today moi very tired
actually me everyday also tired
but just dun know why eyes will auto pop open and then wide awake till alarm goes off........
these are gg to end soon.........I HOPE
the letter and copy are now lying on my desk, so its now or never!!!
boss won't be in till afternoon tomorrow, so morning, i will just rush rush rush my other work and then when he comes in, hehehe.......
anyway, i intend to throw after work.........lesser ppl ard and can have a chat if he is still in a mood to
me still feel bad........ =((
why like this..........
many thanks to my dear friends who dropped me emails and ENCOURAGES me!! thank you u all.......i will jia you de!!!
many many thanks to u out there for being so supportive when i needed it......but i definitely need more than support tomorrow. will be a "tough battle" to fight and to overcome my inner feelings. and esp since boss called me last nite and blasted off the phone. he might think tt i did it coz of his blasting off........sigh
everything just dun happened at the rite time.........but what to do? he sure will ask like the others previously "why want to leave? u found a job? why dun u stay till u find a job then?" then what do i say? " personal reason. but not becoz of ur blasting. trust me. believe it. i think i am not suitable for this post after i tried it. so taking a break first. dun want lah. stay on how to find job? will stay on and on and never to part liao" .........so drama hor me....who knows boss already expected it. so he just looked at me and stared hard into me and then blast off away.........sigh
dun worry, i dun feel bad or anything when boss called and scolded me. i am so immune.......wonder is it becoz i have "see far far" tt i can't even be bother tt i am being scolded and shouted at. hehehe. i only have many ???? floating ard my head. coz is it my fault?? no lor.....definitely not.........someone passed me the envelope containing the tickets and asked me to help her distribute them. i did it and boss flew off his top "why never consult me? why no informed me?" hello?? is it my responsibility to to it? i am just helping someone to do it. so now u know why i no angry, coz i simply bo chap.......lolz tts my working attitude now. very bad rite? how to move far and high.......will always stay in ground zero lor
sad tt i am gg to close a chapter here........sigh.......great place to work in, great environment, ok coll(s), actually the filipinos are very nice. and tt left hand woman seemed to open up to me liao and warming up to me too!! what can i say??!!? i am just so friendly and approachable.......i decided to "throw" her a birthday party before i go.....she is a mar bb........and just taking the opportunity to say farewell to them........now i am wondering should i stay on and just rot or WHAT!! i definitely cannot go back to be qs liao, i dun want to go back. then what can i do??!!?? sigh......maybe should just go along with my feel..........either into contracts or be a project executive......but definitely i want to be on the owner's side liao......definitely......... =))
my next chapter, stay home and rot.........hahaha =P think its so much better......
anyway, thanks u guys for all the support ya!! i will just have to do it tomorrow, whether i like it or not. throw already, talk if he wants to and then go home, enjoy my weekends......muahaha =P
dUn UnDeRsTaNd WhY
dun understand why i always have to pop open my eyes ard 6 plus and then eyes kept wide till my alarm rings at 730am. sigh.........
last time dun have lor, ever since is started work, my eyes will automatically popped open at 6 plus all the way till my alarm rings. and i am still tired lor. just can't get back to sleep.
so what i did this morning? as usual, i woke up, wash up, sees how my mama tried her ways to wake tt little rascal up. hehehe.......boy oh boy!! my mama really tried very hard and tt little one seemed to be pushing her luck each time, until i buay ta han and told her to "wake up and go go go".........
i sat in the kitchen and see them go thru the morning routine. the old one will asked her to hurry up brush teeth, change, do her amendments for her homework or learn spelling and then my mama will help her tie her hair. and then wear her tie for her then off she goes to wear her school shoes and then she will have 101 requests later on. example asked my mama to do this, do tt, cut this, cut tt, want to stay back in school, want to go to library after school. u know, all the bits and pcs here. not sure is she doing it to past time or she really wanted to do all these.
after all the morning hassle, mama will bring her down and off she goes to market or mama will comes home and take her power nap at the sofa. sigh......told her many times to go sleep in her room but she just dun listen. my mama very wei da rite? after her power nap, mama will go get breakfast for daddy who will wake up ard 11 plus.......hehehe........he is the lazy pig in our house beside sister.......=P
so u see, i have been waking up so early for the past 1 month plus and "doing" all these. i of course not sit there and see all these happening lah. i will read the papers while observing. see the news headlines and also go thru the classified section. =)) but till today no luck. anyway as i said before, i need to leave first before i can do anything coz the working hours here is till 630pm. very difficult to arrange for interviews.
i really hope i can get something i like. and dun bluff me anymore. if u employ me as A then let me do A and not employed as A but no do A but B, C and D. i know, i cannot have both the cake and icing and want all. i either have the cake and forgo the icing. it all comes with a price lor. tts all i can say.
i just have to say, i worked hard for every cent tt i earned. even though its not what i am employed to do. but i tried my best to learn and do it. but since it added no value and can go no where, and i have tried but dun seemed to "like" it then time to go and dun waste time. i really dun know what to say. but i know tt i just have to do it. no choice. whether ppl angry or mad with me, i still and have to do it.
so this morning, since i wide awake, guess what i did? hehehe........i typed my R letter. saved in thumbdrive and later gg to print it. either today or tomolo......target date is............. =))
wish me luck!! and all the luck tt u all can give!! =)) not just when throwing but also finding a new one..........
felt so guilty today
becoz i have more or less made up my fickled mind tt i am gg to leave
yes........again.........i am doing it again...... =((
not tt i want to, but as i was saying, tt nite while updating my resume, i realised tt i am not gg anywhere if i stay on in this job
true tt i like it, beside the location and work. but its not gg to bring me anywhere........
ok, back to the topic why i was feeling guilty.
coz i was happily doing my work, as usual.
and then suddenlty at 630pm, tt left hand woman wants to have a discussion with boss
and then i was asked to sit in
then she blah blah blah abt the campus project and then she said she has 101 things to do and NO TIME!!!
hello? who has time? i also no time lor
i no time to meet my dear, no time to take care of the little niece, no time for my family, no time for my personal stuff..........am i complaining??!!?? ok ok, i did complained.....so what? she is the workaholic type........she dun needs personal time, she just need time for work. anyway, tts beyond the story. the story is she yak abt she having to do the minutes. she yak abt doing the tabulation, she yaks abt doing this and tt. so boss helped her to delegate the work load and then ta da, out of the list, she only has to do 2 things and the rest is split b/w me and another drafter!!!! *faint*
which is fine with me, afterall i am leaving........hehehe
so i will just do it to the best of my ability even though, i know tt will not get past her.......hehehe
she will surely redo it to her own standard. so be it. so i will just do it my style and she go amend it to whatever way she wants.
boss also told her not to carry everything upon her. delegate!! tts the word he used but he and i knew very well tt she will not be able to do it. coz she PERFECTIONIST so everything must go thru her. but what to do?
anyway, at 730pm she left, leaving me and boss ard. i stayed on to clear the vietnam trip and then we had a small talk. i realied tt left hand woman told him many things. which is fine with me. coz she told me not to tell anyone but she went to tell him so now i better be careful. not to leak out too many things coz she might go and tell boss on what i has said. which is a no no.
boss told me tt she has no friends. and i am one of her few friends. so i should try to talk to her as much as i can and ask her to "kan kai yi dian". i already told her what i want to say on monday. its basic stuff, and i am sure everybody knows "co will not die without u. no one is indispensable. co can easily replace u. but the people who grieve for u and cry for u is ur family and friends" i dun think i need to elaborate much. its all for her to go graspe the jeez of it. how much she can understand from it, its all up to individual liao. afterall, she is a career minded lady not me!! hehehe =))
i asked her what she wants in life and where she hopes her career will lead her to. her reply is tt she is more of a career woman. dun wish to spend too much time with family. even having her boy. she said in fact she didn't plan for a baby. but i can tell u lor, the boy brought her many joys!! and i told her tt i am not career minded, i worked for money. =P
ok, one other thing tt shock me was, boss told her tt since she is busy, he will help talked to chairman to release her on the ad hoc project. actually, from wat i understand from boss is tt, she only needs to cut and paste from her one of her previous creations.........but from what i gathered from her, she needs to sit down, and come out with a new design for the project!!! see, can faint rite? chairman said one thing, she interpreted it into another. and boss shaked head. so i asked him "so just now u hit chest said u will tell chairman. now what u gg to tell chairman?" he told me "i will have to do it." i stared at him, so wei da..........
both of us know tt she something wrong somewhere. hehe......not crazy ok. just tt she takes her work too seriously and not flexible enough. my guess is if she wants to move further up, she has to change her way and her style.
he told me he is not trying to load me, just tt now the major thingy tt i am handing is the campus project so he "delegated" some of her work over to me to lighten her, if i cannot do it, then i must voice out. i told him ok.........tts when i felt guilty........i wanted to tell him there and then tt i dun like my job and i am quitting. but he is already so vex now, do i want to add on to it........sigh........so i think got to stick to original plan. in the meantime just do my work to the best of my ability and get paid for my hard work........ =))
i felt even guiltier when we were having small talks. sigh........he is "leaking" infor to me but to me, i am just absorbing like "who cares".........sigh........i really feel guilty and bad u know........its tt life??!!?? if i stay, where will i be heading to.........i also not sure myself.......stay and find out or just move on........tts the issue now. make my head big big
tts why i said i left the decision to UPSTAIRS as dear also has his fair share of headaches.......i also dun want to be add on my problem to dear's.........1 or 2 fishes??!!?? hehehe.......think u guys know the answer rite?? =P maybe someone may enlighten me further.........
