LiCeNsE tO wEd
won a pair of free tix to LICENSE TO WED from CLEO mag.......
so we went to PS and watch it
anyway, foc mah, good or not also like this. no lugi
anyway, we all should know the ending lah. definitely good ending lor. just tt how the couple went thru the course set by reverend frank before they can officially gets marry.......quite hilarious lah. the guy sitting beside was laffing until so bluff lor. quite irritating at times coz he sounded so bluff.......i saw the girl sitting beside him whack him once.....think she also find him too bluff......u must be wondering why must go thru the test, well, tts the job of reverend frank lor aka marriage counsellor. he helps couples to find out for themselves whether are they suitable for each other and make they realised tt marriage is not just a "ma siak" game.....its for a lifetime lor......suk kee rite......
btw, side track abit, just in case u r wondering, i am not getting marry ......or neither am i getting prepare to be marry off ok.......whats the hurry.......once bitten twice shy........
back to the movie, i think one of the best part is the main actor went to engrave the wordings on the ring. he wanted to engrave "never to part" but ended up with "never to Fart" OMG!!!! coz the sales saw the "P" looks like "F".......and despite asking 4 different ppl, all 4 claimed tt it was a "F"......lolz......NEVER TO FART.......sigh......why not just engrave "infinity" or "everlasting" or a simple "I LOVE U"........or maybe just maybe if the ring can have many words " ONE RING RULES THEM ALL"............hahaha =P good one rite??!!
wonder what will be engraved on our rings..............*hm...........*
another part was when the little fat boy suddenly pop out from no where and scared the couples. so the main actor said "Jesus.! u scared me." in which the little fat boy replied "Jesus didn't scare u. i scared u".......... =P lame rite? but funny lor..... u should see the little fat boy said it
anyway, becoz of this free movie, we brought forward the dinner gathering to yesterday. went to the Waraku at The Central.........yum yum.........too bad qi couldn't make it (we always like play MJ like tt, 4 short one 1) coz she was on request by approval no can go......was informed tt she got the approval ard 8 last nite......poor gal........always like this, where got life......and to think gahmen actually promote work-family policy. but always preach but no practise.......or maybe have practise lah. but only for the top management.....tts why the bitch can go home, go do hair, go do whatever, maybe even facial or a mani plus pedi and my poor dear friend and her co workers slog like hell in office and on stand by and end of the day guess who got the credit!!! u so smart of course the top management lor. unless of course problem cocks up, then do u know who got the "credit"??! ya, u are dam rite, my poor dear friend and her co workers who slogged so hard and on stand by got the "credit" lor.
that's life rite? always so unfair........
dear said he is chiam like heart attack like tt. cannot breathe.........
yeah, and u r rite. its my fault again. my fault for not allowing him to go gym......but but but.....i am very innocent lor.
i told him before i dun like "beefy" i dun wish tt he will trained until like one which he wants to(coz he always told me or he just pulling my leg) but i didn't forbade him to go gym for health reasons just dun train until too "beefy"' .
now he is claiming tt its all my fault for not allowing him to go gym......come on lor, he said "every sunday we go blading" then i said "ok then i go cycling" in the end, only went once with armour.....and tts it. comes every sunday is him sitting in front of his laptop...and now its my fault for his breathless......sigh...... =((
just want to put on records, i am not against "beefy" guys or what or want to say something bad about them, but hey, i have my own wants and dun wants rite? u know as in my own rights!!! hey come on lor, this is singapore, country of free*not really sure*
saw stephy's blog, "office politics"!! thought so poor thing to be involved in such thingy, u know how irritating and frustrating it could be to be caught in it. i have been in working for 11 yrs and never have i ever come across such thingy but i can understand stephy's plight. since started in this co, things have change. last time even if co has office politics, its so small or insignificant lor, won't affect anybody one....or even me.....this time round.....well, its so obivious tt some ppl are playing pranks in the office and hopefully old man will be "smart" and "alert" to know who's right and who's playing game. but cannot blame him lah, he so busy, in and out of the office in a flash.....but i also dun want to be scolded by him for no reason.....u know what i mean dun you. =))
dear and zhuang advised me to stay away from it and just do my own work. which i am doing now......keeping my mouth real shut this time.....not very good to be caught in such situation.....hopefully IT will go away soon......but i doubt it will lah, coz the person kana "played" is just sitting behind me........and so i think i will be drag into it sooner or later..........
god bless me....... =P
gOnE fIsHiNg
went fishing yesterday some where in mandai.........
not bad for a first timer (for me)......we caught practically NOTHING except for the guppies which we bought and eventually "fang sheng"...... =P
told dear next time we use his petrol pts to exchange for director's chair then we can choose our fishing spot if not got to sit at the benches there but no fish one. dear said home have. but he said we can pitch our tent then no need chair lor. anyway he said house already have. but we need 2 rite....cant be he sits on the chair and i sit on the grass...........dun laff, it might turn out like this lor.........=P at home, he sleeps on bed and me on the floor one lor. he said if he sleeps on the floor he will get back ache so he needs the bed.......OLD MAN!! can't blame him......tts why he claimed tt he always play games so tt i can have the bed........thanks dear........ =)) "xin ku ni le"
btw, we saw other "experts" who brought their own small fishes to catch bigger fishes........there is this uncle he brought 2 rods ok....dun play play. cast his first rod then the other and then back to his first and VIOLA!! there is a fish......."yuan ze shang kou".......i think he caught abt 4 fishes....big ones lor.....dear asked him what his uses for his bait. he told us small fishes or prawns.....but hor we saw him use the "big" fish lor. also dun want to tell us what type of fish he selfish........but must say he is good.......... =))
