AlL mY FaUlT
ok, i know its my fault
i apologised but she still want to scream i also no choice
but she no screamed at me she raised her voice at the external consultant
"PT, did u check?""ya, why?"
"didn't u notice tt this is not the office format?""what's wrong?"
"there is no background. we always have a background before we start our report rite?""so what u want now?"
"did u check this?" *pointing to the recommendation*"for your infor, i wrote this. why?"
"no. i am not saying who wrote this. i am saying we need to repharse this. and u see this.""ya what's wrong?"
"grammar mistake. PT why u no check?""LN, we dun have time to go thru this nitty gritty things. we go to the main point. i dun know what is office standard (obviously rite? coz he is ext consultant mah?) she gave me, so i thought its the standard. i won't know standard or not?"
"PT, can't u just spare 2 mins to ask me?""so what u want to do now? she has faxed it out.""but i haven seen it.""LN, that's the problem here. whats the system here? if u give me something, after gg thru it, i will sign it. i won't know the office standard unless someone says so""but i have given her the format earlier and told her tt she needs to write a background"and it went on and on and on
she doesn't want to let go
finally "LN, lets put it this way, since the report already gone out, then so be it. the next one we just have to be careful."
and i already apologised
i felt so bad tt PT kana scolding from her becoz of my mistake
she already emphased tt need a background, this and tt. and when i was doing this and tt, i forgot TOTALLY about the background. anyway, is background tt impt? i have done so many reports without background lor. does it matter? no background the report will "die"?
the client know what the report is all abt lor, afterall they were the one who instruct us to call the quotation.
well, ok, i admit, its my fault. but i also not pushing the blame away
i admitted to her on the spot. i said sorry
she own self cannot let go, then what can i do??
i can't blame her coz she is in this co for many years, she has not gone out there and see the other "worlds" tts why. and for your infor, there is not STANDARD format of report, this so called STANDARD was her own standard. can't stand ppl who are not flexible. sigh. what to do?
actually after i have done the report, i placed one set on her table as draft
she said "Let PT see then send out"
hello??? instruction very clear lor
then after PT sees it, i send it out, whats the big deal here?
i think she has attitude problem
she wants ppl to look high high on her
to respect her
to think highly of her too
but too bad, if she is gg to be so mirco then too bad
she no earn any of my respect
just now today, coz she already bad mood from an earlier meeting
when one of her drafter showed her his dwgs
she went "what is this hatched thing? what does the hatched represent?"
then the guy very softly told her "its shadow."
then she very ultimate, she went " shadow? who asked u to draw shadow? just now i already told u to show me the dwg after lunch. then u never show me. then now u drew this. later u go present, i not gg to present. u go present" then she threw the pc of dwg on the table and went back to her seat. the poor guy quickly went back to his seat and remove the shadow. big deal meh? i asked myself. can be remove very fast one wat. why must she vent her anger on someone else. esp an innocent guy. sigh *speechless*
her guys working under her very poor thing lor
she LIKES/ WANTS to work late, tt is her problem
but when she works late, the whole team stays, she no think of herself must think of others lor
really tough working under her
just now in a hurry i forgot to check with boss whether do i need to write the minutes for her.
i hope i dun need to lor
later she sure grumbles and make lots of noise
my minutes still not up to standard lor
think better clarify with boss asap
if not nitemare lor
not me lor, its her...... =))
anyway, i was also quite pissed off with her
she told me 1 week ago to fix a meeting date with the consultants
so i asked her when is she free. so we just tell the consultants the meeting shall be on when when when
she said no get the consultants to revert back
so i told her sure ding dong one
or we just ask the owner when she is free then we fixed on the date. she says no
so fine
i send an email out and true enough all came back with different dates
and seemed like fri PM is the only time slot all can make it
so she went overseas and one consultant wrote in and said tt they have discussed on fri that the meeting will be fixed on friday so has it been confirmed
bloody hell!! she fixed and no tell me. so now i "stranded" lor
fine, so i also smart, i told them she is outstationed currently wait till she comes back to reconfirm
and then when she comes back she said not fri, its wed. so asked me to send email to all said its wed
then i told her but wed, one consultant cannot make it
she said " i dun care abt him"
wa lao!! then in the first place why asked me to go ask them for their time slot??
sigh. crazy woman rite?
anyway, more to come lor
then suddenly client wrote email and said wants the meeting on thursday AM. so she asked me to send email to all say thurs am, client's request.
i told her but thur got some consultants cannot make it so should we tell the client
she told me "she is the client. what can u do??"
so ok lor, fine, i send out an email to all again and said tt meeting will be on thur.
then after i send it, the very next day she said "meeting to fixed on wed, PM"
then i got heated up liao. i told her "huh? thought u said follow client's? i already send to all parties to confirm its thur liao leh."
and u know what tt pig said??
she said " u think we only have her project meh? we have many projects lor. and we can only make it on wed."
bloody pork rite?
so i was angry already lor. this arrangement for the meeting has ding dong for 1 week lor for your infor so i raised my voice at her ' if u wanted a wed meeting in the first place dun ask me send email to all to suit client's request."
then she still want to yayakalapa
i really ignored her and wanted so badly to slap her
anyway, i told honey liao
in future when she asked me to do things, i will sit on it till she finally made up her mind
dun waste my time lor, i got better things to do then keep sending emails and emails and more RIDICULOUS emails
and worst, she made me call them one by one to get the time slot, to confirm, she really cukoo upstairs lor
this evening, worst
she actually sabo the ext consultant
and even "shoot" boss
said she is very busy, currently doing design, PM and coordination work
she said the ext consultant not in the office so how to consult
so boss told her just give ppl the ext consultant's hdp and let him go handle, contractual issues to look for E, big matters to look for boss or chairman, she just concentrate on designs.
she biggest liao lor
ppl must see her face
bloody face lor
if i am boss, i will just engage someone in and then "lessen" her load see how much more yaya she can be lor
i am sure very easy to find more arch in lor
anyway, boss told me tt in future if we need any letter format just look for him
so i said ok
then she added "i already told her office got standard format in the folder" then black face show
come on lor, so many standards one
i went in to see lor, only 4 standard letters what u want? no standard lor.....go fly kite
sure, she can work very late every day and nite and i presumed weekends too
but hor, she too much lor
fickle minded and also dun want to share infor me.
i wonder how to work with such ppl
she better buck up her idea or i made her buck up
i dun need to give her face lor, i am not her assistant
i am HELPING her only. i got other better things to do.
tomolo, me having full day orientation
not gg to on my pc
perhaps in the morning bah
when i goes in
then 930am i will leave and probably will ends ard 530pm
then come back clear or print out whatever till 630pm then i will leave office
not working late tomolo, coz me and dear have a date
dun envy ok......i miss my dear...he is sick lor
food poisoning he said
worst, whole family kana
he went to see a doc today
hope he is feeling better
he said he still feeling same as yesterday
poor thing
old man liao tts why
no longer young lor
must take care of health. =))
cOuNt DoWn
honey is coming back for the cny!!
flying back this coming fri
too bad eric not coming back if not can meet up with them
anyway, the time will come for us to meet one day
asked a favour from honey
if she can find and buy it, then armour will have his greenies
a bit pai seh to ask her to buy greenies for me, but its really cheaper to get it in HK than in Sing.
its less than a dollar for one greenie in HK.
esp since she is only coming back alone. eric is gg back to shanghai to celebrate, opps!! i forgot whose birthday?? not sure is it his grandpa or his, abit pai seh to ask her to buy 4 packets and bring it back for me....... =P
today is a busy day for me at work
working on 2 minutes of meeting
never write minutes before but since its part of my job then no choice lor
must try and well, practise makes perfect rite?
and moreover, its something new to me, so must learn lor =)) take up the challenge!!
supposed to have a 6pm meeting with boss and the other arch for the mrt projects
he said wants to defined my job scope further
maybe its also an appropriate time to confirm with him my SCOPE OF WORK for each individualk projects and also the "Extra". at least get a clearer pic and also a direction to what is expected from me and by me.....
in the end, luckily i checked with boss lor, he is unwell so he told me to postpone it to tomolo and this time its at 430pm..... yeah!!! =))
so i get to come home slightly earlier today... =))
i told myself not to complain abt my "extended" working hours after reading esther's blog.
i must be contended lor. esther has been working weekdays thru weekend.......she is clocking in more hours than me lor. esp she starts and end work at irregular hours??!! do u call that irregualr hours?? hm.......just told myself as long as i finished my work, draw a line and go home..... =)) not gg to think abt want to go home on the dot anymore......and when weekend comes, i will also play hard too!!!!
work hard and must play hard too......wweeeeeeee........ =))
CNY is coming soon
1 more week
but mama have not buy any bak kwa for me to eat lor
dear already bought some last week and we have finished the 600g on sun.....muahaha =P yum yum!!
hope mama buy the bak kwa soon.....
just need to slog for one more week and can rest for a week!!!
can't wait
poor boss, he will be flying for the whole month of feb till early mar lor...poor man!!
but there is nothing i can do.....really short handed for him
he needs ppl to help him and too bad tt cha bo dun want to let go of the duties so i cannot help him.......not allowed to help him if not the cha bo will be unbalance and said i stepped into her territory....maybe, just maybe, one day, i might just get the chance...... =) tt will depend on the boss liao lor
we didn't go walk hua shi last nite
in the end, we went CHINATOWN!!
becoz we dun know where got hua shi
who knows where got hua shi?? can tell me??
it was as usual lor, very crowded at chinatown
but the stuff are the same every yr. no diff lor
anyway, just want to go there and get the cny mood lor
we made a date to go massage this week..... =))
can't wait.......
