
$ $
TuI nA
went for full body tui na with dear today
GOOD!! beri the good!!
should go try it out one day
body all very relax and i tell u the "stress" and body aches all go, went and gone........
think will have a good nite sleep later.....esp the weather also cooling....hehehe
the full body massage is good lor. my stiffness at shoulder and neck, gone but now aching lor....hahaha......but good lor. auntie told me to turn head once awhile while seeing the pc and also to turn left and right for the waist for blood circulation.......i think i better follow her instruction. coz she is one "gao shou" and i think its true lah, need to move a bit once awhile, coz we office ppl.....everyday sit and stare into the pc, so need to do some excercise......
did a foot reflex too.....good good....beri the good lor
first stroke on my sole she went "why u "ren" urine?" and i went "wa!! another "gao shou"" then i just smile at her. "ren" or no "ren" my problem lor. but the pain hor, i tell u, can die lor......so she went and asked me a 2nd time so i replied her "lazy to go toilet".....hahaha......imagine u sleeping lor, then urgent, i bet u, u will not want to wake up and go to the loo lor. or u busy working, meeting date line and all, u also won't bother to go to the loo till u finish the work......i know not good to "ren" urine lor.....not good for the kidney and what to do.....PLAIN LAZY!! =P
but i will try to be discipline and go to "release" myself when the time arises......coz the pain hor, cmi.....hahaha......me scare of pain but want to go for foot reflex coz i like lor......hahaha......i like the feeling of "flying" after the foot reflex.....feet felt might lighter.....
got to comment one uncle hor, he damn bad one lor. i told him pain pain pain liao, but he told me pain good. must have pain. in the end, 1 week walking feet very pain....buay ta han not gg to let him touch my feet again......i know got to have pain one, but like what the auntie told me today, pain and yet shuang then good. pain but pain then no pt lor......u see, this is what i called "gao shou".....
anyway, dear so poor thing. he said becoz he waited to go tui na with me today, he fell sick.....sigh. he so poor thing lor.....i see him like he gg to die like tt. and just now so touching moment lor......he told me "promised me, if i die, dun cry".........wa lao eh!! touchie or not???!!.....i tell u, i almost want to burst out crying lor.........so touched lor.....touched until the inner heart leh....
dearie, i love u deep deep lor....dun die dun die....u just old man nia....small matter small matter.......=))
4 MoRe DaYs!!
4 more days and i am out of here!!
honey said i must be feeling extremely happy this week....i have to say i do have mixed feelings
afterall, i had good working relationship with the ppl here.....i am really the very fortunate and lucky tt the politicians loved me and so do the coll over there!!! =)) so what more can i ask for?
sigh.whatever!! whatever will be will be........i have finally set down and revamp my resume abit......only abit lor. deleted a para here and add a para there. nothing major just minor touch up....so now what i need to do is keep my fingers cross and pray hard.......
btw, i just signed up with the CC gym.....hahaha....FINALLY!!!...on my own account lor. dun think i will get dear to foot the bill for me. just now, i went to take a look...."wa lao" alot of beefy guys!!! hahaha.....think i will vomit lor.......hehehe.......only 1 girl was in the room lor and surprisingly she is on the bicycle not tread mill.......and nobody is using the tread mill lor. so MOI will go and tread tread tread.....hopefully this $180 for a yr is WORTH THE PRICE lor....no bathing facilities and no trainers......hahaha.......what do i expect for $180 rite? hahaha....well must be discipline and just do it.......
even though its cc gym, also got standard one lor....got membership card with ur pic on it lor.....hahaha so next visit will give them 2 pics to make my card.......think i will go on weekend morning, coz auntie tan said tt morning lesser ppl......but as long as nobody uses the treatmill i am fine with it.......bet all the beefy guys want to use those dumbbells and stuff whatsoever to "manufacture" more muscles.........
must be wondering why i SUDDENLY went to sign up rite?
1st = cheap
2nd = location
3rd = recently all my office pants seemed tight on me. ard the thigh areas and the tummy area
4th = yesterday i wore the pair of jeans which i bought from BBK, i tell u, the effect is really different as when i first bought it. really felt like ba zhang lor.....
5th = health reasons....dear said cannot be lazy must excercise to keep fit. esp i felt tt i easily breathless after walking few steps.....esp during my site inspection walk round.....
6th = ai swee lor.......hahaha =P typical women!!
got to believe the saying "only got lazy women but no ugly women".......this is very true.......coz nobody wants to be ugly lor.....
dear gotten his job!!
so happy for him. tts what he wanted afterall......
stat board = stepping stone, career advancement, salary and most impt the job gives him a better opportunity when he wants to go over to australia....tts what he said HGK said.
anyway, i am so the beri the happy for him. perhaps these were his birthday wishes.....and they all came true esp for him.. =P
told dear i also tendered and when he realised tt i tendred without a job, he went "what happened? why?" well, i dun like lor. no why lor. he said i was very happy with the job why quit then. true tt i am very happy with the job. own time own target but no direction....no career advancement.....sigh.....he will never understand........ =( i will never be in his plan
anyway, yesterday damn happening lor. coz fri me not tummy unwell so i didn't meet dear and guessed what??!!?? then i saw the dogs and the deer no longer on top of his cabinet. so i asked him what happened to them. he joking told me tt he met his gf at his place since i dun want to meet him and his gf said dun want the dolls so he threw them away. so i went fine (want to play then i play along with him) . and when i was looking at the fishes, i found this small butterfly sticker on his room floor. so i went "hey!! u better explained whose does this butterfly belongs to?' then he came, took a look and blank!! then i went " u better give me a satisfactory reply ok.. who who who?" then he really speechless......so i went "who came last nite? which gf of urs. u better come clean" hahaha........he really blank and said tt must be his cousins who came into his room when he not ard and touch this and tt until dropped the sticker......muahahaha......actually i also dun know where the sticker came from. coz his auntie will clean the floor almost every day and i tell u, i never see the sticker on tt spot before.......never before......so i also wonder why the sticker was there yesterday....and tt sticker hor, looked so familar, looks like something which i stick on my nails few few months ago....haha, also dun know how come suddenly appear.......lolz..... and he just became the scapegoat............*faint*.....
beri good, who asked him to want to be nauti....so i nauti lor....hahaha......he deserved it!!!
yesterday a bit angry with him lor
ivan said al want to organise a karaoke session so he jio me asked me free or not
so i went ok
then he told me he learnt new songs so will sing for me to hear
so i went ok
then he said "asked old man to learn "xiong di" then we can duet" so i told him old man won't learn lor...but ivan said we still have one week to learn so no problem one...u must be wondering why i said dear won't learn one coz i wanted him to learn the "liang shan bo yu zhu ying tai" to duet with me, he also no learn lor. where got want to learn "xiong di" and duet with him. then who knows derrick readily agreed and asked for the song and lyrics. and yesterday he actually sang it!! bloody hell!! so i went "hey, ppl asked u to learn u learn, i asked u to learn forf donkey years but u no learn lor" and he still has the cheek to reply "ppl give song and lyrics lor. u also no give" then i angry liao... i went "hey! i am ur gf lor. i am supposed to be SPECIAL. i tell u i like,i want, u must go check it out and do it lor. still need me to give u everything. if like this, then i dun want to be special liao. i be normal lor. how can u compared me with normal ppl" then he went "but its true wat. u want me to learn then u must provide me with all these things mah. anyway, I ALSO DUN FIND THE SONG NICE!!" this statement i *pengz san* liao lor........u like or no like, u got to do it lor....not asked u to die or kill ppl.....if ivan can learns songs and sing songs tt amanda like, why can't him. i bet amanda dun need to gives him the song and lyrics lor. he will AUTOMATICALLY do it lor. last time i also dun need to say much, jerk will know what to do.....what nice or no nice, as long as i nice can already......sigh.....really old man lor....so i told him 'FINE!! dun learn. i dun want tt song liao. no more song!!" =((....... and he went "we still have other duet songs rite?" then i went *rolled eyes* " dear u just dun get it? u still dun get it is it?" and i almost want to cry liao......then he went "get what? u got to tell me mah?" this time i really vomit blood lor.............then i just shouted "fine!! now i know. i am never special" *pout*
u guys get it??