2nd HaNd LaPpy

the cheapo yeeyee bought her little niece a 2nd hand lappy. hehehe =))
ITS A BIT SLOW but the little one just need to play game with it. she doesn't require any speed now lor.
yesterday was still ok when we were playing facebook. today, omg!! it was like taking ages to log in lor. dun know whats the problem. who cares.......hope it will last like what the salesman said lor.
this pc of crap set me back by $429 lor. $339 for the lappy and $30 for the motorola card for wireless network. can u see tt thingy next to the mouse........ =))
wait till her mama comes back, then get her the state of the art lappy. =))
time being, she just have to make do with what her yee yee can afford.
UnApPrEcIaTeD =((
"leaving my house now. want to buy lunch for u?"
"ok. anything."
so when someone tells u to buy ANYTHING what do u buy??? ANYTHING rite?
anyway, i wanted to ask him to specify what he wants. (coz i did it once before) u know him, so fussy with food. but since he said anything, so i took my initiative and bought "chap chye peng" for him.
it was a tie b/w chicken and fish. in the end, fish was the winner (many ppl were ordering it lor)
then since he no likes veg, i ordered the curry veg for him (thinking it is curry, so he should like it)
then the last dish i ordered was fried tou fu (coz i love to eat tou fu)
then when he first saw it. his response was:-
1) why no spoon (face blacken. i knew it immediately, he didn't like the food liao)
2) why u ordered fish ( i looked at him and shrugged my shoulders) my heart breaking
3) lose appetite liao. dun feel like eating...... my heart immediately broke into many thousand small pcs and i rebuted back "then dun eat" and he went "ok"
then i was fuming liao
i volunteered to buy food for him and even a bottle of coke lor coz his mama was overseas
then he said anything and just becoz i never ask, i get such treatment?
dun he ever appreciate anything?
so i just kept quiet and read my mag and he played his pc game
and he rather eats choco, fruits and drink water than eat the food i bought
=(( FINE....
then suddenly we heard someone shouting downstairs
"tabao wanton mee for me"
and then he said "hey i want too! let's ask him to ta bao for me too"
then i went "if u want wanton mee then why dun u tell me just now. i would have buy u wanton mee and not rice"
then he went "but just now i dun know what i want"
then i said "ya, so its my fault lor."
then he went "no lah. my fault"
now both face black black and engaging in war!!
when daddy woke up, he told daddy to eat the packet rice coz he doesn't want it
i wanted to tell him since he dun want to eat it then throw it away or let armour has it
he dun appreciate it, i am sure someone esle will
but i just kept quiet
coz i very heart break liao
even though i expected this but not to this extent!!
is it really MY FAULT??
CB man lor.....really made me want to cry
then ok, he still want to continue with "imagine i buy a packet of turtle soup for u and u better finish everything for me lor" then i went "sorry lor. in the first place i won't ask u to buy ANYTHING. i will specifiy." then he shut up!! really lor. imagine, if i really ask u to buy ANYTHING, i will still eat it lor. even if i dun finish all, i will still eat. why? simple. coz i am asking u a favour to buy for me. so i will eat whatever tt is convenient for u to buy for me lor. even if its turtle soup, at most i drink the soup and eat the rice lor. the meat maybe i will pinch some here and there but not all. at least the most basic courtesy, I APPRECIATE IT
damn f***er!!
anyway, u know him, he will always want to have the last words, so he went "next time i won't even ask u to buy lor." then i went "ya, i also dun want to buy".........silence........
now both very angry. and i still feels tt i have the all the rights and EVERY rights to be angry, definitely not him lor
guys out there, maybe u can enlighten me, when u guys said "ANYTHING" what is it tt u really want to eat!!!
so each of us on one side of the bed and fell asleep........ZZZzzzzzzzzzz not sure abt him but i did sleep lor. i think he was like 15 mins nap, woke up and played his game then nap for 15 mins and on and on. i finally woke up at 4 plus. he was still Zzzzzz and playing at the same time. i went to watch tv and abt 5 plus went back into the room. he too have woke up but he refused to talk to me. FINE!! small gas!!! but dear, really, if one day u happened to chance upon this entry of mine, pls pls pls, try to appreciate what others do for u.........whether u like it or not. at least say "thank you" and not break ppls' heart.
so finally ard 7 plus, he opened his golden mouth and talked to me. "let's go for dinner" "ok" then off we went........"where r we gg?" "dun know." and we drove for abt 1/2 hrs or so before reaching katong and has katong laksa and rojak for dinner.....yum yum =9 he still remembered tt i want to eat katong laksa lor. so is he implying tt he knows what i want to eat but i dun know what he wants.......
actually, u must be wondering why bother to be heart break rite? well, few donkey years back, it happened b/w sean and me. same thing. but i forgot what i bought for him. and he too flared up said i dun know what he wants to eat but he knows what i want to eat. who doesn't know what i like to eat. i always eat the same old thing. i am not fussy with food. but u guys are lor. tts why.....anyway, i really despised myself lor. last time like tt like this, now this one also like this and i never learnt to PAY ATTENTION..........bloody pork......serve me rite!! he has every rights to be angry with me......... =(( and i dun.........my conclusion....
L - ChAnGe ThE wOrLd
original plan was to go watch L on friday nite after work
i was whole PM out for meeting. only managed to get back to office at 730pm
dear was still in office though, so i was quite lucky
think he unlucky lor
anyway everybody in the office has almost left except for a few little kittens
all the big bosses have gone home liao, including my boss
so i can wait in the office "an xin-ly" for dear to come
actually PT was still ard coz left hand woman wants to speak to him
they arranged to have a private talk tts why PT stayed in office and waited for us to come back
to think he could have gone home early today and spend time with his family before he flies on monday to cheng du........
anyway, i also dun know how the talk ended. see she wants to tell me on monday or not
if not, i will just have to wait and see for myself lor
anyway, me and left hand woman had quite a long talk during our site visit
we made each other promised not to tell anyone of what we said.
anyway, mine is no secret lor, i want to leave!!! hahaha
hers are mostly secrets. but i already knew what she wants to do liao. to me, not secret. just confirmation from her nia. hehehe
anyway, back to my own story
dear finally smsed me and said he is leaving office liao
so i left office and went jalang, afterall i have no chance to go shopping in my office premises since i started work. always end up late at work and by the time i leave office i very xian to walk only want to go home for dinner asap and also most of shops are closing lor.
anyway, we decided to meet at the cinema area. when i reached there, i couldn't see him lor. i was wondering is it becoz long time no see him so i forgot how he looks like. suddenly i really saw an old man standing in the q leh and was telling myself "wa!! old man. so ugly". and it didn't occured to me once tt it was dear until i walked right up and looking ard then i realised it was HIM!! buay ta han lor. aged so much??? or maybe just tt i no see him for a long time!! this will be a secret b/w us ok. dun let him know. hehehe. who knows he also dun recognise me!! hehehe...but this is a bad sign i presumed. how can u dun recognise your own bf!!! wtf!! this is really BAD!!
anyway, the movie for 9 plus is selling fast and the next time slot is at 1205. so dear said we will have our dinner first then decide what to do. fine with me. so off to the food court. thats when dear started to pour out his woes to me.....hehehe "complain" abt his new job. well, he said it himself with higher pay, the co will expect more from u. and he can do it. he can take it. tt was when i started work and i complained to him. he said tt to me. but seemed like currently it didn't work on him
hehehe =P
anyway, after dinner, think he was really tired liao. so he said no movie and off we went home............to sleep..........he damn lazy lor. still said sat morning go fishing......sigh. really expect me to wake up at 7 plus and rush to meet him and fishing we shall all go........tired still fish??? should be sleeping lor.....cannot understand. but then again, its better this way lah, fishing is at activity which can take work out of his mind, just like being with him, i am happy and won't think of work.........hehehe
anyway, so change of plan lor, sat we went to watch the movie instead.
but before tt quite drama lor
u decide who is right and wrong
coz yesterday i THREW MY TEMPER!!! muahahha
yayaya, i know what u wondering, "u where got temper one?"
well, this is what happened........
we went fishing with his dad in the morning.
after fishing, we packed up and ready to go home, he passed me the car keys and i went to open the doors first
i pressed once "toot" and then put the key into the boot to open it. then we all heard "toot toot". then dear asked me "why did u lock it?" then i went "no. i only unlock. i pressed once." then he said "then why got 2 toots" then i said "i dun know, maybe someone pressed, but not me. " and then he asked "who?" then a man walked past and i said "maybe him. maybe not him. i dun know but definitely not me" then during this conversation, i was like raising my voice liao. coz i TL lor. i no pressed but he insisted tt i did.
