bAd HaIr DaY
i was just asking my niece
"KY, is yee yee;s hair long? how long huh? can point to me"
then she pointed and said "very long"
then i went" actually not very long hor, haven touch the bra hook yet"
then she said "ya. but ur hair not nice"
then i went "huh?"
then she said "ur hair not nice lor"
then i said "why? is it becoz out of shape? need to cut is it?"
then she went "no lor. the hair dun suit ur face. very funny like tt. "
then i was fuming liao so i went "pls lor. yeeyee pretty what also pretty lor"
then she went "u so ugly. face so many dots. where got pretty?" and she just walked away. JUST LIKE TT
lousy pork!!
did i step on her tail or wat?
said i ugly, face many dots!! tt are freckles lor
but what can i do lor
its already permanent resident on my face lor
there is nothing i can do to them liao
so sickening toad
so i went to put on my whitening mask......hehehe
as usual, only got lazy women but no ugly women
nEw ReEl

just realised tt i forgot to blog abt the new reel
actually, its the same as the one which got dragged into the sea by "tt mystery big fish"
old man said he just gotten used to the reel so dun want to start all over again
didn't know the reel also got to get used to it one leh. thought just throw, and wind back lor. still got to get used to it....think he lousy lor
anyway, tts his christmas present from me
i think he very stressed leh. he actually dreamt tt his car was broken into while he went to attend a dun know what dinner with his sec friends. he couldn't find a parking lot so he had to park at basement 7 as that is the only lot available. though he felt uneasy but no choice, really. anyway, after the dinner, he went back to take his car and realised tt it was broken into. he quickly checked and found out tt his cashcard was missing and so was the cover to his ERP machine (what u called tt thingy tt holds the cashcard?). then he went to check his boot and was very happy to see his fishing rods still there.....but there is a missing thing......yes, u r rite. the REEL is missing!! then he "bloody hell" how to break the news to me coz we just bought the reel for him again!!
i told old man tt esther said i cannot scold him for the "lost reel". then he said "ya, esther is right. its not my fault tt i lost the reel. its u. coz if u never accompany me to fishing. i dun need to talk to u. then i can pay full attention to my rod then i won't lose it." bloody pork!! lousy pork. what lame excuse......pui pui pui
anyway, the new reel with the new fishing rod which his dad gave him. can u believe it!! the new fishing rod came just in time!!!
wHaT a FiGhT (2)

this is place where it all started. under the big tree (b/w he 2 poles). a grp of blackies came with their drums. and were banging away, singing songs, dancing and then once a while some of them will key siao and jumped into the sea. yayaya, fully clothed lor. ok maybe, rephrase only with their jeans on. and then after awhile, they started to get thristy and started to drink beer....
next moment, i saw 2 of them fighting!! omg!! wham! pow! ka boom! u slap me, i slap u back. u whack me, i whack u back. no ending lor. and then they started to shout at each other. some of their friends came to stop them but ended up fighting too. suddenly its all in a mess, dun even know who is who. the smartest of the grp quickly pack up and went back to the lorry. ready to go. and left 4 of them in the sea fighting and shouting at each other. actually only 2 were shouting and fighting coz the other 2 were just there to look after them.
dun know how they settled the issue and what actually causes the fight. but in my humble opinion, i do believe its the ALCHOLIC drink. anyway, then the 4 of them walked to the lorries to meet up with the smartest. anyway, suddenly out of nowhere, one of the blackies started to whack the other blackie and then the grp started a pushing fight. and IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!!! siao liao lor. i told old man, i will just push him into the road lor, let the car bang him and end of story. (ok, i know i am bad, but hor, they must learn to BEHAVE themselves in public. they didnt practise "Drink and be Merry" they "Drink and be ROWDY"...disrupted the peaceful view and scenry of ecp. u can see from the pic tt there is a grp of kapo (just like me) watching show lor. hehehe =P

anyway, they were lucky tt they came in 2 lorries lor. so u can see who the trouble maker is. he is the ONE AND ONLY guy in the back sit of the white lorry. (can see, he is standing ip half naked lor)he was still shouting at the grp behind him and throwing his wet shirt here and there. sigh.....

the grp in the blue lorry just kept quiet. i think they also know dun go and anger tt ah siao further if not sure kana whack lor. so they just told the other guy to keep quiet. got one ah bui, perhaps he is the leader or what. he told the ppl sitting in the blue lorry not to say anymore things to tt ah siao. and then when all agreed to zip up, they drove off.......end of story

when the ah siao realised tt nobody wants to "fight" with him anymore, he sort of calmed down and sat down. and peace was returned............
this is how fight came abt lor. drink drink drink, then dun know who say what and buay siong then next moment, the fist will come out and perform. and then who knows what will happened. in the midst of folly, anything can also happened lor. regret?? too late lor... all are friends wat, so why like this? sigh. want to be hero?? forget it lor. have a good night sleep. tomolo sun still will rise and shine. so fight for what? glory?? ego? face?? can eat de mah??......sigh....
anyway, its the new year celebration tonight lor. go out and have fun. but dun get into trouble..... =)) this is not a paid advertisement lor.....hehehe =))
wHat A fIgHt (1)
went to ecp for fishing yesterday
though old man was sick, but he still want to go fishing. kana nagged by his dearest mummy but he cares?? heck care lor. hehehe told his mum, "sick then go see doc lor." wow!! my mum will not nagged at me lor. she let me do what i want to do, except tt when she saw the mosquitoe bite marks on my leg, she said "dun go fishing lah. gg to rain" lolz
anyway, we went to a new spot. old man didn't want to go back to the jetty coz think he said "too many ppl or no fish" can't really remember. anyway we went to a spot near the "national sailing club" and we were quite lucky here. we caught 4 small fishes all of different species. .. and old man said "this spot better than jetty. here can catch fish" =)) he happy lor
sudden down pour ended our fishing. we left at 6pm. but the main attraction of the day is not about our fishing its abt a grp of blackie fighting!!! OMG!!!
we fished on a breakwater. see the far's bedok jetty
many ppl set up their tent and picnic along the beach

saw the sails? and an aeroplane happened to fly by when i took the pic
1st catch
2nd catch