NeVer In HiS PlAn??
yesterday, dear was telling me abt him befriending this sweden friend when playing the vampires vs werewolves online game. so he said next time when he goes to sweden backpack, he can stay over at his place, can save some money on accomodation. so i went "what we gg to do there?" and he looked at me and said "what we? only I lor. u cannot go. i go backpack." then i went "if i cannot go, u also cannot go." conversation ended there and then.
i was just thinking "am i ever in his plans for anything?" =((
maybe all these while, i was just living in denial with myself tt i am in everything he does, his plans, he eats, he sleeps, he shits, but in actual fact, i am not........ =((
his plan to go overseas to work, migrate to overseas, his future, his life, his everything.....all does not involve me...... i am not in any of his plans....and never is and never was... =((
Cb MaN
tell u lor, so angry in tonight's meeting
i should have take it easy since i am leaving liao.
but am angry with tt f***ing, CCB, KNN, CB, KNS man lor
i dun want my reputation to be ruined by one stupiak man, who wants to act smart alec, or be a hero.....
everything was gg on very smoothly until he touched on the topic of the VO.
he wants to see PROOF
which i explained tt contractor claimed tt they are unable to give coz the supplier billed them everything under one invoice which they dun want to let us see coz P&C. i already told the contractor to see whether can they get the supplier to just ON GOODWILL do a separate one for this particular one so that they can showed it to them. but contractor said cannot and then suggested that they can get the supplier to send them an email and they used tt email to substantiate. argued until i also gave up lor so i told the contractor i can asked for them see whether can accept or not. but i reinforced the fact tt my client HAS THE RIGHTS TO SEE WHAT THEY ARE PAYING FOR!! i did my part ok, not tt i simply took a NO for an answer. and tt stupiak man commented NO WAY!! "SY, u r in this line u should know. how can we pay without seeing anything? i am only willing to pay for whatever loss tt contractor incur" then i went " but mr X, i already told the contractor tt my client has the rights to see the invoice so that they know what they are paying for, but they told me they cannot do it even when i asked them to see whether the supplier is willing to do a separate one for them just to forward it to us but they claimed it cannot be done. tts why now i am asking whether an email from the supplier can do or not if its acceptable to all" and he went "no cannot. then how i know how much to pay? i am only willing to pay for the loss incurred" and i went "this is not a loss which contractor incurred, its the nett price cum special discount which the contractor gave us for the paint which we had chosen and then rejected" and he went "who chose the paint?" and this is when i FLARED UP!!!!! why?? coz he is the BLOODY F***ING HELL WHO CHOSE THAT BLOODY F***ING PAINT!! and NOW HE HAS THE BLOODY F***ING CHEEK/FACE TO ASK "WHO CHOSE THE PAINT?" u see lah, CB is it? i very angry lor. i stunned for words for a moment!!!!!!
i am not siding with the contractor which he claimed "i have been in this line for so many years, i know consultants ALWAY side with contractors".......F***ING PIG!!! i am very impartial ok, those calls and conversation i had with contractor to get whatever i can get who knows?? only i and contractor know. u pig brain know meh??u know what? u only think i side with contractor...to hell with u lor..... i can swear I AM ALWAYS ONLY DOING MY PART OF THE WORK TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY!! i dun cheat a single cent from u lor. i worked hard for my hard earned money!!!!
just like tt being shouted at issue on the air con, i went all out to try to solve the leaking air con for him and what i get? nothing lor "can u get it done by next week? i dun want to start my business and got leaking problem" then i went " but its an obselete brand, i need some time cannot guranttee next week" and he buay siong and went "get it done" and hang up......i should have just told him "my client said to dismantle it" and case closed. and u unhappy abt it, u go talk to her. but i went tt extra mile and who knows? boss knows? u know? he knows? bloody hell, nobody knows lor........and i get all the blame!! for what? for being Ms NICE!! CCB lor.......... i dun get appreciated or praised for gg tt extra mile......
anyway, luckily the current chairman was also the previous members so he went with a shocked look (coz i think he also knew who chose the REJECTED paint) "what who choose the colour? the council members choose the colours lor" then he shut up esp when now the other members also asked "how did the rejected paint come abt?" and i went "well, u see, the contractor painted the colours as mock up for members to choose and then it was approved and they went ahead with the painting and during the agm it was brought to our attention tt the residents DISLIKE the colour very muchie( and dun u forget it was this sunday meeting which was dragged until 6 plus tt i cannot go fishing with my dear and he got angry with me ok!!!!) so we did a polling/survey and then decided to change the colour to another tone. tts why now there is this issue on the rejected paint and the cost and the delayed" then the members went "orh. then no choice lah. colours were chosen by previous members and then residents dun like. no choice lah. ya lah ya lah. this money must spend lah" then tt F***er kept quiet. then lady member said " ok lah, small sum. if we didn't asked how much the cost during that time then its our fault lah. but since we asked i think its fair tt we paid the contractor" and another guy member went "ya lor. $1800 only, not as if its $18,000. i think small sum dun fuss over small issue." and chairman went "ya. just pay. small amount lets not harped over it" i tell u lor, i dun intend to harp over it!! it was u know who who wants to harp over $1800 lor.......and its 1o pails of 20L pre-mixed paint, not off the shelve kind ok........
but he wants to have the last and final say leh, he went "u know. the contractors hor, they hor, paint the colours red, green, blue purple to let us choose. such a short time frame how to choose properly lor." then he smiled. if he no said tt, i still ok. said liao, i lagi angry lor. coz why? coz i was informed by Z, when i first took over the project from her, this f***er took a long time to choose the mock ups and caused a delay" and now he said such a thingy.....u said angry or not......ma chiam pushed it all to me. but i tell u lor, i wasn't in the picture in the first place when colour was chosen lor......bloody pig!! use ur pig brain when u want to push the blame away......to me he already bo say liao....
