ThE hOttiE & ThE nOttIe
i watched the paris hilton movie yesterday
frankly speaking, nothing fantastic
normal storyline
beauty and not so pretty girl, best friends from grade 1
few yrs later, all big big liao, man broke up with then gf and went to search for beauty
man loves beauty but beauty told him if not so pretty girl no bf, then she will also not date
so man goes all the way out, thru means and ways to get not so pretty girl a bf
but eventually, i think they went for a make over or something, not so pretty girl turns from ugly duckling to a swan lor
then u know lor
not so pretty girl got a bf, but then, man realised tt he no likes paris but not so pretty girl
no need to say anymore, u know the rest.
but paris dun have to worry, she is so pretty, she can get any men she wants. =)) so dn u guys worry for her or feel sad for her.
final conclusion:-
nothing special
go watch it if u really have spare change and plently of time =P
BB ReNa FaN = fAn WeN Li
went to visit WY and her bb girl yesterday
they decided to name her "rena" = joy!!
chinese name will be
wen li =
WEN jing de
WEN and chong ming
LI zi de
LIat first i was like "WHAT?" "BOON LAY" as in wen li rite?but i didn't want to say muchie, coz who in the right mind would like their own name to be laff at rite?
so i just kept mum
then those ex coll came by to visit her
and then some one exclaimed "BOON LAY?" and laff laff laff
i just keep quiet.
then the newly promoted parents went silence, i think they will go back and think of another name. pls make sure its not another road name ok........
anyway, we did suggested some names to them tt nite when the 4 of us met up (before the bb popped out)
i dun remember what the other 2 suggested but i remembered i suggested to her "wei qi" anyway, the papa's surname is FAN so fan wei qi lor. in future will become a singer lor... and someone who drop of school ???!!??? hm........ better than BOON LAY lor.
anyway the ang mo name abit like too common??? i mean try to get a unique one lor. but since it had a meaning of "JOY" then RENA she shall be. but wen li, i think, better think abt it. =P
apparently, the bb is very cute. u know, new born, all wrinkled up. what's there to see. hehehe...but must comment tt wyman really very steady lor. he was in the operation theatre with WY from step 1 to the bb is taken out from the womb, then he was asked to leave while they sew her up. WY opted for a C section. not tt she cannot endured the pain but "her placenta is lower than the bb" so doc advised to cut then go for nature.
whatever is it, end of the day, mama and bb is safe and sound. tts what most impt rite? =))
the ex colls asked me where am i now. told them switching job soon. starting work at XXXX. they all went "good good good! but heard tt many facilities contract to handle" frankly speaking, i also dun know lor. but such big premises and 4 blocks of building what u expect, sure needs lots of maintenance lor. anyway, work already then say lor. be it this or tt or whatever, i do hope tt i will stop here!!! final stop!! i will work hard too lor. and then its QS work lor, so just do it. at least now i am not scare tt they tell me A and end of the day i will be doing B, C and D and whatever and never get to do A. hahaha!! =P guess enough is enough. no more nonsense.
see old man works so hard everyday, also makes me want to work hard too!!!! like what my sec school principle used to say (one of the many lah) "take pride in whatever u do." "do it once and do it well" JIA YOU!!! =P
GiVe Me BaCk My T BeE
i thought i would not have t bee and internet connection today
coz there was a notice at the lift lobby tt they are upgrading the system or whatever and therefore no t bee and no connection till 6pm today
what a day!!!
i actually planned to go out jalang but then it RAINED!!!
yes!! ta ma de!! it actually rained and always rain when i plan to go out!! really ta ma de!!!
so what did i do?
i switched on the kitchen t bee lor. watched channel 5, 8 and U channel programmes. then it got boring. wanted to watch vcd instead but no shows to watch. i think i watched all the shows liao.
so i did the "please let there be internet connection" thingy and switched on the lappy and VIOLA!! I AM ONLINE!!!
but frankly speaking. so what if i have connection??!!?? sigh
after checking the mails, play my games, surf here and there, i am back to square one again
i have nothing to do. i need the t bee lor
i always alternate myself b/w the t bee and the lappy to keep myself occupy. and now i have nothing to do
sigh..maybe i should just ventured out of the house afterall i planned to go out rite?
what should i do??