3rd catch - tiny soon living in the fish tank with kou zhong and ah hock
last and final catch of the day
aNd It'S a WrAp!!
my horoscope said
Monday, December 31 Things may seem to be falling apart, but it could always be worse. A position of superiority may be opening up and you have a good chance of getting it. Intuition and first impressions are very important today. Something has you excited and reaching for what is gg to fall apart?? omg! omg! the sky is falling!! i am gg to be like chicken little.....omg omg!! and who the hell am i supposed to impress today?? hm.......*ponder* =P talking abt job, i haven hear anything from tt hr lor. so what superiority position are we talking abt here??!!?? this how i am gg to call it "END OF THE YR"??? sigh.......what a day!! =P
let' see, total recall time, what have i done for yr 2007 and what i wished/hoped for in yr 2008
it started ok for yr 2007
even though kristina resigned but i still have other colls ard who can talk cock with me.
work was fun even though we were the busiest team in the dept. but everybody worked together to finish like 3 BQs. wow!! what a team lor. hehehe....really leh, OTs, back to work in sat, bring stuff home to do. this is what i called team spirit lor. no one is ever left to walk alone.....(sorry lor, not liverpool fan liao) . our team OTs is to bring work back and stupiak co thinks tt we very eng coz we not like other team who came back to work or even work late!! pls lor, my philiosphy " PLS GET A LIFE!!! weekends are time for us to rest and be merry and re charge the battery so tt weekdays we can all be fully charged up to FIGHT BATTLEs. we have many battles to fight everyday and i am very the tired everyday. shag lor....but i must confessed work was fun tt time......until boss annie tendered her resignation, then i lost all inspiration and will to work in CPG.
everyday was still ok, coz got old man to be with me. tts the only thing i look forward to every morning when i woke up to go to work. then wait for end of the month to get my rightful pay. tts when i realised, "ITS TIME TO GO" then i started to fantically looked for a job (even though i have started doing so in yr 2006...hehehe). then finally gotten one in july and left in CPG in Aug. went to a HK trip. and boy!! it was fun!! except for the rain and unable to meet up with honey. then who knows tt new co i went to SUCKS BIG TIME!! but ok lor, at least it allowed me to step out of QS line. stepping stone lah. but it also caused me to be jobless for 1 month liao.....from 1st of dec till now i haven fulfil my christmas wish, I WISHED TO GET A JOB, AN IDEAL JOB (if there is one, hehehe) god bless me!!!
to wrap it up, yr 2007 was ok for me. hope tt yr 2008 will be better!!! wish everybody good health, stay happy and merry, earn BIG BUCKS!! and most impt i still want my christmas wish to come true......hehehe......when will my hdp ring again??!!....hehehe
HoW nOt To LoSe MoNey To YoUr PaRtNeR
saw this on T bee. so we share share the views...told by the fortune teller bah. its the taiwan show. maybe u have watched it yourself. just listen for the fun of it bah.....
u know, we girls, always very soft hearted one. one word from the partner, and we will all go "gagaga" and money out. so if u happened to practise what is listed here, then its time to change......change for the better......we must not lose money to the partner, we have "SUCK" all the money from our partners......hehehe
as i always said, "his money will be my money. my money will be my money. my money will never be his money" got it?? =)) cheers!!
anyway, here are the 6 taboo signs......WATCH OUT!!! =))
1) dun open ur mouth when listening to what others is talking. mouth represent the r/s b/w boy-girl. open too much, the money flow out
2) dun open ur hands too big. as in when u put ur hands in front of u, the 5 fingers dun open too big. same as the 1st one
3) dun laff and then show ur gums.
4) dun laff until slap lap, whack ppl, or beat the table
5) dun dig ur nose in front of ppl. nose represent the wealth bank.
6) keep stroking the hair. hair in by the side (ear area) not on the head part. u not only give money but EVERYTHING.......
and then never loan money to GEMINI signs ppl, coz they always "tend" to FORGET tt u have loan them the $$$$. and even if they have the money, they also won't return u the $$$. if u happened to loan them the $$$, then consider is go, went, gone.......u never get it back. and even if u do, well, its always after a very hard time lor.. true? the 2 other signs are "MU YANG ZUO" (what is the ang mo name??) and LEO wonder why virgo not in top money went out no come back lor.......sad =((
time of the month again
and i must said i am DEPRESSED!!!
not becoz on friday the hdp no ring anymore
but becoz i am just being DEPRESSED!!
dun asked me why, coz i also dun know why
all i can say is, its getting more and more depressed each month
i am very the sian lor. even old man said so. asked me why i looked so sian.....i also dun know why
i just replied him with "whenever i see u, i sian lor" and he replied me with "i see u also sian leh" hahaha....we really "xin ling xiang tong" lor..... =P MY FOOT lor!!
frankly speaking, for this month, all i want to say is I HATE LIARS!!! pui pui pui
condemned them!! liar liar.....
why can't the liars just tell the truth??!!?? isn't it better? couldn't it be better too? then it won't snowball into a bigger lie and then end of the day, u can't even keep track of the truth!!! bloody hell!! dun they know by lying to their loved ones, they are also causing hurt and pain to them if one day, they ever find out abt the "lie"...sigh...why can't such simple reasoning get into the pig brains of the liars?!!?? but then again, if they tell the truth, nothing but the truth, then we will have to rename them. we cannot call them liars liao? truth-ers?? hm......siao lor!! liar will always be liar......just like the boy who cried wolf all the time. wait till the liars learnt their lessons then they will know what is the meaning of "truth-er".... a lawyer once told me, which i always now tell ppl "if tt somebody really loves u, he/she will never ever do or say things tt can hurt u" *clap clap clap* well-said......coz if tt person really loves u, then before he/she actions, he/she will think abt u first then action. if he/she no thinks abt u and action, then its no love, coz it simply shows tt u have no place in his/her heart......then make the painful decision and let him/her go.....nobody is ever worth a single tear drop of yours.....*clap clap clap* so got ink leh, this sentence is i add on one lor.....
told u, every month got different feeling...and its getting more depressed each month i must say.....the most shocking part is on the way home today i told old man "i dun love u." he looked at me and said "i know. when u ever love me? i also dun love u." see!! told u, we very "xin ling xiang tong" one. anyway, dun think old man will know tt "time of the month" i will key siao..... =P
anyway, we did discussed abt the hr who called me on friday morning. i told him maybe no chance liao. coz monday, which is 31st is half day for most of the co, they would not call me down for the interview lor. then he very sweet lor he told me maybe tt person still on leave so just wait lor. afterall i been to the 1st one liao. then i told him, who knows tt hr called me just for fun. and he said just wait and see assuring...pui!! =P
sTrEsS oUt???!!??
was out shopping just now when it dawned on me tt i forgot to blog abt my weirdo dream last nite
its so weird and scary, i must say
and it goes like this :-
the backgrd was like centuries ago, when ppl stayed with clans, u know clans?? as in tribes or something like tt. so u can imagine in my dream, we were all dressed up in olden costumes.
anyway, so happened tt dear came from a very big family and his mama was into those fortune telling stuff. and the fortune teller guy told his mama, tt one of the girls will "wang" her son. but till we all find out who tt "fortunate" one, dear will have to treat both his girl friends very well. and u guessed, it urs truly was one of the "fortunate one" and u guess who is the other?? can u believe it!! turned out to be my sister!!! (hahahaha.........lmao!!!) ok ok. back to the story. anyway, in my dream, dear and sister went on a trip and tt nite they were coming back. when my sister came back, she was telling me stories abt the trip and the have and the no have one. and i saw she has this new set of jewellery. it comes with a necklace, a bracelet and 4 rings!! (hahaha!! yayaya, 4 rings....doesnt matter why so many, coz anyway, we have 10 fingers rite? hehehe. dun catch the joke? then go read my birthday blog =P) so she saw me staring at the jewelleries which she was wearing and told me tt dear bought it for HER!! and then she said she told our dad abt it when they were buying it and our dad told her since so cheap then buy lor, tts why she bought it. i cannot remember is it in taiwan money or new zealand money, i only vividly remember it has a N a T and a Z.......lolz..... and the whole set just cost $50 bucks!!
ok, anyway, then she told me tt she is gg out to meet her friends, so i need to go. so i left her room and i went to roam ard. then dear found me and pass me something so sweet lor. he gave me a necklace with a rabbit holding a carrot stamp as a pendant and a bracelet with the same pendant. and i tell u, tt stamp can be used as a stamp too lor. it will have a rabbit with carrot design. stupiak and funny rite. but i liked the gift very much. then dear asked me where is the jewellery set which he asked my sister to pass to me. i told him my sister didn't pass anything to me. and so we went to look for her. then when she saw us, she quickly took out the gift and claimed tt she very busy so she forgot all abt it. but frankly speaking, i really dun like tt set. in fact, i prefer the one which dear gave to me personally.
then my sister left hurriedly and dear and i went to the garden, under the moonlight, and we had a talk. (yayaya! olden days leh. house very big one, got garden lor) then dear told me to hang on there, soon the answer will be out. then we can be together. now come to think of it, if the fortune teller so smart, why he cannot delude who is the "fortunate" one, why must be all wait and see??!!?? crazy rite...... anyway, i woke up. and i was like "frozen in my thoughts"....why such a dream.....siao rite? think too much fishing .....hehehe
GrEeN gReEn
my hdp rang this morning!!! =))
10:07am to be exact
omg omg omg!
she told me that she will pass my doc to the relevant parties and she will get back to me to arrange for the next meeting!! she said something like "arrange for a 2nd interview or rather an offer or something" what? i dun want to read into something tt is NOTHING and then fall from cloud 9!!
i am so happy!!
really crossing my fingers!!
was waiting for this or the XXX one.....
omg! omg!
god bless!!
today the horoscope said :-
Friday, December 28By the end of the day you'll realize that it's the ups and downs that make life enjoyable sometimes. Try not to expect more from others today than they can actually deliver. Keeping your expectations too high will only lead to disappointment. A new lover may finally admit a deep secret to you i just have to keep an open mind, open heart. coz end of the day, it might al just be smoke.....
"pin chang xin"
but really omg omg lor
SlEePiNg BeAuTy
last evening dear called, said he and papa gg to bedok jetty for fishing
and asked me whether i want to tag along
since his papa gg with him, i told him tt i shall stay home
then after we hang up, i went to Zzzzzzzzz....
and i slept from 6pm to 730pm......hehehe only 1.5 hrs lor
wonder why i not tired leh, i expected myself to sleep thru the night, but i didn't
so weird rite?
so i woke up, had my dinner, watched the t bee
and went back to sleep at 11pm and woke up at 8am today!!
sigh.....still didn't get to sleep much