and why he said i side with contractor. coz i recommend to grant them an extension up to 3rd dec, reason being, re selection of paint!!! as simple as tt. i explained to them why only 9 days. whats so big deal. it was a delay on our part. No big deal lor. i am just doing my own assessment and stating the facts tts all. and guess what pig brain asked "consultant, is this a reasonable assessment?" of course i will say yes lor. it was delayed on our part. and he went "u mean no job can be carried out during tt 9 days?" then i went "those 9 days of course, the contractor still doing job. but in their email, they already explained tt they cannot dismantle the scaffolding to erect at other places and cannot use boom lift and then got to deploy their workers back to the areas, based on all these facts, i recommend to give them the 9 days coz from agm to the day we confirmed the paint is 9 days lor" and he went "dun talk abt what they said in the email lah. i think we will keep this issue open till the end of the project." in my heart i thinking "who does such a thingy one? what if end of the day u dun give then how? u gg to LD the contractor then u think the contractor will allow u to do it? and then hor, in the first place, what u mean by dun talk abt the email? the contents of the email is to state how the delay came abt. and hor, the delayed was actually for 3 weeks lor. and i am only granting them 9 days." so i in front of everybody asked the contractor "is this ok with u?" and they went "we understand what Mr X is saying, we will proceed with our work then and end of the project then they will let us know how many days to grant us. but if they dun grant us an extension, we will now put up a challenge lor. coz its our entitlement." so i went " we already granted the 1st EOT to them, and revised contract period is 22nd nov, which is today. tts why today we decide whether to grant them the 9 days and the new revised date will be 3rd dec." then he went "u mean u already granted the 1st EOT?" then i went "ya. coz it was brought up during the 1st meeting and in principle approval was granted and then last meeting it was brought up again and tts why we granted. and tts why now i am recommending the 2nd EOT to be granted to contractor" and hor, i tell u lor, it was minuted down in the meetings on the "in principle approval" and also i send an email to all of them to inform tt i will be issuing the contractor a letter on the extension and if no comments from them i will proceed. and really no comments mah, so i send lor. i got standard one lor, not suka suka one lor.......he damn CB one lor.....nobody said or asked anything. and he made so much noise. end of the day, he dun grant then how? u think contractor so nice to let u LD them? wait long long lor.........u see outside market, who last min/ end of project then grant EOT one. i know have lor. but seldom one lor. eot according to contract must be granted at the pt of time if u want to go by LAW!!!!!!!! u want to follow the book, u got to follow thru not half past six lor. and then later blame "consultant why no advise?" then u really CBK lor. anyway, to save my own backside, i think got to make sure tt it is properly minuted down tt it was COMMENTED BY HIM..........
DeArY's BiRd DaY!!
its dear's birthday today
and guess what?
i so cheapskate lor, i treat him to dinner with my women's weekly 1 for 1 voucher
wanted to go to Traders Hotel lor......been quite some time since i been there with stephy for our birthday 2 yrs ago??........hm......i remembered getting her a recording rabbit which went "lonely.....i am so lonely........" hehehe......was it a rabbit......hm.....
ok anyway, i called yesterday and was told "sorry madam, we are fully booked for tomolo's dinner".WTF!! my dear's bird day lor......so no choice. lor. i decided to try it again this morning, and was told the same story" fully booked for the night" i was hoping some nice ppl will last min called up and cancel their reservation lor....but but but.....sigh
anyway i tried cafe brios at waterfront grand copthrone lor. coz dear said we can pop over to zouk for MAMBO NIGHT!! then i readily agreed *coz long time no mambo rock liao* even though we just went there for mama's birthday. so i called and was told "sorry madam, we are fully booked tonight".....argh........
then the panic button is ON!!! where the hell can we go?? and i am so hard up for places.......luckily i told dear abt this botan restaurant at far east square lor.....recommended by AL lor......hahaha......who else can give me good food review except her.....
back to the 1 for 1 voucher thingy, so last resort is sizzler liao lor. i didn't want to go there coz 14 dec gg with the nus gang for our christmas gathering....so i dun want to have the same food again......but guess what!! it was the only place which i DUN need to make reservations......"madam, 2 person no need to make reservation, u may wish to just WALK IN" made me seemed so cukoo lor.......hehehe.....but at least, my problem solved.
so i happily smsed dear and said "do u want to go sizzler at suntec or far east square?" he replied with "u decide lor" then i went "ok. meet u at suntec and i will throw in a foot reflex for you" .........so happy, problem solved........ tts what i like abt dear.....he lets u make all the decision.....hahaha..then when problem occurs, he will tell u "u decide one lor"........stupiak man rite? he must have kana many times with his previous gfs .......
must be wondering why foot reflex rite? coz last nite, he wants me to massage his feet for him. so i think think think, since he dun want any present, he will only get foot reflex lor.......and also, i need one BADLY........
so happy so happy. and i planned to take pics tonight to post it on blog. and i forgot lor......hahaha......so sorry. no pics to show...... =)) and i tell u lor, i got go recharge the battery for the digi cam lor, coz i want to TAKE PHOTOS!!!
anyway, just want to say IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, the food at suntec sizzler not as nice as the one at toa payoh......hehehe.....dun asked me why.....and its more crowded in toa payoh then the one at suntec......dun know why......also dun asked me.....
anyway, food lousy but to me the foot reflex is GOOD!! all my aching and stress all go, went and gone............ =))
btw, happened to see stephy online today. so i asked her for junior goh's name........GARRETH GOH........suk kee rite?? dun ask me, i dun know how to pronouce it. but when i go visit her next month, i will know......hehehe =))
BB Garreth has jaundice, so he needs to stay in hospital to shine sunlight.... stephy said its common coz the parent's blood is incompatible.......sounds chim rite? actually its very simple......one has O blood and the other is B.......so O and B mixed together, cannot mixed so how? the bb has jaundice lor. but dun worry. small matter coz bound to have one. so just go shine sunlight can already. small case small case. and so happened, tt as we were msn-ing, hospital called and said bb can go home.........and stephy was so happy!!! =))
forgot to ask her on her "battle" in giving birth to garreth........maybe will ask more when i get to see her.........hehehe.......
sMaRt or WhAt???
have u heard of ppl who wants to try out the new KPE but didn't want to pay the $5 at the gantry so he cheapskate and decided to do it in the late late night. why late late night? coz he can "escape" the crowd and also save the $5 bucks lor.
so off he went and in the end, he kana 3 summons for SPEEDING!!!
can u believe it!!! our gahmen so smart leh, installed 3 speed monitoring cam along the KPE stretch of road........so my friends, speed, speed all u want and what will u get?? hahaha, no doubt u saved the $5 bucks lor, but u got to pay for 3 summons.......wonder got deduction of pts or not.....hehehe
unforgetable experience on KPE...
smart alec or what?? =P
dear said he sponsored me for the gym membership at cc leh....so sweet of him hor. when i told him i found out tt the membership is $180/yr, he told me cheap and "i sponsor u"........omg!! me shock for words lor...i know u guys will think "cheapskate. want to sponsor, sponsor something liek CF, FF, PF wat, CC?? so sub standard". but i tell u lor, exp one doesn't mean good one lor.....and then u will always have to go to make ur money worth it. this one less than $10 a month, though no instructors but it so much nearer to my home....... =))
wonder dear wants to sponsor is becoz then dun need to meet him everyday liao or he thinks me fat need to slim down....... hehehe.....but i think i really did put on weight lor......hehehe
what to do? he treats me so good.....as the saying goes "yang de wo, white white, fat fat"......hehehe =)) love u dear and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! =))
OPPs!! I dId It AgAiN......
ya, i threw in the white towel today
not tt i surrender or no guts
but really nothing to do and i dun want to go into becoming a managing agent
1st week of dec i will be officially jobless till i find a job again........
ToMoLo Is DoOm Day
handing in the letter tomolo. must be first thing in the morning..... =)) the longer i drag, the worst i will feel
after handing in, all will be fine.....well, at least i hope!!
the hr guy from u know where, replied my email. well, i send him a THANK YOU note after the "I", and to think till todate only he replied to my email. all others before hand, no reply me one.....so touched hor.....must say he professional lor..... =)) but i also know i stand no chance, but it was nice of him to "shortlist" me to make up the number!!
i am still thinking whether to take up the china posting or not. hehehe.....not tt i gotten the interview. the u know who only wants to see my more detailed resume......but if i approve their veiwing and they also want to see me then how? i dun want to waste ppl time, only when i am really ON/keen to take up overseas posting then will i apply for such a post......but since now i still 3 hearts 2 think......i still dun know what i want......
today we went fishing, raining and therefore, u guessed it, NO FISH!! hehehe.....AGAIN!!! dear was again disappointed but what can we do? nothing lor. so we went home empty handed and his mama exclaimed "told u no need to go fishing liao. rest lah. dun listen. now come back empty handed." well, at least to me, fishing is not abt catching fish lor. also can train one's patience...know wat i mean.......
did i tell u tt i suddenly like this particular name "ETHAN". dun asked me why? i saw this school boy's name tag in the mrt one day and suddenly just strike me like lighting?...hm.....wow!! must be thinking mother instinct rite? hehehe....who knows next time my son will be named ETHAN.....but i was hoping (dun ask me why) stephy and hubby goh named junior goh - ETHAN GOH.......=)) yet to announce his name to me .......so still got to go on with the waiting game.....