ReCeSsIoN or InFlAtIoN?
was telling ivan and ah boi to quickly secure a job now
esp they gg to graduate soon
and ah boi said some of his classmates/school mates already secured jobs before they even graduate lor
some send resumes but no calls and some simply haven start yet
ah boi was lucky bah, he managed to go for few interviews (as far as i know its 2) and so i guess he got to brush up his interview skills.
as for ivan, i didn't hear anything from him. but did remind him to buck up and dun slack behind. what is all the good jobs kana taken up
and tt reminds me, ivan is so like me. i remembered when i was in my final yr in poly. most of my classmates already secured a job or are looking for one. i still lazing ard and have no sense of urgency to get one. even after graduation when all have started to work, i was still gg for holidays with my sec friends. hehehe.........then after when everything die down, then panic strikes me!!! hahaha.......coz nobody has time for me and i was like WHAT AM I GG TO DO NOW!!!
so how i got my first job? it was thru jerk's friend, "space man". he was attached to this firm for his industrial training. and he told jerk tt the co and the boss and the coll are nice ppl. so after his assurance, he passed the contact number to me, and the rest is history........ =P
so i guess, no pt rushing the boys to get a job bah. it will all settle down soon....... i just remind them to cast a wider net, they can pick and choose later on and most impt is to attend as many interviews as possible so tt they can improve on their interview skills and also same time know what they will be ask. =))
stephy was telling me the other day tt US market not doing very good and soon we will be affected. there might be a recession and then ppl might be out of jobs and so its better tt we secure a job before quitting.
Recession, no joke abt it lor. all will feel the heat no matter which industry u are in lor. coz there will be link some where. sure to be affected indirectly. u know as in domino after another will topple.
on the other hand, for the past few days, papers keep flashing "INFLATION"!!!! everything is gg up, up and away!!! rice, eggs, veg, fish, meat, u name it......all gg up. only thing tt is not gg up is our salary and who knows, will either get freeze or pay cut!!!!!!!! OMG!!!
so should we be worry for the R or the I?? anyway, R or I, still got to get a job lor. coz we all still need to eat!!!
SiLlY mE
after we got back from our fishing trip last evening
i saw a missed call in my hdp
got number but no name
FINE!! ignored lor. coz if no name, means not registered in my contact list means i dun know the person so if its urgent, he or she will call me again.
as i was holding on to the hdp and talking to dear, he happened to walk pass and i almost hit him
he told me "u better be careful with the hdp lor. later i knock u, the hdp drop, tts it lor. u will spoil the hdp"
then i told him "the hdp u bought for me one lor. for birthday. u better dun spoil it. anyway, if spoil, then buy new one lor. i already know what i want lor"
then he asked me, almost immediately "what u want?"
then i very "gay kiang" and went "next yr birthday then tell u lor" *cheeky look*
then he paused for a sec and then gave me a funny look and then cheekily told me "ok lor. then this yr no birthday present." and he laffed and walked out of the room......bloody pork!!! hahaha
then i ran after him and said "i dun care. this yr also want present. i thought my birthday over already lor"
hahaha... silly me!! =P
did u guys read the sunday papers??
there is a write up on "crab bee hoon"
i tell u, really, its a MUST TRY
go to the one at AMK
i tell u, one word, SHIOK!!!
i have been raving abt it to dear ever since tt fateful nite tt kristina brought us there to mum mum
really very nice
dear said we will go one day but i told him must get many many ppl go so tt we can order a variety mah. like black pepper, white pepper, crab in bee hoon, butter crab and the chilli crab then also some side dishes and it will be perfect. =))
if only 2 of us, we wont be able to eat much lor. then like last time at the JUMBO, we ordered a 2 kg black pepper crab and some side dishes eat until i almost puke and poor him he got to finish EVERYTHING. all the waitress's fault she kept "pestering" us to get the 2 kg one. i told dear better not since we ordering other things, he said ok lah. and she also said ok lah. all small one. bloody pork!!! eat until cmi lor.......but SHIOK lor. told dear if he gg to order 2kg in future, we will not order any side dish... =0)
so any takers to amk?? =P hehehe
This is Mellben no. 62856762. ( AMK Blk 232 )Open from 5pm to 11pm.If you can just go there around 5pm so you dun have to wait, if not pls call in adv.