argh....i need more beauty sleep....... =P
me gg to put on my whitening mask liao.......need to get back my fair fair skin........which i doubt can lah.......but will still try bah, afterall, already bought the mask rite??
as the saying goes, "only got lazy women but no ugly women" wwweeeeee........
OvEr NiGhT fIsHing
watched I AM LEGEND yesterday
i reached the cinema at 300pm and when i saw the Q!! omg!!
its so long, the Q was all the way to the entrance of joking
i am afraid tt i couldn't get the tickets. but luckily when it was my turn, still managed to grab the 2 tic 8 rows from the screen along the wall.... so lucky
back to the moive
the show not bad lah
will smith is a military officer aka medical officer
he stayed behind in "ground zero" to find the cure for the virus
actually, most of the time i was being scared until the "sai" also can turn green lor
i scared myself silly
frankly speaking, the movie not tt scary one, but poor dear, kana "whack" by me quite a few times and i kept telling him "dun want to watch liao" hahaha...scardity cat!!
end of the story hero dies lor
so stupiak lor
he coulnd't or shouldn;t have die. but if he no die, he no legend liao lor
then they need to change the title of the movie.....hehehe
after movie, we had our dinner at KFC and then went to bedok jetty
dear wanted "revenge" on "tt big mystery fish"
we sat there on the cold stone in the cold wind till 4am!!!
i was luckily i got to sleep on dear's lap but he got to stay awake to look after his rod and most impt to let me Zzzzzzzzzzz.......
but hor, dun know why, i woke up at 10am!! hehehe
why why why
i thought i will sleep till lunch time lor, in the end, woke up so early...sigh
and now i have the "running nose" again......and dear said tonight we go bedok jetty again!!
GoNe ForEvEr
can u believe it
remember the reel which we just bought?? (recap in previous entry)
well, we were at bedok jetty just now.
and then dear commented tt the uncle put his rod so far out on the railing if a BIG fish comes along, his rod will fly away.......
then hor, well, i really dun know what to say.
it all happened it a split second, faster than u can fart lor... =P
first we heard the bell went ring ring ring, then i turned my head, and then "zoom" i saw a flying rod, next i saw dear jump towards the flying rod, hands stretch out to the maximum trying to catch hold of it and then i went "OH! OH! OH!" and then "DOM" and then immediately a pair of very despair eyes looking at me, and my hands covering my mouth. and u guessed it!! dear's fishing rod go, went and gone into the sea....... suspected a VERY BIG fish came and took his live fish bait and then with a strong pull, pull the whole damn thing along with it and bye bye rod, with the new reel which i bought for him and some of the string, hook, new float, bell, sigh.......
poor dear, he got brusies on his arm. think he kana when he tried his best to catch his flying rod. then tts it lor. i told him "u were just saying tt uncle" then he just looked at me. and i continued with "u shouldn't say other ppl" and he just looked at me. he told me tt he actually heard the bell rang but thought it was a small fish tts why he didn't rush over to take his rod, then when he saw the flying rod, he knew it was too late and then i was sitting nearer the rod than him so i sort of like block his way. so now it became I AM PARTIALLY AT FAULT TOO!!! MEN!!
anyway, i saw his bruises, i lagi sad lor. i saw him sad, i lagi more sad lor. then i told him "ok lah. we get a new reel tomorrow. small matter. dun think abt it lah." he said he very sad tt he no chance to see what is the fish lor. he guessed it must be a very big one and he is very sad. and i was thinking bloody hell, at least tell me tt he is sad partially becoz the reel was new and was bought by me lor. F***ing Hell!!! =(( MEN!!! hmph!!
whole night there he was grumbling abt "tt big mystery fish" not even abt the rod or the REEL lor. damn it!! and he said when today onwards, we will go there for night fishing till he caught "tt big mystery fish" to "bao chou"....told me to get ready for endless sleepless nights and to camp at the jetty......i thought he was joking lor. then i told him when he change to his new job, he cannot be like this now. cannot as and when take leave and go fishing during weekdays lor. then he joking told me "i tell them i go site lor. everyday got to go site" i almost faint lor........heart almost stopped beating. i cannot take such shocking news lor. then he seriously told me "we will come every weekends then." i also almost die on the spot lor......MEN!!
so the original plan was to go watch "I AM LEGEND" tomolo evening. so now it has became, he take leave, go run his personal errands which is to collect a registered letter first then go buy new reel, new bell, new float( coz he said i will wake up late and go to his place late so he shall go himself) , then dun know what else he needs to settle, but i am very sure tt he needs to wound new strings to the new reel tomolo. then movie in the afternoon, dinner and off to bedok jetty for his revenge.........sigh.... MEN!!! i tell u, if given a choice, he will definitely skip the movie part and go straight to fishing once he settle his new stuff!! MEN!!
Ho Ho Ho
ChRiStMaS eVe
today is eve!!
most of the ppl are either on half day, long leave or full day.
but me, me stuck at home coz hehehe, me still unemployed.
what to do?
want to be fussy than cannot complain lor
hopefully i will get an ideal job soon, tts what i want for christmas....... =))
not very sure what will ngai kong ah pa prepared today!!
bet it will be something nice. they always have "surprised" hehe
imagine lily pa leong no cook one lor. so all the food is prepared by ngai kong ah pa. can u imagine?? he goes to do the marketing, marinating, source for receipes and viola!! the food is on our dining table!! =))
really envy lily pa leong who found a good hubby who doesn't mind tt she does not know how to cook or do housework......hehehe
but i must say now tt they have retired, perhaps, lily pa leong has started to learn all these housework stuff....
tonight's dinner with be special lor
its a FIRST for dear
coz he is joining us tonight..hehehe =P
hope he doesnt feel boring at the yearly gathering, coz this time round, most of my cousins are not joining except for ying soon. coz he is also bringing his gf along....first time too!! but hor, ah pa and pa leong has seen her before liao lor. =))
then 31st when its over at our place, well, will be a SECOND for dear
as for cny i guess, he wont be joining, coz like last yr, he will be celebrating it with his own family.
but i know deep down, dear has really made an effort, not forgetting, he is fetching us there!!! he is so sweet lor!! but i hope he doesn't forget abt the dinner while busy fishing..... =))
anyway, here's wishing everyone out there, a MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
and last but not least ...........WORLD PEACE!!! (hahaha! ma chiam me in a beauty peagent leh!!)
No SaBo??
dear was just telling me abt tt wedding dinner which he attended tt night
he said the groom was being sabo to run up and down
and the sabo-ing started from before sun rise to sun rise
so scary lor
he said perhaps they r the teo chews tts why need to go so early
then i went yayaya
then he asked me how much does the girls get for the entrance games
i told him it depends lor
then he said this groom hor, have red packets in $4XX plus lor
so imagine inside one ang pao got $400 plus....wa lao!! the girls will be flithy rich lor
inside my heart hor, i think hor, this groom very rich lor
then dear said he heard tt the groom comes from a well to do family lor
no wonder lah
nowadays who gave ang pao in $4XX for the entrance game one.....and its only 1 ang pao leh...imagine 5 ang paos of $4XX......wa lao!! i tell u, i go full time into the entrance games jie mei leh......hahaha
then i told him abt the times we get to sabo our friends during their wedding. then dear commented tt in that case we shall not get married. coz he sure dun want to play the games and his ang pao will be u want u take dun want then forget it and he will go home lor if no deal. then he said if i want to marry him, then we shall just rom and that's it. i told him "then u no need to come liao lor. save the trip"...hahaha....true wat. ppl normally have such games just for fun lor. abit of fun u also cannot take it, then forget it dun come at all. *pui* if i not hard up for a job u think i hard up to get marry?? pls lor.....wake up ur idea. =P
today i sick, dun want to argue with u. coz brain dead. next time bah, we shall debate this topic in detailed..... =P but anyway, from what i understand, u sure win one lor coz u always will have the last word =P
dear wanted to go fishing after the buffet
but i guess perhaps i do looked very sick to him
so he was actually very sweet lor
he suggested tt we go home first, then go catch some guppies and then if decided to go fishing, he will fetch me home to change and then we proceed to bedok jetty for some fishing
i know he just want to give me some resting time before we go fishing so i agreed to his suggestion
I LOVE U OLD MAN!! u so sweet.......think i will go try grab u something for christmas tomolo, but i no idea what to buy for u lor
still brain dead......arrgghhh......
anyway, we went home and went to catch guppies. then it rained very heavily and i was like "thank god" we were not at the fishing spot lor. hehehe...abit bad rite? but i am sick understand why i felt this way rite?
anyway, i took some pics of ling shao and BLB.....hehehe......see the injuries on ling shao? he was being "attacked" by BLB lor. just like ling shao used to "attack" kou zhong lor. tts why dear has to separate kou zhong and ling shao. and now ling shao is "receiving" his retribution lor. but i see already very poor thing lor
ling shao with his injuries
closed up
the culprit.....BLB
anyway, i was very tired lor. so i went to take a nap while dear continued with his pc game. when his mama called us for dinner, i went to the loo, and then OH MY GOD!! damn it!! i had "intermediate" bleeding AGAIN!! damn it!! it has actually stop for quite awhile why is it coming back now!!! btw, do you called it "intermediate" bleeding? sounds not quite like it. i forgot what the doc's term for it, maybe it is called intermediate" anyway, i was scared lor. afterall, it stopped for quite awhile liao. the 1st time i had it was when the 4 of us (the girls) went on a star cruise trip!! ya, tt was like donkey years ago, i can still remember i was still in my first co lor. then it came on and off until some time later when i decided to go see a gyne abt it. but dun know why when i go see a doc, the thing stop!!! doc said need to monitor the situation coz it can mean many things lor. and from tt day till last month, everything is fine coz LAST MONTH, it came back!!! sigh.......then today it came again!! really bloody hell lor. think got to monitor closely and see how it goes from here. GBM = god bless me leh!!
holy shit!! =((
in the end, i didn't accompany dear go fishing. he send me home coz i told him i feel like gg home. i felt very bad...but i really need to come home. so far so good. really GBM!! =P sorry dear......will go fishing with u soon ok...once my flu, cough, sore throat and this bleeding is over.......i will be back to normal... =))
dim sum buffet
we had a Full attendance today lor
at dragon gate rest at harbourfront centre
not just for the girls only but also for our partner
so happy
so happy for all of seemed just like yesterday when we were all discussing abt our ideal partners (provided there is one) . u know, as in the PRINCE CHARMING. hehehe.....must be like this and not like tt, must have this and not have tt, must do this and not do tt, 101 stuff we were discussing.....and finally, the ideal partner is out after so many wrong partners....
to show how happy we are and will always be, i had some pics for proof