HuA sHi
wanted to go chinatown and then watched movie today
but dear said he very tired
so can only go one place
well, and he chose to go watch movie
so very obvious he dun like and dun want to go chinatown lor
anyway, he promised me tt tomolo we can go if i want to
said sunday go lesser ppl coz everybody will want to rush home coz next day need to go to work
so i told him why not we go "hua shi" instead
dear loves to look at flowers, dun asked me why
he "hua chi" perhaps.......or perhaps "hua xin"
i remembered when we went to korea's lolita world or whatever world
he actually planned one of the locations tt we shouls go visit is the flower garden or kingdom of flowers......i dun remember the name liao. old liao
tt nite when we arrived the garden was closed liao lor. no get to see, can see he quite disappointed
it was from there i found out tt he likes to see flowers lor
and once his house downstairs got pasar malam lor. when we walked passed the stall selling flowers he also got look see look see lor
since he likes flowers so muchie, i decided to "fang guo" him and go walk "hua shi"
and so he asked me" go where?"
bloody pork lor how i know where
i told him i dun know why have lor. big big one can walk longer
anyway, if he no can think where to go and walk "hua shi"
then sorry dear, chinatown we shall go.....hehehe =))
read stephy's blog, he sister having a boy!! also got pistol one lor. no can be wrong......$30K "pang pang" into the bank...... think when amy was preggie, her fil also got set money aside for boy and for girl lor..... but to her boy or girl also never mind..... =)) like my mama always said "healthy can already"
if my future il also said tt to me, i tell u, maybe i shall consider quitting my job and stay home and be a baby making machine.......hehehe
anyway stephy is gg back to work soon......
not sure will she be used to working life after a 2 months break lor
esp she is so attached to garreth boy!!
talking abt getting a second hand yao lan, ever considering getting an auto one??
u know the type tt u switch it on and it can yao by u are free to do other things or very concentrate on watching ur tv, reading ur books, ironing the clothes or even go for toilet break?? but whatever is it, yao lan must be careful lor. underneath put a mattress safer lor. =))
but i remember dun know who told me once, yao lan actually not very good for the baby. coz of the posture?? or was it becoz if not careful the bb might fall off?? hm......i really cannot remember.....esther, u have 3 nephews liao. any tips from ur sister when u went over to her place when the boys were will bb??? hm......enlighten pls, someone? anyone?
i finally bought something for the cny lor
not really something i fancy but at least better than nothing
i really dun know what to buy lor
walked until my legs and feet tired lor
so when i saw a red dress, i just grab
looked like the sixties ah go go dress lor
think will go get a sixties earrrings to match it
abit broke now, coz gave money to mama for the cny.
asked her to go get something for the family, dun know what she will get lor
u know, mama always very money thrifters lor. later go buy "dao gay" i will faint lor
always give her money, she will keep keep keep
sigh, keep for what?
give her is for her to spend one lor
anyway, last month no work so i no gave her money, this money might not be alot but to me its a lot liao lor
i got to wait till pay day to get my pair of shoes
but it ok.....coz its for the family, just doing my part.......=))
mama was very good lor. i tell u, like what stephy said "our own mummy always the best"
mama told me "u gave me so much, u have enough to spend or not?" *aawwwww* hear already heart melts lor, tears also want to drop lor. where to find? some parents feel tt its a must like tt to give lor. but my parents dun have such thingy lor. they feel tt whatever the amt is ok as long as we are comfortable lor. to work hard. money still the best!!! hehehe
dun forget i still need to get the cny gift for dear's family. this yr i decided to get the skylight package lor. think its $80 plus cum the bak kwa for dear....... =))
cHeCk ThIs OuT
check this out!!
which disney princess am i??
I'm BelleYou are the people princess, able to identify with all those around you. You are brave, independent and harbor no ill will towards any human beings or inanimate objects. Your level of compassion for others allows you to see beyond their physical exterior to the inner beauty within. Your true love, albeit hunky, will only reveal himself in due time. You're Belle!check this out!!
what type of fruit am i??
I'm PomegranateYou are unconventional, unique, and just a little bit tart. you know how to make a lasting impression and often do so with your zest for life.check this out!!what type of flower am i!!I'm DaffodilYou have a sunny disposition and are normally one of the first to show up for the party. You don't need too much attention from the host once you get there as you are more than capable of making yourself seen and heard
RaMbO 4
went to watch Rambo 4 tonight
tell u a secret. hehehe
but once i tell, its no longer a secret liao lor
coz u all will know
anyway, if in future, u all dun know where to catch movie coz tickets all sold out, why not pop over to shaw plaza - balestier lor
we went there at 9 and still can get the 945pm tickets......hehehe =))
story begins like this
they showed the news of ppl killing dun know what grp in burma
so bloody lor
so grossed lor
then showed this grp, brought some men to the open field. threw some mines into the field. asked the men to run
and then "boom" someone was being blown to pcs lor
then the remaining will gunned down.......
bloody bloody
tsk tsk..... * shake head*
anyway, next scene, rambo and his 2 co workers catching cobra lor
then went back to his working place
along the way caught fishes. also damn suk kee lor =)) go watch for urself
dear said why catch only 1 snake and called it a day? and also commented tt the arrow he used to catch fish so suk kee lor. said he will made one for himself.....siao man lor. siao abt fishing liao.
and this grp of ppl came and asked him to bring them to burma coz they want to help the ppl there.
rambo said no, asked them to go back coz they cannot changed anything
anyway, u know lor, if he no go, no show liao
so in the end , this sarah managed to convince him to bring them there
along the way, met the pirates
but rambo lor. where got let ppl bullied one
so all shot down by him lor
and they safely reached their destination with the help of rambo and his 2 co workers as the boatman lor
rambo went back and then this man came and asked him to help him ferried this grp of ppl to where he left the 1st grp of ppl. coz they have been missing for 10 days. they should be back 10 days ago but they didn't come back.
so rambo lead them there lor
he wanted to join them but the arrogant military man said "u r the boat man u stay with the boat" hao lian
anyway, they went to the village where the 1st grp went to lor. there they saw many dead bodies and ppl hang and head being chop off and stick it on a stick. yucks!!! bloody lor. this whole show very the bloody one......dun say i no warn u lor..... =)
can't remember what's the name of this grp liao. very the violent. anyway for the sake of my blog, i think we called them the violent grp and the other is the rebel grp.
now this grp of recusers now were split into 2 grp.
1 grp to move on and see whether they can save the refugees or not
the other grp is, "let's go. nothing we can do here. they alredy so violent what can the 6 of them do?" kind of atitude lor. then someone convinced them tt they should at least go take a look first then decide what to do next. so all agreed on that basis.
then suddenly the violent grp brought some capvitees back to the crime scene
threw some mines into the paddy field and asked them to run thru the paddy field. i so scared lor. i scared got ppl stepped on the mines and kana minced to pcs lor. but luckily all managed to run across and the violent grp soldiers instructed them to run back but none dare to do so lor
the military soldiers dare opened fire coz they scared if they dun killed all, the survior will go back and informed the leader of their presence then tt time really all die lor
anyway, i guessed u know what happened lor
RAMBO came!! hahaha
hero lor
killed all with his arrow and bow
not gun lor
i tell u, so manly lor
the arrogant miltary soldier asked him who is he
now then scare lor
he wanted to go back and dun want to save the refugees one lor
but rambo made him stayed on to save them
the words were "u live for nothing or die for something. your call"
suk kee rite......
anyway, they set common time on everybody 's watch to return by 2am. no waiting for anyone just go go go
so all went in and search for surviors if any
by this time, the 1st grp who went in to "save the villagers" now left only 4 lor 3 men and 1 girl. actually 1 of the men already dead lor. legs kana eaten by the pigs already. yucks yucks yucks!!! ya, pigs here eat human lor.....horrible. think i will not eat bak kua anymore. dun know what the pigs were fed on lor.....
anyway, they managed to save the 2 of the guy and some villagers and rambo went to save the lady in distress lor. as rambo and girl no return on time. the grp left lor. only left one soldier who stayed behind to wait for him. see so got "yi qi" lor. but frankly speaking, if rambo no return then he finished liao lor. how to escape next time? no chance one lor.....