PoOr HiM
guessed what happened on sat nite??!!??
can't guess rite
well, apparently, we were in his room and he is doing his work and i just laze ard, his mama suddenly came into the room to pass me the bowl of strawberries coated with honey (yum yum)
then, his mama opened her golden mouth "u know there is this new flat at kallang? tt day i went to see with u sister. very nice u know. but exp lah. but its all fully furnished. can moved in condition. i have a bronchure but left it with ur sister. u all got go see or not? go and see lah."
i just smiled at his mama and his eyes remained fix to the monitor.
then his mama tried again "go and see. really very nice one. the master bedroom got balcony leh. very nice. timber one. i like timber flooring. 5 room leh"
then she looked at me and i just smiled but the room still *SILENCE*
then the ultimate "u two not gg to buy a flat meh?"
then he replied "buy flat dun need to finance huh?" (wa!! the son finally opened his mouth)
then the mama took opportunity "hm..then we sell away this unit and go buy tt one lah. then u go finance tt unit. really very nice, i like"
i still smiling (what else can i do? this is b/w the mama and son)
then mama made eye contact with me but i think i better shut up coz its not my business.
then the mama still no give up and went "u two dun want to get marry meh? how can?"
and i just smiled but the room still *SILENCE*
then the mama laffed and said "oh dear, now my son will be angry with me for being so nosy." she laffed, looked at me, made a face and then she left the room. very smart mama. knows her son very well. better get out of the room before the son explodes.....lolz
though she left, the room still very *SILENCE* and very cold
apparently, i think i wasn't happy liao
dun asked me why
but i just dun feel happy
so i did not talk any more after tt
he did he work and played his game in silence
then he find a movie to watch online
i think he sensed (or maybe he doesn't) tt i was extremely very quiet
i didn't even fight with him for the "circle seat" i sat on the floor while he laid on the bed. he did asked me "why u sit there?" i just shrugged my shoulders and replied "here can still watch"
then we continued to watch the movie in silence but of course he was laffing lah. its was a comedy show. i wasn't. i was deep in my own thoughts....he did stole a few glances on and off but i just wasn't laffing. and when he turned and laffed, i just cake cake laff with him lor. what else can i do??
i finally experienced what he meant when he said tt his mama will occassionally "forced" him to get marry.......i am very lucky and must count my blessings tt my parents do not give me such pressure and stress. =))
apparently, dear told me before tt he has no urgency to settle down. he once said tt his ideal age was to settle down at 30. and since he has passed tt age, there is no urgency for him to settle down yet. apparently, he was just like me. if u knows me very well, and i meant really very well, u should know tt i want to settle down at the age of 21........muahahaha.......dun asked me why such tender age, the age of FREEDOM!! then it became 24 then 26 and then 28 then i have no more wished to settle down......hahaha........guessed tts why we both click
though i kept telling honey tt i really wanted to know whether did he plan anything for our future and whether am i in his plan. its not becoz i want to get marry, now, instantly, there and then!! i just want to know "am i in his plan". just like the article on karen mok today, she admitted of her r/s with stephen chow ( 3 yrs) and stephen fung (9 yrs), the r/s has been established but no commitment given so what else to do but to call it quits lor. its not as if tt if the guys proposed the girl must nod her head lor. but yet least, at least let her know what's the future if they continue on together. like what honey told me when i confided in her, she said something like "not as if we really want to marry there and then, but we just need to know. esp he can promised the stars and moon and sun now but nobody knows what really will happened in the near future. but we just need to know what is the plan for now."
so take for example, he may say "i see us settling down in 3 yrs time with this and tt and whatever shit" and then hear already also "shuang" lor. at least there seemed to have a future and a plan. but in 3 yrs time, whether still together or not, is another issue lor. as simple as tt.
but moral of the story is, poor him!! imagine if my parents do tt to me everyday, esp now i am jobless and lazing ard at home, i tell u , OMG!! i can die lor...... =P
StEaMbOaT iN a ShIp
was reading the mag while in the toilet and found out tt there is this steamboat rest in a ship at mt faber!!
tried searching for it on the net
but found nothing
apparently, dear said it must be a new rest tts why not on the webby yet and he has no idea tt there is such a restaurant at mt faber!!anyway, if he knows abt it, then my next qn to him will be "HOW COME U KNOW???!!?? U WENT WITH WHICH GF!!!" hahaha
why am i interested? well, just think abt it. having steamboat on a ship look alike restaurant on mt faber. imagine tt its opened to the sky type.....having steamboat and watched the stars and the beautiful scenery(see sentosa) ......wa lao!! so nice lor......*awwwww...*
ok ok, i got u, then go to marina south and eat lah. also open to the sky wat. also got stars to see and ok lah, scenery not very nice but still got things to see lor. hehehe =P i just want to go mt faber so what can u do abt it??? NOTHING....hahaha
till i find out more abt this restaurant..........any body? any idea?
what i managed to find is:-
1) its not newly opened lor........i found in a forum this girl wrote and recommended this place in yr 2006!!