in camera, showed that dear and my head was "chopped off"

hehehe spot the difference??? noticed tt all 3 couples still same pose?? hehehe
btw, got feel very funny to see own pics in here?? hehehe..... =P ok lah. soon u will get used to it. dear already used to it....hohoho.....
today's gathering is organised for us to "interview" Junhao lor. in the end, we didn't interview much. we were like just updating each other and talking cock. i think we have passed the age of "interviewing" each other's partners. we are more like grown up now. we just communicate as friends. not like parents meeting their future son-in-law or daughter-in-law like that. hehehe
so when qi and i went to the ladies half way thru the dim sum, she told me tt ping asked her to ask Junhao some questions to start the ball rolling. but frankly speaking, i think we have really passed that stage lor. coz really dun know what to ask and what to say, afterall, we are all 3X lor. hehehe. then qi mentioned tt we used to interview someone in cheng's house until so detailed. then i went "it must be zhuang's bf. what's his name? hmmm... cannot remember now." then qi said "think its zhong sheng" then i went " no lah. ur kelmen very lucky, nobody qn him much. but zhuang one was very detailed. zhong sheng and qing was in the room looking at pics, remember??. so he escaped" then we went into silence think we were in the cubicle then. hehehehe busy with our own business......lolz.....then dun know why after i flushed the toilet, i went "song nan!! zhuang's bf, he was being qn in the kitchen. remember?" then we were like "yayaya"......hehehe. imagine, those were the days. really asked until family how many? stay where? u number what in the family? working where as what? how u two met? why u like her? when getting marry? marry already stay where? blah blah blah......hahaha....we really have 101 qn in hand to ask lor...only never ask "how much u earning each month".......
i remember donkey years ago, it was on my birthday that the girls requested sean to come along. we met at boat quay lor or was it clarke quay?? whatever lah. then i think we proceed to the "mu chuan" where got ppl sing songs one lor. he was also being "interviewed" but i think becoz he looked fierce so he was not interviewed until jia liat jia liat lor.....hehehe........or maybe the girls didn't notice tt he was fierce??!!?? anyway, he was being "accepted" into the big family. my friends really gave me face......I LOVE U ALL!! muack!!
hahaha, then there is another one. really jing dian lor. it was when ping brought franics to our bbq. wa lao!! somebody turned black face tt nite and no mood to bbq anymore lor......then the atmosphere was like very very cold, coz u know when the guys united, boy!! they really united lor. but then so what the guys can united, we girls also can stand united one lor. and franics u very lucky i got to say lor, we girls really treat u very well......hahaha.......he was also one of the lucky one like jun hao, not being "heavily" bombarded lor. only at their wedding then kana sabo by us......but come to think of it, franics and ping, ur wedding also not sabo until very jia liat rite? very mild only......... =)) hehehe
frankly speaking, didn't dig out much abt junhao. but he has a very friendly face and easy gg personality. not saying tt the previous bfs of zhuang no friendly face lor. but the 1st one, i got to say sorry, i really dun have much impression of him coz i only met him once and he is shown the door.....hehehe.....better luck next time b******!! the 2nd one was ok, much better than the 1st one i must say. coz i saw him more frequent than the 1st one, but too bad my friend, U R BOOTED OUT!! loser!! so comes the 3rd one, as i read somewhere before, "u need to meet some wrong ones before u can meet the mr right" so i think this is it!! he is the ONE. though i no speak to him much. but from what i observed he is very "xi xin" towards zhuang lor. i think this is what my gf is looking for. one of the criteria. =)) and then again, friends of hui sze's hubby, sure very good one. coz hui sze's hubby also one of the best of the best. =)) yeah!!
btw, dear told me he thinks ping and francis really very "perfect hubby and wife" lor coz when we girls were at the ladies, franics actually asked Junhao what ping asked when she came back from the ladies......hahaha.....and he said Junhao's replied also what he replied to franics earlier on.......hehehe, like i always think, ping and franics very perfect match lor. so ping and franics, u two should cherish what u already have build up over the years!! u will be the envy of many, and i am one for sure!! =P
seemed like all 4 of the guys play MJ!! maybe we can have a MJ session one day.....lolz while the girls can chit chat? coz u know lor, i dun MJ, either u or me will Zzzzzzzz.......*faint*.. but seemed like i am the only girl who doesn't know how to play MJ am i supposed to learn?
anyway, i did have an enjoyable time today? not sure abt u!! =))
I aM dYing!!!!!!!!!!!!
buay ta han not feeling good leh
even though i took medicine and slept slept slept whole day..........
i woke up quite a bit thru out the nite
i also cannot explain why?
so aching at the 2 sides of my waist. i thought i have kidney failure u know. bloody shit!! its so "suan" lor.....cannot lie flat on the bed need to, need to, need to........actually, i also dun know how to sleep leh. i toss and turn but couldn't find the RIGHT and CORRECT position to angry lor and i was COLD........FREEZING COLD ok......anyway, i bear with the "pain" the "ache" the "suan" and went back to was the "pain", suan" "ache" tt woke me up thru out the nite lor........damn it!! what is happening!!
when i woke up this morning, the moment the 2 feet touched the ground, i tell u, i am the very the weak lor. i feel so sick!! how could it be!! the medicine suppose to make me feel so much better but i got so much worst!!! omg!! now i wonder why i went to see a doc who doesn't make me feel better but worst.....i have no strength!!!!!!!!! bloody hell..........arrggghhhh..........
even when i cough or sneeze, i feel like i am dying.............. =((
for the dim sum buffet later at 12pm, i tell u, i am gg to hang in there!!!! jia you!! but i still feel lousy!!! =((
To DoCtoR tO dOctOr
this morning was hell!!!
as i was saying last nite was already horrible with the running nose and the itchy throat. this morning was the blasting of the music cd of 881 by dad!!!
i cannot believed it!!
"each person take half, then the r/s will not break......" and it went like a broken record...i tell u, so irritating....tts why i know i am sick. and very sick. if not it would not have drove me crazy... =P
and just for the record, last nite while me trying to sleep, he was already watching the vcd of the 881. and pls lor, he went to the cinema and watch it before and when my auntie loan him the vcd, he watched it again and he was also blasting it away lor. .....arghhhh....
anyway, so i buay ta han the music, i went out!! i dragged myself to go see the doc.
took a bus to interchange coz the "healing touch" according to my mama, past away last week. and he was only 65yrs old!! mama said he young lor. must be heart attack or what. anyway, just for the records, he was the doc i went to since i shifted here. so he saw me grow and i too saw him grow. why is he called "healing touch"? u must be wondering rite? well, not becoz he can heal u like miracle lor. coz he, he hor, actually since he no longer here, i dun want to bad mouth him, just leave it as it is, let history be history, let bygone be bygone.......btw, "healing touch" was given to him by dear lor. hahaha =p
anyway, i decided to cross the road at the mac's side coz i dun want to walk a big circle lor. i dun know is it my luck today or becoz i am sick, i didn't jay walk. hehehe....pls lor, i dun do it all the time, SOMETIMES only lor. and guess who i saw....... "ta da"
this man kana booked lor. but i overheard the police man said "1st timer only warning"
if u looked closely, there is another officer in white at the oppsite side of the traffic light lor. and this officer was on stand by while the other one was booking that uncle
So u guessed it? why they are being booked? well, coz they JAY WALK lor. there was this "auntie" (dun think she is auntie lor. she had red dyed hair and was on the mp3 player but just want to call her tt) when i crossed earlier. she told the officer she no brings her ic out. so after taking down the ic no., she started to walk away. then the officer stopped her and said "since u no bring ic, u got to wait awhile while i check. just to confirm u not illegal" GOOD JOB!! that "auntie" wants to be cocky then u wait lor. when she was walking away, she said something like "i dun know cannot like this." pls lor.......wait till u get urself into an accident with the buses , either u or ur family will make noise lor and blame it on who? u will blame it on the bus drivers lor. and then what can they do?? nothing lor. why? coz u "dun know mah"...u think gahmen will let u go off so easy?!! u dream on lor.......we were all advised not to jay walk lor. so there is no such thing as "DUN KNOW"
anyway, whatever lor. just want to say, me heng lor. hahaha, if i jay walked, i could also have been given the same booking and warning then i will be xian liao lor. just want to see doc and kana warning....hahaha......then perhaps i no go there see doc in future liao....