anyway2 grps were running towards the direction to their boat lor
the dogs from the violent grp very smart lor
they can pick up scent very well
so they are on hot pursuit of rambo's grp
so rambo also not "save oil lamp" lor
he took a pc of the girl's shirt tied it to his shoes and ran in the opposite direction after asking the guy to fire an empty shot
so now 3 grp, 1 grp is the earlier one, 2nd is the girl and the soldier and 3rd is rambo himself lor
then the arrogant solider kana hurt in one of his leg
but they very team spirit lor.
they build a stretcher and carried him lor
never leave him behind
the dogs hor, followed rambo's trail and was all killed by rambo's scheming trick lor
"tiao hu li shan" scheme.....hehehe
smart man lor =))
anyway when the 2nd grp almost reached their final destination
they saw tt 1st grp was now held captived lor
so there is nothing they can do lor
so sad hor
suddenly rambo appeared lor. killed the soldier at the higher level and started firing away
then firing all over the place lor
so bloody
ppl die, ppl flying here and there, bombs flying too
then when it looked as if they are losing
suddenly the rebel grp soldiers came
and then the fighting spirit return
and more killing more, bombings which lead to more dying lor
finally the leader was killed by rambo lor
hero of the day.....
and the 1st grp of ppl left only 2 surviors lor
military soldiers i think left 2 or 3 bah
sigh......sad rite
dear said "they went in with a mission, to do something, in the end nothing is done and yet gotten ppl killed......woman!! stubborn" *shake head*
anyway, ending was showing rambo gg back to him hometown lor.......
the end.....
saved u 2 movie tickets lor
dun forget to pay me the fee for telling the story ok....... =))
maybe buy me a cup of coke?? hehe =P
tHe MiSt
went watched The Mist on friday with dear
when he came fetch me, omg!! his car filled with alcohol smell lor
i dread it so muchie and he knew
but we all know very clearly dun tell a drunkard tt he is drunk lor
and who in the right mind will admit tt he is drunk??!!?? hehehe
he was exceptionally very talkative. omg!!
almost can faint from the strench lor
ok. maybe i exagerated. to u might not be strench but to me is lor
the movie. if u intend to watch it, then dun continue to read my blog entry for the day, coz the ending will be revealed and then no fun liao lor. =)) up to u lor, if u decided to take the risk and continue reading
story begins like this:-
showed a man in his living room painting and then outside heavy downpour
then next scene, he brought his wife and son down to the basement to sleep and then thunder, lightning outside continued and then tree fell into the house, destroyed the painting and then morning liao
3 of them came out, saw the damaged. then they all saw THE MIST. man asked wife to dress son up so tt later he will bring him to the town to buy stuff back to repair the house while he popped over to neighbour's to check out on him and asked him abt the insurance no. coz their boat house was damaged by his neighbour tree.
ok, then the men talked and then drove to the town. saw alot of army trucks going up hill while they on their way down hill to town.
son and neighbour went into the supermarket first coz man went to make a call from the public phone coz his cell phone no line lor.
ok then the public phone also no line lor then he went into the supermarket and met up with his neighbour and son.
suddenly an old man ran into the supermarket with blood running down from him nose and mouth. he urged them to close the doors and stayed in coz "there is something in the mist"
all of them very shock and scare and confused. coz dun know what to do. then suddenly supermaket shooked and then quiet down.
a woman said she needs to go home. coz her 8 yrs old child is at home. and asked someone to send her back, if any of them is willing to do so. and none lor. coz all scare mah. so she left the store herself..........brave aunty lor........
man went to the back and check and then he saw and heard "the thing" he went back to the front and told some guys what he saw and heard but nobody believed him so they all went back and checked. of course, they no see, no hear lor. if got hear got see then no need to continue on liao rite? anyway, 3 of them decided to turn back on the generator but alot of smoke came out so the guy suggested to open up the shutter door then he go out and clear it then generator can work. man told them not to do it coz not sure what is outside. 3 guys dun believed him and called him a coward. so they opened up the door and investigated on the mist. nothing happened, so they laff laff laff at the man lor. then suddenly, the many testicles (not sure what u called those. i also dun know how to spell lah) came flowing into the back and then one of it grab the guy, norman, and even bite him lor. bloody hell!! scared the shit of me lor........kept closing my eyes lor. then the norman kept shouting for them to help him. but the other 2 guys were too shocked to do anything. so the man and another shop supervisor helped him lor. of course lah, 2 men how to fight with "the thing" so in the end, u guessed it norman died. they closed the shutter door. axed out a small part of the testicles and then shut down the generator.
went back to the supermarket to break news. nobody believed lor. so brought the manager back and he saw it and then came back and told everybody its true. but then not all believe lor and so the ppl in the supermarket were split into 2 grps. the believers and non believers.
subsequently the grp of non believers left the store coz they want to go out and look for help and not wait inside the store. and meantime there is this man who also volunteered himself to go out with a rope tied to him. he wants to go take a gun i think. and also at the same time showed the ppl how far he can go, in safely, and then he will come back.
anyway, he did returned lor. but only the lower damn bloody grossed lor.... omg!!
still want to continue on??
by this time, the ppl in the supermarket has now split into 2 grps. the believer and the god believer, led by this "crazy" woman.....she talked abt the, ok maybe i won't say what she said coz its abit like talking bad abt ppl's religion. anyway she meant well lor. but to the extreme liao....which eventually lead to her own death........ =)) and i got to tell u lor, the ppl in the cinema clapped and cheered when she was killed.......hehehe... think she should win an award for her acting in this movie.......=))
ok, anyway, by this time, we have already saw the cricket looked alike, the flying dinosaur, beatles and a spider looked alike creature. and this military guy confessed abt an experiment went wrong to create a window to look at the past and then dun know what happened brought all these creatures back. anyway this poor military guy was first stabbed and then send out to be fed to the thing lor. so poor thing u know. its not his fault lor but tt woman hor, she damned suk kee lor. she can say until like its the guy's fault like tt and her "believers" grew in numbers by the minutes coz the ppl in the supermarket very desperate liao after seeing so many ppl dead and so many creatures. they were all pushed to the edge liao.
ok then the believer grp they decided to leave the supermarket and drive to safety if there is lah. take the risk lor. so there were some shuffles between these 2 grp which lead to the killing of the woman lor. she wanted the man's son as a sacrficial. u think the man will allowed it?? of course not lor. whose parent will do such a thingy?? so a fight broke out and then she kana shot by the supervisor.....*clap clap clap* went the cinema........lolz......damn funny lor
anyway, 10 left the supermarket only 5 made it to the car, 1 ran back to the supermarket coz he was lost and the others were killed by the creatures out there. so the 5 of them drove on and on and on to wherever the petrol in the car can lead them to lor.
oh ya, before i forget, they also got go home lor. his wife also died liao. sad rite? but anyway they continued on their way to safety.
then they saw this really huge spider creature walked passed them lor. all speechless, i also speechless lor. got such creature meh? some more so tall lor. the air above must be fresher and also much clearer....hehehe
finally the car no longer can move lor and stuck in the middle of no where (coz they also dun know where they are lor. so misty out there)....end of the road to them liao. so all very sad. but they said at least they tried
sure u want to continue reading?? coz the ending is here lor..... =))
so man took out gun, checked, only 4 bullets.....
so how?
someone cannot die lor
so after 4 shots we all heard the man shouting, so he was the one left lor
so he very sad lor
he left the car went to the open and lept shouting. asking the creature to "come get him"
u gg to love it from here lor......twist of events
then suddenly, the mist started to clear, and u can see army tanks, trucks ferrying the surviors including the 1st lady who left the store. bless her!! =))
and then the man this time really broke down and cry......
wtf rite???
what an ending!!! i really cannot believe it.......sigh
they have all actually escaped lor......4 ppl die for nothing..........
this bring me to another story......
"either u live for nothing, or u die for something. your call."
ta da!!