2) its called Marine Deck Restaurant
3) its $15 nett per pack.
4) nice ambience, good services but limited selection
looks like almost same price as gg to marina south for steamboat and marina south has many variety lor. =))
SeX is 0 2
go watched this korean movie if u want to have a good laff!!
dear was laffing away and i was like "sa yen". is tt so funny or i have lost my sense of humour??!!!??
or perhaps i no watched the part 1 so i dun undertstand part 2??!!??
so is there any linkage b/w 1 and 2?? apparently no have lor except for some jokes/pranks tt were shown in part 1 and something similar is showed in part 2 lor........
but the male actor does have a funny face. see him also want to laff lor
anyway, think our sense of humour is different lor. like eg some scenes in the forbidden kingdom i find it funny, dear no laff. and when he laffs, i no laff....."dumbfounded" hehehe.....guess everybody does have different levels of humour =P and the big issue is when i laff nobody laff and when everybody is laffing (which includes dear) i wasn' did my sense of humour flown to???*wondering*
ChAnGe Of ReSpOnSiBiLiTy??
happened to see this in the yahoo website today!!!so now gender of baby is what the mother eats and not the papa's*ponder*
Mother's diet can help determine sex of child: study
AFP - Thursday, April 24
PARIS (AFP) - - Oysters may excite the libido, but there is nothing like a hearty breakfast laced with sugar to boost a woman's chances of conceiving a son, according to a study released Wednesday.
Likewise, a low-energy diet that skimps on calories, minerals and nutrients is more likely to yield a female of the human species, says the study, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Britain's de facto academy of sciences.
Fiona Mathews of the University of Exeter in Britain and colleagues wanted to find out if a woman's diet has an impact on the sex of her offspring.
So they asked 740 first-time mothers who did not know if their unborn foetuses were male or female to provide detailed records of eating habits before and after they became pregnant. The women were split into three groups according to the number calories they consumed per day around the time of conception.
Fifty-six percent of the women in the group with the highest energy intake had sons, compared to 45 percent in the least-well fed cohort.
Beside racking up a higher calorie count, the group who produced more males were also more likely to have eaten a wider range of nutrients, including potassium, calcium and vitamins C, E and B12.
The odds of an XY, or male outcome to a pregnancy also went up sharply "for women who consumed at least one bowl of breakfast cereal daily compared with those who ate less than or equal to one bowl of week," the study reported.
These surprising findings are consistent with a very gradual shift in favor of girls over the last four decades in the sex ratio of newborns, according to the researchers.
Previous research has shown -- despite the rising epidemic in obesity -- a reduction in the average energy uptake in advanced economies. The number of adults who skip breakfast has also increased substantially.
"This research may help to explain why in developed countries, where many young women choose low calorie diets, the proportion of boys is falling," Mathews said.
The study's findings, she added, could point to a "natural mechanism" for gender selection.
The link between a rich diet and male children may have an evolutionary explanation.
For most species, the number of offspring a male can father exceeds the number a female can give birth to. But only if conditions are favorable -- poor quality male specimens may fail to breed at all, whereas females reproduce more consistently.
"If a mother has plentiful resources, then it can make sense to invest in producing a son because he is likely to produce more grandchildren than would a daughter," thus contributing to the survival of the species, explains Mathews.
"However, in leaner times having a daughter is a safer bet."
While the mechanism is not yet understood, it is known from in vitro fertilisation research that higher levels of glucose, or sugar, encourage the growth and development of male embryos while inhibiting female embryos.