my medicine...which kind soul is willing to reimburse me my medical claim??? pls.....
just took the medicine few mins ago and am waiting for them to take effect to make me drowy and go to bed. esther was telling me to make a glass of honey with lemon. i told her house no lemon lor. she told me to go buy. i told her i just now really ma chiam "forced" myself to leave the house to go see doc lor and just got back, dun really feel like gg out again. and all i have at home is ......."ta da" trusty "coca cola" lor......hehehe coz all other things taste "BLAH".. =P

so i was feeling lousy rite? so since me in interchange liao. i went to walk walk, jalang jalang lor. i wanted to go M&S to get some panties lor. but always no go. so just now i saw this make shift store at the medical hall there. panties gg for like 4 for $10, 2 for$8 and 3 for $10. i saw the red one lor hahaha......was just telling esther tt i want to get a red one for cny to change luck lor. and so in the end, i bought 6 pcs of panties and a red nail polish. think i really need to change my luck desperately rite........lolz =P
my purchases

saw the dark "patches" on my feet again. heart pain lor....sigh...what can i do to even it out.....esther said dun wear the sandals when we go fishing again. then let the sun shines on it. but i tell u lor, cannot lor. as i mentioned previously, those so called "fishermen" just throw the unwanted hooks and lines on the the ground lor. so if i so heng and stepped on one, tts it leh..... feet!!!
time to go Zzzzzzz liao. think my eyes starting to get heavy and heavier by the mins....secs.....ZzzZzzzZzzzzZzzzz
PrEsEnTs TiMe.........
these are the presents that i have gotten so far....... "ooooowww, how i loved presents" =))
courtesy of LL
these are from my ai ai, the super mario was JUST FOR ME, the xiao ding dang is the gift exchange
this rooster alarm clock also JUST FOR ME from JUDY
this memo clip is also another JUST FOR ME from pecky
these are from aunties judy and pecky for chloe....who esle.....hehehe pen was from pecky the other from judy...lucky little gal =P
can u believe it!!
i am down with FLU........bloody hell........
why must i be sick when i am JOBLESS!!!
who is gg to pay for my medical fees........damn it
had a terrible nite and woke up feeling.....cold???!!
hm.......need to see a doc esp since tomorrow meeting the girls and their partners =)) so i want to get well real soon to eat my dim sum buffet at dragon gate lor.... =)) so long no have dim sum leh....looking forward to tomorrow
anyway, the nose has been "running" and the throat"itchy" lor. think the heat is coming up!!
so i smsed dear this morning when my eyes pop open tt i am not gg to meet him today
i dun mind meeting him actually but not for fishing lor
i do believe tt i caught the flu virus while fishing at bedok jetty on thur lor. we went there from noon till 9pm ok......u go there and try it out urself, the wind hor, damn chilling one lor. no joke
blow until u key siao lor. i had to hold on to the umbrella to "block wind" lor.....
he happy but now i suffering..... =(( "ahhhhh chhooooo........" *excuse me*
ChRiStMaS gAtHeRiNg 2
went for another christmas gathering dinner with the ex jcpl coll
everyone was there except for CM and bay bay...
one goes to church service the other gg to pop anytime...
ai ai said will send the pics to us. so i will put up the pics later. =))
ya,i know, i brought my camera but no use. hehehe
i got presents from ai ai, pecky and judy........I LOVE U all. as this yr me not working, i no buy gifts for the individual lor. sorry gals and guys..... better luck next time!! and for the gift exchange i got the NO. 1 and it was my ai ai's present lor. judy gotten mine. so lucky lor. coz kate was the only girl who does not wear earrings. will take the pics and upload soon....
guess the ideal christmas wish this yr, well, should be to get a job, and not any job, but an ideal job!!! =))
aaron told us tt his wedding will be on 3rd of june next yr. at novotel clarke quay. =)) 6 months later. very fast hor. seemed like just yesterday he was just telling me tt his gf still studying so need to wait till she graduate and next moment, they rom on Oct and now preparing for the wedding dinner......
btw, esther gotten a job!! happy for her.....luckily i arranged to meet her today if not, sigh, no chance liao, coz she starting work on MONDAY!! yayaya, christmas eve, coz the guy who is gg to hand over to her advised tt its better for her to come in ASAP to familarize herself with the operations and procedures and building. so happy for her lor. and she gave me a TREAT today!! thanks esther!! and its not a small treat lor. we went pastamania lor..... =)) and then she went shopping with me to get the gift exchange for this evening dinner. =)) got a butterfly earring. fitted my budget of $10!! no less and no more. just nice. then we popped back to her 3-room love nest. and i saw "HORRIBLE" lah, its horus the cat.......he so cute lor. he was lying on the sofa when we got back. and i didn't notice him till esther went "horus" and i was looking for him then i saw him THERE!! and i went "HORRIBLE, come here" and then he actually jumped down from the sofa and followed me to the kitchen. and i saw he had poo in his sand bin lor.......hehehe.......yucks!! but i got to say he good lor. just like human go to toilet, he goes to his sand bin. very well trained. good cat!! esther dun like me to call horus "HORRIBLE" but i continued to call him tt and irritates her......hahaha....but he also react to that name lor.....and i told her our dog's name is ARMOUR and she gave me a "what kind of name is tt" look. hehehe......well, u got to ask dear. he was playing GUNBOUND at tt time when we got him, so he was name "ARMOUR"......imagine if he is named "ADUKA"......*faint* tt was the favourite bot tt dear was using tt time.
btw, the guy from XXX texted me and said i was unsuccessful for the temp post. well, so be it. but it did dampened my mood abit for tonight. wonder why can't he texted me tomolo or even monday???!???!!? sigh.....whatever......just got to wait for the ideal one lor. doubt the XXX and DP will call me, its almost 1 week liao for the DP one and the XXX, well, since wed last min interview i refused to give in, i doubt they will call me again lor. whatever........tomolo search the papers again.......every sat is a HOPE!!!
NatiOnAl TrEaSuRe
went to watch it last nite or should i said morning at 1240am.
not bad actually, watchable lah
but it did have a loophole at the ending
go watch it then u telle me where's the hole...=))
comparable to part 1?? well, i must say, ok lah. got lose out abit though
coz dun know why, always part 1 very nice one so tt it will attracts u to want to watch part 2 and part 3 and so on and so forth. but its always a disappointment when u said the sequel.....why why why....
dear's comment is "NOT VERY NICE. TELL IVAN DUN WATCH"
so i told him "sorry lor, amanda wants to watch. so he has to watch lor"'s always the case rite?
when ur partner wants to watch, even if its shitty show, u also have to bite the bullet and watch it rite?
dare to ai ci ai choi, u will get it real bad lor.......... =))
sigh, tts why really cannot understand lor, ppl can give in so much to the other partner when SO IN LOVE, but when the love turns to hatred, i tell u, boy oh boy!! a little bit of words or action will really make ur hair all stand up and feel so extreme.......
so unbelievable!!
i was on my way back from the gahmen's interview just now
and i got to tell u, this interview, i have no complains lor
the 2 interviewers very nice person. =))
must thank SF lor if i really gotten the part time job.....hehehe they looking for candidates who can commit for abt 5 months
i told them, (honestly, as usual), as i am now quite selective with my job application, i only had 4 ineterviews so far. so if any of these 4 (which i have to say 2, coz the other 2 is like, i have strike them off liao) offered me the job, i will take it up. but if they select me i will commit myself for 5 months with them unless something interesting comes contradicting hor. but i just want to be frank with them tt if i really got a perm/full time offer, then i will have to give up the temp one. i dun want to lie or be dishonest. and who knows, after 5 months, i might find myself a perm job with them leh... =))
anyway, back to the main topic of the day
think it was at eunos tt the hdp ring ring ring
then this very rude (or maybe i should said she very gan cheong) briefly intro herself and i went "oh yes." i dun even know wtf she was mumbling but i knew tt she was from yesterday's INFORMAL meeting place