then when we packed everything, we realised tt "yes i did pressed on the lock button coz the car doors were not unlock" bloody hell, so u knew what happened next lor........war of words exchanged between us.........he said "Still want to talk loudly when u did it?" then i buay siong liao. i replied "i talked loud is becoz i knew i didn't press it." then he said "if no press then why is it not unlock" then i went "i could have UNINTENTIONALLY pressed it. but i dun know. tts why i still talk loud" then he said "when u inserted the key into the boot, u must have press it lor. tts why we heard the "toot toot" and still dun want to admit." this is where i flared up liao. if u know me, i am the sort of ppl who will admit my mistakes if i really did it. so i went " i said i didn't press it means i didn;t press it. i could have unintentionally pressed it and i didn't know." then he went "still want to say tt man pressed it. u dun even know where he parked his car" then i had enough. i kept very quiet after tt. i refused to open my mouth and talk. so except for the radio playing in the car, there is absolutely no conversation.
when we reached home, i just went straight to the bed room, take the pillows and sleep. i think he went to bath and all. but i just dun care. u can do what u want. then he told me "daddy said in the fridge got orange juice. go get it youtself if u want to drink" but i still refuse to budge. coz just now at the fishing ground, the weather was so damn bloody hot. i was perspiring. first time, i couldn't take the heat. so i requested tt after fishing can we go get a cold drink. i need the cold drink to cool down the heat lor......really buay ta han. but since we were already home, i dun need the cold drink anymore mah. so i just continue to sleep.
anyway, when i woke up at 7 plus coming to 8. i saw him sleeping and playing his pc game at the same time. so i went to take my bath and change into new clothings. then i stayed in the hall and watched JAPAN HOUR and i was getting hungrier by the mins.....hehehe coz they were showing many delicious jap food. luckily, dear came out from the room and said let's go for dinner and then movie next. so i went to the room, packed my stuff and waited at the door for him. u know me, my temper very short one. once we got into the lift, we were on talking mode again. hehehe i really wonder who right and who wrong. for dear's temper, he could have ignored me. but he still make it a pt to talk to me.......=)) think i must control my temper leh....... =P
so who can enlighten me?? am i in the wrong? should i have just "admit" i did pressed the lock button. then no issue liao......but I REALLY DIDN'T KNOW TT I PRESS LOR.......i swear......pls enlighten =))
back to the movie.... i find it ok.
got funny parts. and heart touching parts
can watch lah
even though i did not watch part 1 and 2. this spin off not bad lor. can still catch balls......hehehe =)) watchable lah. go watch it........next show is MEET THE SPARTANS......next thur will start screening......hope we both have time to watch it. need some laughters in our hectic life!!
1 or 2 fIsHeS
went to watch L last nite
coz on friday, dear got to work late, so when he came by to meet me, i think he was too tired for anything esle....sigh
i thought i was in shit, well, he too was in one.
he told me he has been woring late since his day 1 (which is similar as me) hehehe........he currently was assigned 8 projects!! i just listened to him while having dinner. let him yak all he wants. think he wanted to vent out his steam, tts all.
i remembered when i told him tt i worked late very day during my 1st week too, he told me, tts work. all the same one. he said he will be different, coz he can take pressure and stress not like me. but i do admit i cannot take stress or pressure. i will crack under them. u can check it out with TL or HS. no joke lor. i can hardly perfomed under stress and pressure. i just want to cry....
dear mentioned tt he wonders should he throw in the white towel. but i do think tt dear can make it. just tt when we was in our ex co, we were all so slag. or perhaps i should put it this way. we were all doing what we have been doing all these while in our ex co. we are so used to such life. like for me, every morning, log on, clear emails, do measurement, VO evaluation, attend meetings, answer calls with contractors, consulants, sit there stare into pc, talk to coll, etc we knows what is expected from us. we know how to "siam" our way thru to end of the day. tts why now tt the work scope has increased slightly, changed a bit, we all could hardly breathe. but i didn't say much coz i see him like tt, i so sad lor. hang in there dear!! i know u can do it.
i just found out tt my boss lied to me during the interview. i always asked this qn during interview "is this post newly created or is it a replacement?" wondering why i asked ? so tt i can pop next qn like " how long did the current stay in this post and why he/she leave?" so tt one can gauage is this a good job or not. (if u agree with me) anyway, my boss told me confidentially "this is a newly created post" and so i believed him. as i said before, u dare to say, i dare to believe. i never lied during my interviews except for the jobs tt i have been employed previously. coz i have too many jobs liao so sometimes need to remove some unnessary ones......hehehe but for the most recent ones, i never lied lor. i showed all. really show hands lor. i very honest. its up to the employers to want to emply honest staff or liars......the ball is in their court not me. dun employ me, its their loss........ =)) anyway, boss lied...... =(( there were 3 before me.......
anyway, poor dear. to think i wanted to discuss with him what i wanted to do next in this job. i decided to leave it all to UPSTAIRS. afterall, he gotten me this job. =)) so what did i do?? while we were fishing yesterday, i told UPSTAIRS, if dear managed to put another fish into the bucket and made it 2 fishes, i will stay on. but if by end of the day only 1 fish is in the bucket, i will leave provided i got a new job....... =)) as easy as tt.
so end of the day, can u guess how many fishes were there?? =P
LiGhTnInG wEdDiNg
my cousin just called
30th March(SUNDAY) he is getting married!!
he is leaving for new jersey with his wife to be soon after the wedding
he is holding his ROM and wedding lunch JURONG COUNTRY CLUB!!
we just had our cousin gathering at shuk ling's house
and he and his then gf were telling us tt they will be leaving for new jersey some time this yr for work and then they planned to settle down there FOR GOOD!!! =))
so we asked him are they gg to get married first before gg over. and they said yes. so we asked how soon will they be leaving for new jersey and his gf replied "APRIL" we all fainted on the spot........APRIL leh, means few more months lor. so i went "so tts means next month u two will get marry lor?" and he replied "ok wat. nothing much. rom and then lunch. and then off we go." he so steady lor.... =))
and it just seemed like we were talking abt it yesterday and today it came true........ =))
anyway, am happy for them. they were uni schoolmate bah. met in some student club and then tts it!! the rest is history......so romantic hor. gg together to far far away land and work and be together.......would be tough at first but am sure they can work it out.
they will be studying in new jersey first then get a job and study part time while they continue with their research work......research what u may be wondering. research on CANCERs and AIDs........not to find the cure but why does it occur.......what causes it to happen.......chim rite......tts why he is always the brainy one among the 5 cousins....... =))
best wishes YL and Elaine....... =)) u have my heart felt blessings =P
YuAn XiAo JiE
today i managed to leave almost on the dot
7pm.... =P
not bad liao lor.
why the 1/2 hr delayed, coz we were all locked in!!!
the bloody automatic door just canoot response to the access card, so there was an 1/2 hr delayed
and do u know, today almost EVERYBODY leaves on the dot except the ppl in my team!! ya!! the crazy woman is still working when i left.......
looks like the ppl in office actually DO HAVE A LIFE!!! =P and they know when to leave on the dot and when to work hard and play........except for some though.......
anyway, am happy tt i am home EARLY
can't believe it!!
bath, wash hair, eat and rest
we had lo hei, porridge and bee hoon
i was so so full!!
was shouting "HUAT AH" when tossing the lo hei!! and i didn't even go buy the new year ang bao toto lor.. =)) anyway, i will HUAT in other areas. perhaps a better working environment!! better clients!! better collS!! better of everything!!! $$$$$ =))
tomolo another busy day
coz boss flying on sun and therefore mad rush again for booking of air tickets and hotel accomodation and i have site visits in the pm of the day....... so morning a lot of things to rush out for him before i leave for site visit.......anyway the site visit damn stupiak one lor. really!! i dun know why i was asked to go??!!?? for wtf i also dun know??!! i am not an arch lor, so why i bother to go see the architectural features of the building??!?? *scratch head* should just let me stay indoor and rot!!! i go out, then come back sure alot of stupiak things to clear one lor. sigh.....really!! they must think abt have a system for proper management
anyway, will try my best to handle the "mess" really no system. very terrible. everytime is fly on adhoc basics.......sigh, why they cannot plan early? i can understand sometimes its becoz last min arrangement. but then again, i found out tt the staffs dun want to fly on sun and wants to fly on mon and boss wants them to fly on sun. "go as a team".......can u believe it!! can choose one leh. to fly or not to fly....... and when to fly...*speechless*
just saw stephy's blog. she said tt she will be a laughing stock if ppl finds out from her resume tt she makes air tickets reservation and accomodation booking for her coll!!! so am i a laughing stock now??!!? =(( u know what? i was updating my resume yesterday and when i was prompt to write my current work scope/resposibilities, i was stumped for words!!! can you imagine tt. i was writing something like "drafting correspondence, organise meetings, writing of minutes, printing drawings and documents, running errands, documentation, maintain filing system..." and i was like!! WHAT!! so these are what i have been doing EVERYDAY!!!!! HIGH CLASS CLERK. so poor thing rite!! =(( it does not look too good to me!! what values have it added to my 11 yrs of exp as a qs!! i am not moving UP but sliding down!!! not even maintaining at same level.........omg!! no wonder so many ppl are telling me DUN WASTE TIME HERE!!! and i was like DEAF!!! but last nite, i WOKE UP...... and was thinking. i haven told dear abt this. think he will tell me tt work is like this. OT is a must nowadays. cannot run away one. so just do it. but the issue here now is not abt OT or no OT. its abt value added!!! am i learning things??!!