"Lu ChI" OR mAp BliNd??
told u umptheen time, I DUN KNOW HOW TO READ THE BLOODY F***KING ROAD MAP!!!!!! so stop asking me to read road maps and then tell u which road to go.......
but if u skin itchy and has nothing better to do, then JUST DO IT and pick a fight then....... =(((
i dun know how to read it.......i know u guys always tell me its easy wat whats so difficult.....well, its difficult to me, AT LEAST......so if me stupid or whatever u think i am, if simple english such as to I DUN KNOW HOW TO READ ROAD MAPS cannot be registered into ur brain, then u also pig brain lor..... pui....
i only know how to go based on MEMORY!!! so all i can do is go straight then turn where and where. u will see a what, or after a what u turn, u must be able to vivualise lor......i know its difficult esp if u dun know where or what i am trying to describe, but before we start the journey i already said "why dun u see the road map first coz if later u get lost dun expect me give u any miracle and dun scold or shout at me for not knowing how to read the bloody stupiak F***KING road map lor" pre warned liao. still want to take the risk, so dun flare up when i screamed at u later when u screamed at me first.......
today we went fishing at lower seletar reservior. from morning to almost 7pm.....and guessed what no fish!!! hahaha...dear was disappointed but he claimed tt he knew today he won't catch any fish lor. anyway he said "this place is banned, tomolo we go kranji. so tomolo where r we gg?" so i told him" fishing at kranji lor" then he asked "u got any place to go tomolo?" actually wanted to ask him want to go visit stephy at hospital or not.....but decided to do it on my own instead..... so i told him i dun have any plans for tomolo so i follower instead.....
anyway, dear said want to go catch snails......so we went to the dun know what place. a place where we still need to pass by on our way home one......and we caught a pail full of snails.....said tomolo big feast on them.......see tomolo got any luck to take a pic for u guys to see. coz when we reached home it was already 9 plus and then we rushing to go for dinner at marina south.......steamboat lor, and tts when the road map thingy happened......to think i shouted back at him and he still nicely talk to me. ok lah. he also got raise his voice at me. he went "go straight, i also know go straight but where go straight. everywhere and anywhere also can go straight lor. where turn? what turn?".......hahaha.......told u, my road directions all based on memory not road maps!!! but at least he not like jerk, will scream and shout at me why dun know how to read the map and then no end liao lor.......but i tell u lor, if its jerk, he will know the way........lolz......
anyway, the next topic is old man wants me to blog abt one. we were fishing today then suddenly an alarm sounded and asked all the ppl at the sides to move away coz they are gg to open the gates to let the water out from the reservior into the sea and will create big current. so we moved up and stood by the slope. and then one gate out of the 4 gates was opened and it was not the middle gates it was the end one lor......so water started to gushed out or rushed out and created a HUGE current (ma chiam like huge current like tt lah) at the sides lor. then i asked dear why 4 gates only opened 1. and why not the middle one but the end one. so stupiak hor? like tt drain until what time?" then dear said " ya lor. should have opened the middle gates so that the current created won't be so great like now. and then only 1 gate opened, dun know will last until wat time. cannot blame them lah. they bo tak che one." then i think ya lor. wat dear said quite true so i added my ten cents and five cents "who knows, their bosses told them can only open one gate lor. and the gate to be open is the last one. so not their fault. they only follow instruction".....so i asked dear "need to take pic and then send to WKS?"......hehehe....dear said no need lah. he said just write in the blog see who can answer the qns, why PUB only open one gate out of the 4 and then must be the end gate. and i added "must i also add "anyone wants to write to WKS?"........hahaha...... =P
anyway, can any one tell me why why why? tell me why why why? =))
dear was talking to me abt AUST HGK. said he rejected a job offer and so now still jobless. then i asked dear why he no come back one? then dear said he dun like singapore one. then i went but he needs to come back and see his parents rite? then dear went ya lor he unfilial one. but said he will come back for CNY. so let's wait and see whether will he be back lor. anyway, dear also added tt he also looking for overseas jobs. if he can lay his hands on job from aust, hk or whatever, he will also go over and work lor. yayaya, i know, we touched on this topic before. AM I IN HIS PLAN??......this time i also dun know. but last time when we were talking abt it he did say he wants us to go over together. and i told him i rather not coz my family is here, esp since my sister not ard then not very nice to leave the 2 old folks and the little one here and if i go over what can i do. i will be jobless.......hope he understand.....topic ended there and then....... i always know tt he is on a look out for overseas job.....but am i part of his plan?.....honey recently told me "as long as got plan can already no need to ask abt the date. but becoz we are part of the plan so must at least tell us or discuss with us".......suk kee rite? honey always very suk kee one...
ask me whether go or no.......i also dun know....... maybe got to wait till the moment arrived then i will know.....but one thing i do know is, i will never stop him .......or should i re phrased and say no one can stop him from leaving if he doesn't want to.......
SoUnD rUdE??? oH pLs!!!!!!
after the big hoo ha on Thursay!! i tell u lor, i didn't slept well and ta ma de, i had a nite mare lor. i dreamt tt dun know whose building air con leaks and then flood the whole damn building and i am trying to run out of the bloody f***ing building..and i tell u, the water was up to my knee cap lor.....stupiak!!! woke up at 645am and couldn't get back to sleep.....really ta ma de lor
if u asking me who will pay for the damages to ur carpet or the electrical bills, then i ask u back "WHO WILL PAY FOR THE STRESS, THE TORMENT AND HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE THAT I WAS BEING PUT THRU!!!" bloody hell!!
anyway, when i switched on the hdp(s) in the morning.......i got one message from my personal line. it was from stephy.....JUNIOR GOH HAD POP OUT AT 4:20pm....WAY TO GO GIRL!!!! must have put up a strong fight coz junior goh is big!! not i said one lor, the gyne said so. not sure when want to go visit her..now she still in hospital. maybe wait for her to return home first.....coz sure got many ppl go to hospital see her one.....wait till i quit then maybe can go house visit her one day..... =))
and then office hdp also rang. its from u know who with the message "if i sound rude today, i am sorry." TA MA DE lor....i can tell u now, u dun sound rude, U R RUDE!!! hanging up on ppl is 1 rude, screaming at ppl is 2 rude and then after explaining and dun want to listen is 3 rude!! u think u sounded rude, well, sorry lor, u r damn bloody rude!!! but then again, i tell u lor, i steady one i smsed him back and said "its part and parcel of the work. i can understand what u gg thru. i will react the same way if i were u too." steady bo..steady rite....... =)) i very steady one.....but inside my heart, u die lor.....anyway, zhuang and i have the same thinking, if its not becoz we are secondary school mate, u think he will apologise?? or say what he said?? pls lor, like i always tell dear, u have to be sincere when apologising lor, if not dun bother......chey!!