uncle's son was nearby learning his throwing skills.......then finally uncle allowed him to throw one of the fishing line and "thom" and next moment i saw a fish flew thru the air and into the water. and i exclaimed "wa!! he can do better than his papa leh.......should have let his throw mah" then dear told me "no lah, the fish came off from the hook and flew by itself into the water." then i went "oh oh! if i were the one, i will definitely kana whack and f*** by you from head to toe lor. said i wasted a fish. only want to play. ...blah blah blah"......(u know old man scolds very terrible and horrible one.) tt uncle so good. no scold his son" then dear looked at me......HELLO!!! tts what always happened lor, dun look at me like tt....only u scold me, i seldom scold u........e.g. play game, ur character "die" or lose, i the sinner, go HK 1st day no bring road map out, also me the sinner. as long as anything happened, me always the sinner.......u the god lor......pui pui pui......luckily u no get to read my blog, U JUST DUN GET IT!!! *na na na poo poo* hehehe and the most recent one was tt stupiak aircon outlet at passenger seat dun know why was faced downwards so keep blowing at my arm and leg so cold lor, so i shifted it back up and then i kana " WHO ASKED U TO TOUCH TT THING. PUT IT BACK." wtf!! so fierce for what? ur gf instructed u before tt the air con outlet cannot be shifted is it? must be at tt posiiton is it? so angry with me for what.......i wanted to cry liao so i put it back and then quietly let the cold air con blow at me until i gonna die from coldness and yesterday raining mah, so i very the cold so i asked him politely "why this air con outlet so special must blow downwards one huh?" bloody hell u know what he replied "ya lor. i want to ask u leh. why blow downwards one." still dare to raise his voice at me!! so i hot liao cannot ta han liao. used up all my vocab on him "@#$%^&*......u r the one who said cannot touch one lor. the other nite i wanted to shift it back who told me CANNOT TOUCH" then he went " u see all my positions are upwards one lor, how can this one be downwards must be u" Men!!! cannot make it i went " pls lor. it was already like this tt nite ok, i wanted to put it back and u scolded me. i also notice tt all facing upwards this one so speical. i thought ur gf dun allow u to shift the position tts why u scolded me when i shifted it tt nite. now i said i cold, can put it upwards u said i make one. i no tell lies one lor. this kind of things need to lie meh?" then he went " how i know. anyway dun want to argue with u" then i went " as if i want to. u started it. always scold me. i never scold u one lor. always raise voice at me. u r wrong in the first place still dare to talk loudly." then after awhile dear asked "u cold meh?" bloody hell!!! u dun know ur gf me, very easy cold one meh.......still blow at hands at time already caught in the rain lor, wet wet lor....of course cold lah..........stupiak man!! just dun get it..........
anyway, the stupiak person who sat in my dear's car during lunchie and adjusted the air con to blow downwards THANK YOU YOU HAR!!!!......
SiNfUl SeCrEt
MEIJI!!! heard of this brand?
choco?? they have many good tasting choco under their names
and the panda biscuit??
well, here, i will share with u guys out there a pc of sinful secret
every friday of the week, time between 12noon to 3pm, Meiji will have a warehouse sale......!! *jump for joy* =P and the location is 36 Quality what r u guys waiting for.....go go go!!
if u worked ard jurong or the west side, then u MUST go...... they sell the products at dirt cheap prices (tts what my coll told me lah) coz some of the products are "near" expiry dates so they need to get "rid" of the products. if throw away abit wasted rite? afterall its MEIJI lor....
go for the 12noon sales, as the saying goes "early birds catches the first worm". just like any other sales, u want the good stuff and the common sizes, well, u have to be one of the 1st if not u will get NOTHING........
all those sweet tooth out there........u know what to do on fri lunch time rite? =P
btw, i bought my hdp U600. cost me $298 for a 2yrs contract.......but the L760 (same function. tts what the salesman, JACK, told me) cost only $38 for a 2 yrs contract. why? coz its a joint promotion thingy b/w singtel and yellow pages.....and this model is only exclusively available in SINGTEL.......i asked to view both phones if possible to help me made up my mind, and the moment i hold the 2 models i knew which one i wanted liao.......coz U is definitely lightly than L...........and also slimmer..... hehehe
i took another phone for mama.....also a samsung M300. not bad u know...hehe......its small and compact and even though mama "scolded" me for wasting money, but when i told her the phone is FOC, she "arm choi" leh......and then when she found out tt the phone got colours and can take pic, she damn happy lor........the first thing she asked me is, how to take pic......wahaha.....maybe should take a pic of her together with chloe and then put it as a wallpaper.....but tt phone damn nice lor. i think WL will like it, coz she wants both the date and time to be on the screen and this hdp happened to have tt.......not like her previous samsung phone.....WL, if u r reading this, perhaps u want to consider M300 from samsung afterall its free.........and its damn small and compact lor. now i regretted giving to mama, should have kept it for my own use......but never mind lah, she my precious mama, as long as she happy, i will use her existing one, which is so basic, only can call in and out and sms....... =)) can see tt she damn envy with twinkle in her eyes when papa got his camera phone...but then again, no matter how advance the technology is, to the 2 old folks, it will be wasted lor........teach them now, next moment they forget liao. think must teach chloe then she can remind her gong gong and po po how to use tt function.......... =))
still chloe is the best...........=)) tt's my girl........
and another good pc of news!! i won a pair of tix for the movie "Licence to Wed".......not sure nice movie or not, but since its FOC why not.......just go and watch leh, whats more u expect rite? even got a free t-shirt, poster and the magnetic label.....can put on the fridge........wahahaha......think can go buy 4D liao. Let me STRIKE!! and can buy the Prada hdp liao......$1000 over plus.....heart pain cannot bring myself to do it.....even though last time, regardless of the price, as long as i fancy the phone, i will buy. this time round, i just couldn't bring myself to JUST DO IT!! its even more exp than the N95 lor, what is N95 compared to PRADA hdp........dear said if he strikes a BIG one, he might consider to get me tt phone.....heehee......hear already also sweet to the heart lor, thanks dear......thoughts tt count. btw, my birthday coming leh......pls dun "di gong" ok.........hahaha =P as if he can gets to see this.........
SaMe DrEaM
can u believe it!!!! or do u believe it??
few years back when i was still with u know who, i had this dream. i dreamt tt he brought me to this shopping centre and its damn huge lor. with many many small shops in this shopping centre. we we shopping for clothes. then he left me awhile and i shopped alone, then i saw someone like him with another cha bo and i quickly followed but i lost him coz i dun really know the way in the shopping centre. and when i finally found him, hm...should be them, i was very usual kicked and big fuss and hoo ha but that's it......and i woke up........
yesterday, i had the same old dream, same shopping centre, same many many small shops but this time, the male leading actor is u know who rite??? this time we were shopping for accessories, in particularly earrings.....then this man's hdp keeps ringing and he kept asnwering them. then i buay ta han. i asked him "can u pls concentrate in shopping with me afterall u brought me here" then he said his friend arranging for dinner with him. then i said ok lor. then at this shop, the hdp rang again, and tt cha bo told him tt she bought a new dress and asked him "whether the dress nice or not?" then he replied tt he will know nice or not tomolo when they meet lor. then he hang up. and told me with a smiling face ( i tell u the smile is sweet until the hear type lor) she told me she bought a new dress asked me nice or not. how i know nice or not rite, also never see. tomolo then i know when i meet up with her. bloody hell.........very unhappy i told him" she siao har? buy new dress also must tell u. why must tell u. who are u to her? nice or not nice also not ur business, tomolo cannot go."......then i woke up......
WTF!!! why this kind of dreeam.......the weird thing is tt its the same bloody, f***ing shopping center.............think its gg to over soon for us.......tts what dear said too.......he told me " i think its about time" and i guess so too.......these few days, he kept saying "seemed like we are really becoming incompatible. the gap is getting wider and wider".......think tts what the dream is telling me, we have a third party.......just like the previous one.......not tt i want to say what or do what. my dreams has never lied to me before.........