was just telling mum tt i am thinking of quitting. then mummy told me dun quit lah. afterall just join. just dun do OT lor. i also wish lor. but but but......sigh......anyway as discussed, will monitor and see how. i told mummy tt i can work OT on weekdays and only if its necessary but but but if they asked me back on weekends again (for nothing again. just becoz u dun type or just becoz chairman wants to speak to u or vet some stupiak letter), there is no U turn liao. mind will be make up!! hehehe
tell u something. i realised why XXX called me the other week and asked me down for a formal interview yesterday. coz today is the BIG DAY!! announcement of the award of the host country.... muahaha.....so that makes me wonder, if they dun get IT, does it mean tt i also won't get the job?? hm......*pondering* *in deep thoughts*
ToDaY iS.......
whats the occasion today?
anybody can tell me?
why is it tt cityhall mrt is packed with ppl!!!
and its only WED lor.....got what event? airshow? singpore flyer? dim sum dollies??
hm.......makes me wonder ...
and hor, VD is over rite? 1 week ago mah!! why is it tt i still see couples having flowers?? hm.......shortage of flowers on VD or cheapo? hm.......but guess as long as the one receiving the flowers is happy abt it, then so be it lor. dun want later ppl said me sour grapes leh, coz i no flowers!!
i saw stephy's VD flowers from her hubby.........very nice.........=)) i like the colours lor!! bright and sunny!! really can light up and brighten someone's day!! =))
been sourcing thru the papers and site recently......but nothing interest me!! omg!! anyway i think the job fair is coming, think i will go pop by and take a look bah (if i have the time)........actually, i quite scare to find job liao. kana cheated twice, i am giving up lor..... =((
whole day out for meeting today. when we got back to office at 6pm ( meeting started at 9am lor) i told them, i will leave office early today and go off after clearing emails........left at 7pm
sigh.....but i brought work back......hehehe. so what diff does it make.......
anyway, let the little one played with her fluffy in facebook. she is so happy!! i also wished everyday can come home ard this timing, check her homework and then let her play for 1/2hr......but tt is an ideal world, in the realistic world, u wait long long lor.....
anyway, tomolo is yuan xiao lor. means 15th day of cny, sad to say, end of the cny.......sigh.......hoping to come home on the dot tomorrow to lo hei with family........ =)) tomorrow by hook or by crook, i will just have to leave.......get a life lor ppl!!
looking forward to fri nite too!! might be meeting dear for a movie..........part 3 of death note.....hopefully MEET THE SPARSTAN will be screening soon...then can watch a bo liao show. need some entertainment in my life.......need to inject laughter in my life.....and then sat and sun, we have agreed to go fishing liao.......hehehe.......ya ya ya......its back to the old life again.....weekends are for fishing.......so u guys better dun ruin my weekends ok.......wake up ur idea!!!
PT is scheduled to leave on sun .......left hand woman is sad abt his departure from the team. she told me today she might asked for permission to be taken out from this project. whatever it is, pls do remember tt we are a team, so if u gets to be OUT, remember to let me tag along........ =)) yippeeee........let's cross our fingers now and pray really very hard, i will not get to take over PT's shitty projects and can get out of the shitty campus project!! yeah!! =)) god bless u and me!
PoOr MaNaGeMeNt
i wouldn't believe it!!
really cmi lor
yesterday i thought can go off early who knows i still went off at 745pm (and i was late for farewell dinner)
today i thought maybe got chance but bloody hell, just becoz of someone's poor management i get to leave office at 830pm!!!
i already said unpteem times!!!! i dun mind working late to finish off work but not do stupiak things!!
u know what happened? apparently, she did not informed her drafters to print the drawings for her to bring to the meeting tomorrow morning!!! and what happened? after the consultant meetings, i see her so poor thing, so i helped her lor. 20 sets of each!!!! bloody pork!! inside my heart i really scolding her lor. wtf is she doing!! and she still want to throw temper at the drafters for leaving without doing the work for her!! but she also never instruct them to do it in the 1st place!!! i really cannot believe it u know!!! *shake head*
she jolly well knows tt she need those 2 set of stuff for tomorrow meeting and the powerpoint too!! then why dun she just instruct them to print it for her first. really omg!! i really buay ta han such thing lor. must be organised!! i cannot stand ppl like this
she is also one of a kind lah. not a virgo but is such a perfectionist!! omg!! her dwgs or email never leaves her tables or her pc until the very last min and then she will just snap at ppl, ma chiam other's ppl fault!! if my temper not tt good, i could have a face off with her liao. so what if she is the left hand woman!! i still no give face lor. take today for example, early in the morning, as instructed by PT i forwarded her the set of meeting minutes for vetting. i specifically told her tt i will send it out in the morning and then asked the client to revert by 5pm so tt we can do the amendments and send out to the other ppl for tomorrow's meeting. and guess what time she returned me?? she returned to me just few sec before 1pm. and i got to rush it out and send it before 2pm and asked the client to revert by 5pm today. and when the client replied in her email she said "sy, but u r only giving me 3 hrs to read thru =(" i know its our fault. and we are also late liao. we have to send out agenda and minutes by monday actually. and u know what she told me" next time by hook or by crook, u got to send it out on fri. and get her to revert on monday so tt we can amend and send it out on same day. u must not let her have the chance to say tt we only giving her 3 hrs to read" and i was like omg!! u r the f***ing reason why this is delayed. u supposed to read it in the morning and i send it out and at least i can still ask her to revert by 5pm. and she messed up everything and now blame me!!! i can f***ing hell tell u tt i very the buay siong abt this. and u know what? JT knows the way she worked and yet let her be???!!?? omg!! i already voiced out my concerns to him. if she goes on like this, all the drafters under her or ppl working with her will leave. really cannot ta han. if she such a perfectionist and others are not, she will still expect ppl to work like her standard but SORRY LOR!! pls wake up ur idea, ppl can't do that. so u better lower ur expectations!! and becoz she keeps changing her designs and ask for amendments on slightest thing, the drafters have to work late with her and for her!! pls!!! GET A LIFE!! =((
btw, this evening, when PT told us tt he is assigned another project to go to china. she almost want to cry!! omg rite? to think she always at loggerhead with him, but when she heard tt pc of news, i can see tt her eyes turned teary immediately!!! so he lucky lor!! he got himself out of the stupiak campus shit!! and we are still stuck in it. worst i still got to work with her. not sure will there be a replacement for PT to comes in and guide us........but then, now i will have more problem. nobody to amend my draft minutes. omg!! now its 100% my own baby!! bloody hell!! and then now nobody to shield us, esp me!!! coz PT always do the "dirty" job and he allows me to do the easy ones......so i guessed now more will be expected from me. esp he told me tt chairman wants me to take over his other projects which he politely told him not to pass it to me coz i will be "eaten" by the tigers out there!! basically i also know tt it is a shitty job!! its in a big mess and i definitely dun want to get into another shit lor. sigh!! but if chairman insist tt i have to do it then how? can i insist tt i dun want to do the campus project???!!?? hehehe =P anyway, not a good idea, coz its like jumping from 1 shit to another.....muahahhaha.....think i under stress liao. too much stress too!!
zhuang emailed today
asking me what are we doing in the pics
for those who happened to chance upon the REAL photos of edison and gillian or edison and bobo chan, the 2 pics should look familar to u........
apparently she does not know of the drama lately b/w edison and his alleged affairs!!
the 7 poor actresses.......one got her marriage called off.......one even though still engaged to her fiance but now trying to salvage the ruined r/s, one marriage is on the rock.....sigh.....
the papers said tt its becoz edison's papa is in debts so the "er long" are taking revenge.......but on his son?? and the innocent women?? tts very unethical lor.......so unprofessional......sigh.....*shake head*
anyway, think zhuang must be thinking "why this sy so gila one? take such pics?" but i want to retatiate again lor i didn't want to take the pics it was dear's idea.....he the gila man not me......
sMaLl GaS??
tonight was farewell dinner with sister.
she is gg back to shanghai and coming back in mid june FOR GOOD!!
and we still haven lo hei lor
i actually wanted to buy the lo hei from sakae today after work
but then last min, tt bitch asked me to draft a letter which ended up as an email
bloody hell!!
really waste my time!!!
i left office at 7.45pm. sigh!! so i decided not to go and order the lo hei if not i will have to wait for another 20mins for them to prepare for the yu sheng lor. i am always so unpunctual the day i started working here
sigh......*pondering* really must think to stay on or what
if they still "eats into" my weekend, off i go.......really cannot ta han.....have been working late on weekdays liao. no can meet dear then still want my weekends......
i was just complaining to ST today
and he exclaimed "wow!! what a big outburst"
really lor, no can spend time with bf during weekends really piss me off.........
but he did tell me tt everywhere is the same, but then i dun care if bosses send emails to staff on weekends too!! as long as i dun need to work on weekends i am fine with it!!