RAMBO 4......
stay tuned
read this thingy abt "insubordination" in esther's blog
and she had no choice but to show one of her staff the door
stephy was also assigned to do so to one of her staff once. she told me she dun have the heart to do so. and actually told her boss tt she will monitor her before she do the "drastic act"
SF also encounter the same situation just few weeks back. she told me tt she issued a warning letter to her staff and the staff yakked yakked yakked about SF being being impartial and this and that. SF provided her with all the proof and she still want to argue. if i am her, i diam diam liao lor. she always cannot finish her work on time, cannot produce work, low productivity, always claimed to be very busy and the proof showed tt she is actually surfing the net!! omg!!! *woohaa* she argued tt she did it not during office. but the records from the IT dept showed tt she surfed the net thru out the day......omg!! already showed her the proof yet she still dun want to diam diam and admit fault. at least can save some face and make a chance lor.
though i cannot really feel what SF, esther or stephy went thru, but if i am the staff being reprimaried i surely will diam diam lor. mgt will not anyhow say u r wrong one. 2 possibilities, either they dun like u and want u OUT!! or they really have ur "ba bing" better just diam diam. either way u won't lose out. why? coz if mgt no like u, the more u argue, the more wrong u are in lor. and the more they want to get rid of u. and the other case is if they can sit down and talk to u to buck up and this and tt, then dun argue lor. once the proof is out, its so "throw face" on u lor. so just diam diam. and then plan next step.
why bother to argue this and tt, and even use vulgarities or showed your middle finger?? threaten the person tt he/she will never see the next daylight?? will it helps? no lor. only will make matter worst
MoToR dOWn
my motor is down......all thanks to the flu virus......
didn't know tt virus can be passed thru the net.......hehehe =P
did i catch it by reading garreth's't possibly be, garreth was coughing not having flu.........anyway, i can fully understand what is he gg thru. its very terrible. imagine i am an adult, i can go see a doc, or buy medication off the shelf but poor baby, all he can is cry. hope he gets well soon....boy, u better build up ur immune system when u r better. but think he is too small to take vit c rite? hm...talking abt tt, think i need to take vit c body is aching very terribly lor. wonder am i old or what. i didnt sleep well last nite. coz no matter how i position myself, my body aches very badly.
should i take or not take the flu medicine? tt was the old batch i had. but better than nothing rite? i haven go see the doc. frankly speaking, WHERE GOT TIME?" sigh
i told Left hand woman tt i wasn't feeling well during lunchie yesterday and i told her tt i am gg home on the dot to take medicine and rest. she said ok. in the end, i think she so scare i no come to work today tt she dumped me all the stuff to do and then i left at 730pm. sigh. i think cannot always think of gg home early. can only think of "must work late, the later the better" then could i get to go home on time.....hehehe =))
i think i really need to rest well over the weekend if not i will not be fully charge up for next week.....boss said "monday lets have a 6pm meeting" OMG!! *faint*
TuAn YuAn
this yr, dear gg to have early tuan yuan with his sisters and family as usual
but not dinner this time, its lunchie
coz his papa is working in the evening
actually, the plan was to go outside eat dinner
dear's mama said good idea. so she no need to go marketing and then cook so many food for so many ppl. so now she can relax.
she said she will only cook on the actual chu xi night for the 3-4 of them nia
and i also think so too!! if not whole house full of ppl very crowded.
who knows, last sunday, while having dinner, his mama informed his 2 sisters (ya!! surprised the eldest sister popped by with her family for dinner) tt this yr tuan yuan will be lunchie outside coz dear is giving a treat and their father needs to work.
then his eldest sister said sat she not in town so sunday will be the lunchie
who knows the mama said she prefers to eat at home. she can cook. go out eat so rushing. then she poised the qn to her 2 daughters " correct or not? eat at home. so much better, can slowly eat. eat outside, not everything u order are nice to eat and u might not like to eat. eat at home, u can cook all the food u like. rite?" then the 2 daughters no say anything but the mama kept rumbling. so in the end, dun know is it dear TL or just followed his mama's wishes, he said "ok lor. then we stay home and eat. i give u the money, u go buy the food. u cook and we eat at home." then all shut up!! hehehe i also speechless leh
then his 2nd sister said "ai yo. brother only wants u to relax, dun busy urself tts why he suggested to go out eat mah. he wants to go out eat then we go out eat lor." but before the mother can say anything the son went "anyway, since u like to cook, then i let u cook lor. u go buy the food and cook lah." then the mother diam diam .........oh oh!!! learnt a lesson. in future, dun be big mouth, just follow!! =))
dear won't be joining my family for tuan yuan liao
coz its his family traditional to have tuan yuan on the actual day with his mama, papa and maybe auntie if she can make it back home on time. =)) so i cannot ask him not to follow his tradition rite? so he will have his own tuan yuan and i will have my own too!! =)
think will want to go chinatown one of these days..........=)) see how....maybe after work if not weekend sure crowded one
BrOkE DoWn
MRT broke down b/w pasir ris and tanah merah station on tue morning
and omg!! i was very heng lor
missed by one station
heard tt their maintenance train got off the track tts why the disruption
they only fixed the thing ard 12 plus lor
many ppl were affected
those staying in the east one lah
WY took urgent leave, siew imm took bus and zhuang, hehehe, her beloved zoomed down all the way from AMK to recuse her........ =)) AWWWW!!! so sweet of him hor....
was just telling zhuang, if its my dear, think he will tell me "u go think of a way urself". doubt he will zoom down all the way from jurong to fetch me to work lor
anyway, think i was wrong. coz just now, we were arranging to go watch movie on fri nite
he said he has to attend a supplier networking session at clarke quay till 9 plus. so we shall watched it after 9. i said ok but which cinema? he said marina sqaure since me working there, i go get the tix first. then i go home and he COME FETCH ME!!!! omg!! hehehe *arm chio*
i asked him "will it be troublesome for u? clarke quay to bedok then back to marina sqaure?" he said "no lah. its ok. i come fetch u." he is so old man, love u, love u.......hehehe...tonight sweet dreams lor =)) dun envy ok.....never before i got such treatment lor. think this time this one is really different. =)) not comparing ok. i knew this one will be different!! i like, hehehe =))
anyway, zhuang told me not to go watch CLOVERFIELD
watched already will vomit lor
the little one also said she vomitted and her dad said the show was boring
the newspaper reported tt u will feel like vomitting after watching the show
so i guessed its tested and proven......... =))
anyway, we gg to watch THE MIST and RAMBO.....split into 2 days
anyway, fri nite watched should be a better choice than tomorrow, coz sat no need to work
sat moi gg facial and shopping nia
so its ok.....can sleep after all my pre planned activities.......yippppeee
this week passes by very quickly leh. wed gg to end soon and thur is coming........=))soon it will be weekend!!! yippppeee and my boss is flying AGAIN!!!!!!!pray hard!!!
read stephy's blog, bb garreth is down. down with cough!! omg!! he is so tiny only. imagine when he coughed, whole face sure red red lor. and worst he is still a bb, he cannot relate to stephy whats actually bothering him and where he is feeling unwell or uncomfortable!! poor stephy. she too broke down. dun cry stephy. u got to be strong. bb garreth needs u!!! think tts why nowadays its compulsory for newborns to have their regular jabs at certain stage. last time, my time, i think, its either u want or dun. its up to the parents. but now, i think its a MUST. at intervals, bb need to go for their jabs. not sure is it a MUST or not. but i think better go lah. why? becoz they still small, vulunerable to virus, so need the jabs to help them strengthen their immune humble opinion. anyway, stephy u dun worry too much. be strong!! =))
nothing to do today
so i surfed thru the co's contact
and guessed what did i find?
i saw HIS NAME!!
still in tt co but have since been promoted
and his post now is ASSISTANT DIRECTOR!!!
u know who or not?
he is none other than my sec classmate who also happened to be my poly senior....
managed to guess correctly??
ya lor, tts him........round round chubby chubby one
think he came a long way bah
he just lucky tt he is good friend of tt seah guy lor
if not how to have the chance to SHINE! and then got himself promoted
but whether is he still in the co, i dun know lah
just felt tt the co might not updated their datas on a regular basis.......
but whatever it is, still happy for him......
afterall, he was a good senior lor
loan me his project works and tutorials....hehehe
i still have got my "mei li" lor *charmed*
DrAiNeD oUt
today was dragged into a meeting with the 3 wise men!!
for a project in middle east and then while sitting in the meeting, i realised tt OMG!! its 3 projects!! we actually have 3 projects with this co
and whats the purpose of me in the room?
well, at first it was only to make coffee then it moved on to taking minutes. sigh......i cannot catch what the 3 wise men are talking abt lor
1st thing - me is so unfamiliar with the project, so how the hell i know what they were all rumbling abt
2nd thing - i dun know the terms used by the arch, consultants or even the clients. i may be in the construction industry but i am not well verse in THEIR language
3rd thing - boss said to note down all the qns tt were poised by the 3 wise men and the our replies. but to me, they were not asking qns, more like having a chat
sigh!! headache lor!! so in the end, i copied everything
think i will have a hard time drafting the minutes tomorrow.......but dun worry!! it will be a CHALLENGE! BIG one too!! =P
btw, the meeting ended at 730pm and i left office at 8pm
think i must make it a pt to leave office LATEST by 8pm..... =))
so far only left on the dot less than 5 times lor....1st day and the 2 days tt boss not in town.... =))
today got a mis communication or was it a blunder?? =P i also dun know
one of our client came to our office for a meeting. both boss and me were very BLUR
"isn't the meeting for tomorrow?"
then i went "ya"
then suddenly it dawned on me "did boss go make the appt after our discussion to have the meeting on Thur?"