anyway, side track abit.......i just realised tt i got a coll who happened to be my poly classmate leh........hehehe.....only found out today. yesterday had lunch with her, but didn't notice its when i saw her name on the partition, i was like "huh? don't tell me its her?" but she looks so different now. exp she seemed to have gone smaller in size........but the way she talks and all, seemed like her. since she "pretend" she doesn't know me, i will too....why u may wonder.....well, becoz she and jerk are very good friends in poly. called each other "bro" and "sis" and i dun like her in poly......u asked me why, i dun remember liao...she just have a stuck up face.........i am not sure is she still in contact with him, but i am sure i didn't see her hdp no. or name in his hdp before. but got once, when he went clubbing, he told me tt he met her and the not sure did they follow up after tt........whatever it is, i hope not...........i dun wish to have any thing to do with this man again.......dun let him come back into my life to haunt me pls........god bless!!
bay bay told me today tt her 3rd bb is another girl!! said she was a bit disappointed and hopefully the doc scan wrongly.......but even if its a girl, she also will treat her like her other 2 previous........but i tell u lor, gender of bb its not us, not women's fault or should i say responsiblility.........gender of bb is men's dun feel bad.......anyway, can try for a 4th one......... =)) jia you jia you! bay bay said she already 36 for her 3rd bb....not gg to try for 4th bb so i asked bay bay for her she told me she met her hubby at 30, married at 31, first bb at 33, 2nd at 35 and 3rd at!!! fantastic rite........for me, i think i won't get a chance to get marry liao........i am even older than bay bay's married how to get myself married off.........sigh......think i am left on the shelf......not tt i am desperate or what.......but but but........who doesn't want to get marry off one day rite......anyway, no hurry no hurry.........once bitten twice shy.......must open eyes big big leh......dun play play.........hehehe
did i tell u tt i dropped my hdp on the office floor yesterday morning while retreiving pecky's email........well, it dropped and whole screen went blank and tts it!! hdp died!!! i am so the very sad and same time angry with clumsy and butter no hdp to trade in lor........cannot buy exp hdp liao. must buy something within budget liao.........damn i "stoled" mama's hdp ok lah, loan for 2 days.......will get one soon........weekend bah.....or maybe during office , pop by HELLO to buy one.........think i will also get a new hdp for mama, her nokia 2100 model very old liao lor......time to upgrade for her too. hoping to get a clam phone for her.......better lah. she dun know how to keypad lock and simple yet so complicated for her...........well, we shall see how it goes........
ThE sEcReT
this was the sms b/w dear and me today before lunch time. bloody hell. what secret, u know me very anxious one how to wait till tonight. anyway, maybe i not very keen to know what secret coz before long, it slipped off my mind maybe becoz i got work to do today, tts why....
anyway, 4 plus, another sms came in
me thinking bloody hell, just now already said cannot tell now still asked me. then i think think, is it dear wants to bring me go watched the secret by jay chou. then i played along, and viola!!! ya, he asked want to go watch the movie or not. of course i want lor.....ivan and amanda said nice so i want to go watch it. but before them, the papers already said nice lor. something like lakehouse......20 yrs different......quite nice lor......can watch, watchable. but i still dun know what so similar b/w jay and tt ger and ivan and amanda?? they got 20 yrs different? this one must ask ivan tomolo liao......*scratch head*
after movie, lets talk abt my first day of work
1st day. pc and whatever not up yet
so half day was reading manuals and sms-ing
then after lunch, pc up so i busy with sending emails and i tell u. here i get to msn chat lor.......hahaha =))
but i guessed eventually no time to chat liao better stick to my email chat better........
i am smacked at a corber of the office just sitting outside ceo's i can hear him talking unless he closes his door. can know his schedule too leh
he nice old man.....hopefully as time goes by, he is still like this
i lunchie with the hr manager, finance (vp), customer service officer and some HR and Accounts executives. nice bunch of ppl. realised tt the reasons we click is becoz we are all aunties..........hahaha.... of course not lah......we are all fairly new to the co. the oldest here is the accountant, she is here for 3 yrs. hr manager here for 1 yr and the other HR executive also here for 1 yr
hopefully can get to know more ppl but becoz i am smacked right in a corner its diff for me to venture to know more coll......really must think of a way....if not i will be very lonely.....maybe must slowly send emails out........u know, jokes, riddles or nice attachments......slowly lah. afterall only second day. if dun like then look for another job lor....
yesterday and today also nothing much to do. but the finance (VP) said tomolo let me do insurances. do what i also dun know. never do before. but since i want to get out of qs line, i am gamed to try all sort of stuff and then eventually see whether am i borned to be a qs or i can take up any challenge.......very seldom got such a chance to do PM work lor.......
wish me luck...... =)) jia you jia you
saw stephy's blog. she also got secret leh, secret of junior goh's ang mo name......wait lor. patiently wait till nov lor what to do........
side track abit......but not just for stephy's eyes, is also for all u who is reading this.....
actually i do agreed with hubby goh leh. "friend in deed is a friend in need" or is it "a friend in need is a friend in deed". no matter what happened, when friends in trouble we must go all out for them lor. cannot be small gas many yrs of friendship leh, not say put down means put down one. now u go show a bit bit concern, a listening ear or even a shoulder to cry on, it might mean the world to the person........i remembered many donkey years ago, when ping broke up with her then jerk bf (whoever u r, i am glad tt u dump her, coz u could be regretting now!! what a good gf/wife u have let go), one call and the 3 of us met up.....dun need to do anything, we just lend her a listening ear.......and viola!! before long, she is on her 2 feet again......and when i was down and i meant very down and low in my life, they were also there for me...not just them but my friends and family...finally after 2 yrs i think, i stood back up again.......true friends stood by u thru ups and stephy, the choice is urs.......go go tired one. for friends no tired. if u tried and no appreciation then u decide whether to let it go or not, coz this time, its not u who want to let it go, its her who made u want to let it go......she dun cherish then too bad....... =))
but i will always cherish u, my friends............... =)) steady bo?? steady bom pi pi ....... =P
4 BeAuTiEs
the long awaited pics of CPG's 4 great beauties.....finally, today Al send over the link and i copied the pics of the 4 of us for the rest, well, sorrie lor. i know u gals also beauties but we are the 4 great beauties of CPG lor........2 had left, remaining 2 still waiting for the BIG bonus and then give treats to the other 2.........*hurray*
Al wanted to do a candid shots, so we posed....
then we decided to do a decent one....and so we did....