anyway, side track abit
today on my way home, i overheard a conversation b/w this guy and his female coll ( i presumed)
anyway, he was saying tt vouchers are very practical things. he likes to receive vouchers. esp vouchers from NTUC!! and he claimed tt expired NTUC vouchers can be exchange for non-expired ones!!!! this one still need to be tested and proven lor......how can u exchange expired stuff for new ones?? hm..........maybe NTUC can.....ok, back on track, this guy said tt one particular VD, he went to buy a GUCCI wallet for his EX GF. he claimed tt he used HIS OWN MONEY to buy the wallet which set him back by $7oo plus. he said in april, he received some TAKA vouchers and he very "cake sim" lor. he said if the vouchers came earlier, he would not have to spend HIS OWN MONEY!! small gas??? i mean, when u buy stuff for ur loved ones, do u bother or think so much? u will just make purchase for the item rite? why in the hell, after u broke off, then u "cake sim" tt u spend your own money to buy gifts for ur partners??? i mean, then u must also be "cake sim" of the time, energy, tears, love, tt u injected into the failed r/s rite? *ponder* then what abt the money u spend when u go out jalang, the money spend on transport, food, drinks or maybe small purchases??? hm.......really shake head if i have a small gas bf......maybe i should posed this qn to dear ......hehehe what say u? =P
used to go gagaga over edison coz he is just so cool.......but now, everyday he and those starlets were on news headlines......see until i also sian lor... was wondering when the reporters, newspapers and mag will let them off......sigh..
i am not feeling sad for edison lor. i am feeling sad for those starlets. one of them is supposed to get married in april with her arch bf lor, and now the bf called off the wedding becoz of those nude photos being posted in the net
poor cecilia lor!! was reported tt her marriage with nicholas is in the red !!! omg!!
anyway, tt day dear and me was so bo liao (actually he was the one who suggested taking the photos and post it in the blog) tt we also took our own version lor......
apparently, we took many takes and was so frustrated. the fact was, i was the one who was frustrated maybe becoz i wasn't the one who wanted to take the photos lor. so bo liao and so tasteless. its either we couldn't get the right poise or the amt of head tt dear should be showing in the photo is not correct, so if u were wondering why the finger was shown, tt explained why.

So DrAmA
went back to work today
ya, just becoz some one does not do typing
i went in at 9am and left at 930am.
he has not even write or vet the stupiak thingy lor
so i refused to hang ard and do nothing, moreover no one was in the office yet except for me and another drafter.
i went to meet dear who was still sleeping
told me tt he lost $0.21 for mahjong session last nite with his ex coll!!!
can u imagine!! $0.21!!! wow!! tts like $0.01 per game
anyway, i had lunch with dear before he dropped me off at mrt where i made my way to city hall and back to office lor
the whole team was there!!! omg!! NO LIFE??!!??
and tt stupiak man has not even take a look at the minutes lor
really waste my time!!!
then he still has the cheek to ask me to get boss to vet
omg!! becoz boss no time, tts why he wants him to do it and now they taking me for a ride?
anyway, managed to finish the 3 minutes for them
and guess y i was asked to go back to office by boss??
coz i was required to FORMAT a letter for PT who was also called in to draft tt letter!!
omg!! i really speechless
anyway, i FORMATTED the draft letter for them and then send to chairman and guessed what???
we are required to go back tomolo to see him to go thru the draft together!!!
this bunch of office ppl really have no life!!
today also very drama lor
the bitch finally broke down and cried
not once but twice ok!!
once was when she and PT were having war of words. the 2nd time was when she asked JT abt the phasing issue..... =((
think she is really very stressed up
but as i said before, i cannot pity her, coz if i pity her who pity me!! i also have my share of stress but luckily dear is very understanding lor
tts why i quite pissed off when they called me in to work on weekends!! how could they??!!?? i already no see my dear on weekdays lor, weekends also want to take away
esp dear would wants to go fishing on weekends so how could they!!
really need to wake up their idea lor
they must think abt staff having family and loved ones to spend quality time with lor
i think they must set a rule tt no datelines on MONDAY!! so tt staff need not come back to office on weekends!! really this is not the way lor
staff needs to recharge their batteries, not worked till their last breath......really cmi *shake head*
AlL BuRnEd OuT
today was a busy day for me
also dun know why
mad rush lor
boss and coll flying next week, and its so sudden, so its a mad rush
book tickets, confirm tickets and this and tt. wtf!!
but end of the day, managed to clear the work
then tt stupiak right hand man, no time for me to go thru the minutes for his trip, told me to leave the hard copies on his desk so tt he can go thru. i said ok, but does he need the soft copies too for amendment. guess what? he replied "i dun typed. i write." so i went "orh" then he asked me "u coming in tomorrow?" i was like WTF!! tomolo is sat lor. dun touched my weekends ok. weekdays already worked very hard. weekends are for me to rest. then i said "ok. what time u coming in?" he said "10am. but he is bringing ah boy to raffles international. and then be back ard 12 noon," then i went "ok lor" so what he wants me to do? i go in and if he is not ready for me to type then whats the pt of me gg into the office. and mind u!! I AM NOT A TYPIST!! neither am i a HIGH CLASS TYPIST. really cannot make it lor. just type it will die meh? really dun understand such ppl. speechless.......so i am gg to waste my time to go back to office just to type his minutes. blooody pork.
and the best thing is, boss also asked me to go back but for what??? i also dun know
these ppl really can drives me up the wall lor!!
i haven told dear yet
not sure will he peng san or not
but still got to inform him lor. there goes my sat.......damn it!!
if its not becoz they are flying on sunday, i won't even be bothered lor
ok enough of tt stupiak hand
now we turn our attention to the bitch
we all had a busy day today
so end of the day at ard 730pm she came over to my place and almost wanted to CRY
ya, i not joking, her eyes were red and she sounded like she is gg to burst out any moment
i told her to get a hold of herself
take it easy
she said she is losing heart and interest in the work
dun understand why we are always rushing for time and meeting impossible datelines
she said she dun understand why the ext consultant can just go home like tt when the rest of them are rushing for dateline
well, boss already said tt she takes care of the design part, and he the paper part. so what more does she want?
and then again, he is ext consultant, he is a part timer, free lance, he still have other projects so he is also dead beat by end of the day lor
cannot blame him lor
cannot blame anyone
anyway, i was wondering why she is so worked up today
and then i think she finally told the truth. she has some tiny weeny problems with her hubby. she commented tt they argued everyday of her working late into the late.........sigh. and to think i thought her family is very supportive of her.......why bother to put on a strong front in the first place?? sigh......really am speechless lor...... i see her tonight, i also pityher. but if i pity her then who pity me?? sigh......the world is like this lor. never fair........u win some, u lose some.......
think she is all burnt out. i told her to give herself a break today. go home early. coz anyway tomolo and sunday are all burnt for her.
though i am also very busy like them everyday. rushing for dun know what? but i think my stress level not as high as theirs.......coz i am doing something outside qs work. more admin work. stress level is reduced tremedously. lets hope we keep the level low. as low as possible. dun want to end up like her one day. but at least one thing i know very clearly, i want my life!! I HAVE A LIFE!!! =))
esther was just telling me today (SMS actually), if i dun like the hours then maybe its time to seriously think abt changing job!! =)) i also want to change job lor. but but but, currently quite happy except for the hours. next change, i hope can be tai tai liao lor. hehehe. like stephy, popped out a cute little chubby bb and then stay home.....muahhahaha
its VD !!!
and guessed what?? no presents!!! no flowers!!! no nothing!!!
stephy had a breakfast with hubby goh
and i only had dinner with dear at 8 plus.......coz i got to work....ya!! work again!! pui pui pui
i am so busy everyday that i have no time to go get the present which i wanted to get for dear so he is gg to start work without my present....ya i know. it could just be an excuse, if i have the heart, i could have gone to buy it.
but imagine i worked till latest 8pm everyday. i am so shagged to go shopping after tt and mind u, most of the shops are closing lor. so whats there for me to shop???!??!! *shake head*
sad sad sad
he is now a principal engineer lor, so i wanted him to have the present. status elevated so i think the present will suit his newly acquired status very well........think will have to go shop one day for it.......can u guess what is it??
anyway, when i finally left the office at 715pm, i was so shocked that whole of marina sqaure were packed with COUPLES!!! bloody hell!! and i was rushing for time to go meet dear lor. and it was packed all the way from marina sqaure to city link to city hall mrt. the couples hor really take their own sweet time to stroll the malls.......i was like arghhh........ luckily dear was smart lor, he said dun go city area coz surely packed with ppl. and he was so damned rite!!! =))
anyway, he wanted to bring me go east coast hawker centre to eat lor. so in my mind, i was thinking of bbq chicken wings, satay, stingray, etc. then i tell u, it was jammed all the way to east coast lor. so dear changed the venue. he gave me 3 choices "balestier bak kut teh, geylang or back to his place's coffee shop" so i went but i want to eat bbq chicken!! hahaha......so he said ok we tried the lavendar foodcourt. and so end of the day we had beef kway teow soup and bbq chicken wings......... =)) tts my VD dinner........