then she went "can u come down now to meet the dean. he is free NOW. " i looked at my watch, 430pm. if i rushed down, it will take me one and a half hour which means to say, 6pm i will then reached XXX. so i went "i am so sorry but i cannot make it NOW." then the most unbelievable part came " WHY?".......WTH!!! perhaps its a very natural reaction to go why, but do u need to be so shocking and sound so unbelievable? was just telling esther, do all gahmen ppl goes ard being shocked and unbelievable??!!?? so i went "its so last min and i already have an appt." (ya ya ya, i only meeting dear to watch national treasure lor. no big deal!! but its a big deal to me coz i "begged" him to watch it with me tonight) then she went "but dean is only available today coz he is flying off tomolo." then i went "i am so sorry. but i really cannot." bloody hell, it then occurs to me, "when u need me u so desperate, when u dun need me, to hell with me rite?" bloody toad!! anyway she told me "hold on a min" and she shouted to the person behind " ta bu ke yi" of course "bu ke yi" lah. u think what? i already said, i do need a job, but i am not hard up for one yet.......i am not hanging high high up there to sell lor, coz what do i have to sell? basically nothing, i am just a down to earth person, looking for a living. tts all......then she said "ming tian or friday?" then she came back on line and told me " we will contact u again" then she click. rude rite? i then dun want to work with such rude ppl lor.......*rolled eyes* i remember when she first call me up to arrange for the informal meeting, she was so nice and sweet. then she called me like 3 times to change the timing of the meeting, i what also can. allow her to change. now hor, just becoz i cannot make it, she changed colour, ma chiam like chameleon lor. anyway, she only booked with me tentatively on fri if i got selected lor. so today is like, last min, so should i entertain... no lor.......all my closed friends know tt, i dun entertain last min gathering or outing one.....u wait long long lor....maybe will entertain...=P
wonder if really gotten the job, will dear send me to work and back home too *wonder wonder*
anyway, i told esther, maybe becoz of this "sorry but i cannot make it NOW." will cost me a job...... =o) but do i care.......nai......not now......hehehe
My FaUlT??
was complaining to dear abt the interview yesterday
dear said "always complained abt the interviewers, i think the problem lies with u. u dun know how and what to say. need to talk back to them sometime. and no need to answer everything they asked. asked them back what's the rational of asking you that qn but u will still answer if they can give u a reasonable reply"
sigh, tt sets me thinking, does the fault really lies with me...........
the interviewers were like really doubting my capabailites when i told them tt all these yrs, 11 yrs to be exact, i have been running projects on my own, from the beginning to the end. but u can see that in their eyes there are like "many ?????", real or not they must be asking. hello?!!? i might not looked my age but i am in fact 3X liao what if i do look younger than my age but its not fault. so dun doubt my capabilities ok. i cannot always be at the low level, i must move up up up lor.......afterall, 11 yrs in this line, time to move up lor.....sigh....and i was just telling esther, if i looked older than my age, then ppl will said "wa!! u so old!!!" then dun want to employ me liao...see lah, how to please everyone......sigh
think so far the only interview i went to and no complains is the DP one......i was all praise for them lor..hehehe....too bad, my hdp no ring ring ring a waiting game.....coming to a week liao. still no news then means game over.....
maybe its really my fault....all my fault......i also dun know.....need to really think abt it...... when i ZZZZZZZzzz
gg for an interview later...its for a temp post with the qi's office building.....anyway, the result is expected lor, will not get the job ..........lolz....
guess what happened
we were having breakfast just now at the market near my place. we were talking and laffing and suddenly i burted out "daddy.........." and both of us stopped eating and dear looked at me......hehehe....yayaya, i called my dear "daddy"....... so embrassing hor. also dun know why suddenly burted out...
i recalled one evening, we were on our way to ecp for fishing. dear passed the entrance to the carpark. so he wanted to an illegal turn into the exit. and then a van suddenly turned out and i went "DADDY!!!" hahahha.........damn stupiak rite.....then dear still asked me "ur dad also did this before?" i really canot believe myself1!!
and it happened to me again TODAY!!! *faint*...... =))
i am so sorry dear, i also dun know what came into me.......DADDY!!! sigh...... =P
and when dear dropped me off just now, (ya, he no go work today. he is gg fishing later so he had breakfast with me. so sweet hor), he went "bye bye mummy!" hahaha.....stupiak man!!
GaHmeN sEcToRs
ai yo!! i tell u lor
really lor, i am not cut out for gahmen sector
the interview today was HORRIBLE???!!
firstly, i reached there before 1030am. and was asked to wait for like 15 mins
interview ended like 11am......esther even asked me "so fast?" so now u know what i meant when i said the timing from the timing of the interview, u can gauage whether u r IN or OUT ........lolz
the guy whom i will be (if i am sucessfully recruited ) working with, started the interview with "sorry but i have to leave in 5 mins time"
then WTH u want the interview for? waste my time?
if ur time is previous, so is mine!! get it PIG BRAIN!!
so what if u r in the gahmen sector??!!! non gahmen sector not human meh?
i just hate it lor
anyway, again, this job is something like the one which i went to with DP.
project and contract management. both areas i also like. if given an opportunity, i dun mind venturing in. but too bad, they not interested in me lor. they asked me whether i have project management exp before? hello?? i am a qs, what u think? and outside we have a team of consultants, so we as qs will do our part, we will not ventured into other ppl's scope. even if we want to step one leg in, u think the other party will be happy?? so my reply was " being in a team of consultants, we do our own part, therefore i have no project management experience but i do have some knowledge abt it" basically, if u guys are looking for much more exp ppl in project management then state so in your advertisement. state a qs scope of work then who will know what u really want? and since u shortlisted me, then u should be fully aware of what i can offered to your co. dun come and ask me now "u have exp in project management? why choose gahmen after working out there as a consultancy for so many years? u stayed in the east? so u got to take 1 and a half hour journey to work. a bit far for u rite?" hello!! wakie wakie pig brains, if u think tt the journey is far then dun waste my time lor. dun even ask me to go attend the INFORMAL MEETING with u guys. as i said earlier, i am looking for a career change, seeking better opportunities, seeking for a post which can offer me a greater responsibilities role.......if u dun understand any part of this sentence, then i rest my case........sigh
i mentioned in my earlier blog, its not what i can offer u but also what u can offer dun make it look as if i am so hard up for ur job. so what if the job post is from a gahmen sector? there is no such thing as iron rice bowl lor. everybody knows tt. i just feel tt its a job and a job is a job. regardless of non gahmen or gahmen. as long as the job, the co, the mgt, can offer me job satisfaction, good pay, good welfare, always learning new things, then i guess, as long as u and i feel tt i am contributing to the co and growing in my role and achieving my targets and goals then i will render my service to the co lor. as simple as tt, why must ppl see such things so "mirco" lor.....pls lor, have a macro view ok....not to pick on nitty gritty things.
dear was saying "maybe tt guy is busy tts why he need to go off early." "never mind. just go for more interviews lor." sigh.....very comforting.... =)
anyway, tomolo gg for the temp post interview. also a gahmen post. SF told me "its a hot post. till now no can find a suitable candidate. tts why need to temp and then if good conver to perm if can work along well" so all i want to say is, i have no luck for gahmen post lor. so i doubt will get it too. u see lah, perm job cannot get can understand, but temp also cannot........sigh, shows how lousy i am....... =((
WoNdEr PoWdEr
want to blog abt this wonder powder which i just bought. think its an australian brand. having a promotion at this beauty shop in simei.
i was actually browsing ard when i saw this silver casing and quite like it
then the sales girl came over "u looking for two way cake or pressed powder?"
then i went "2 way." then she "Ta Da" and showed me this.......