My KFC MuG!!! =P

dear got it for me on friday!! hehehe *arm chio*....... =P
i know nothing special abt it, so whats the fuss rite?
well, i like simple as tt...... what can u do?? NOTHING lor.......hahaha =P
hm..luckily zhuang warned me abt the movie
so i never harboured too much hope
so end of the day, i must say the movie not tt bad lah
u got spare time and money go watch it lor
i like the part when the ang mo asked jackie why he does not understand what they are talking and he went "tt's becoz u r not listening!!" hahaha.......tts very true....
and also the part when he told jet li "a mountain cannot have 2 tigers" so does tt implied tt the movie cannot have 2 top movie stars??!! hehehe..... playing with words though
we have the GV's $2 off for movie tickets lor. expiring end of april. but the girl told us tt apparently cannot use for this movie.....???!!?? its not a new movie wat!! and all other movies either we have watched liao or dear am not interested, tts why we chose this movie and yet no can use the voucher. =(( dun think dear will have time to use the voucher with me. think its gg into the waste bin liao coz i am sure all the movies screening now in GV also cannot use the voucher lor.
dear said "gimmick. gave us the voucher then we go watch movie, then tell us no can use then bo pian since there liao so must watch lor." hehe...only he can think of sort thingy. =) and then when he uses his HSBC card to purchase for the tickets, he was told tt "min charge must be $50" and we both SHOCKED until jaws dropped!! dear applied for the card becoz of the $1 movie tickets lor. and then realised tt no more $1 thingy but got discount from monday to wednesday, so we kept the card. now was informed tt less than $50 cannot charge to the card!! *faint can* so dear enquried further "what abt monday to wednesday? min charge also $50?" the replied was "sir, monday to wednesday can use the card no need $50. any amt can be charged" we smiled and nodded to her and same time, we looked at each other and both said at the same time "cancel the card" hahaha........beautiful ppl and great minds think alike lor...... =P so he told me "we shall banned GV in future"
anyway, today dear quite sweet lor, i told him abt the new shopping centre at kallang. and it was on the papers before tenants complained tt no crowd. so many threatened to close down their shops. told him there is a new cinema too. since mama no cook today, we popped over and take a look. carpark full why no crowd......have lor. when we stepped in, it was like ok. got ppl lah, not as if like dead town lor. hehehe......but frankly speaking, except for K box, ic skating ring and the bowling center, i also dun know what other attractions lor. i dun see things /shops which i want to go to lor. can go tampines or bugis lor. no need to come in all the way here esp i have not C A R. frankly speaking, if u no CAR, u also won't go into kallang just to watch movie, or go karaoke, or eat at the food court of go to cold storage, or go in to do ur nails, u know what i mean rite
dear said the mgt has to do something abt it. they must have done some research and market survey lah. if not, they will not have re vamped the shopping centre. just need some time. but frankly speaking, he too thinks tt nothing to see here. but i can tell u lor, if like balestier shaw, we can get tickets easily regardless of box office or not, in future we can also pop by here to watch lor. and also if u dun want to q for food, coz everywhere is crowded, then u can also pop by here. confirm no need to q and no need to wait. coz nobody one lor. as in not crowded as in orchard road.
anyway, both of us do agreed tt the crowd will comes when there is a concert. hehe, the early birds will come here and spend some time before they proceed to watch concert at the in door stadium. till then, let's see whether the mgt can inject some life into this place....
ExCuSe Me?? JuSt PlAiN RuDe
was walking back from suntec to the mrt
the escalator was not working
so everybody has to walk up and down the escalator
there was this old woman walking in front of me
she was holding a cane and i could see tt she has difficulties lor. her hubby was walking in front of her and ocassionally will turned back and see how she is doing
suddenly behind of me i heard "so slow. blocking." and another voice went "knock her down" and then they moved to the right and within sec they were at the bottom of the escalator. I WAS TOTALLY SPEECHLESS!! how could they!!!!! the old woman was obviously having some difficulties and if u r rushing for time then use the right side of the escalator lah. we were all walking in a single file on the left side lor. WTF!!
i wanted to take a pic of them. but then decided not to. they are after all in their school uniforms lor. not very good rite? in an ALL WHITE SCHOOL UNIFORM!! so not to worry, nobody will know which school u come from coz there are many schools in singapore who has white tops and white pants for uniform lor. i dun know whether the problem lies in the upbringing of the students or the teaching in school, or simply plain THEM!!!! i am not gg to finger point here and say who and who are to be blamed. dun want ppl to say tt what rights do i have to give my 5 cents and 10 cents worth lor. and i think we all know who and who are to be blamed. so no need to say anymore.