and i can tell u now lor. in any MA contract, nobody will do anything to the MOBILE remote control one lor. its the tenant who should take care of it. so remote no battery rite? then u go buy and put it in yourself. and now bloody hell, i forked out $40 from my own pocket for a few dollars worth of battery.coz ppl charges for worker and the time down to put in the battery lor. and if u tell me "then u tell me earlier lor. i go buy myself " then i will tell u " uncle, u so angry tt day, u think if i tell u this u will smile smile at me and go buy urself? u will bloody hell scream louder and demand to know why battery not included lor?" then how u expect or want me to reply u then? of course, i just want "solve" the stupiak problem and then make u happy too lor. customers always F***KING rite wat!!! u buy toys or things from shopping centre or anyway they will also state "BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED" then wonder why u no scream and shout at them huh?? and already explained tt that day after my workers left ur premises, they indeed had shut down the air cons and there is another grp of workers in ur premises, we cannot deny the fact that they might on the air con and forgot to shut them and then left the windows open and gone home lor.........simple english dun understand or REFUSE to understand and just continue to scream..........sigh.....*speechless and rolled eyes*
and esther also taught me something. the contractor was engaged to do cleaning and maintenance to the air con units. u think they so cuokoo, as to break their own rice bowls, to on the air con till the next morning and left it on FULL BLAST and opened all the stupiak windows and caused the air con to leak?? wake up ur pig brain lor........sigh......see, told u, i am not suitable to be in this line......sigh.....
anyway, whole day he no call me again. but i tell u lor, this thingy no end one. coz now the contractor dun want to do the job for me liao and how? bloody hell lor, got to source for another one. and luckily i told the landlord liao, and she said there was an understanding tt anything beyond repair will be remove, so friend!! listen carefully, i can just tell u this and wash my hands and u got fight it out with the landlord or like what i am doing now, trying to source for the stupiak, outdated spare parts for u so u can have the bloody aircon working.......and what have i done to deserve the shoutings from u........NOTHING!!! hao xin mei hao bao....u might think this is my job, but i tell u lor, direction very clear, "beyond repair just remove" so u better buck up lor......and listen carefully ITS NOT MY BLOODY F***KING BUSINESS TO GO ALL OUT FOR ANYONE LOR........i jus dun want u to lose an air con tts all......
one good thing abt fri, is "ITS FRIDAY" hahaha.....and me went for I.......hehehe....and well, i already know, me only called in to make up the number, i won't get the chance or opportunity to proceed to 2nd round to see the directors liao......but like what esther said, well, at least u had an experience......true true.....hehehe
but am glad and happy tt dear's I went well and smoothly too......like wat the interviewer told him "just a formality. after meeting will employed him" so now wait for monday's good news.....as for me, monday will also be good news lor.....hahaha.....news of resignation!!! =))
fOuL mOoD........
BLOODY HELL!!! moi kana shutted at by a stupiak client who happened to be my sec SCHOOL MATE today!!!
but is it my fault?? bloody hell......i can understand why he got so agitated and angry but HELLO!!! before u jumped to conclusion or anything maybe just take a deep breathe and think I ALSO GOT FATHER AND MOTHER ONE LOR.........KNN
maybe the only fault i had was, i too GOOD TEMPERED!! i was keeping my temperature under control all the while when he was screaming his lungs out thru the hdp...... i could have just shouted back ( if last time if me still a qs) but now bloody hell "CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT" right my a**h*** lor......not always ok......
what happened:-
he rented an unit. so landlord has to fit out everything to working condition for him. so fine. got quotations, to do this and that. pending for landlord instruction and approval to which contractor she wants to award the job to. IS IT WITHIN MY BLOODY CONTROL?? pig head also can think ITS NOT LOR....fine......coz as a friend, i dun mind doing extra leg work for him. i send email to landlord to tell her these work needs to be done asap. i called her up to remind her. and when she get back to me on any queries i IMMEDIATELY action on them. and then who kana scolding from him?? ME LOR. who else....why? becoz WHY THE BLOODY SO SLOW.......what can i do my friend? i already done my very best.........and pls all of u , dun forget, I WAS NEVER EMPLOYED TO DO THIS, BUT I STILL TOOK UP THE CHALLENGE BRAVELY lor....and what do i get back in returns??? SHIT!!
ok, anyway, finally all settled and contractors were asked to go down. do do do..and bloody hell.....wiring not working liao need to re run wire. so how? submit quotation lor. then what? wait for landlord to revert lor. IS IT WITHIN MY BLOODY CONTROL AGAIN?? OF COURSE NOT!! so what did i do?? i on good will basis, called the landlord and send her email too. she this time round, immediately reply via email "GREEN LIGHT" fine...so happily i called up the contractor "Mr. X, pls proceed. thanks. so when huh?" "let's see huh. tomolo cannot. monday lah. monday after 2pm" "ok Mr. X. so monday ok. 2pm. see ya" click......then want to call owner but decided to call him tomorrow just in case.....u never know rite? last min changes....so why want to shoot urself on ur feet. eat too much rice meh?
then anyway next moment, hdp rang. "SY!!!!!!!! (and blast all the way liao) UR CONTRACTOR LEFT THE AIR CON RUNNING AND WINDOWS WIDE OPENED. NOW MY CEILING AIR CON UNIT IS LEAKING AND IF IT DAMAGES MY CARPET WHO PAY?" then i stunned. inside thinking" wa!! this stupiak air con contractor. who ask him forget to switch off and worst open windows and then now air con leaks......then i went "mr. x, let me check with my contractor. i am sure he didnt left it running from last evening till today." and he buay siong still want to go on "AND THEN NONE OF THE REMOTE CONTROL IS WORKING SO HOW CAN I SWITCH OFF ALL THE AIR CON AND THEY ARE ON FULL BLAST. THIS IS WASTING ELECTRICITY." and i went " mr. x, i understand. let me go check it out." and he went "BLAH BLAH BLAH. and then he buay siong. hang up. damn bloody rude lor. as i said liao, let me find out what exactly happened mah. flare up can solved problem meh?
so i called up the air con guy. " Mr. X, my client said u guys left the air con running full blast from last evening. windows all open wided. so now how? ceiling mounted one is leaking. can u go check it out for me. esp he claimed tt none of the remote is working." " ok. will go check it out for u. but its probably the battery lah. give me his number i call him and explain" and inside my heart me thinking "bloody hell!! service and maintain the air con units and compressors, no change battery for me. what is this?" but becoz i only want the problem to be solved so i didnt want to argue with him. i just gave him the number and told him "pls go down and replace the battery for me and check out the reason for leakage" and also check with him why if remote not working the air con can still be switch on. then he told me tt becoz we have a wall mounted control panel. that can also switch on the air cons.......*mystery solved*
next moment he called me and "wa!! SY, ur tt client very fierce leh. i told him remote control battery low. need to change. he asked me to go down replace. and i told him contract never say must replace battery. he said how can like this? he dun care contract write what. but he just want his air con working." then i went " so how? u gg down? then he said " no lah. just battery. change lor" then i said " can u pls go down for me and replace them. and also check on the leakage." he was nice lah he obliged and then apologised to me. but he also stood firm on his feet, tt when his guys and him left last evening, there was still a grp of workers working. so they might be the one who on it and left it running till this morning and never close the windows too. i told him its ok. just fixed the current problem now.