Al thinks tt a candid one is funnier, and so we did a slightly candid and decent one....

Al said the more candid the better and so we tried...
the 4 of us really the "crazy" type.....frankly speaking WY is the mildest of us all, Angela is a bit reserved. Al can be "crazy" if she wants to and as for me, i am gamed for anything as long as the mood is right...... =)) can u imagine what the office will be like with the 4 of us "combined forces"......tell u, we are the nosiy bunch....actually me made the most noise, why? coz empty vessels made the most noise mah.....lolz.....AL is 1st class honours student ok.....dun play she got the most ink......then wy is the mild mild type, ah boy called her "barbie doll" and as for angela, coz she sits too far away from us so she "slow", cannot catch up with us....lolz....think the frequency not long enough for her
Moi's farewell...
As the saying goes, all good things will comes to an end, therefore, my journey with CPG ends here, time to say goodbye to my friends, my co-workers......till we meet again =))
aH mA's BiRtHdAy
happy birthday to my dearest ah ma!!
the one and only maternal ah ma who told my papa to "give me face dun cane her" when i failed my maths exam or test during my pri school days......those were the days......when i came home from school with my report card, my mama will quickly called my ah ma up and told her to help tell my papa not to cane me, coz if "dun know means dun know, cane already still won't know" ah ma will always call at the right time and moment and viola!! "spare the rod and spoil the child"....... =P but i no spoilt lor. me a QS leh.......hehehe still dealing with figures lor.....which means i am still good at my additions, subtraction, multiplication and "division"?? hm......seemed like my ang mo still no improvement. think will have to blog more and hopefully the ang mo will show some improvement.
anyway, believe it or not!!! all her children turned up full force lor........including the daughter and son in laws........then her grandchildren also showed up in full attendance except for my sista........and her one and only great grand child, which is my sista's we took the "quan jia fu"........think ah ma should be the happiest person on earth!!!
this yr no buffet. coz ah ma said "every year buffet. eat until sian" so what to do? ah ma woke up early and "to market to market to buy a fat pig....home again home again blah blah blah" ah ma went marketing at 7am this morning. and then after, came back and started to prepare the food, ALL BY HERSELF ok. dun play play..... she is the greatest mama and grandparent and great grandparent. i no speak hokkien, and she can fully understand what i want to say.......i really salute her and my broken hokkien in a mixture of chinese and ang mo!! and ah ma still knows what i talking.......*faint*....
we had bee hoon(cooked by jiu(4) mu(2)), rice, chicken, duck, fish, prawns, chicken wings, curry, satay, soup, veg......what else can we asked for. and ah ma also prepared popiah coz she scared the food which she prepared not ah ma, nothing to say lor, but we really wonder why our mama no inherit our ah ma's cooking skills leh.....*faint*......luckily we never inherit our mama's cooking skills....lolz....we dun cook......really pity the guys who will marry =))
ok time for update. update on my nieces and nephews......
Li Yen = currently "jobless" coz her papa went for the operation so she stayed home looked after him. and come sept she will go over to seattle for 3 months........not for work ok. she is gg over to meet a korean guy whom she met on the net and the 2 of them see whether can work out a r/s b.w them......have been chatting like for 1/2 yr before they decided to romantic yet so scary rite....who knows whether the guy real one or not....3 months leh....later go over and then no come back how??? everyday "kimchi kimchi kimchi" *rolled eyes*
Li Lin = her sista. currently working as a merchaniser with polo ralph. got staff discount leh. 20%........and she just called off her wedding with her beau. coz, well, u know, guys!! F***ing hell. "cannot keep birdie inside their pants" (stephy always say).......anyway, hehehe.....i also dun really know what happened. but i dun care, better to call off now than later after the wedding rite? anyway, quite young only. i think less than 24 coz her sista is only 26.......
Qing Xiang = just found out tt he is a property agent........with.....hehehe.......secret. no can tell. coz not sure he wants it to be published in my blog. anyway, he said his main focus is in commercial bldgs but he also do residential lah. so if u need any agent, look for him lor. let him have some business leh...coz according to my jiu(4) mu(2), he still haven cliche any deal yet.
Qing Yi = his bro. in u know lah. army boy. nothing much to say. still young lah
Qing Lin = their sista. studying in sec 3. jiu(4) mu(2) said after her Os, she might be gg to see how lah.....also still young.
Wei Liang = i think he should still be studying in poly or ite bah.....not very sure.
Yu Ying = his sista. this one confirmed still schooling
Yi Ting = i think she just graduated. so now working as what i dun know. but she brought her bf along just now. he looked so much younger than her. i thought its her bro leh......lovey dovey...ok lah, as long as the youngsters happy.....heard from my mama, the boy just came out from army so now schooling lor
Yi Chun = her sista. i think either she also graduated or still schooling. also brought her bf along. first time i saw her bf, i asked my mama, why he looked like ah beng. mama told me NUS grad leh....wa lao!! now i know why "never judge a book by its cover" who could have thought tt my dear also 1st class honours. or CP also a 1st class honours........really "dun judge a book by its cover" lor
then will be me and my sista. so u see, ah ma very fortunate. she has 11 grandchildren and 1 great granddaughter.........happy old woman liao.....who can ask for more..........perhaps pepsi?? lolz
DoN dOn DoN
coz Ivan and Amanda (IA students) said tt jay chou's "THE SECRET" is VERY nice, worth watching, me also want to go watched. its a bit like the LAKEHOUSE though but maybe got some difference somewhere. coz LAKEHOUSE and the korean one also the same wat. so why not give "THE SECRET" a chance lor.....afterall Ivan said the difference is not 20 yrs just few yrs.....
anyway, so we went to suntec to watch. why? becoz moi wants to eat "don don don, 1, 2, 3, we r kushin bo....blah blah blah" u know the rest rite *wink* but dun know why on the way to suntec, JAM JAM JAM..........traffic and human jam!!! wtf!! what is gg on? why is everybody gg to suntec?? so jam rite? never mind, then kana "scolding" " who wants to eat kushin bo? who wants to watch what "secret"?........hehehe......who? who? who?
anyway, me went to q and dear went to find a parking lot......i tell u lor even the q to the carpark also long long lor. so we have to proceed with PLAN B, which is why i went to q first while dear wait in his q to go down to the basement carpark just to find a lot.....
suprisingly, the q at kushin bo was real fast......even though the q seemed long, but its faster than u can say A to Z......*rolled eyes* when i first arrived, the waitress was asking " 2 ppl at outside?" i wanted to jump onto and grab it, afterall, the q was long wat. but the girl in front of the q said she dun mind and tts it. chance flown away. then a few mins later, "table for 2? outside." and this time i raised my hands, but the girl in front of me said "4. but i dun mind outside" so i lost again........anyway, at the count of 3, the waitress came and said " table for 2 but need to share?" so i of course said ok and the couple in front of me asked " share with who?" sigh......the girl behind them so pretty yet dun know share with who? *shake head* waitress smiled and pointed at me then the couple said "is the table inside? coz we only want inside" then the waitress smiled and said "yes inside just need to share." then the couple said "ok. share with her ok" share with me very throw face meh? chey!! anyway, can see they are nice "couples"....they only friends lor......i found out after sharing the table with them. coz the guy kept asking the girl abt her BF....but i tell u lor, the guy very sweet lor, he took food for the girl and even the drinks lor. he knew what the girl likes and wants to eat leh......but of course, the girl also got take food back to the table lor......
as for dear, well......he called when i just stepped into the rest. perfect timing......he said he go get the movie tix first.....yeah!! everything proceeding smoothly.......then i quickly went to grab my crab legs......yum yum. can't wait to sink my teeth into them......anyway, last nite the rate was $38.50 or was it $38.90?? hm.....anyway, close to $40 lah.... then dear called again"dun have the show u want?" WA LAO!! WHAT!! how could it be, i remembered seeing it in the papers this morning, then i total recalled. the last screening was at 7 plus......bloodly hell, i missed it! so no choice lor " ok lor. then dun watch" he came. sat down and we feasted on the 4 crab legs i took before he came. yummy yummy! =P
of course beside the crab legs we also ate others lor. like the paper steamboat, the tepanyaki, the handroll, the sushi, the sashmi, the looked like oyster thingy, desserts and fruits.......very full lor........but i still think i no eat the worth of $40 small eater but i just have the craving for the crab legs in total i ate 4 nia.....i think...
after dinner, we went jalang...coz only 9 plus.....went to the cinema see got what other movies to catch. ultimum bourne is at 11.50pm lor, dear said too late liao so we no watch. so i suggested to pop over to marina square try our luck if he really wants to watch tt movie.