ReN rI

this yr, dad's birthday happened to fall on ren ri too!!
so everybody was invited to our place for dinner
as it falls on a wed, i was quite worried tt i cannot make it back home on time for dinner, coz got one stupiak campus meeting...........i hate this campus!! pui
anyway, dear was so sweet lor, he came to fetch me and so we managed to reach home before 8pm. actually it was few mins before 8pm lor =)) so nice of all of them to wait.......hehehe
i went home empty handed as usual, but dear bought a bottle of wine for dad. i really have no time to buy ANYTHING. anyway, before that moi has given $X to mum to buy stuff for us lor. so i just take it tt all has been settled!! i mean the food dad bought tt night lor.
guessed what we had for dinner tt day? dear said tt it was the WORST dinner he ever had. he said he ate until he feels like puking lor....lolz......wonder does he know now why i always eat a little of everything? coz at home, from young, we were practically forced to eat "more, more more" eat until sian lor. tts why when i am outside, i just eat a little of everything. its a habit liao bah.
anyway, can u see the crabs on the dinner table? we also had prawns, fish, chicken, abalone and grandma's "nong shiam". then the birthday cake. luckily we didn't buy the yu sheng if not how to eat!!! but then again, we haven "luo hei" lor....must do it one of these days!! before the 15th day. dear was "forced" to eat 2 crabs......muahahhaa.......and before tt, coz he was hungry while waiting for me, he went to the foodcourt and ate laksa and had a bowl of red rubies dessert. so he had it lor. i asked him whether want to have lesser rice or not. coz mum gave him a bowl. he said it is ok for him. and then end of the day, told me he is so full until want to puke......
but dear was also very observant. he told me yesterday tt he observed my sister is the pet of the house and my parents love her more than me. i told him its a fact. i knew it when i was so young. dear said coz my sister has a very sweet mouth. she knows what to say and what to do at the right time and i am just like a pc of wood. hahaha......who cares rite? filial comes from action not words.... he said he now understands how i grew up in this family. i am the one always kana bullied by sister and pushed ard by my dad. he said my dad gave some food to sister and said "SY dun eat one." dear asked me how come he knows tt i dun eat if he dun ask me. i told him "its ok. dun eat then dun eat lor. no big deal." he said he really pitied me. well, tts why, only child, only son and the palm pearl will never know how the others in the family feel........how would they know...... =((
just like dad told me last nite to return $Y to mum for the dinner. (remember sister and me supposed to sponsor?) then i told him i already gave mum $X so i dun see the need to give again. then he said he didn't know i already gave $X to mum since i no tell him. i rebutted back tt this type of thing no need to say one. no need to broadcast, whats there to boast. got give can already. then he just kept quiet and continued to watch tv......sigh........he just dun get it. i bet sister no give lor. mama will be the one who fork out the money on her behalf. and where does the money comes from? come out from the $X i gave lor.
we went JUMBO at east coast for dinner tonight!!!
its dear's treat!!
forgot to tell u guys.....he strike 4D lor
so he said giving us a treat
he was so sweet lor, he said wait for sister to come back from shanghai then give the treat. sweet man hor....i also think he very sweet........muack muack muack
but i also sweet lor, becoz there is an intention to give a treat tts why i told him not to get any cny goodies for my family but he still went ahead and gave us lor. so so sweet hor......
love him even more!!
anyway, i was busy eating so forgot to take pics lor
i brought a camera along lor
but hehehe, think the food too tempting for me
to cut a long story short, not sure is it sister or dad who ordered the food, we had soon hock, chilli crabs, pork chop, eng cai, you tiao and hor fun.........=)) was disappointed tt its not pepper crab lor. i already told mama, but someone overwrite me......bloody hell.......but ok lor, as long as the family is happy then so be it!! and i finally had my FIRST GLASS OF COKE!!! omg!! it was so wonderful........hehehe *floating on cloud 9*
anyway, touch wood lor!! fever gone but flu, cough and sore throat are here to stay......
bloody pork lor
was complaining to my mum just now, seemed like i will never get well leh, the illness coming one after another. sigh.....
dad said this coming wednesday giving us a treat!! its his birthday lor......and so happened its "ren ri" too!! which means to say its everybody's birthday......so its "tuan yuan" again at my place. dad was telling my sister and i yesterday "wed, u ask loo and derrick come to our place for dinner ok. i give treat. cook for u guys. jie jie and u will sponsor the crabs and the fish." then he walked out of the room. few sec later, my sister looked at me and said "he said his treat, then why r we sponsoring the crabs and fish?".......*scratch head*.........muahaha
wHaT's NeXt
ok, woke up with flu this morning
what' gg to be next......
and its not just the normal flu ok
i think its the heaty flu
i got the yellowish mucas(how do u spell it?)
i haven even start to eat any CNY goodies and i am "HEATY"
buay ta han!! what is this!!
so u know what i did?
i ate a small pc of bak kwa.......hahaha
bo chap!!! =))
yum yum!!
last nite, had to shorten the trip with dear coz i was feeling so unwell
i got the giddy spell and wanted to vomit
the sight of food and smell makes me want to "die"
we reached home at 8pm lor
i think he was abit disappointed but there's nothing i can do
i cannot control the "illness" lor......
it just came
but at least we got to watch jay chou's kung fu dunk!!
muhahahaha......it's a funny show....i didnt laff much but old man did. think he enjoyed himself.......he laffed louder than me!! *shake head*
kungfu dunk!!jay chou was an orphan found by jacky wu near the basketball court lor (the moment the audience saw tt its jackie wu, all laffed!!! *wonder why*)brought him to this temple and handed over to jackie wu's seniorthen his shi fu "walk fire into demon" and diedthen next moment, jay chou became adult liao lorthen one night, he met eric tsang lorand he brought jay chou into the basketball limelight when he found out tt he is a "sharp shooter". he can throw things into the bin regardless of the distance. like what jay chou said "bai fa bai zhong"thats how he started his basketball career.........then u know the rest, the good and the bad will fight it out in the basketball courtwonder where the kung fu comes in rite?hm.......actually not many kung fu lor, just the "qing gong" and the "tan tiao li" lorsome jokes here and there......and got the "chen bo lin" and the" dun know what he"end of the day, he found his papa, got his girl,and gg to join the beijing olympics games..........less than an hr show lor. and i really wonder why did dear laff so much over a "mo li tao show"??!!think i need to consider and re consider what dear said
he said tt my new job is unauspious lor
been sick since i started work
*evil grin*
ChU eR
down with fever on the second day of cny!!!!!!!
still no can eat my bak kwa........wtf!!!!
Is He/ShE tHe OnE
dear was telling me today tt one of his old friend is getting married
and then he said apparently the groom's wife to be doesn't like one of the groom's friends
so funny lor coz tt friend told the groom to be not to marry the bride to be coz her character is very strong. (basically, i bet he meant tt she is uncontrollable lah) and the groom to be went to tell his bride to be. so tts why the bride to be, is unhappy with this friend.....
so dear and another friend was talking and like what dear said gossiping......hahaha
ya, men do gossip at times.....muahaha =))
dear's friend was saying tt out of their dun know how many friends in their grp, only himself, dear and the friend whom i mentioned earlier are not married. so dear's friend asked him "so when u getting marry?" then dear replied "normally these couples who married thinks tt they have found THE ONE. but as days went by as married couples, they will realised tt they are NOT THE ONE and will end up in D stage. so better dun get marry."
i remembered pecky once told me. nobody will know whether u have found THE ONE or not. the only time/day u wil find out is, when both of ur legs is lying straight in the cofin and the man standing by u till the end will be THE ONE lor. so to say, if one day, i die, and my hubby is still with me, then tts shows tt he is indeed THE ONE. but if i die, and hubby is now ex hubby, then he is NEVER THE ONE to begin with......so indeed nobody will knows.....but to be honest, when ppl do gets marry, D is never on their list lor. coz they will want to walk down the road together, holding hands, thru ups and downs till the end of time rite......so like what many other said "life is a gamble. u just have to take a gamble to find out".......
well said rite? i do think it is......u never know who is THE ONE for u until the day both ur legs is lying in the coffin..........
1st DaY of CNY
well, apparently, moi is still sick
lao sai twice in the morning before we left the house for visiting.
the number of places we go each year has diminished substantiately......
think either we are getting older or we just have lesser relatives each year.....
dad fell sick too
he lost his voice
so now can have peaceful days and nites till his voice come back
being a stubborn old man, i doubt he will go see doc lor. he will try his own medication until he buay ta han then he will go see a doc.
so for time being, let's all enjoy the peacefulness... and i bet the little one and my sister will be the happiest persons on earth.......
dad almost scared the shit out of me yesterday when he told dear tt they (my mum and him) will go pay a visit to his parents on chu er........omg!! go for visit for what? know them very well meh? dun think zhuang wil agreed tt the girl's side should pop over to the man's side first lor. rightfully should be the man's go to the girl's side first rite? actually i also not very sure lah. to me, who go see who first not a matter to me. but dear has never suggested it to me or bring it up to me so when dad suddenly popped this qn to him yesterday, i was like WTF!!! now tt he is sick, sigh, no can go visit liao....anyway, no loss lor....... =)) was quite surprised, dear was very calm and cool abt the whole thing when dad brought the subject up to him. and i was also "OMG" lor, he never mentioned tt he wants to go visit sean's parents lor. i remembered he told my mum one day "why sean's parents no come to visit us during cny"......
the only 2 losses i had is "NO CAN EAT BAK KWA LOR' can see no can eat. so poor thing lor.
besides lao sai, me also feel like throwing up. just went to the toilet for the "act" but nothing came out, but i honestly did feel better lor.hope will get well soon lor. imagine cny and so many things cannot eat, wtf!! and its only once a year lor.....