then i assumed it must have been tt boss thought tt i had made the arrangement and i thought tt he had made the arrangement. so in the end nobody made the arrangement and the client just popped by....hahaha =))
heng lor. no scoldings!!! but i felt bad lor. anyway he also no asked me to make arrangement. he just asked me to send email to everybody to see their time slot. then after "SILENT"
today boss spoke to me
he said he also dun know how to assign me with work
coz of the overlapping with tt cha bo
and tt cha bo will feels tt me step on her tail if i do her work
but boss said its not doing her work, its tt boss felt tt the work is more for project not contract lor
i tell him bound to overlap one
contract and project goes together hand in hand
as i told ST "u dun just look for a qs for costing and then look for another adviser to advise u on contractual issues rite? u look for the qs when u need costing and also advise for contractual issue"
some ppl just dun get it
anyway, who knows,before i know it, they will feel tt i am redundant and then i will be shown the door....... =P till then bah not within my control. mean time just do my work
ok, back to boss discussion
i think he is hinting to me tt i need to be pro active on my part
i need to be "kapo to involve myself in all projects" tt our team is handing
sit in for all meetings so tt if he needs me to follow up on something, i will know what to do and how to do
and i think he had this conversation with me is becoz today tt unexpected client came rite?
he came at 12noon mah. i was assigned to go print out the 2 sheet of dwgs. so i went to print and came back at 1pm. i sat at my place till 1.20pm and he also no call me to go over so i went for my lunch. u know, i dun take breakfast, never my practise, so i cannot skip lunchie, if not sure kana gastric one. but becoz today only me (LEFT hand woman on MC) so i took a quick lunch and went back to office at 1.40pm. then i sat at my place and listen to them talk.
so when client left, boss came over and talk to me lor
tts why we had this conversation
not tt i dun want to sit in, but u must gave me a cue tt i am wanted in the meeting if not how i know
till today my scope of work still so unclear.
i do things when ppl ask me to do. if not i just sit there and organise my stuff
if u, urself, also dun know my scope then how u expect me to know?
and pls remember, tt u changed my scope on my first day of work.
i also no say anything
i worked on and see what u eventually will ask me to do
so far i am happy with it
been doing research and of course the bao mountain bao ocean stuff, make coffee, make reservation for lunchie, print dwgs, print emails, do filing.
not tt i dun want to take initiative, just tt u must tell me what is expected from me.
and u also never informed me of your meetings. so how u expect me to tag along?
let me know in advance mah. then at least i take breakfast. so tt i can skipped lunch later if necessary. becoz the ppl here likes to have meeting at 12 and will drag thru lunchie......argghhh how i hate it!!!
anyway since today, u gave such direct instructions, i think i know what to do in future.
i will just "follow u..........i will follow wherever u go........." =))
NeW bReEd

they called this the "helicopter".....not sure is the right spelling. very cute rite? all can stand one...i tried to eat one but i dun really like it. TOUGH MEAT!! (in my own humble opinion lah) =))
bad news!! first it was ah hock.........then today its kou zhong.......poor thing... they both passed away....dun know what happened....dear said something wrong with the water. so he went to buy the "medication lotion" drip few drops into the water but then still mati......sigh.... =((
have been wondering why the XXX no called me again
then i realised why
if they dun get to host the challenge then why built........hehehe
no wonder lah......
at first it was urgent, fast track, coz need to have something, like the dwgs, plans, programmes to show ppl tt we want to host mah.
so now tough fight b/w us and someone else
so hold on, no wonder no call......anyway i also "bu xi han" lor....... =P * evil grin* and guessed what? the arch is my firm lor......hahaha really cross roads lor
and before i forget, CM is getting married!!! yipeee
yr end lor
he booked me liao. 8th will be a lunch wedding
so happy for him
so it will be aaron first on the 3rd of June and then 6 months later CM......
both are my ex JCPL coll........
steady rite.....we still got keep in touch one lor
think its the effort we need to put in.....cannot be one person's effort, its the grp effort lor
tts why till today, the 4 of us till good friends!! even though we dun always have full force in our grp gathering but at least 3 is better than none rite? =)) keep it up gals!!
today i wanted to go home at 7pm one.
i was surfing for the sheikh this and sheikh tt
i tell u , the names are all so identical
i almost fainted
must see photos then know who is who??? sorry lor, coz to me, all looked the same
bloody pork!!!
but they are all so smart, so clever lor.....young young and appointed to run the country and i tell u, think so far they did a good job
if not why so many investors and employees go over there.........searching for greener pastures lor...
anyway, then that LEFT hand woman, said she wants the project directory
i told her Ati is doing the base and i shall update from there.
then she said ok
in the end, when i was all ready to go, she INSTRUCTED me "i want the project directory now. dun wait for Ati liao, u do, i guide u"
then i went "but i dun have the details"
then she goes "i can help u find"
in the end, she roughly tells me where to find it and i got to find myself lor
then never mind, before she left my place, she used a very authorative voice and told me " I WANT THIS THING OUT BY TODAY"
as if i care lor........bloody hell
i told her still got many details dun have and i dun know
and she can replied me with "I ALSO DUN KNOW"
bloody hell, then how she wants me to do it?
i really wonder does she know tt i am 32??!!?? or she thinks me a sweet young thing?
i am not for her to order ard one lor
she degree so what? i also lor
big shot meh?
she arch so what? me "chow chow" was a qs lor.
we specialised in our fields....i no look her no up then what rights does she has to look down upon me??
btw, she is a mother liao leh.....mother of a 2 yrs boy
i wonder with her busy schedule she got time for family meh?
everyday work so late.....sigh
if its me, i zoom home liao
but i have been working late since i came into this office.....
dear said "huo gai. last time eng eng dun want. now so busy."
but all i want to say is tt though i am busy but I AM HAPPY =))
nO NeW cLoThInGs
just realised tt even though its good to work in shopping centres or near shopping centres so tt during lunch time u can go window shopping after a quick meal. but its also a headache when u buying shoes, clothes or bag!!!!!
u have to be careful not to wear the same thing, carry the same bag, etc with another coll who is working in the same office, same dept or few cubicles away!!!
remembered i said tt G200 Blu having sales and i gg to grab some stuff
i saw one of the coll wearing a top which i intended to buy lor
when i saw her wearing it, i was like "duh"
not gg to buy
so no i have many brands tt i cannot buy
eg. charles and keith, urs, G2000 blu, MNG, Topshop, Ms Selfridge, etc.....sigh
god help me!!
think i got to buy my clothings from THIS FASHION liao........
need to go Tampines or the East side in future to get my stuff
or perhaps i should try go WEST!!!
oh ya before i forgot.
guess what we saw on sat when we were fishing!!
bloody hell!! we saw a snake lor
he is actually a small cobra lor
it didn't look like a cobra at first, but when it opened its mouth to grab the dead catfish.....omg!! all my hair stand up lor
i told dear to be careful not to make him angry
but dear said he is busy with the dead fish no time for him lor
i told dear tt perhaps we should not come here to fish any more!!!
dear said as long as we keep moving dun stay too still for too long, the snake will not mistake us for FOOD!!
omg!!! i am so afraid of snake lor
bloody pork!!
but i really must tell u lor, the snake is really damn small lor
when the catfish got stuck b/w the rocks, it actually slide out and was looking ard why the hell the fish cannot be drag into his house!!!!
so tts why we knew its small in size but boy!! the mouth is so big lor, ma chiam rubber band can stretch lor
really very creepy lor
good pc of news!!
my co won the bid for the sports hub lor
we gotten the contract for designing and constructing the new stadium
we had a celebration in office today!!
me so proud lor!!
have not felt so proud of my co before u know
this is my 1st time!!!
hope there will be more to come!!
wonder will get BIG bonus!! hehehe
anyway, no my share lor
coz i just joined them
but if have, really bonus already lor
the directors were popping champagne lor
but becoz dear said before no alcohol drinks, so i no drink lor
so sad rite, afterall its just a mini celebration!! but i dun get to share the champagne only the joy!!!
My OfFiCe

we have an open concept sitting arrangement. me took this pic at my temp seat coz the LEFT hand girl have no time to arrange the shifting. saw the brown stuff beside the table? tts my boss's place and mine will be the one just behind him currently occupied by an external consultant who pops into the office every now and then. =))

this is our office pantry area. see the vending machine? i always have a cup of hot milo in the morning before i start work and 1 cup of coke after lunchie..... =)) satisfied employer. the biscuits are on the side table. auntie will transfer the coffee from the coffee maker near the sink to the vaccum flask together with the biscuit in the late morning. =))

this is the pool table and the table soccer!!! yeah!! i found out how to call it!! smart huh =P this is the other office pantry cum recreation area.