so drove over. bloody hell!! 10 plus liao and the traffic still so crowded!! kana "scolding" again.....coz "why cannot just walked over to marina square why need to drive".who cares......after movie so late liao, u still want to walk back to suntec meh? must be crazy lor.......anyway, luckily his driving skills not bad so we managed to "cross over" safely from suntec to marina sqaure, parked the car, went up to 3rd storey and viola!! the show is at 12.20am!! 11.50pm one dun want, now go to watch 12.20am one......
anyway, we "loitered" ard the arcade lor. saw ppl playing the "san guo" game. take some card and slide on the board. so exciting at least to dear....i was busy watching ppl dancing on the dance machine. so suk kee....... then old man coughed. told him to go see doc, but dun want. belly good....i think sooner or later the lungs will be coughed out lor......just like tt stephen chow's movie. so we went to 7-11 bought drink and his cough sweets.
abt time liao, we went to watch movie......dun know why, after the movie runs for few mins, the guy beside me fell asleep. i kept hearing funny noises beside me, so i turned and looked!! wa lao!! sleeping again!! harry potter, also got ppl sleep, here, bourne also ppl sleep......and snored too!! wtf!!! $19 bucks leh.....want free aircon also dun like this waste money mah......anyway, i think his gf quite enjoyed the show coz she didn't wake him up..........thru out movie, old man coughed......hehehe......quite poor thing lah. but cannot help him. told him see doc he dun want then what can i do?
today ah ma's birthday. dear said he dun want to go. i said ok lor. rest at home. he said he go also nothing to do. as long as he happy can already lor. forced him to go, then one black face like last time tt one, then whats the pt. but come to think of it, last time tt one sure attend one. he really gives ah ma's face........ guessed hor, this time dear will kana ddt pts......
tomolo 1st day of exciting....same time, i also very scared. hopefully the colls, the ppl, the work, the clients, all nice nice.......everything smooth smooth.......hopefully my learning curve will also be a short one......but this time might take longer coz last time is qs change to easier for me to learn the ropes......this time is qs change to fmpm...whatever it is, wish me luck!!!
LaSt KaRaOkE
today was the pre-planned farewell dinner for the IA students.
went to this korean rest in mosque street
not bad actually, 14 of us, worked out to a total of $230 plus....
the food not bad lor, except tt most of the food is HOT AND SPICY, so i didn't eat much....the ginseng chicken soup was one of the non-spicy food but hor, the taste is damn bitter lor....not the same as the one i had in korea........
after the dinner, we proceeded with our second round. what else......KARAOKE Lor......hehehe
as usual, i listened and they sang......sang to their heart contend i hoped..... =))
dun know why, i had a feeling tt this will be the last time, we will get to see the IA students....i think it will be "out of sight, out of mind" kind of thingy liao.......afterall, they will get back to school, busy with school work, social life, personnal life and so on life, and we, will be busy with work, social life, personnal life, family life and whatever life.......sooner or later, we will all forget abt each other......
anyway, wishing all of u a better tomolo!! study hard!!......FOR THE FUTURE!!
anyway, back to the karaoke session. it was a 4-hr package at party world, so from 8.15pm tp 12.15am..... not sure abt them, but i damn tired lor, think later sure wake up late one......luckily told dear tt i will skip lunch at his place....coz i want to zzzzz longer lor.......hehehe.....he said he might go back office to work, so hardworking hor.......pui pui pui......well, sad to say, and its a fact, work is more impt lor. so nothing to say, jia you dear.....must be something impt and urgent if not he will not go back to work on a weekend one. so far, i think he only went back to work on a weekend .......let's see......i think once lor....hahaha coz tt time got dun know what tele conferencing........sounds very impt rite, but he said waste u know, if he doesn't get to play his pc game, what also waste time....lolz
BaD dReAm???
had a dream this morning? good or bad i have no idea yet
i dreamt tt i wasn't very happy at my new job place. i think its the work tt i no like. i am new to the scope but ppl expected miracles from me. so dun know what happened after tt, next scene i am back in my ex co. and the funny thing is tt the ppl there uses another type of "glasses" to look at " wa lao!! go out still come back? after the farewell treat and the gift, still dare to come back".... u know sneered at sad hor......then i woke up, hehehe......coz urgent need to go to the loo....... " loo loo, skip to my loo, loo loo, skip to my loo, loo loo skip to my loo, skip to my loo my darling"...... =P
HoW to CuT tHe CaKe??
My beloved niece asked me yesterday " yee yee, how to cut this oval cake into 8 slices with just 3 cuts?" wa lao!! how could i know???!!?? my mama huh, good recommendation leh........just woke up, eyes and brain not "opened" yet and was being bombed by such an IQ qn......
so as usual, me sat there and cracked my brains......left brain crack finished crack right brain. both cracked liao, still no answers, i only got 6 slices with 3 cuts.......*scratch head* this is a primary 2 maths test qn ok......who the hell set such a difficult would the kids know.....
anyway, since my beloved very good at maths, i decided to let him solved the mystery for me......BAD MOVE!!! as usual, he is so damn bloody smart, within sec, the answer came " 2 vertical cuts and 1 horizontal" .....* srcatch head* isn't this my answer, but i got 6 slices only mah.....smses ding dong here and ding dong there......finally, i decided to give up and told beloved to get back to work, i solved myself.......but i knew tt he will call coz.....telepathy mah.....sure enough, within secs, hdp ring ring ring...................
"hello. how do u normally cut a cake to get 4 pcs?" i replied " one horizontal and one vertical lor. 4 pcs lor." then he asked again" is tt how u cut a cake?" wa lao!! i thought everybody cut cake like this......regardless of how many pcs u want, just cut horizontal and vertical. u want 2 slices, just cut half, want 4 slices, cut one vertical and horizontal, want 6 just cut another vertical long as form a "X' on the cake, how many slices u want also can wat??!!?? * really scratch head this time"..."ok, if tts how u cut cake, then i got nothing to say, next time i buy u a cake and u cut like that." wa lao!! my fault?? i thought tts how u guys cut cake wat!! no meh? bloody hell!! anyway, normally, i dun cut cake lor, even if its my birthday, i will have the first cut then subsequently its not by me liao.....some kind soul will cut the cake up for me to distribute. early in the morning, first thing leh, give me such a problem!!! anyway, "click" hdp put down. dun want to talk liao.....dun ever ask me to cut cake ok......pui pui pui
finally lunch time, came a sms " to make myself clearer. 2 cuts from the top and 1 from the side".......this one makes me lagi blur.........still the same mah. 2 vertical and 1 horizontal diff meh??
anyway, by evening time, when my beloved came fetched me, MYSTERY solved.......the 2 cuts from the top, is to make a "X" on the cake, the 1 cut from the side, is to slice the cake into halves (in the middle, slice across. as in layered the cake, u know tier???) then viola!! u got 8 pcs it got it? 4 on top layer and the other 4 on the bottom layer. see, told u my beloved very smart one......tts why i feel so stupiak and then the feeling of being so incompatible flowed into me once again.......... =((
but then again, stephy said, its always like this in the r/s, someone will lead the other will follow. if both also capable and smart, we will be always on the toes to outshine each other, then no ending one...... =)) is tt the case? but if 1 too smart and the other so stuipiak, won't it be tiring to substain the r/s......what if one fine day someone who is smart comes along, the smarter one will feel tt this smart 3rd party matches him better then what can the stupiak one do? cry in the room lor..... what else can stupiak do? sigh.......
ChOcO cOaTeD alMoNd
whoever bought tt box of choco coated almond with tt stupiak dates for dear.......THANK YOU
u know i dun like to eat tt, looks horrible(coz it looked like cockroach to me!!! at least to me), and i just dun like dates.........choco is choco, why coat it on other things........i dun like!!!
and u know dear, he wants u to eat means u got to eat!! WTF!! so i took a small bite and wtf!! bloody hell, "forced" the whole damn thing into my mouth, i also smart lor, i siam and then choco dropped on bed, and ALL HELL RISES!!!
said such good thing dun want to eat, whatz so diff to eat? not tt bad wat. HELLO!!!! i already said i DUN want to eat, u "forced" me to eat and now want to make a fuss..........i where wrong??? u tell me lor, i dun want to argue back doesn't mean i "lose" to u.......coz i thought u know the first place, i already said i dun want to eat and u knew too tt i dun like it. took a small bite to please u in the end, landed myself in shit!!!
whose fault!!! the stupiak person who bought the choco thingy lor. ok ok, i know u know tt dear likes to eat tt choco, so u bought it for him but please I DUN LIKE!!!!! argh.........
HK pics - PaRt TwO
here are the pics at THE PEAK.........
top of the building is the viewing gallery
shopping at THE PEAK
we went to mdm tussauds.......not very big actually, smaller than the one i went to in UK....but who cares, UK one dun have my "hubby"......... (guess who??)