its very light when applied on the face. meaning u dun feel cakey or heavy. its so light until u dun feel tt u have actually applied on make up lor. tts what i like abt it. i hate foundations which turn cakey and "melts" under the hot sun. feel very "heavy" this is good!! recommend!! yeah!!

then there is this hair cream. i also like it very muchie. also on promotion. so smell no sticky and most impt the curls are nice lor. hehehe. but she told me "Dry look or wet look also can" but dun know why, mine is a wet look lor..and the curls are hard hard one. u can ask esther. she saw it!! hehehe =P but i still recommend it. coz the one which i used previously, Potion No. 9, well, its not sticky but it does have a smell which dear and chloe doesn't like.......hehehe so bye bye potion no. 9........bye bye *waving goodbye*
was just telling ivan yesterday tt been gg to fishing with old man. and have turned dark. no more pretty, white and fair. he said abit tan is ok. i told him this is not tan lor. this is horrible. esp on my feet, got 2 different colour tones and i cannot wear opened toe sandals or flats liao. he said ok wat, who will see.......

well, this is what u will see....see the 2 tones and also the small dots on my right feet? those are mosquitoes bites lor. damn itchy one ok. now my whole legs(small and big thighs) got the marks very ugly no can wear shorts or skirts until they heal, or will they ever heal..........omg!! omfg!!! or am i just being over sensitive......guys just dun understand...dear told me "then wear pants lor. wear covered shoes lor"......wa lao!! girl leh, once awhile wear dress, wear skirt, nice nice lor. everyday wear covered shoes, no change pattern, very sian one lor. need to doll up once in awhile rite?
i remembered dear once told me "how many pairs of feet u have? why buy so many shoes? why can't u wear out one pair then buy another?" then i gave him a glared!!!! WTF!! shoes and handbags the same, need plently plently to mix and match lor. different styles, colours will mix and match and new style will pop out wat.......MEN!! they just dun get it!! and still can on my birthday tell me " buy ring also can wat. u have 10 fingers!!" coz i told him i have rings liao...... sigh......*speechless*. tts what i loves so muchie abt my dear......always so unpredictable.....
PrEgGiE mOnTh
dun be misled by the title and thought tt i am the one who is preggie lor
where got so lucky.......i still on the shelve lor...
and gg to be expired soon too i guess....anyway, guess for the past few months is all the preggie news yr end is the trend huh?
first it was stephy who's popping in nov, then wy's preggie news, then came michele and then rumoured tt eden also, then now one of my 4 best friends is also preggie!!!! omg omg!! all the preggie i guess their bbs will also be popped ard the same time and me is gg to be pok.......hehehe.......but as usual my gift to the newborn will always be PAMPERS!!! what else.....hehehe, never leave home without ur trusty PAMPERS!!! =))
wonder when will it be my turn to pop......*wondering* so many good news surrounding me, hopefully will also bring me some luck!!
we girls are organising a christmas gathering on our own with our partners, who bothers abt small gas guy......chey!! we can also organised on our own and yet still have our fun lor. first we decided it shall be buffet then i think think think, so many ppl, eat dim sum the best. coz we can have many variety and then most impt can eat a bit of everything......esp i no eat dum sum when we were in HK. yeah!! dear said ok tt we will go. =)) so let's hope he no put aeroplane lor. anyway, the final destination is dragon city or dragon gate at vivo.......the main reason of having this outing is I WANT TO SEE JUN HAO!! hehehe...... =P
having an interview tomorrow at 1030am. and the venue is at west lor, end of the day will i take up the offer?? well, if being offered really got to think abt it coz will have to wake up damn early lor. the journey is bus, mrt and then bus......quite tiring and its one of those journey i dun like lor.....i prefer MRT then solve the issue. hehehe......just like in CPG or in JCPL. but too bad, jurong is just too far and tt time the $$$ wasn't right......anyway, its an informal meeting and then after if selected will have the interview. and then after the informal meeting, i am meeting SF for lunchie.....long time no see her le, maybe can do some catching up.
my hdp still no ring ring ring lor. think the dp one also no chance liao. heaven send things no my share. govt sector also no my share. so tomorrow's meeting i just go with a "ping chang xin". dun need to get over excited over something tt doesn't belongs to me in the first place. why lose sleep over it.
esther is also having an interview tomolo in the east......but hers is at 830am. her hubby has volunteered to fetch her lovey dovey rite? and mine? well, he said he gg fishing.......hahaha......can faint rite.....guess what? he said today he and his dad caught 16 fishes in total and he damn the happy lor. can see its written all over his face when i met him just now after my facial.....=)). he happy, i of course happy lor.....
am quite surprised tt dear agreed to attend the gathering with the judy and gang. normally he will excused himself coz he dun like the idea of gift exchange as he doesn't like to rack his brain on what gift to buy. so i guess hor, no christmas present for me too lor..... =(( aaron suggested to him to give a $10 ang pao instead and he readily accepted the suggestion. see!! men!!! no romantic now the BIG ? is are we or are we not gg to announce.......*blank look* i also dun know......maybe see how it goes bah....dun worry, its not our wedding news!! if it is, u won't be the last one to know, ok...... =)) i steady one, i will announce it to the world at large.....hahaha......
the u know who smsed me. think they finally had a very good talk. think they also come to a common conclusion, "TIME TO SAY GOODBYE".......but they couldn't agree on anything else besdies the conclusion. so how? i also dun know how. just told him to take it easy and work something out. afterall, once so in love with each other, once husband and wife. but am glad tt finally u know who has come to face the truth and reality. its a difficult road and decision to walk and make, but u just have to start somewhere rite?
dun know what else to say. but i do know many ppl still cannot accept the D. why? is it becoz they are ignorant abt D, never encounter D, no friends have D, no hear of D stories? why why why? so many ???? but can i blame them? no lor. but must they use a coloured specs and viewed on the D. do they have the rights to "look down" or whats the word to use on ppl who are D? guess they do have lor. after all its a FREE world. very sad, really very sad. sad until it hurts, hurts so bad....... =((
mY PrInCiPaL
my ex sec principal was in today's paper!!!
whats so fantastic and so be so happy abt it rite?
well, as quoted she was the "dragon lady" of the east.......
we, or rather, i was so afraid of her
she has the X factor in her. whenever i saw her in school, and as a prefect, so choice lor, got to bow and greet her "Good @, Ms. Bandara".......i got to say she is real good!!
she was a very good principal and guided us, the school very well
think she did more than just her part
i remembered she once said "blah blah blah, SO JUST DO IT ONCE AND DO IT WELL"........i finally understood the meaning of this sentence after i got to retake my Os as a private candidate......if only, i passed my ang mo, did well for other subjects, i wouldn't be sitting at home, revising for my Os subjects again, i would be with my other schoolmates or classmates, moving on...........and i "wasted" my 1 yr revising and doing the most dreaded thing, 10 YEARS SERIES.......frankly speaking who loves the series.........hehehe......i still remember, we have to do and do and do, revise, revise and revise, every single page, every single qn. sigh....horrible lor......really a night mare........ =P and IT's OVER.....hehehe
just like her career as a principal had been over......but she will always be well loved and remembered by her co workers, employees, students and perhaps even the tea lady, cleaners and tuck shop stall holders........ =)) she is GOOD i tell u. an asset to MOE.......=)) tts why, MOE is publishing a book on the principals, teachers, whoever tt has play a significant part and contributed to the education sector. and i must say, she definitely well deserved it!!
way to go, Ms. Paramita Bandara!!!!
wonder how did garreth's shower went?
stephy have not blog abt it so i dun know what i had missed
ya ya ya, i no show lor
coz old man brought me fishing at 10am in the morning remember??
once again, i got to say "SORRY STEPHY AND HUBBY GOH AND GARRETH BB!! please accept my sincere apologies" *bow 90 degrees toward the floor*
and next thing is yeah!!!
did u see my new calendar and my chat box lor. both are up and all thanks to AH BOI!!! he just did it for me while waiting for his friends to prepare sweet of him ...... dun bother to ask me how to do it, coz i also dun know....lolz...maybe ah boi u should blog abt how to do the calendar and the chat box thingy.... =))
this week nothing special except for a tue interview and a could be wednesday interview. a PH on 20th and then waiting patiently for reply from DP.......wish me luck and cross fingers and toes...and dear said we go fishing on the PH........*faint*
GuESsEd ThAt'S iT
u know who just smsed me, telling me tt u know who too send him a writ of divorce. actually also not sure should i blog abt it coz afterall its ppl's affair and they dun want any publicity over it.
so maybe i just do a general blog this evening....cannot spend too much time on this coz i need to go fill up my application and send it out by tomolo and also read sat and sun time to read... =))
lets call them Husband(H) and Wife (W).....coz "we hereby pronouced u Husband and Wife" hehehe......still can joke hor, not bad rite........
apparently H dun want to go thru the D and W die die also want to go thru
H is feeling unfair coz he feels tt W wants to make it seemed like he is the one at fault
i told H, both party also at fault. so dun feel or think this way
and W afraid tt H will do something silly actually called her to be EX mil to go see her soon to be EX hubby........sigh......must be wondering why she did it rite? well, she has her own reason but definitely not "she still loves him".......anyway, H called W and asked to talk over the issue. and W said OK. so what will the outcome be, i also dun know.......but i do know tt H wants to save the marriage but i also know tt W will never agreed with it and will be bend on gg ahead with the D. afterall its already coming to 2 yrs the couple staying together under the same roof and NO COMMUNICATE AT ALL except for SHOUTING AND SCREAMING....... so i told H, well, dun think too much. since W said will discuss tomorrow then go collects all his thoughts on what he wants to say and do and most imptly end of the day if the talk no goes thru the way he wants what he wants to do and say.......told him before if really cannot do anymore and he felt tt he has done all he could, it would be better to let it go and move on......
i even assured him no matter what happened, never feel or think tt this is the end of his life coz he will never be able to remarry again coz he would be a D. he said he actually thought of this before and think it will be true. i told him, honestly, guy will mind that the girl is a D but for girls, we heck care lor. unless of course the marriage broke down becoz of his bad habits, like gambling, womaniser or becoz other unacceptable behaviour. dun shake head lor and said what i said its untrue for guys.......i tried asking guys in SDU before whether they mind or not, i tell u, ALL said they mind coz dun know what the girl did lor........BLOODY HELL lor. the girls did nothing....why can't they use their pig brains and think tt the guys also can be at fault at what the SDU guys studied until degree level or masters or PHD (which inccidentally also stands for permanently head damaged) =))...
sigh....but end of the day, i really dun wish to see them come to this lor. frankly speaking whoever thought of divorcing your partner the moment u married each other. everybody wants a happy ending lor. from the day both said "I DO" till the day both legs stepped into the coffin..... =)) but if really have to end this way, i rather tt its ended in a "happy" ending too... =))
whatever it is, both also my friend lor.......cannot take side, most impt just be a netural party..... i dun wish all these to turn into an ugly scene lor. end of the day if still can remain as friends why not rite? though i doubt it.....but whatever its is, please remember lor, this path is u guys choose one lor, be together, married each other, go thru thick and thin and finally one party decided to give it all up....nobody to blame and nobody instigated one, so dun one day sit down and recall the past and start to regret this or tt lor. there was TRUE LOVE in the beginning, just tt where did it go.........
bear this in mind, dun becoz of a moment of folly committed something which u will regret and never be able to turn back the clock. dun gave up ur 99.9% for tt 0.1% and then come to realise too late tt its not worth it at all........coz its will never be worth it!!
mY 1st FiShInG eXpErIeNcE
had my fishing experience on sat and 2nd today
was it fun? exciting experience?
i tell u lor, i only fished till lunch time.
why? coz i dun really like fishing lor.....just try out fishing......
didn't caught anything though =))
and it was hot lor, no hands to hold umbrella......
dear was sad and unhappy coz only caught 2 fishes....
so he grumpy and said "tomorrow we come at 9am"
and i looked at him.......coz we came here at 10am already lor. whats difference does it make by coming an hour earlier.......*rolled eyes and scratch head*
so today we reached the fishing spot at 9am. still told me on the way "the fishes all waiting for me to preach them lor. so we dun be late" i think he siao liao lor....i think he was hoping he will catch many fishes coz yesterday got few uncles actually caught many fishes lor.
by lunch time, dear only caught 2 fishes
so he became hot and grumpy
and i got "scolding" for "losing" his float while doing my fishing
but always managed to retrieve it back but he just flared up at me
and i was like WTF! u no catch any fish not my fault lor. "lose float blamed me" wtf
then hor when he ownself lose the float, he told me "hehe! the float gone." then i went " my turn to scold u" then he cheekily told me he said "its ok. anyway, its spoilt" then i gave him a dirty look "then y u scold me just now?" *pout* and he went "i where got scold u? where got?" then i said "just now." and he went "coz u kept losing the float and i have to retrieve it back for u and i cannot fished properly" bloody hell!! the float was spoilt lor. used a black masking tape "bandage" it. not my fault lor. think he just want to scold me and loves to scold me.... =P
"bye bye float........bye bye............." =P tts what i told dear to say when we saw the float floating in the sea into the tital gate area. i even went to the extent of waving to it....."farewell" =P
so u know what? i will not touched fishing any more!! whY?? coz he was the one who told me to fish and then find me troublesome and then "scold" me......bloody hell. why should i be scolded on his expenses lor. pui pui pui......i then dun want to fish and get scolding for nothing lor...
anyway, i tell u lor, dear so "sway" lor. all the uncles ard us caught fishes but no fish wants his he kept seeing the uncles each caught abt 30 over fishes...(no kidding ok).... =)) and he sour face one uncle very nice, i think he saw dear's envy face so he taught him 2 tatics..get thinner lines abt 0.22mm for 8 to 15 pounds, use smaller hook abt no. 6 and use bread. so dear said he will go try it out next week......
and guess what? tt blur sotong lor, DROPPED the "wounding" part of the reel into the there goes the reel no can use liao.......he said will try to see the "wounding part" of his existing spolit reel can be attached to this new reel or not and VIOLA!! luckily can lor......hehehe if not really wasted leh......guys are guys no take care of their things one. esp things bought by their gfs........ =P *lousy pork*.......and guessed what he said the packet of weight which i bought also lose, lost and gone........hahaha.......said will have to buy again......
so now we need to buy more float, more weight and bread........ =)) but definitely no more fishing for me.......*cheeky face*
EaRlY ChRiStMaS gAtHeRiNg
in the end, we ended up in swenson for our christmas gathering
instead of having 1o, we had 7 pax nia
coz amy and tiffany cannot turned up coz her mama has some unsolved issue with her papa and therefore nobody can helped her look after her kid while she's out with us... so she last min had to cancel
as for the other one, sigh.......guessed she just dun want to see u know who lor.....
anyway, here's the pic........
guessed what i ordered....... =))