so i called my friend to explain and tried to calm down the whole situation. and guessed what " mr.x , my guy will go down now and get it fixed for u. i told him the battery has to be done by him." and he replied "precisely"(STILL SCREAMING). " I DUN NEED YOUR CONTRACTOR TO COME DOWN AND PUT THE BATTERIES. HOW CAN U GUYS DO SUCH A THING. SO IRRESPONSIBLE." and then I quickly replied " no lah. mr x, its in their contract. i already told him off. he will have to do it for u" and then "ok" and he hang up.2nd time rude.... and did i tell u i hate ppl who hang up on my without saying bye bye? dare u try it and u will know what u get from me in future...*evil grin*
then i went off to site, thinking all should be settled once my contractor goes down. and who knows when i was crossing the road, he called again and SCREAMED (3rd time) "WHAT TIME YOUR CONTRACTOR COMING LATER? WHAT TIME? ( i thought he said no need to come liao just now) DO U KNOW TT NONE OF THE REMOTE CONTROL HAS BATTERY?? HOW CAN YOUR GUYS DO SUCH A THING. WHO IS GG TO PAY FOR THE ELECTRICAL BILLS? U KNOW I AM PAYING FOR IT?" then i went ( i also buay siong liao lor. u think only u can have temper meh? but i still kept my cool) " mr. x, my contractor said tt when he left yesterday. he indeed has switch off all the air con units. but there was still a grp of workers working in your office. we cannot deny the fact that the air cons would have been switch on by the workers and then forgot to off them rite?" this made him quiet for awhile but he still goes on with "precisely. think also know." (HELLO??? i wonder why is he still angry. already said who knows it was the other grp of contractors who switch them on and forgot to off it why blame it on my contractor??) anyway since he already buay siong liao. he went "so the exit light one when do?" and i told him "monday, 2 pm. coz he not available tomolo." then he went screaming "I DUN CARE YOU GUYS WANT TO FIND A CHEAP CONTRACTOR OR WHAT. BUT AT LEAST FIND SOMEONE RESPONSIBLE. AND NOT ON MY EXPENSES. I HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU THINGS NEED TO BE DONE URGENTLY. BUT ITS TAKING SO LONG TO GET THINGS DONE." so i just kept quiet and then i went " mr x, do rest assured. this contractor is not the lowest contractor. the landlord has to make sure tt they are good before awarding the job to them." (tts why took so long rite? if its just any tom, dick, harry. u think need a week meh?) but he just hang up on me!! bloody hell........FINE!! KNN lor.......have u ever spare a thought for me? all these waiting games are not within my control. look for the landlord lor......i also trying my very best to accomodate your requests. and why dun u go find out did tt grp of workers on the air con and forgot to switch it off when they left, instead of putting the bloody blame on me and my guys.......sickening toad.
and then i got to foot $40 from my own pocket for the batteries ok........damn it!! this is consider small case, the big case is, the contractor told me tt he could not find the spare parts to fix the leakage.....so i am gg to have a hell of a time again!!!! i tell u lor, i have a hunch that the contractor just want to take his money and run........who needs to see his face for a living......he doesn't lor. he has other air con businesses to do. but poor me!! i have to lor......coz i working for the landlord and that friend is landlord client.......sigh........
throw letter throw letter........get away from all these shit......not even my own shit lor
went to watch BEOWULF tonight with dear........
hm.....how should i rate it?? i almost want to ZZzzzzzzzzzzz somewhere out there......its a bit draggy....i buay ta han......but coz suddenly it became exciting again then i sat up straight and watch it.....then Zzzzzzzzzzzzz and then sat up straight again.....hehehe
ok lah, buay pai lah....can watch lah......go watch go watch......handsome men and hot babe lor.....angelina jolie.....read the papers and said tt when she was filming this movie, she was already preggie lor......so u can see how advance the technology is....coz in the movie, she is as slim as ever.......pretty pretty and seductive too lor......
the ending, i abit cannot catch it though.....so did he or did he not........hm.......perhaps u go watch it and let me know.....=P
VaLiD rEaSoN??
Yesterday I read the cleo mag, and came across this title
"is there ever a valid reason to cheat on ur partner?"
my first answer was "NO" how can u cheat rite?
no matter what the circumstances is nobody is supposed to cheat on their partners.
Then I think think think...what is consider as cheat?? Big cheat or small cheat? Coz I do believe everyone of us actually do says a LITTLE WHITE LIES sometime rite.......lolz
I asked dear the same qn and his reply is "YES"
and my very natural reaction is "HOW DARE U CHEAT ON ME???!!?? U CHEATER!!" hahaha.... =P
stated also in the mag by cheating ur partner, u r being disrespectful to partner..........
So any rite and wrong answer??
cUsToMeR SeRvIcE
went for my hair cut after work today
went to those neighbour salon.....becoz when i reached dear's place, no one was at home so i took the opportunity to go have my hair cut
i walked up and down the shops afew times before i decided which of the 2 salons i should enter. i chose the one with younger stylists and also becoz they have 2 staff rather than 1 at the other salon. i was told to wait awhile coz both were doing their finishing touches to the hair they cutting.
then this woman came in....she said "huh? got to wait huh?"......i was like "??? u think what? ur grandpa's shop?" anyway, the stylist with the shorter hair went "ya" and then the customer like buay siong like tt walk ard the salon. then the short hair stylist finished her original cut and after sending the guy away, told the woman to sit down......bloody hell!! i was like?? hey i came in before her...wtf!! then i was ll lor. what can i do rite? she was quite nice lah, told me to "wait a while. very fast one". anyway the focus is on tt woman customer lor. she requested to look at books to see which style to cut. she asked for short hair one. i was like " what?? u mean u want to cut short hair but no idea what style u want?" really waste time lor....at least have something in the mind then come mah, really waste time lor. then the stylist told her tt her hair got natural curls so not all hair styles in the book suit her. and u know what she said "then u should show me books tt have style tt are suitable for me. like this, see already all u say not suitable for me" then i was like *piss off* "who u think u r? if u damn bloody yaya kalapa, go to find david gan lah. at orchard road dun come to HDB"...abit too much lor...only tt stylist got the mood and good temper to entertain her.....
then they were like sitting there discussing which style to cut. and i was already half way thru getting my hair done lor. mine was very simple instruction " 2 inches all over".....hahaha......anyway, back to the auntie, so she no die heart she continued "so how? which style u think suits me? u mean i got to rebond my hair then can cut the styles i want? no rebond hair no nice? but if i do rebond can only last me 6 months then do for wat?" auntie!!!! permed hair also can last 6 months or so lor....but ppl still perm...so whats the big deal.....just rebond again lor.....afterall dun forget u have natural curls lor..tts the big head pain abt natural curls...then the stylist went "u want sure can cut one only thing is tt the effect is not the same as what u see in the book lor." then auntie went " then how? so now cut or dun cut?".......CB lor, its ur hair lor, u want to cut then cut dun want then dun cut lor......ah chee ah choy......no wonder i cannot be customer service officer.....sure scold the ppl liao....tts why i cannot go into FM or MA.......
anyway, when i left, the stylist has started to cut her mane liao...so whats the end results......i no chance to see......
but by then, i have made up my mind to leave co liao......coz it rainned today!! u must be wondering why rite? coz last nite, i told upstairs if today rain, i will tender, if sunny, i will stay on...and it rained..its a sign.......said me childish or supertitious, all up to u......but i know upstairs sending me signals lor. dun forget i has a dream tt i will not like my new job before.....its written in the blog.......the job scope i dun like......hahaha.....anyway, not just becoz of rain, coz i saw the conversation b/w auntie and stylist and i am very sure i will vomit blood if co asked me to go into MA....coz i will be so hot and quick temper...buay ta han.......
btw, i have already trasferred all my stuff back into my thumbdrive, including email addresses and also typed my R letter......hehehe...suk kee rite......all in a day's work......