at the lower peak tram terminus with Who else........JACKIE CHAN of course....
moi and andy lau

DOM with Ayumi *faint*

moi and "hubby", leon lai ( =P)

twins?? (vomit)

Look who's talking....
DAy OCEAN PARK........this was the only si bei SUNNY until cmi lor.......but i got take the ferris wheel ride with dear lor.......hahaha one of my "romantic" wish came true, too bad not in the nite if not lagi romantic leh......*so sweet*....i think i was too very the excited during the dolphines and sea lions show coz i was "screaming" and clapping until the auntie in front of us kept turning back and looked at me.......but who cares, she won't remember who i am coz i also cannot remember her.......
after ocean park, we went to ladies street.......many things to see, but we no buy anything except for 3 towels and a bag (all not my purchases.............lolz). went to fa yuen street too......bought greenies for armour.......HK$140 for 30 cheap.......

on ferris wheel....took so many pics and dear claimed this is the best of damn vain
(deleted the rest before i can see them)

An An and me

Day 4........i very tired liao, so no plan where to go but since haven go to temple street, it was one of our destination........but i dun remember before there where did we go......i think we were walking ard our areas........walked past museum of science, but thur not open so no can go in and look see look see, coz it was raining.......then i think we just roam ard our area and then we WALKED to temple street...........suk kee rite.........i read map ok..........hahaha.....still cannot find the way.........luckily dear knows the it was raining the stalls at temple street not yet open, so we searched for the foot reflex........(as mentioned in my previous post if u paid attention)
day 5 which is also our last day, morning was raining but we didn't want to "white white" waste one day. so i suggested to go to wan chai and see the golden bauhuinia sqaure, it is here tt HK is returned to china...............after tt we went for our breakfast cum lunch and tt is when the "TROPICAL CYCLONE NO. 8, pls all GO HOME........GO GO GO" sigh.........i got the "heads" pic here, u see for chiam like every morning in singapore, ppl taking the train to work. no need to walk in or out of the train, ppl behind u will push u in/out..........lolz
see the dark clouds and that is the 7-11 umbrella we bought on our 2nd day

Tts all folks!!!
we took the MTR back to our hotel, collected our luaggages and then took the free shuttle bus, K5 back to the airport express and then to airport then stationed ourselves at the kris flyer lounge and then when its time, we boarded the plane and on our way back to home sweet home......... =))
anyway, here i want to thank my dear for making this trip come true.........thanks for booking and making arrangement for the air tix and the hotel accomodation and bringing me ard....... =)) but i also did my part lor, i planned the programmes okie....... =))
HK pics - PaRt One
today i got the memory card from dear
so i will try my very best to narrate to u all my 5days4 nights trip to HK.......this will probably be the longest post, so u have to bear with me to read from top to end
trip from 5th Aug to 10th Aug. Journey begins at 2pm ( coz tts the time we met at the airport) to 11.58pm (coz tts the time we arrived back in singapore)
tell u lor, 1st time in my life, i took BUSINESS CLASS.......and if u asked me what's the diff. well, the diff is the stewardess/steward addresses u by ur surname......."Mr. xxx, Ms. xxx". u have SPECIAL attention and services too. first thing, they bring everybody a glass of orange juice or champange or u can order whatever shit u want. if u can name it, they have it..... =))
next they asked u whether u want any papers.....and they are always smiling at u.....must be damn tired lor.......then the food came...........i tell u lor...its so different from the economy class......economy class, one tray served all the food but in business class, well......the dishes come one by one.......first the appetizer then they asked u "Ms. xxx do u want any wine or champange to go with the appetizer?" still smiling i tell u......then they cleared the plate and served the bread.......wa lao!! 101 type of bread lor. and u get to choose.........ok ok, maybe exaggerate liao, no 1o1 lah, but in economy u where can get to choose ............they give u what, u eat what........ then they cleared the plate and here comes the main dish, then they asked u again for the BEVERAGE.......and still smiling lor.....then they cleared the plate and here comes the desserts........mixed fruits with cheese or just fruit.......i tell u lor, u get to have a banana or a apple or pear or whatever they have in the basket........but in economy, well.....its only slices of fruit.....then they cleared and here comes the chocolates............and then "coffee or tea, Ms xxx"
omg!!! i sound so mountain turtle rite.........but but but......its my first time ride in business class..........!!! so memorable........even the tv and the seat is so much better, i can really lay way down in my seat and have a good sleep.........i told mama the ear piece also bigger than economy class.......should have took some pics to show, but then later ppl said i cukoo leh........ =P
anyway, since no pics to show, i won't elaborate too much on business class........but i tell u lor, mama said its the amt of $$ u paid.....every single cent of it......even the luaggages come first on the converyor belt lor........u got PRIORITY........
we reached HK at ard 7 plus. dear used his very frequent cantonese and purchase 2 types of ma chiam ez link card for our airport express trip to take the K5 mini bus (free shuttle bus) and also the 5 day MTR card for both the MTR and buses........ * so very the impressed*
anyway, we left the airport on the MTR and then arrived at the airport express station and took the K5 mini bus to our hotel....RAMADA Hotel at TSIM SHA TSUI (TST)...... dear said he booked 3 hotels but only RAMADA confirmed us.....lucky got hotel.......coz on our last day, got this tourist sitting at our hotel lobby caling hotels to make booking.......but seemed like all hotel fully booked........poor thing.. such a big risk they took
after checking in, we rested for awhile and then we went exploring the areas near our place. found a restaurant and ate our dinner i had porridge and dear had his mixed beef noodle......(u know all the spare parts which u can think of) btw, we stayed on the 18th floor, (non-smoking section are all situation at the top levels) room 1808.........go buy 4D ok....strike liao dun forget us......hehehe....the room is quite small.......but who cares coz we will be spending most of the time outdoor than indoor rite. as long as it is clean and sleep-able and bath-able and poo-able, i am fine with it...........
next morning, woke up at abt 9 plus, and started our journey in HK. 1st stop LANTAU ISLAND.........went to Po Lin Monastery, see the gaint buddha and had veg meal and even went to the wisdom path and called it a day at Tai O fishing village.......too bad the cable car not working if not can take cable car at Ngong Ping 360 to the Ngong in the end we took bus in..........
gaint buddha at Po Lin