the 2nd loss is "NO MORE ANG POW LOR" felt so pai seh when i still collect ang pao afterall i am ..........sigh.... =(( u know i know can already why i so pai seh. whatever it is, hehehe, i still collect lor....ppl gave, i take. if not very rude hor.......=))
dear's cousin was asking him "so when ur turn to give ang pao?" then dear replied "no lah. i want to collect not give" then i was laffing away. seeing the cheeky face on me, he asked me what i am laffing at. i told him "imagine u "lao ko ko" liao still collecting ang pao leh." then he said "ya, i will still collect even if i am 80 yrs old".......so funny rite? by tt time, who will give him?? all the elders in the family would have been gone by then, cannot expect the youngster to give him rite?wahahaha....
anyway, tonight wanted to go marina promenade after dinner at dear's auntie place. who knows tt old man forgotten abt it. asked me go there for F***. so i replied him "go there to "qua seow" and he said "siao har! go there qua seow. so many ppl. no lot lor." then i said "but i already said we will go there lor after the dinner." he said i no tell him. wtf lor!! inside my heart me thinking, i am sick already lor, if not becoz want to go marina promenade think i want to go his auntie's place for dinner? i would have stay home and rest. think i hard up for ang pows?? sigh....this old man really makes me mad sometimes. so i told him 'fine. since i no tell u. then forget it. i dun want to argue with u, coz only u win, u r rite." then he said i no informed him in the first place. he said he thought tt i meant tt i am gg to marina promenade with my family when he saw my sms. pls lor. for heaven sake, if i am gg with my family why i bother to go dinner with him........i sometimes really give up on him lor. my final last words to him is "fine. dun go. then we dun go. u always dun know what i want." and he just kept quiet and said "ya, i dun know what u want." and humming away.......
after dinner, he said "ok later lesser ppl then we go" but i already sian liao lor. i told him "no. i am not gg, i want to go home." then he went "what no? u want to go so we go." and i replied him "but now i dun want to go." then he asked "later we go home take camera ok" then i went "i dun want to go liao." then he said "want to go also no bring camera. then go for what?" then i said "ya i forgot to bring mine but i also forgot to remind u to bring urs lor". then he went "why must bring mine? why cannot u bring urs? and ur hdp can also used to take pic lor." then i went "hdp camera not nice lor." inside my heart i am thinking "since not gg, why still want to argue with me" this man really sometimes can drive me crazy lor.
anyway, then he said "ok then we go watch movie." and i went "but i want to go home. i am not feeling well. i feel like throwing up." then he said "dun say next time i no bring u go watch movie lor." bloody hell!! already sick lor, just want to make me feel worst. dun watch then dun watch lor. big deal meh? pig brain lor.....
so the final word from him when we are on the way back to his home (coz send his mama home mah) "so u want to go home straight?" i told him "send mama home then i go home lor." then he said "ok"..........*speechless* i really dun know what to say. everything he said, he win, he right, then why bother abt what i say, i lose, i wrong..........*shake head*
jUsT gOoD fRiEnDs??
"we are just good friends lor"
everybody have their own definition of friends.
we have many friends at different levels.
so-so friends
hi-bye friends
ok friends
good friends
best friends
good best friends
best of the best friends
more than just friends
better than just friends
so on and so fro......
but "we are just good friends lor".............
WoMaN or GiRl??
You Are A Woman!Congratulations, you've made it to adulthood.You're emotionally mature, responsible, and unlikely to act out.You accept that life is hard - and do your best to keep things upbeat.This makes you the perfect girlfriend... or even wifefacebook said i am a woman lor...perfect gf or even a wife......hehehe.......but then the fact/truth is = i am not a perfect wife..... *sob sob*yesterday on the tv, this fengshui master also said this yr no "wedding bells" for rabbit......believe it or not!!! did mentioned it in my previous entry rite, so must be true lor. or perhps all the fengshui master will have to say the same thing if not how trustworthy can they be???!??!
said tt this yr rabbit health not very good so better take care and must "tiao li" i think this one i believe leh. must take care. coz he said tt our bosses might think tt we are just "plain lazy" and might not like us as employees. so we must work hard to prove and show our worth.....sigh......in other words "ai pia jia a yang".........sigh....... =((
MoUsE YeAr
today is officially the year of the MOUSE!!!! yeah!! both my parents' year!!
wishing them good health, wealth and happiness..... =))
and wishing all out there "xin xiang shi cheng! wan shi ru yi" =)))
and me!!! just an update
me officially SICK!!
went to see a doc and was feeling much better actually
but yesterday during the reunion dinner at uncle's place made me realised tt my body is REJECTING food!! omg!! how could it be? probably the food served last nite was too "dry" for me, even though we did have a bowl of soup each. but when i saw the food being served, the first thing tt comes into my mind is " i WANT TO PUKE!!" omfg!!
i slowly forced myself to gobble down the food and finally when i managed to stuff all of it from the plate into my mouth and into the "already non functioning" stomach, i was like so proud of myself..... =P
then the pain came and i was like wtf!! i didn't bring my medication along so no much choice but got to wait till 12mn before we can all go home after wishing everybody a happy lunar new year........
when we finally got home, i was like,"quick, give me the medicines" popped 2 pills into my mouth and went to bed. was on my way into my slumber land, someone needs to come back, on her pc, hdp rang, talked in the room and woke me up!! and i was like WTF!! how can ppl be so inconsiderate esp when moi is SICK. but she was smart, she apologised and went out to continue with her conversation. she came bck into the room few mins later and popped, went to slumber land within secs and bloody hell, she was snoring. i couldn't catch a wink of sleep lor. so i "whacked" her with my bolster 4 times and 4 times i requested her to sleep onher side instead of lying flat on the bed. she just refused to listen and continued with her snoring. i got so fed up tt i finally woke up, took her hdp and recorded her bloody snoring noise!! this morning, i played it for her to hear she actually told me "tts the wind blowing lor" and i went "fang pi lor. its u snoring and tell me, how u expect me to sleep like this and i was sick ok?" and she went to sleep after sending a sms........sigh......tts my wonderful sister!!! =P
Anyway, i think besides rejecting food, my body is also trying her best to "discharge" all the toxic stuff got i actually woke up in pain (ya!! again) in my tummy and went to "lao sai" lor......what else can i do? sigh........if this goes on like this, how am i gg to have my 3 meals.....omg!! i will rather not eat so tt i dun have to suffer the "pain in the ass" lor..... hehehe
here's some pics we took last nite.......the WHOLE CHAN FAMILY (actually not all. coz my uncles not in the pic) except for the little ones.....they are what the chinese called "the external grandchildren"...

our youngest cousin, so happened tt today (7/2)is his birthday!! =P

the chan cousins and their seedlings!!
GaStRiC fLu
i took my lunchie, just no breakfast and yet i can feel tt the gastric flu is coming.....it is gg to attack me......omg!!
felt like vomitting and the tummy is "wa lao eh"
even while standing in the mrt or while waiting for my feeder bus just now, i can feel tt i am really very unwell and am feeling cold....dun tell me tt i am gg to fall sick lor
i dun want to be sick on CNY!! i want to enjoy CNY
no more holiday till april lor....and me still cannot take leave....so must really enjoy myself this whole week =))
last day of the week for me tomolo.
i managed to rush out all the minutes except for one and another one which is so last min today....whatever. will just try my best =))
tomolo must pia all the way to gun them all down.....i just popped 2 gastric flu medicine, am feeling better now. shhhhh..... dun let dear knows abt it. if not, he sure angry with me one. he kept telling me "work so hard for what? u die co dun care". tts what i always thought so too. but i really need to rush this stuff out so tt can enjoy the cny lor. without worries!! esp since boss will be on leave till next next week.....then off he goes flying...... =))
tomorrow after work, must go get my make up liao. no joke lor. how late also must go to watson and get it. just a blusher. shouldn't be tt difficult lor.
actually today i was thinking abt what al and honey said to me abt this job
"any job advancement?" and the more i think, the more i do feel tt its an admin post. but i am still happy. ivan said could be because its till new, novice to me. once everything die down, i might not like what i am doing esp any tom, dick and harry can do it, i am not fully utilizing my knowledge, experience and skills. anyway, like honey said, "still too early to say. wait and see how it goes from here." and not my fault tt they change my job scope on my 1st day lor.
anyway, XXX called me today ard evening time
"hi, ms chan. i am m goh here. we could like to invite u down for a formal interview this coming 20th. is it ok with u?"
then i went (wtf!!! now then tell me!) "sorry but i have already started working"
"oh dear! is it? so u are gg towithdraw your application?"
(hello? but what can i do? u guys called me so late lor) so i went "no choice. u guys never confirmed me earlier."
then she laffed and said "no choice then. never mind. wish u r happy working now." "thank you" and clicked.........
just when i was thinking abt this current job's prospect, the next moment XXX called. so meaning what? or i think too muchie? anyway, they also not keen to interview me one lor. dragged so long. i told esther if i didn't accept this current job, i could be lazing ard at home and waiting for XXX to offer me lor. imagine!! wow!! 2 months of leave leh.....how nice.....and still get to meet dear every day....... =P
and guessed what? today boss went meeting
so M and i had a talk
we are talking abt left hand woman.....hehehe.behind her back somemore
actually, we no bad mouth her
just tt we dun like the style/way tt she is doing things lor
too self centred. too perfectionist and expect everybody to be the same. how can it be? she can worked till 3- 5am doesn't mean tt we have to lor. and when she is stressed up or rushing for stuff, she can go bonkers lor. key siao one. and started to scream and shout at ppl. can't stand it. esp she threw her weights or temper at the innocent. how can!!
anyway, we both agreed tt she is a good staff. she deserved to get her promotion one day. really!! but i still strongly believe tt family is still impt, i rather spend more time with family, loved ones than with work, at work. =))
there is an email attachment which i read before lor, "no matter how hardworking u r, or how much time and effort u put in your work, one day, if u passed away, your co will just recruit someone to replace u. its ur family who is gg to grief for u lor" so pls......wake up!! put your family and yourself 1st..... =))
know what's the latest news headlines??!!??
its those crunchy or what do u called it? juicy?? well whatever u called it, it those crunchy and juciy photos of edison chan with gillian chung (one of the twins) and bobo chan.....
why suddenly, out of the blues such photos pop up??!!?
experts said the photos were not doctored at all!!! omg!!!!