the tidbits vending machine!! forgot to take the pic of the cans vending machine. i also didn't take pic of the mag rack...dun want to let u all die of envy!! *wicked smile*

i bought this hdp holder today from mini toon

and this princess pen holder from mini toons too!! saw the reddish thingy under the holder? bought by the LEFT hand woman. she and boss just came back from abu dhabi!! they even bought the almond nuts in date coated with choco which i refused to eat!! but the drafters loved it so much!! they can have my share =P
HoUsEfLy, PeRvErT
guessed who i saw today outside my office
i saw HOUSEFLY!!
omg omg!!
i knew she is working here and knew also tt she has come a long way
she is now an associate lor
and when i saw her just now, she really can present herself very well.
well, coz she is always so confident and also her ang mo good lor
not sure she saw me or not
or perhaps she no longer recognises me
well, i didn't give her this nick
i forgot who gave her
coz when we were in poly, there were 4 of us
she always tagged along to join us for lunch or whatever
we dun really like her to come along
so someone gave her the nick "HOUSEFLY"
but frankly speaking, she is not harmful or whatever just "irritating". we can't click with her tts why
anyway, i also saw pervert. hehehe
this nick also not i gave one lor
someone gave it to him
coz in poly, he got all our contacts and started to call us up to chit chat on the phone
so this girl gave him the nick "pervert"
and i was told tt when he first started work in his ex co, he actually scan thru the email list and started to mass send to SELECTED CHA BOs in the co and tt was how it started the "ying yuan" b/w him and his gf, who later became his wife .........
but i was told tt when his gf went overseas for studies, he got off track i really wonder why his gf still married him.......*ponder*
anyway, maybe gf dun know tt he off track so better off lah.
the lesser u know, the happier u will be
nO mOrE MiCe
today is the last day for the mice to come out to play coz boss coming back tomolo
and ya, i left on the dot again =))
i finished surfing whatever i need to search for. hopefully its what they wanted lor and hopes to see
created 3 files
created the contact list for the projects even though Ati didn't come look for me today to continue with the NUH and the SIM one
so .... as if i care if she dun
anyway, talking abt the project list, well, i forgot to add in yesterday entry, the LEft hand woman, was trying to explain to me the project list. she was very kind to remind me tt every project has a project sec so i have to be careful when i prepare the list. so u know me, i dun know i ask, i will not keep quiet one. and i also know boss's projects all under big big boss mah. so big big boss only1 project sec mah. so i asked her "so how will i know?" then she went "all project under X will be her" i want to laff and peng san lor. want to act smart alex then kana shoot on own foot. sigh. u think boss so good and asked me to go do other team's project list meh? sigh.....want to act big shot also must find the correct thing to act lor........*speechless*
i already said, i dun need to be RIGHT or LEFT hand, i just want to be INDISPENSABLE!!! muahahahaha!! so dun feel threaten by my presence. i can never replaced any of u coz i am not trained to DRAW!!!! hahaha.....wonder why these ppl like this hor? like tt how to work....
anyway, got to say when boss not ard, i got to know the drafters better. coz they more willing to talk........when boss in, all like dumb like tt. in tt case how to get ride of the bad breathe!!! bloody hell......
i also realised tt as long as big big boss is FREE, he will pop by at our dept and comment on the dwgs and sketches this and tt. he is so the very HANDS ON!!! thought big big boss should go and get business and do other more big big boss thing? like my boss, i no see him draw, i no see him comment on drawings, these are done by his RIGHT hand man. my boss go do presentations, go attend meeting with clients to promote our co. i forgot to tell u, tt day we had a meeting with the clients, boss intro me as "my coll." hehehe......i thought only in CCL then iris will intro us as "MY COLL" but here, boss also does tt.....hehehe.....or perhaps he doesn't know how to intro me, coz how can we have 2 contracts executives for the project??!!??
anyway not sure am i heng or what? becoz the other one dun want to "let go of the duties" i dun get the chance to fly to vietnam for our new project a week b4 CNY. sigh.....the client even commented "why this lady not included for the trip?" and my boss said "oh, she is not scheduled for this trip" and client went "oh, tts too bad." i smiled at him and was telling myself "better luck next time." =)) and most impt i want to add is THIS IS AN EXPENSES ALL PAID TRIP LOR!!!!!!!! where to find rite? well, maybe, perhaps, better luck next time bah!! =P
and before i forget, i went to ask the RIGHT hand man today how's the draft of my email
he told me "dun need to send"
so i said "ok"
and i walked off
pls lor in future pls have the courtesy to revert lor esp when ppl "beg" u to do things for them
this is called BASIC COURTESY ok.... dun need me to teach u rite? sigh *speechless* or u doing tt just to show tt u higher rank than me. already said cannot compare liao.... u are drawing one, i can NEVER, EVER replace u, coz i dun and CANNOT draw!!! sigh........
MiCe EvErYwHeRe.......
the saying is very true u know
"when the cat's away, the mice will come out to play"
boss flew off last nite
so today everybody so relax lor
u can see that they talked, laffed and away from their desk most of the time
but i tell u, they also do their work very fast lor
but the mood and atmosphere is not the same with the boss ard
anyway, i also very tired surfing net whole day
so when the clock strikes 630pm, off the mice went........lolz......
need to note down something abt the RIGHT hand man
today the client wrote email said the workshop trip will be postpone till after cny and they requested for another meet up session. so EL wrote an email and asked me to confirm abt boss's availability
i went to take initative and looked at his calendar. he no marked anything there lor. except for the cny week he will be on 1 week's leave. so how can he fly for the trip?? hm..anyway, he go settled that himself. anyway, back to EL's email. so i was scared u see to confirm. no do before one. and not authorised. so i went to ask the RIGHT hand man. he was VERY busy typing his email. but he told me to drop an email to boss and ask him lor. so i went but he is kept in the loop of the email liao. then he replied me "he is so busy u think he has time to read? u better drop him a email as a reminder." i wanted to chide him back lor "if he is so busy to read EL's email, u think he have time to read mine?" blah!! pig brain!! anyway i just walked away after saying "ya". and i also cukoo went to send the email lor...... and no reply lor.....
think i got to ask boss when he gets back can i safely assumed tt as long as he no writes things on the calendar means he is free, so tt i can make decision for him.... =)) i PA leh. of course got the rights to confirm his appt meetings for him lah. =P
ok, anyway tt RIGHT hand man, in the afternoon popped by our cubicle and was telling PT tt he saw his reply to the email. "well done. good. ya. tt's the way. fri he has a meeting. so fri definitely cannot. must be monday"......u see lah!!! pig brain rite? sabo rite? i really dun know why got such ppl lor. then i drafted an email to send to the client to request for dwgs upon instruction of boss before he left and he in front of RIGHT hand man said tt i have to let him see the draft before i can send it out. so i hand it to him before lunchie. and he told me "after lunch i return to u ok?" then i said "ok. after lunch." but he bloody hell forgotten abt it and i also no chase him lor. i will just tell boss tt he said will revert back but no reply from him. but i will asked him abt it tomolo again. why not today rite u must be wondering...coz he stupiak man placed my draft in his waste box!!!! tts why i so angry i dun want to talk to him or even look at him today!!! really blood boils lor......
u may be the RIGHT hand man, but i am gg to be the INDISPENSABLE STAFF lor........=P dun play play
and tt supposed to be LEFT hang woman, actually told me yesterday "can u pls print this email for me?" then i said "ok" coz she is flying with boss so i thought she busy so i printed for her. then she said "when i am away can u also print for me?" then i said "no problem" and guessed what she added. "even if i am ard, can u pls print for me when i am busy." WTF!! u ard, when u not busy then u print lor. anyway, every email will go into the project folder, so no need scare no print lor. coz will be forever there in the project folder!!!! u see lah, give an inch, want a foot leh........i won't do it lor. i will also tell u I AM BUSY!! bloody hell
they may have changed my scope of work. but definitely not for u guys to push ard...... =P hmph!!!
yesterday worked till 7pm
today, sigh, worked till 8pm, reached home abt 9 and i am so the very hungry lor
and did i tell u tt my mum forgotten to cook my share last nite
wa piang!! the moment i opened the lid of the rice cooker i almost faint on the spot!!!
so little rice, how to make it.......
i even reminded her in the morning before i left for work tt "I AM COMING BACK FOR DINNER" and she forgot!! omg!!
pengz san lor.....
i think tomolo will work till 9pm liao lor....getting later by the day....sigh
anyway, i told myself to "take a break" tomolo, hehehe, since boss flying. so i "own time own target" finish the work assigned to me. surfing the net is my "expertise" but this time i am really stumped!! sigh......called my friends to help me afterall this is networking rite......hehehe
anyway, today my boss told me "HY is my Right hand man and i want to make u my LEFT hand!!!" OMG!! tt means to say i cannot get to sit on his lap but LN!!!! lah just kidding. its really a very big hat for me NOW!! even though i really looked forward to it. and i must work hard towards tt goal!! cannot let anybody down. afterall i said i want to make myself "INDISPENSABLE" rite? hehehe =P wish me luck then!!
there is this little story which i want to share lor
remember my hr, edmund chan? well, he started off working in the acc dept as a temp even though he is marketing trained. after his temp, the co offered him a post in the hr citing tt they feel his niche is in HR. so he took up the challenge and one fine day he was offered a perm job and now he is there for 1 and a half yr. comes 6th feb it will be his 2 yrs anniversary in DP.
wonder what DP stands for? well it stands for design partnership......we have 500 over staff in singapore and 700 over all over the whole..... big family huh? but before i see it with my own eyes, i think we just listen bah
today was a busy day for me
i was rushing like mad
attended 3 meetings all prior to last min informed by boss
and had a lunch in meeting, no proper meal lor
just to make it!! =P
anyway like i told al, wy and angela, FREE lunch so who cares!!! hehehe
but i dun fancy such lunchie lor
afterall its only my 2nd day here
but if i want to be LEFT hand then i think must sacrifice lor
i told myself, tomolo go home on the dot since boss not ard
and i shall go shopping
i passed by the U2 shop in citylink on way home
and i tell u SALES!!