wisdom path

These are what is "imprint" onto the wooden planks

Tai O fishing village
Dun see every pic so sunny ok, its was raining.....rain stop rain stop.......buay ta before we embarked on our 2nd day programme.......we went to buy an umbrella from 7-11 1st thing in the morning.... *faint*
2nd day, as it was still raining, we went to places near TST, wanted to go to granville road which is just behind our hotel for shopping but i tell u lor 11 plus and the shops are not opened!!! NOT EVEN ONE ok........*faint* so we proceeded to Avenue of stars and clock tower........nothing special here, except for the bruce lee statue lor......but as it was RAINING so cannot take much pics so we went into the shopping centre and had MAC.........ya, not dim sum or ding mee....but MAC....... as u can see from the pics, one moment cloudy and wet, the next moment SUNNY.......bloody hell.....mess up my hair..... hmph

Avenue of Stars........(the stars are on the floor...hehe)
clock tower
as it was quite sunny after clock tower, we decided to proceed to next destination at REPULSE BAY..........also nothing much to see except for bikini cladded sweet young things and 2 10m tall statues of chinese deities. then we took a mini bus over to stanley market. ma chiam like those shops at bugis village minus the air con....from stanley market we walked to stanley plaza took a bus to peak tram terminus to go to THE PEAK.........and then after THE PEAK we walked to lan kwai fong, but i was really very very tired liao, legs almost giving up on me, so i decided to give SOHO a miss.........
actually i wanted to buy an earring from a stall at stanley market, but hor i find tt HK$45 a bit steep so in the end i cut love no buy. but when i saw something similar near our hotel, and it was selling at HK$89, i almost wanted to whack myself........bloody hell......

10m chinese deities

DOM took bikini cladded sweet young things at repulse bay

some buildings at repulse bay. imagine staying near the beach.....