wish me luck on FRIDAY!! best if hdp will ring ring ring again this week for the other post....... =))
as i was saying we went to venture into other reserviors rite? actually, its not really a reservoir lor, coz one side is reservior the other side is SEA!!!!!yayaya....dun worry no sharks no crocodile......only have SOON HOCK.......so we caught many many soon hock no more sheng yu lor.....
this new place..well......ok lah....but hor, i dun really fancy lor, basically becoz i kana bitten by lots of dun know what? mosquitoes? i also dun know is it or not? but damn bloody itchy lor....buay ta han.....kept scratching them.......legs and hands and even my neck kana lor.....think must wear long pants and long sleeves liao......dun play play......even after bathing, its still damn bloody itchy.......
dear asked me today " u always no bring magazine or things to do, u not boring to just sit there and see me fish meh?"...well, frankly speaking this is nothing lor....i used to sit thru numerous and countless MJ sessions, gambling sessions, billard sessions, bowling session, soccer matches....this is nothing compared to those....except this activity is under the hot sun lor....but dun worry, as long as i have my sun block with me.....what also can..... and as long as there are activites happening ard us, i will keep myself occupy by HUNK watching........lolz......
and hor, i tell u, dear's home now have 3 fish tanks......one for the big sheng yu, one for ling shao and another soon hock and many many snails....and one for kou zhong and another tiny soon hock.......why we separated ling shao and kou zhong? well, coz ling shao keeps picking a fight with kou zhong and injuried him badly on the fins so dear said must separate them if not kou zhong will die......well, i reminded him, in the show, kou zhong die wat......so big deal????!!??
6 soon hock today..... all will go into the stomach not into the fish tank
forgot to take pics of the snails.....btw, dear already ate one of them coz it mati tt fateful day....so it was being cooked together with the soup......poor snail..... =P but i took a pic of armour having his dinner.......hungry dog..... =)) didn't even noticed me....or should i say, he simply cannot be bothered with me...kekeke

hehehe.......anyway, i was staring aimlessly at dear's room just now while he is busy playing his pc game and and decided to blog abt the stuff which i bought for him through out year 2007.........
btw, i am multi tasking now while writing this lor. me mending my top and my pants.....a task which i have put off for many weeks........hehehe....so bear with me for awhile if i got miss out some stuff to write on here and there.........
bought from mini toons......for christmas 2006
valentine's day..there's a braclet ard the bear's neck...got engrave his and my name lor
so now u must be wondering what did he got for me on these 2 occassion rite? well, the answer is NOTHING!!!! dun faint dun faint yet.......we went to korea remember?? yr 2006 december??!! it was an expenses all paid trip.....actually, supposed to be lor, but end of the trip, i changed back the won to sing currency and returned the money to him and also gave him my US dollars too!! why? well, if u could remember clearly, something happened last yr......anyway, honey told me not to remember tt unhappy incident...let it go let it go.....coz things are working out now!! *cross fingers lor*
as for VD, well, he brought me out for dinner the day before VD lor....we went to the jap rest at suntec's fountain of wealth....and i tell u lor, ITS EXPENSIVE AND NOT WORTH IT!!! not nice to eat one lor....swenson would have been a better choice or even the chong ching hot pot lor.... i can't remember the name of the jap rest, but i remembered its at a corner one. we were the 1st customer tt nite lor.....horrible, terrible....yuckable.......not gg back again......NEVER

bought this from action city...this blue fellow will walk a few steps and then goes " i love u"
this little blue fellow was "introduced" to me by wl.....she said its very cute. i bought her a monkey one... but she said she wanted the fellow one. i told her i will get the fellow one and exchange it with her then. but i told her i like the monkey one lor.....in the end, we no exchange, she took the monkey one...it was sort of a farewell gift from me to her....she really helped me alot when i was in cpg.....she is GREAT!! =)) and pls lor, we only friends lor, dun think off track ok....not les lor....we both like MEN!!!
anyway, i find tt its cute too lor.....so decided to buy it for dear....no occasion for this gift just buy...u know rite, u never need a reason to buy someone u treasured or cared for a gift rite? so dear, where's my gift?? *still waiting, neck growing longer lor*
actually, i forgotten to mention abt the hk trip.....but its not a surprised thingy lor....coz i requested for it.....hehehe...but at least dear has the heart lah....it was only after i logged off last nite, while lying on my bed then i remembered "hey! i forgot dear paid for the HK trip lor"...credits go to him...even though i got pay him back with whatever i brought along lor. but confirmed the air tixs were sponsored by him....lalala
familar?? these were given to guests who attended wy and wyman's wedding lor
actually, each guest supposed to have one doll each lor, happened tt our table got 2 "missing guests" tts why i got to have a pair lor......i put at at dear's place but no idea where to display it yet....maybe next to our pic? what say u? i remembered dear said something like should have given a pair to the guest not just one, not very nice lor....but hey!! got budget lor...lolz...... next time u marry u will know dear....now too early to comment......
anyway, then my birthday lor... know rite? i got a bouquet of flowers, dinner and a $500 present lor. in the end, i told dear to pay for my new samsung hdp lor....so he gave me $300 in cash....muahaha.....later part i got a bit regret lor, should have told him to sponsor the digi cam instead.....coz its $399 lor......i will not "vomit too much blood" lor...... muahaha...anyway, thoughts tt count.....
then now its dear's bird day........he said he dun want anything....so how? i also dun know what to buy for him... but i told him at least a dinner lor.....he told me to get him the "hua cha"....sigh....where to find.....they told me taka basement and ps have lor.....need to go check it out one fine day.....
by the way, it was YC's birthday last friday......i smsed him in china and wished him HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....he smsed me to tell me tt he is still using the hankie and t-shirt which i bought him.....hankie yes, but t-shirt? i abit old liao, cannot really remember.....anyway then i asked him so many yrs liao, hankie and t shirt still in good condition? i doubt so lor. and he replied t shirt got torn a bit and old lor but can still wear....... hm......dun really remember lor..... but really am touched lor.....he will be a silly guy if he is still waiting like what jane said.....i told jane, YC once told me tt he has a gf but tt gf of his stepped 2 ships, so he let it go......currently i not sure he got any one he fancy, but i doubt he is still waiting, coz he has no action....and YC, u r a very good friend....... =)) really....sincerely from the bottom of my heart.......who could be so nice to coach u, lend u tutorials to copy and did all the dissertation model ( i tell u lor, i dun need to lift a finger to do anything complicated).......i am so the very touched.....guess some credits got to be go to him and also to my hardwork and some "tian fen" lor..... =)) whatever it is, all the best to u, YC!!