the sweater which i bought for $39 or $49 hor, is now on sales for a freaking $19 lor......*faint*
and the tops which i "bu she de" buy the other time are now all on sales or happened to be on sales!!! also $19.... jeans for $29. selected pants also for $29!!! and then jackets gg from as low as $37 to as high as $79.......whoppppeee......just wat i looking for lor......... =))
told myself not to spend too much coz VD coming lor
i have thought of what to get for old man
but am sure will get scolding from him for wasting money lor
tt brings me to another story
tt day old man said we are so different
we dun have a common interest
i like to spend money, he likes to keep money in his bank and look at his bank acc book every now and then
i like to go shopping but he dun like shopping at all
and i went "huh? shopping?" sigh he dun know me well enough lor
i dun like shopping unless i need to get something lor. and spend money!! omfg!! if i dun like shopping how could i be spending money
but its somehow true lor coz hor, i rather spend money on food!!! =))
then he said i like to see concerts but he feels tt its a waste of money
but hey!! i dun watch any ah pig, ah dog, ah ox concert lor.
and i also no watch for a long time lor
come to think of it, we really no common interest. actually he pointed this out in the early stage of the r/s but i heck care lor. u have own interest, i have own interest, we have our own breathing space lor. but really, no common interest leh...... =P how huh?
alMoSt FaInTeD
i tell u, i really almost fainted in the train and up the escalator on my 1st day of work
bloody hell
dun know what happened
just came into me SUDDENLY
first i was like why am i perspiring
then i felt the air is thinning
then i saw stars and thought who turn off the lights
then i was swaying from side to side and next moment i knew tt i am gg to faint
i told myself to hang in there, coz i dun want to malu leh
so i was quite lucky i managed to tong till i alighted at cityhall
then i quickly took deep breath and then went up the escalator
but the air is still too thin for me, i thought i have reached the peak of mt everest without my oxygen tank
and when i was almost to the platform, i felt the fainting spell again, then i told myself not to give it up and i managed to flumber my way to the platform, out of the gantry and walked towards marina sqaure....i tell u, it was so difficult, i almost couldn't make it
anyway, i was there early
so i waited at the public area till the receptionists came
so at 9am i popped over to the counter and reported my presense
waited till 9 something, then got another guy came and HR came shortly
i was wondering "why only 2 staff for orientation?"
anyway, a temp guy was asked to join us for the orientation
jac was nice, she gave us each a polo t (except for temp) and then filled up some forms and then briefly told us the benefits of our staff pass and holiday for yr 2008
2 pcs of good news in the morning :-
eve of CNY is declared a FULL DAY OFF!! yippeeeeE!! so damn happy......where to find??!!
then there was a list of shops in marina sqaure where we can enjoy discount!!! yippppeeee.......where to find??!!
then she said another HR, edmund, will and give us the orientation and she left us
few min later, we began the orientation
then another guy came to join us coz he was late!!!
ya, 1st day of work, late!! hahaha, coz he claimed tt he cannot find his employment pass!!
anyway, i tell u lor, edmund also nice guy lor
he told us, normally cny period, co will gave advance salary lor
but this yr, they only annouced for the full day off during the eve never say abt the salary part
but he told us to see email...hehehe - 3rd pc of good news
then he told us abt the do and dont of the co
and the 4th pc of good news, NO DRESS CODE IN OFFICE!! so its t shirt, jeans and sneakers. NO PROBLEM!! =P hehehe
they dun mind the ladies wearing tank top or spagetti top issue....but if u meeting clients then too bad, dress up abit lor.
so i intend to maybe buy a jacket from G2000 (provided they having sales), u know, as in the hk serial, jacket with t shirt and jeans, also suk kee lor. rite? =))
so happy liao....wonder still got what to spoil my day except for what happened in the morning lor. and fyi, i was sneezing whole day lor..... =(( took my medicine before i started blogging and chatting with esther for awhile on msn.
then we were brought ard the 3 offices.
introduced to the big shots
i tell u, the pantry, OMG!!
they have vending machines, and the drinks are FOC .......wahahahhahaha =P
tts why edmund gave us each a DP cup!!! omg rite!!!
coz they "huan bao" so they dun want to use paper cups so each staff are given a cup lor
why to find happy lor tts the 5th pc of good news
there is also freshly brewed coffee and also free biscults in the pantry lor. not just cheap one ok. got 4 different kinds. even have choco chip lor. omg omg!!! =P
anyway, if u prefer can drinks, u got to pay $0.50 for each can and there is also a tibit vending machine. this is not foc lor. but at least its cheaper than outside.
anyway, there is a pool table and also the soccer table or whatever u called it. will try to get a pic and show.
and then the 6th pc of good news is they have so many different magazines on the rack. cleo, women's weekly, her world, female, oprah, etc.......though they are not updated one, but at least i get to read those tt i dun buy. =))
after orientation, we were informed tt we will be having a FULL day orientation on the 24th. =)) *wonder what other good news awaiting us* *grinning from ear to ear*
7th pc of good news, we can have access to marina mandarin's gym facilities and swimming pool usage lor!! all FOC!! just need to go sign out the membership card in studio 1!!! yipppeeee!! =)) almost in heaven liao........
after all these, it almost 12 30pm liao. so we were all send back to our respective team. and i was intro to my team. jeremy is my boss. CLN is his left hand lady, and LHM is his right hand man. will i get to sit on his lap?? hehehe......anyway, i want to announce is tt my boss damn suk kee lor. whole of studio 3 is under his control. he is the big boss of studio 3 and his big boss and our big big boss is mr chan. so u see, both CLN and LHM are very capable lor. and me!! hm.....i strive to be one indispensable staff lor.........=P ya ya ya, i know, i always tell ppl "nobody is indispensable lor. so why bother to work hard for the co?" but here, i feel differently.....after 6th pcs of good news, whats more do i ask for rite? i always looking for a place to learn, mgt good, look after the staff, and if i found it, where shouldn't i treasure it!!!??
anyway, over lunch, boss told me tt after discussion with mr chan, they decided to change my job scope. previously it was either this or tt. but now, they decided tt i should wear 4 different hats, namely, PA, contracts executive= more to business development, contracts officer = more to projects, miscellaneous = multi tasker. anyway, told esther, no harm trying. develop some new skills lor. dun always be a qs, and then become so stagnant like tt. tts why leave comfort zone and venture into new areas, take up new challenges. anyway, i am surrounded by filipinos. me sitting with drafters. tts why so many foreign talents. and my boss is just beside me. so no hanky panky when he is ard. =)) but i am there to change their cultures!! they need vibrant ppl like me to teach them what is life all abt!! its not abt working till no day and night. its about enjoying.
so i guess no honeymoon period for me. its straightaway hair get wet kind of scenrio now
so everyday will be "fighting" for time. today was reading the emails which boss forwarded to me on a new project and also vetting thru a new contract with tomolo think will have to get hold of his for a discussion before he flies off in the evening and be back on friday =P
8th pc of good news for the day, we can join fitness first at a staff rate of $850 per yr. access to all their clubs in any location!!! muahahahahahaa..........then 9th pc of good news, we have a new vendor who wishes to extend their massage service to Dians, 60 mins body massage at $40 and 60min foot reflex at $24!!! so u imagine, 30 mins is how much and 40 mins is how muchie..omg omg!! only thingy is, u must go to golden shoe lor....but but but, its still cheap lor... =))
here's the cup.
the hr has a welcome "pack" for new comers like me. first time my stationary no scale ruler and calculator......finally =P

the team was busy with a proposal so they have no time to clear a table for me. so i just take a pic of my "new" monitor at my temp desk
think the medicine is taking effect liao, coz me feeling drowy. me need to go zzzzzz liao. must wake up fresh and alert tomolo.... =)) many things awaiting for me in the office. hopefully when i go in tomolo, they have cleared a desk for me...... =))
nO mOrE............
no more waking up late (even though i woke up at 8 plus every day =) )
no more reading The Straits Times, scanning thru The Recruitment Section for job vacancies, looking out for discounts or sales
no more watching the repeats on SCV for episodes which i missed the night before
no more mummy's breakfast and lunchie
no more hearing grumbles from daddy
no more hearing daddy calling "morning Mr. XXX, why haven wake up? blah blah blah.."
no more surfing net and msn-ing and emailing with friends
no more watching The Oprah and CSI
no more afternoon nap
no more hearing the daddy fussing over the little one when she gets back from school
no more window shopping
no more spending time with the little one after her school
no more "white eat"
no more.........
so many "no more"
for good or for worst yet to know.......