i ordered fish fish.....
this is chicken ordered by 4 girls......
this turkey is for the only guy in the grp
kebah ordered by TL
My MaStEr PiEcE
ta da!!! fresh from the master piece.......guess who will be the lucky person to pick my gift!! this yr i no get a unisex one, coz i not sure the guy wants to go or not
so i got a lady's gift.....hehehe..make a guess

this was an extra which i bought for........guess guess guess......... =P
there was a change of plan. 1st say sizzler and then becoz someone cannot make it we decided to go swenson and then TCC then decided on swenson then now cartel, i dun know wtf. i just told ll, she go decide and let us know lah. i give up. i dun like to change here and there, esp when we have more or less settled on the plan. do u know its damn tiring to be co-ordinating everything and organising everything and then someone just need to shoot the big mouth off and then musical chair again....i guess my character is like this. once set, dun change unless bo pian.....
i dun mind sending emails and informing everyone. but hor, dun asked me to send sms to all 8 of us lor.......shag u know. and frustrating. imagine after u send, someone repleid and ask u this and tt, and then another one too. and then u keep replying. if its email i dun mind, sms leh. type until fingers ache lor and worst if few ppl asked u the same thing, u r gg to repeat urself. if send email, everybody will be keep in the loop lor. so i am won't be frustrated. esp ppl who doesn't want to organise or put in any input then last min, just open mouth and expect things to be gg their way then in the first place why dun say so........ sigh......speechless *vomit blood*
i just dun like it lor. this outing was decided last month. then hor, if u cannot make it to that venue, dun u think u should at least say so last month or informed along the way to get it change? but not after i send out a reminder sms to all 7 of them and then 1 smart alec send a message and said can change venue or not. stab stab stab lor.....then i resend the sms again and ppl asked so now where? sickening toad lor........i am not saying what lor, no offence taken, my friend. but it is very frustrating one. try it one day and u will know.... =P