"looking at the this and tt...." omg!! does that means their reputation will go down the drain just like this? or on the contrany, their star appeals will rise coz they are the VICTIMS here!!!
so poor thing lor, dun know who is the culprit. and what fun or kick does he has for creating a"storm" like this......did anyone offended him? heard tt the HK polis has detained someone but no news of the outcome and till today nobody said whether the photos were authentic or nonauthentic lor.......hm......tts make me start to think......."the truth or not the truth"
there were also photos of cecilia chung.......omg!!! and papers said tt nicholas tse is gg to divorce her!!! omg!!! as if he himself has good clean records lor......chey!! anyway, this is home dirty laundry so i am not gg to be bothered but just be kapo.......like dear said "its my character to be kapo of everything" need to stick my nose here and there......muahaha
we did our own version lor.....hehehe. in actual fact, its the same as the ones which were published in the papers. but the 2 photos are in dear's camera, wait till he send it over then i will do a update. see whether do u find it familiar.....
anyway, today papers also got showed some "beggars" photos. they stationed themselves all over singapore. mostly mrt and at the east areas. they were phyiscally handicapped. either without limb or arm. and they just sat on the floor and begged. the reporters were very good. they managed to follow one of these beggars from his home (which happened to be a hotel in geylang) all the way to his work place and mind u, he took a CAB!!!! ya, u read it correctly, its a cab to his "work location" and start to beg........*slap forehead*
anyway, what so special abt this beggar. well, he is without a limb when he sat on the floor and start to do his work. and when its time to go home, ta da!! suddenly an artifical limb pop out, installed and walked home......muahaha
suk kee rite? when questioned, he said he is actually a tourist from china. "since nothing to do so i beg lor" muahahaha.......he said he heard from his friends, singaporeans very generous. china too big nobody will bother about them. omg!!! freaking shit!! becoz we are generous does not mean tt u guys can take advantage of us lor.......see what happened when the peanut man took advantage of singaporean generousity, he enboiled himself in legal cases with the law of singapore. no joke lor. u dun play play here.
i remembered years ago, i also saw similiar cases. everyday without failed when i walked to the mrt, will see this man all flat on the floor, so poor thing, as if his body no bones like tt lor. slumped there on the ground. so ppl pitied him and donated generously to him. one day, i happened to pop home early (dun remember why) and guessed what i saw?? i saw him suddenly ready to pack up and go home so he sat up, clear his stuff, pack into his bag, stood up and walked...........OMFG!! i couldn't believe my eyes lor. MY VERY OWN EYES!!! playing tricks one me?? no lor, its tt stupiak man who played a trick on us!! took us all as fools!!! sigh....
there was another case it was a blackie, he sat on the floor, showing only 1 leg from his sarong. and his lost his 2 arms. so he was sitting on the floor begging. so poor thing hor. i see already also heart pain lor. then one day, i saw his true colours!! he actually got 2 legs lor. he chose to hide one of his leg in his sarong. so ppl thought he only have 1 leg. omg!!
learned lessons very well, from tt day onwards no more donation to such "physically handicapped persons" ....sigh......but i really cannot blame them. without arms or limbs, surely no employers will want to employ them....if anyone employed them should be out of sympathy or wishes to be on the papers!! u practically has to create a post for such ppl. so they actually very poor thing but then again, should not take advantage of our generousity lor.....
tt brings me to the story of this deaf and mute couple whom i saw at the bus stop yesterday. i saw the girl first, she was "hitting" the guy and she made no noise even when she laff. then the guy kept disturbing her by pinching her face and she kept hitting back. both no noise. then i saw when the girl pushes him slightly, he almost cannot stand steadily the girl has to go support him. then thru out this "romantic gestures" b/w the 2 of them, i came to realise that they must be dumb and mute. physically impaired persons. really envy them!! guessed this is what the marriage vows meant tt the couple will stick together thru "health and illness. poor and riches" so romantic rite......they r really a perfect couple. compliment each other..
imagine when they quarrel, no noise one lor. no shouting or screaming!! only exchange of hand signs virgriously......... =)) and yet they will be able to understand each other
someone once told me, a couple must "compliment each other" what u have, the other party might not have, what the other party have, u might not have so both of u r the "missing parts" and put together, perfect match!!! =)) so meaningful hor....yayaya, ok lah, only meaning ful to me.....
oh ya, almost forgot. yesterday we went bugis shopping rite? it was raining lor. while crossing the road towards the KFC there, this youngster infront of us almost slip and fall 3 times. but each time, he very "zai" lor. managed to control and stabilize himself. so he no fall. i was telling dear what if i fell so scary and next moment, the youngster's friend who was walking with his gf, slipped and fell just outside the KFC's ramp......omg!! i think it was a bad fall, but he managed to stood up and said "ok" i almost burst out laffing lor....omg!! but luckily i didn't. i told dear if i was the one who fell, sure die one. it was so bad. practically he was lying on the floor lor. so pls hor, raining, floor very wet and slippery. so if u r in slippers like the 2 youngsters, walked extremly slowly ok. no joke lor. tt reminds me, need to go get a pair of slippers liao, mine is wearing off.......better get it asap though =))
cny is just ard the corner lor
this week, i only need to work 2 days
but i got many things to rush out
i got 4 minutes to do
in actual fact only 1 lor
but hor, tt stupiak left hand man asked me to do the minutes for his staff who were busy at work
i mean what is this?
boss already said they do, i vet
but now becomes my baby
damn it
anyway, i will just do it to my best of my ability
i know nuts abt the project lor
what he wants to me to do?
luckily i sort of finished the campus one. tomorrow will send it to PT to amend and fine tuned
so monday, i just do the abr list, the 3 minutes (which i will have to ask boss abt it) and also the brief which he wants. and then call it a week. and get ready for CNY
not my fault if all these stuff got held back. if u have 101 things to do, so do i......so pls......
whatever!! wish me luck!!
anyway, today i gave the gift set and bak kwa to dear's mama with 4 oranges too lor
my job done!!
dear also bought the bak kwa and his mama provided the dried mushroom and the "lap duck". dear said tomolo will go buy the abalone. i told him not to, coz mama's instruction is not to buy. and anyway, dear gg to treat us for a meal then no pt wasting money lor. but he insisted and his mama also said so what if my mama dun want, still he has to buy lor.
tomolo having the reunion dinner at his place. dun know why now can have the reunion during dinner time........?? thought his papa needs to work?? anyway, just go and eat
i am almost done with my shopping list except for the make up. dear accompanied me to bugis for shopping. i see him so poor thing lor. sit there and wait. but he also kept himself busy lor. he was busy looking at the women walking ard the shoe shops. hahaha! he lucky lor. i have gotten my dresses liao, i only need the shoes and the make up. i only got the shoes coz i see him xian xian one. maybe one fine day after work, just pop by watson and get them. blusher and a lip stick. easy rite? for now, just want to complete the task assign to me by MONDAY!!!! =)) coz i want to have a happy CNY.
i found on the net tt albert mall has hua shi lor. so since we gg to bugis today. i requested to go albert mall walk walk. i tell u lor, i almost faint. the so called hua shi is HORRIBLE!!!! majority is the faked flowers lor. and only a very very small area is real flowers. sigh.. think i gave up.... forget abt the hua shi now, i think i will want to pop by marina promenade on 5th feb!! maybe date dear.......but will depend on whether i can finished the work on MONDAY..... i want to see fireworks!! "pom pom pom" wow!!! fantastic lor. i like...... =))
BeFoRe AnD aFtEr
No WeDdInG bElLs
guessed what?
this yr no wedding bells ringing for my sign
means ... means... means... i no can be like pecky who is already a full time tai tai, or judy who is gg to be a full time tai tai or even stephy who is contempting to be a full time tai tai....sigh......like ivan said, i can only be a full time working tai tai....... =P
actually, come to think of it, not bad lor, still a tai tai except a different category.......hehe =))
even said for the next 2 months i will be engaged in war of words with somebody........omg!! who who who.....with dear or with BITCH? hm.....can't wait to find out......but frankly speaking, i rather not know coz its very tiring to argue with ppl lor. not only is it tiring, its also time consuming, energy wasting and will spoil the mood. imagine 2 months ok!!! pui pui pui......
i still cannot find go where got hua shi......omg!! my eye lids are getting heavier by the sec, need to go zzzzzzz catch some beauty sleep...but need to search for the hua shi lor.......maybe 15min nap..........yawn.......