wait till they are older, or should i say MUCH OLDER. like the old man and old woman, then they will know what is this thing call RETRIBUTION. maybe by then the children at tt time will not say "KNOCK HIM DOWN" but rather "KILL THEM. PEST. SO OLD WHY STILL HERE? SHOULD GO DIE"....then they know how hurtful it is for them to say such thing TODAY!!!
i always believe in retribution. might not be on u but someone before or after ur generation. someone just have to suffer becoz of what u did today!!! so pls, go build up ur good karma......not just for after life but also for your after and before generations............
mY NeW ToP

this is the new pink top which i was referring to in my precious entry. ok ok, maybe to u nothing fantastic but to me it is lor!! i simply loved the 5 flowers on it!! and of course the pink colour lor. =)) and the ribbon.....hahaha
anyway, off track abit, when i reached there, so happened tt a customer came in and asked the sales girl whether she has any extra buttons for the top which she just bought as the button on the sleeve has dun know drop where liao. after searching for few mins, the sales girl told her "dun have leh. why dun u cut off a button on the blouse since u dun button it and sew it on ur sleeve lor" and i went "rolled eyes" couldn't it look awful??? anyway, the customer just couldn't accept no for an answer. she asked politely again what she can do? and she is ok with a transparent coloured button. the sales girl told her "really dun have" and then she really went the extra mile leh. the sales girl went to look for the similar top (but in white coz the pink was sold out at the store), she snipped off the top most button and passed it to the customer. customer happy but the next customer or the customer who gg to buy tt white top will have to live with the fact tt her newly purchased top has a missing button. provided of course, she didn't find out lor......unless she read this blog of mine....... anyway, i learnt one lesson today, to count all the buttons when buying tops in future, esp from this store!!!! hahaha *wink eyes*
i went to self collect it today. should have met with zhuang and ping for lunchie. but today is a busy day for me. i planned to go for a foot and half body massage after the collection coz i am aching all over!!! the pain in my foot just refused to go away and instead i am in PAIN!!! i woke up every morning with such pain tt there is no word to describe it. and the moment the foot hit the ground, i tell u, i rather no wake up lor. but after walking all over the house, the pain will dun know disappear to where or i just simply immune to the pain and comes night time, the pain will come pain and haunt me till i fall asleep and the cycle repeats all over again.....and bloody pork!! its has been a month lor. and the culprit is HEELS!!! and my beloved heels.......but i can't do without them so what's the outcome of the massage??!!?? i am still aching all over!!! hahaha...maybe i shopped too long.... =))
bought this black dress from iora!!! hehehe.......think will wear this instead of the grey and yellow dress which i bought. tt pc will have to be in the "cold palace" till i think of a way to take care of the 2 sleeves....this one looked more "power" lor
actually am thinking of re vamping my wardrobe, u know lor. i dun have many clothings. AL told me or advised tt "buy lor, as long as u think its nice and u like it then buy. but dun buy for the sake of buying" so i decided to hang on first. hehehe........just buy for day 1 and the re vamping will have to be on the next few pay days. no pt changing every pcs at one shot. do it gradually........dun u agreed =))'s A mimi(4)
she told me to keep it a secret
so i did
she does not believe me at first (tt i can keep it a secret)
coz she feels tt i will go tell B
actually, i also dun always talk to B coz unless got something if not B will not contact me
so i told her "i seldom contact B and its fine dun tell me"
then she said "ok lah i kinda trust u" (something like tt lah)
and told me where she went
few weeks later, we "chatted" over email
and i asked her "any idea where did A go?"
she told me "no idea"
UNBELIEVEABLE!! she is so close to A how could she not know
but then i trusted her
(told u, as long as u dare to say, i will believe. but dun let me find out tt U LIE TO ME)
1 yr later, i told her i saw A at a function
but i did not talk to her
coz dun know what to say
then she said i should have gone up to her and talk to her
so i asked again "any idea where she goes?"
the reply then was still "no idea"
so i went "ok"
just few days ago, i happened to "chat" with B via email (hehehe. always email)
and she told me tt A is in XXX co
and i went "WTF!!!! means A is in the same co as her and all these while she has been telling me tt she has absolutely bo idea where A went"
bloody pork!! take me as a what???!!??
still say trust me then let this
so hurtful lor *heart bleeding*
ok, maybe to u its nothing lor
small issue
but to me its a BIG issue lor
how can u tell me tt u trust me but on the other hand ur actions show tt U DUN!!!!!
and i trusted and believed her!!!!!!!! =((
and this is what i get!!!!!
and i have been keeping a secret all these while for nothing???
damn disappointed...and u know what? this is just one of a way to lose a "trusted" friend.....