So GoOd So EnVy
stephy has stopped work officially yesterday!!! she gg to pop out junior goh soon.......so lucky.....i also want to stop work lor......but not to pop out anything ok......just tt its a total mis-match of job......and to make matter worst, i received my confirmation letter today!!!!! and i almost freak out!!! suddenly all plans like kana washed away and i quickly messaged honey.......then i opened up the letter and luckily the content showed "with effect from 20th nov" tt means i still have time.....but haven really decide to go or to stay
to stay i will have income but i got NOTHING TO DO (which i dun like. will bored myself to death). to go.....well, no income lor, but i will have things to do coz i will be busy looking out for jobs.......hehehe
hm......what should i do...........*scratch head*
and i also envy tt zhuang went to BALI over the weekend and PH lor.......sun and beach.....awwwwww......r&r ..............wweeeee............
and yesterday, the guys got a gathering. but xiong informed me so last min. i woke up at 11am and when my eyes fully opened at 1130am was told tt the gathering at his place has CRAB!! wa lao!!! so sad lor.......the gathering was at 12pm so how to make it and i already made appt with dear to go fishing at a new venue......we are venturing to other reserviors!! hahaha......fishy business do big liao........
and hor, on wed, me went dinner with al, angela and wy lor. wy broke the news to news to us!! she is almost 3 months preggie!! hahaha......al still asked her "ur wedding dinner only on sept leh. how come so fast 3 months?" hehehe...the bb was made after they ROM lor.....at THE ORIENTAL......wonder will the bb be named "oriental"?? hm.....ideal rite? so now wy no can change job which she wanted to after her wedding, she will have to stay on till she pops out her bb.......but its a bit too fast rite to pop out one afterall, they haven really start their "er ren si jie"....but ok lah, as long as they ok...uncle wanted to start a family asap.....probably becoz he himself is an only child tts why...... =)) happy for her lor
then suddenly, all asked me "so when ur turn?" actually i also dun know when my turn.......so how u expect me to reply? so i decided to use what carina used when the reporters asked her "so when u and tony gg to get marry?" and the reply is something like this "i am ready. only waiting for him to propose. why dun u guys go ask him (referring to tony ok). i am sure he will be able to give u guys a very favourable answer." see......artist is artist.....reply also so artistic.... so i will use tt to reply in future......actually hor, i prefer to use "i am thinking of how to propose to him. must be something memorable and romantic. cannot so "cao cao liao si" so must think hard. tts why still not yet the right time. ".......also suk kee rite? afterall the idea was given by al when she asked derrick "u waiting for sy to propose to u huh?"........hahaha *faint* she always so direct and have funny and crazy ideas....... =))
on a brighter side, my hdp did ring ring ring on wed.....hehehe.......cross fingers ok.....and i got another one this morning, it was from another agency.......she told me the job wasn't suitable for me and do i want to consider gg for a qs post instead. i told her NO!! i am trying to get out why want me back in......sigh.....anyway, i want to know why not suitable as i read the job scope and find tt it suits me very well..."in house project management" so practically i will be doing things tt i am doing currently lor.......no big deal. which also includes gg to site......but she claimed tt not suitable for me as i dun have interior background so i cannot liaise with the contractors......fine.....then no business for u too!!!
just for laff!!
which is more talkative bread or kopi? (have u heard this one?)
and the answer is.....*drum rolls*
bread ....must be wondering why rite?
coz bread "talk" and kopi "tiam"......got it.........hahaha
actually the breadtalk i am sure many got it (i am one of the "clever" one lor)....kopi tiam needs a few more mins.......i didn't get it but dear, as usual, so smart....so he got both answers.......
lame rite? but what the heck at least it was "FUNNY".....
surprised!! the little one was still sleeping when her mama left for the airport
so she no cry
obviosuly she is getting used to FAREWELLS.......and also can't be bother....hahaha
anyway, today sian sian
coz raining lor
wet day
some more hdp no ring, tts explained why............ =((
anyway, last sunday we went fishing rite?
and then hor, i saw a couple taking their wedding photos at UPPER SELETAR RESERVIOR!!!
omg!! who will want to go there and take wedding pics!!
nothing nice lor
and moreover its evening time, should go to the usual spots, like fullerton, changi, laboraro park (how to spell), sentosa, bintan, batam...u know......but reservior!!! omg
then dear said "well, who cares as long as the photos turn out nice. maybe next time we should have ours taken here too?" i was like "rolled eyes" why here? nothing nice...then i kept quiet......
then he continued " who knows the couple knows each other here. thats why they come here lor." then i ws very cheeky, i went "yayaya. u so smart. the girl came with her bf to fish and the guy came with his friends. then hor, they shocked each other and now getting married." *faint*.....then dear looked at me "the girl came with bf and the guy with his friends, then can shock each other?" then i went "ya" then he went "u still dun get it?" hahaha.......dear of course i get it lor. how could i not get it. the message so loud and clear......i was just pulling ur leg lor
anyway, then i went "well, the girl came with her bf to fish. then she bored. and the guy came with his friends to fish. he also bored. so the 2 bored person got together and talk and then hit it off and get married lor. " then dear went "ok. u go talk to that uncle over there. go shock him, then we can pop champagne later"......hahaha......FINALLY!! dear got it too!! i was just pulling his leg all these while...........
RaInIng CaTs AnD dOgS
heavy downpour day before.... dear's house carpark was FLOODED!!
i was asking him "how come the carpark just upgraded but still flood until like this?" he replied "always like this one." then i said "huh? how can? upgrade liao still like this? waste money lor." then he said "like this one lah. they do for the sake of doing but no solve the problem" then i went "should we complain....?" *evil grin* then next moment, u see the 2 of us.....snapping away.......hahaha....crazy couple.......
cannot really see, but i tell u, the drains are flooded to the brim.......
water as high as the kerb......not exaggerating lor....
can see or not? no blind hor.....flooded lor....not joking ok
there is a drain opening located there but still flood....obviously the opening of the drain not cater for such heavy downpour
u can see tt the water level has began to subside once the rain became smaller
see!! water level low low liao........can see grating liao... but frankly speaking, i am sure that whole of singapore was flooded yesterday.........coz even my place also got "ponding areas" lor...... =)) i think those at the lower part or at sloping areas will have flooding problems coz the water will be stagnant there if no place to flow to lor....
wonder who will be like us, busy snapping away and thinking really very hard who we should send our complain letters to even though we already know what causes the flood...........*hm.....pondering* hehehe
NoVemBeR baBiEs
by the way, she scored 67/70 for her chinese, 91.5/100 for her english and 96/100 for her maths lor.......she said she is top scorer in class AGAIN!!! hahaha...... =)) smart girl rite? well, credits must be given to her popo lor. it's her popo who coached her day and night and make sure she does all her homework and popo is also the one who checked all her work....way to go mum!! ur the BEST!!!
CaVaNa !!!!!

i had cavana's honey grilled chicken rice for lunchie yesterday!!!
got to say tt the chilli is GOOD!!! recommended!!
chicken rice is chicken rice, chilli is chilli,honey grilled chicken is honey grilled chicken......haha
and hor, they dun gives u potatoes or french fries lor, they gave u potato chips!!
and all these set me back by $6.90......or was it $5.90....hm.....
FlOwEr TeA
Guess what?? not chestnut lor.... =))guessed what did dear bought back from Vietnam???!!??
hehehe.....ya, i knew tt u also can guess correctly, coz the answer is in the title......
he was so excited abt it when he was trying to make me guessed what he bought.......
told me tt i will be very fascinated and impressed by it coz he was........then i asked him who else bought. he said only his ro and him. so i told him if CP no buys means this thing no good......then he said CP no buy coz he doesn't know how to appreciate such thingy. said tt CP only interested in buying pirated goods!! *faint* think he is "hua chi" lor......hahaha
just for ur general knowledge...do u know tt a 2 stars hotel over there is ma chiam their 5 stars over here!!!! and hor, they charged only S$17 per day/night!!! so F***ing cheap rite??? think must make a trip down one day.......but it has to be better than u know where lor....hehehe
ok, back to the flower tea. then we started with 2 seeds first.......
plan view (dear's flower tea)
plan view (mine)
elevation view (mine)
elevation view (dear's)then we got a bit excited. coz we dun know what will "pop"out from the seed.....and so we proceeded with the 3rd seed....
we tried the 3rd seed for his mama

then tried the 4th one for his dad......hahaha

we were all in the kitchen so fascinated by the flowers and busy boiling water when i suddenly noticed tt poor armour felt so neglected and must be wondering what the 3 of us are busy doing......hahaha