what i do know is the little told me "wish u lose your job tomorrow on your 1st day of work"
CB lor
tts why i decided not to get a new set of clothings liao
whats the pt rite? =P
mummy told the little one after i "complained" to her "wow!! u this morning mouth so smelly forgot to brush is it?" but the little one didn't catch the hint and went "i am sick lor, so of course will have bad breathe even though i brushed my teeth"
silly girl..... =))
talking abt bad breathe, i got very terrible and horrible breathe lor
i dun know how to get rid of the smell
damn it
must go see a dentist soon meantime u folks dun talk to me ok......keep a distance from me....
as for tomorrow, wish me luck ok!!
starting work tomorrow!!!
so excited!! =P
how am i feeling....well, hehehe, even though 11 yrs in the working industry but for tomolo, i am still frightened coz i am leaving my comfort zone. no longer a QS but doing something else (which i still no idea what is my job scope) but still related to the construction industry. at same time i am also feeling excited coz looking forward to the new challenges awaiting for me.....hehehe
so contradicting rite.....sigh....guessed this is life......
so u must be wondering what did i do over the weekend rite?
i actually wanted to plan for a weekend short trip to either batam(again!!!??!!) or bintan with dear. but i doubt he wants to go as he already had plans to go fishing.
the moment i saw him on friday, he told me "i got a pc of good news and bad news for u. which news u want to hear first?"
i told him "which news u want to tell me first lor?"
then he insisted tt i must decided since i am the one hearing
so i told him to tell me both news at the same time
and he went " tomolo, very early, u, want, fishing, come, with dad, up to u"
so he asked me "good or bad news. u go figure out"
then i told him "tomolo very early go fishing with dad. i no need come is it?"
then he said "ya. if u want to come, u must come early lor ard 9am"
then i told him in tt case, i dun want to come liao".........there goes my weekend trip lor......... =P
still, i went fishing with them lor, tts why have the 17 fishes!!!
luckily, i went to pamper myself on friday lor
i went to trim my eyebrow, did an underarm waxing, foot reflex and also got myself a new pendant........hehehe =P
no time to go shopping to get a nice set of clothings for 1st day of work lor =((
al told me when i started work with pfs. go work on 1st day buy new clothes, i didn't listen to her then so this time round i think listen should be no wrong rite (dun say i pang tang or what lor)..hehehehe =))
today not meeting dear, he gg fishing again with dad
i think i go buy a new top and maybe a watch....
the watch which dear bought me stopped tickling lor
he changed the battery for me liao
but it stopped tickling again
i asked dear to look at it for me twice liao
and the 2nd time he said he sian dun want to check liao
so tts it lor
me of course sad lor. but he dun want to do it, and i dun know how to do it, send to repair man got to pay money lor. so the watch i think, will just sit on my table bah........ =((
17 FiShEs.........wwwweeeeee..........
dEaF aNd BlInD
i remembered reading one of esther's blog entries abt the foreign talents being "BLIND" inside the mrt train.....well, the little one and me encountered ourselves in the LIBRARY!!
ya, library. a place where silence is always observed. and ppl all knew tt one should not run, scream, shout or make a nusiance of him or her self in the library. should keep volume as low as possible, kept to the minimum, so as not to disturb other users. so in library, the only sound we should be able to hear is the drop of a pin or even someone's fart...........*poot*
ok, anyway, chloe wants to go library the day before to borrow books. so we went to the children's section. i was like " peaceful!!" i realised tt as i get older, i like "QUIET".....cannot stand noise, coz it made my head go thump thump thump and my heart will beat faster..........dun asked me why, all i can say is maybe old liao lor
anyway, there is this grp of students, i didn't want to mention any school names here, so i am giving the initial, u go guess guess guess ok.........this grp of students from BTS were sitting on the benches at the back and playing music from their hdp!!!!!! "omg!!" i went.......dun they know the BASIC rules???!! then i rememebered abt esther's blog and i think to myself, they are not only blind, they are deaf too!! they dun realised tt they are making a din and also a nusiance of themselves and in their school uniforms!! FANTASTIC!!! well done!! good job!!
suddenly out from nowhere, we heard a very loud "SHHHHHHhhhhhh" but that didn't stop this grp of students. so i can very safely concluded tt they must be DEAF!! anyway, then they started to sing along with the song and then talk loudly and laffed like nobody business in that section ma chiam the area belongs to them. ma chaim they are back in their kampong, merry making with their neighbours!!! i just kept my cool coz what can i do? i was at their age once too so i know very well what they want to do. they just want to bloody hell ATTRACT ATTENTION FROM THE OPPOSITE SEX!!!! they think they very cool and very steady, but to me, they are just NUISANCE!!!
then chloe said she wants to read a book in the library instead of borrowing it back home. so we found a quiet corner and sat there. then i saw 4 girls at the corner and i immediately knew tt this is the grp the earlier grp wants to attract. they think what? library is a match making agency?? omg!! i am totally speechless.......anyway, they came and were making a din and talking loudly and i am getting impatient coz the noise really affected me........
anyway, after borrowing our books, i was very grateful we left the library
and guessed what?
the students actually situated themseleves just outside the library and were again talking loudly and "performing" to the grp of girls.....i really "pei fu" them lor....i shaked head and left.....
maybe they should not attend the school at BTS maybe they need to register themselves in the school for special children........think they have the criteria and meet the requriements.......blind and deaf!!!!.......or maybe they should registered themselves with the drama school since they like to sing and "perform"...... =P
not the facial foam lor
but our newly opened Terminal 3...........
went there yesterday and met esther for lunchie
now its so convenient to go T3 or T2 or T1 lor
coz when the MRT, either u turn right to T3 or left to T2
and from T2 take sky train to T1 or from T3 take train to T1 or T2 also can........
as easy as 1, 2, 3 lor......
our gahmen just too smart........
anyway, while waiting for esther, there is this drama lor
i saw this policeman "asccoting" this man and another police pushing his luggages.
and i thought "wow!! this man must be a big shot lor"
but hor, becoz i wondered why so many ppl staring this direction
so when they walked passed me, i turned and look
omg!! the man was handcuffed and being led away by the police man lor
and he dun even look a bit like a criminal ok
he is so well groomed even though not in suit and tie but is presentable lor
standard of living is rising, i can understand.......tts why so the crime rates also increases.....

we took the sky train from T3 to T1 and had popeyes!!!
i no eat before lor, so it was my FIRST!!
ordered the spicy chicken but hor, its not as spicy as i thought
bo KFC's standard lor
sorry popeyes, still room for improvement
like what esther said if spicy tasted "bland" then imgaine what mild taste like.......*wonder wonder*

now tt i am sitting here and blogging this, i forgot our ice cream from mac leh......... absent minded.
bo pian lor, old liao no can remember things.....sigh
memory is failing me liao.....
actually wanted to pop over the "prize winning" spot to take some pics
u know, the one which was in the papers few days back
couples taking their wedding pics were encourage to go there and take their pics in any part of T3 and submit their entries
the winning one of the couple standing in front of this huge full height glass panel with the landscape behind them, i got to say its beautifully and tastefully taken....good job!!
talking abt job, well, i GOT A JOB!! *jumping up and down*
officially starting on the coming Monday, which is the 14th
reporting at work at 9am and the day will ends exactly at 630pm
well, erm, u guessed correctly
dear said since i stopped work at 630pm then i no longer can have dinner at his place
coz i cannot expect the "whole village" to wait for me for dinner. everyone will be complaining!!!
so i told him i also feel pai seh if "whole village" wait for me for dinner lor, so in tt case we will not meet on weekdays then. meet weekends. =))
he not cruel or heartless lor.
frankly speaking, if i go over his place for dinner, i will like reached there at 8plus, and imagine if i got to work slightly late then i think maybe 9 plus then reach lor
so not very nice lor
and hor, also not very good lor, have been "white eat, white drink, white bath, white sleep, white watch tv, white many things" at his place for years liao....hehe...pai seh lor. maybe its time to white eat, white drink, white bath, white watch tv, white many things" at my own place liao..... =))
i remembered tt day when i told ivan tt i am gg to old man's place for dinner liao
he exclaimed "wa!! good hor. considered as "yi jia ren" already
it send shivers up my spine lor
dun asked me why
maybe the "yi jia ren" very scary lor. maybe still dun want to be "yi jia ren" yet....maybe i have been taking things for granted liao.......nobody has ever said want to be "yi jia ren" with me lor.
maybe i dun want it to be a "well, eventually u two will...." "only matter of time...",u know as in "li shuo dang rang" thingy. maybe i dun want it to be a habit or even a responsibility
like during hotel stay,
i told dear abt the new HDB flat at boon keng selling for $790K so ridiculous. who can afford HDB flats now........and mama went "u know, maybe u all should get resales...."
1st shiver
then his mama said tt she wanted to buy new bed for her son but her son said dun want
then she told me "ya lah. next time u all shift out, have own place then buy lor"
2nd shiver
i was just reporting what i read from the papers, not telling him to get a flat lor!!!
maybe should not get "too closed" after all
end of the day, i might not in his plan, i might not be consider as a potential for "yi jia ren" .....
maybe this is what upstairs have planned, maybe this is the time to do it....maybe.....maybe.....