ClOuDy DaY!!! =(
promised to bring the little one to PP today
she has been asking me to bring her to PP since dun know when...hehehe
she wants to check out how much she has in her borders card
she got it as a birthday gift from her godma!!!
apparently, she received 2 Borders card for her birthday. she put one in her papa's place and the other here.
she had gone on a book shopping spree with one card and therefore she cannot wait to use the other card
since there is no paper tomolo (ya!! she is having exams now!!) i think why not bring her go.
and so this morning, when i woke up, boy oh boy!! the sky is not sunny, its blackie and cloudy!! with occassional!!!! she is gg to be damn disappointed if we not gg to PP.
i know i know, bring along an umbrella rite? but the yee yee,me, dun like to leave the comfort home if its wet and cold out there......... =P
hopefully the sky will clear up soon and the sun will come out.......god bless!! =))
so romantic
yesterday i read this article
so romantic lor
talking abt how this man proposed to his gf lor
he brought her to a rest
then he "par car" with the waitress to tell his gf tt the rest is holding a lucky draw
so asked her to draw
and then after she drew a lot, the waitress passed her the little red box, then next a bouquet of flowers and the rest is history........OMG OMG OMG!!!!
so romantic hor...... =))
at least he made an effort to make the date and proposal so memorable lor
there is a plan lor
so sweet of him.....
OMG or not......and its made in singapore ok....local production......true life story.......
RING rang RuNg
hdp rang at 1113am!!!!
the rest is history.......
starting work in MAY....=))
all the best to me!!!
hope this is it!! and THAT'S IT!! *wink*
to friends out there, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!!
thanks for the concern and support u have been rendering me.....
i will work hard
i will not disappoint all of u.......
will not let u down...
i will give it my best shot!!
NOW or never!!!
Y mUsT dIe???
my handsome charming........*drooling*

donnie yen...also not bad lor.......but this movie, all covered up no can see his wasted
Kelly of my favourite
omg!! he so charming.......
stepped on my star's die before lor. anyway, he did die.....hahaha! kelly stabbed him right thru his throat ( can see me in the photo?? lousy photographer!! =P)
my hubby.........and he is dead..........bloody pork!! why must die......... die also so handsome. cannot stand him.... =Pknow what is this movie?? AN EMPRESS AND THE WARRIORS!!!
she no lost her kingdom but she lost her loved ones........both my hubby and donnie yen......sigh......
overall, not bad lah.........watchable....can watch....... =))
watch a pc of wood act.....hehehe
WaTcHeD TBee B/w NeWtOn & OrChArD
hey!! just wondering have u guys took the mrt b/w newton and orchard?
along the way, there will be an announcement to remind u to "look out of the window" and see the latest technology.......
i was like "wa!! so high tech huh?" and was anticipating to see something tt could "WOW" me off my feet......apparently, i am still firmly rooted to the floor after the "show".
what i saw:-
boxes of blue......flashing flashing flashing (actually its one whole stretch of tv bah or screen screening different actions) the train is moving so fast tt i can hardly make out what was screened, except for ITS A ROBOT!!
then i told myself maybe just focus on one spot and let it runs and try figure out what THEY want us to see..........i still cannot see and i am blur and gg to faint soon .............
then suddenly no more robot, but words lor.......cannot figure out wat its writting " one, career,....... and i dun know what else is there"
then another box of words. also keep flashing and i dun know wTH it was. and i was like "blah!! dun have better lor. have already also dun know what they want to show or tell us" then as i was staring hard into the box, i saw the familiar word " N A V Y "..........hahahaha.........ask u to join the navy and get blur by them......... * faint can*
they really need to do a survey, get feedback and improvise!!!! TTS MY ADVISE...... dun later kana point finger at by not doing this and tt lor.