entrance of stanley market
will end this post here.........see next post for the remaining pics.........
LaSt PiC........
as u can see from the title, this is the last pic we took........IA's students last day with us and the photo which ah boy promised few weeks back and didn't deliver till NOW!!
anyway thanks =)) told me tt the delay was due to his thesis.......ah boy busy with thesis....
and u can see the lady in green........well, she is IMY........sorry no front view pic.......will just have to make do...
i just realised tt i didn't save the pics of the 4 beauties!!! OMG!!! and i have none to show u until AL is free to organise her pics and send to us.........our D&D pics, angela's farewell, lay guan's farewell and most impt MY FAREWELL....... =P
me and ah boy
hApPy MaRrIaGe
saw this in the taiwan programme while in hk
how to maintain a happy marriage..........believe it or not........ =))
1) dun have 2 separate single beds combined as one. get ONE big bed.
2) the entrance door cannot directly face the toilet door. slightly away can BUT cannot directly face to face. if really bo pian then do a "blockage", separator.......
3) three doors in the house cannot form the chinese character "ping" which means 2 doors facing directly to each other and another door in the middle. means 3 "kou". (currently my house got "ping" character.
4) use ONE big blanket, if possible. if not use separate ones also can but MUST be in same design and colours. even if u prefer a different colours, the colours must "match".....i forgot which colour doesnt match with which colour. so to save the trouble just use ONE big one ok......
5) dun sleep on separate bed........this is esp for those couple with kids. normally the mama will want to sleep with the kids, dun want the kids to sleep alone in another room so the papa, sleep on floor lor.......this is TABOO........dun do it........die die also let the kids sleep themselves ok......taboo taboo
6) dun sleep in separate room......this is the same for couple with kids.......coz papa need to work hard for the family, so the mama and kids sleep in master bedroom and papa, well in the spare room and ho say liao lor......TABOO.......dun do it.......
7) the house best in "fixed" shapes, like square, rectangle, etc. but dun have odd shape a set back a cut off a corner.......
tts all folks!!!!
oh ya, and i remembered one more while on my way to facial just now, so to add on to the above list..
8) the position of the bed cannot be one side against the wall, and the other is away from the way (which is what my room is now lor). bed must be position in the MIDDLE so tt both sides also can get off the bed.....smooth smooth...... got it??
and Uncle Mut, whoever u r, thanks for reading my blog. but sorry to say, i cannot remember the name of the show. i only remember the starting got one pink pig jumping on the screen.....its a taiwanese talk show if u said tt u stayed in taiwan, well, u should be able to SPOT it one day......we were like switching channels and came across this programme......i am so sorry......but thanks for reading my blog..... =))
TrOpIcAl CyClOnE nO. 8
I AM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
hehehe =))
midnight flight back home.........home sweet home........
after my washing, throwing away stuff which i dun want to wash(lazy lor), here i am sitting in front of the lap top and typing away..............but frankly speaking, i didn't bring much stuff over......6 tops, 2 bttms, 3 pairs of socks, 5 sets of inner beauty, and most impt of all, I DIDN'T BUY ANYTHING...........lolz.........*rolled eyes* summer sales and no buy anything.......told u, me not a shopper.........didn't even buy my shoes .......
overall the trip was fun except for the weather.........wet season......kept raining. luckily the day i chose to go ocean park(wednesday) was si bei sunny lor..... other days it was wet wet and wet........we brought an umbrella at 7-11 and it costed us $10 over bucks for one F***ing Umbrella............
luckily, the iternary i planned was ok...managed to visit all the places of interest eg. lantau island, ocean park, the peak, stanley market, temple street, women's street, lan kwai fan, ave of stars, golden bauhina....actually went to most of the places except for disney, causeway bay and the wong ta sin temple........realised tt dear cannot ta han visiting too many places in one day........must go to one place and stay there whole day then he no complained. but we stayed at ocean park whole day, he complained "everywhere need to q"..........hello??!!?? really cannot satisfy him leh.......luckily no go disney if not how? he sure faint......we even went for a foot reflex, coz was raining and most of the stalls at temple street not open yet and moreover we were also tired after 3 days of walking so we found a foot reflex shop at ground level( coz dear said if the shops at 1st level onwards, we might be treated as "carrot head" so better be safe than sorry). it only cost us HK$99/50mins/person.......which is equalivent to less than S$20 cheap cheap........
learnt to read maps...coz most of the time, we walked. we walked from women's street at mongkok to temple street at jordan and from tsim sha shui we walked to temple's street.....we were like walking everyday.......but u know me, reading map is like ...........i dun know, i just dun recognise them. i bet they also dun know me.........hehehe.......but dear "forced" me to read the map, said i must learn cannot always rely on him........but i told him, i planned the programmes, he must lead the way..........lolz.......should have told him, "reading map to me is like him playing suduko".....he also just dun get it!!! hahaha!! anyway, i still not very good at reading the map though, but i learnt how to take the MTR........go to which station to change to which station and also exit from which exit...........its not tt very difficult lah. they can have exit A but exit A got maybe 1 to u must find the correct one..........
will upload pics when i get my hands on the memory card....... =))
didn't get to meet honey.....coz she was waiting for me and i was waiting for in the end, we no meet, and i didn't get to give her the little gift which i brought along for her. and i tell u lor, i think dear especially brought a shirt along to meet her........collar with sleeves one lor.....not t-shirt ok......and he no chance to wear it to meet her......hahaha .....sorry honey.......only i get to see..... =p anyway, tts my own assumption, will need dear to re-confirm, maybe i got the wron assumption........but too bad, coz dear has no access to my blog.....unless he managed to find it by chance......
i no get to eat my dim sum, my ting mee, my yuan yang, my egg tart, my everything.......... =((...........but i got to eat the mantis (la liu prawns) at temple street..........YUMMY!!! but i must comment tt dear really went all out to look for the food for me..but we just dun know where to find those in the end we ate ta bao (cha siew and roast pork rice)( somewhere at yau mei di), jap(mongkok), mac, before viewing ave of stars coz it was pouring (tsim sha shui) and coral de cafe (ta jia le) (near our place and at wan chai) and zi cha(temple street).... i am so the very the touched lor...... should have find out more from honey on where to find food!!
anyway, even though i no get to meet honey, guess who i met? i met TROPICAL CYCLONE NO. 8 on our last day.......we went to wanchai to see the golden bauhina........then the news came.........."3.30pm tropical cyclone no. 8....everybody to go home, go go go!!!!!!!" we were at the "coral de cafe" having our breakfast cum lunch........who cares abt the no. 8, afterall we were tourist.......hehehe. anyway, after the meal, i wanted to go over to johnston for some shopping but shops were closing and dear said its raining dun shop lah. so we headed back to the MTR........and boy oh boy!! HUMAN TRAFFIC........they just go go go..........push push push and rush rush rush.......we were diverted to use the exit 5C coz the 5A was way to pack...........anyway, all exits are jammed........ppl were rushing to go home......i really wonder why they so gan cheong? becoz they all got to go home earlier??? hm.........anyway there was no big wind except for the rain, but the rain was not like "cats and dogs" just normal rain.......
anyway, when we managed to go into the mtr, i thought all will be fine, but alas i was too naive.......the station was so packed..........we need to "q" to go by the gantry........anyway there was no "q".......everybody for his/her own........ anyway what's the pt of rushing.......even if u managed to go pass the gantry so what? u still need to q to enter the f***ing train lor.......hahaha
(we even took a pic of the many heads)......anyway we waited and waited for the crowd to get lesser but i tell u, its never ending......the crowd just got bigger and bigger........
ok, here comes the climate........we were "q"-ing to get into the train to go back to admiralty to change to tsim sha shui......this gal's hdp strap got caught by dear's watch. as it was crowded, i didn't let go of dear's hand, so i loosen the strap for her.......and dear told me " why dun u let go of my hand"............and then i just smiled at him.........." hello pig brain!! its crowded lor. what if i lose u".............sigh...........anyway, suddenly it hit on me, i am those ppl who will "no matter what happened, i will not let go of the other party's hand" so sad to think tt dear will let go of my hand........ok ok, i know what u want to say......its not tt bad lah. not very crowded wat........let go can still find and hold back one lor.......and so the saying " MEN ARE FROM MARS AND WOMEN FROM VENUS" coz we think differently......... watched shows also have lor, when at crowded places, u let go of the other party's hands "bye bye" lor.....see u in a few years later, and u with ur new found family and kids and me with my own family and kids......... =P
since he like this say, i very sad lor. so when the train came, ppl started to push coz they want to be on the train, to be on their way home, i didn't really grab dear's hand, i just "loosely" hold on to him. and when the ppl mad rush and started to push again, our hands "lost contact" and this time, dear was very quick. he quickly grab my hands tightly and pull me into the train ( hehehe.....heart sweet sweet liao lor =)) ) ......but i tell u lor, like what the station manager said "everybody wants to go home. but if we all let the passengers to alight first and then we board the train in orderly manner, in no time, all will be on their way home liao. and i tell u lor, no. 8, big rain or big wind was still ok except for the rain.
after all the pushing and mad rush, we managed to return to the hotel to grab our luggages and rushed to the airport.........but then where is the No. 8??? hehehe.......i think the ppl must be damn happy lor........all knocked off during office hours for NOTHING!!!! =)) dear said tt the person who reported the TROPICAL CYCLONE NO. 8 must have made a mistake becoz he didn't want to work today...........*rolled eyes*
ah BOY!! its been like 1 week, and where is our pic tt u promised?? i only saw the pics of u and the others but where is mine!!!!!!!! sigh.......r u trying ur ver best to prove to me tt "promises are meant to be broken".........sigh......i dun need u to prove tt to me, coz i already knew tt 8 years ago........just need ppl to show me tt u can deliver what u promised..........hmph!!
saw junior goh's pic.......boy oh boy!! so very the technology is so much advanced, got 3D pic leh....... can see the bb and even his pistol.......lolz......he dun looked big head to me though, looked normal to me lor.........tts why me not a gynae.......hehehe......
hErE wE cOmE
didn't sleep well yesterday.......hehehe
so excited abt the trip today!!
slept at ard 3am........coz i was too excited to sleep and at same time me trying to finish the vcd on "DICEY BUSINESS"
but alas, i didn't so here i am in front of the t bee and typing this and reading the papers, talking abt multi -tasking.........
Ah Boy!! remember what u PROMISED ok........these 2 days and i shall get the pics.......just post it in my blog and i will do the rest.......thanks...... =))
and pls........promises are made not to be broken so deliver what u promised ok...........
till then................
It'S oVeR..........
That's it! today is my last day of service........
bid farewell, announced the news to the team, did all i could.....
handed over to the new guy, not sure how much can he "absorb" but i have tried my best, afterall they didn't have more time for me to handover and i also dun want to extend my stay.....mio gg to Hk see my Honey....... =))
anyway, when morzi bid me farewell, dun know y, the look in her eyes so made me wanna cry..........
the team bought me lunchie and a watch (which i chose myself), Al, WY and Angela bought me a bag (small one, can go cheong with it), the T&C team bought me a bag and was told inside got an ang pao, shirley, anna, alicia, michele and kam eng bought me a bag (yes! 3 bags in all), a necklace and a hdp strap (coz it comes FOC with their purchase), yvonne and sew chen bought me a green necklace (more like a choker), eng bought me choco biscuit (YUMMY!!)
everybody LOVES moi............or is it just my thinking tt they loved moi?? hm........
sad to leave them, but moi is embarking on a new journey................ I WILL SURVIVE!!!
FiNaL cOuNtDoWn
Last IA student go, went and gone........... bye bye =))
sad to see them go, but but but, well, they need to go back to school....
anyway will have an outing with them on the 17th of still ok rite........
2 more days to go and moi is out of here.........
not tt i am dying to go but am looking forward to a break
a break after 11 yrs in this line and venturing into the unknown
will i like it there ??!!?? still a BIG qn mark.......but I WILL SURVIVE!!!! (i hope) *faint*
had my farewell lunch with my co-workers and then dinner with my lunch kakis.......
so now just waiting to go go go
today did a de-brief with the new guy. "dump" all my projects to him, but doubt he catches anything coz usually, u need hand on before u can find any problems........anyway, i won't be doing any payments liao........will pass it to the new guy to do......i have done the checking part, so he will have to follow up on it............