ReAlLy PiTy HiM........
poor man!!
he already "can't sing" lor, still gives him such a heavy burden to carry.
everyone is waiting for THIS DAY!! and THIS DAY arrived yesterday.
sure kana under strict scrunity one lor
trust me, whatever he "sings" sure will kana "boo" one, but can u blame him?? he also just doing his job and so happened tt the department is under his care lor. wonder why not under DEFENCE leh?? maybe the force should be transfer to DEFENCE....maybe just maybe....
everything also under him, really pity him lor. every one else should be sitting back, relaxing over a cup of tea now while he is in hot soup...... =((
everybody out there to be blamed, blamed for being too "COMPLACENT ". all to be blamed, window grilles, toilet papers, trousers, water pipe, urinal compartment, doors, fencing, non working cctv(which happened to be under upgrading) but not the themselves???!!??? dun they too need to sit back and do some reflections??!!?? but what to do?? our duty only meh? we do play a part lor in keeping our nation safe, but definitely not totally to be blame rite?
anyway, the poor man, "can't sing" still forced to sing and let ppl laff at, sneered at.......sigh........ really pity him....not a time to point fingers now lor. but to improvise and learn from the mistake. if u think u can do a better job than him or them, u will be at his or their positions now and not sitting here taking the easy way out by playing the pointing fingers game!!! look u no up lor....... pui
oH GracIoUs Me
nothing to do today
so i tried on the 2 dresses which i bought yesterday
wa piang!!
i tell u lor, clothings tt u cannot try before buying hor, really takes a lot of courage to buy leh
what happened??? =P
actually ok lah. not tt VERY bad
the brown one was still ok except tt the colour dun SUITs me!!! but who cares, will just wear it lor
and the yellow and grey one??!!?? sigh, the 2 sleeves were so BIG!! and it hang on me like tt. so u can imagine the 2 sides on my arm like no match the dress lor
2 big fat sleeves
must think of a way, maybe need to pair if off with a cardigan or sweater so tt the sleeves not tt obvious!! hehehe
but no scare lor, i still have the pink top. hehehe =)) still have new clothings to wear to work lor
and NO, the hr has not call me. playing the waiting game now. tick tock tick tock......comes friday, if no call from them, i will have to call them liao..... =))
WL smsed me asked me want to go genting this sat to next tue. so tempting to go lor. but have promised WY tt if i am not working, i will go to hospital see her pop baby girl no choice got to pass this time. but really feel like gg leh. hehehe......short trip...... =P next time bah! no choice =)) dun go also good lah. save $$$......esp now tt i am not working
i went to buy a drink from KFC just now
and saw that they are selling the KFC mug ( in the kfc steamer design) for $2.95 with every meal purchase
i die die also want one lor
who gg to eat?? can buy for me??? PLS.............. =)) *sweetest smile*
FrEe $$$$$
did u guys receive the GST package??
well, hehehe, i bet everyone of u have lor
so dun bother to long as u working and/or is a senior citizen, i am very sure u will recieve the letter lor.
since me still officially jobless, unemployed, i am very the delightful and grateful to our gahmen for giving me the extra bonus....... =))
come end april, i will get the 1st instalment.... no need to do anything the money will be deposited into your bank good's our gahmen...... always ready and have things all planned out.........then 2nd instalment in oct and then we also have the gst credits which is due in july......muahahaha..........i am so the very the happy!!! =))
sigh!! so wat if the $$ is foc........still got to pay income tax lor.....hahaha..... =P
the extra bonus will be just nice for me to pay my income tax.......which means to say, its money from pocket A goes into pocket B lor. end of the day, the so called Free Money is still my own money!!!! =P
trust me, there is no free meal in the world work hard (like me) for every single penny tt u are entitled!!! endure the bitterness now, and enjoy the sweetness later........ =))
aLl iN a DaY's wOrK
went to meet the girls (ping and zhuang) for lunch at raffles place
we went to this place in far east square for prawn noodles
yum yum
very nice!!! ichiban!! =9
the lunch time crowd is terrible lor
we have to q to place our order lor
but i have to say, the food comes within all in all, NO COMPLAINS lor....
after lunchie, i went to meet WY and passed her the booties......
she seemed to like the boy one leh
i told her the girl one is cute lor. pink colour with flowers. told her next time bah. if her second is a boy, will get her the boy boy one
she told me tt the shoes is exp. but i think its ok lor
i saw a push cart in raffles place, selling babies shoes (those solid kind and the socks) at $12.90 (min, i think)......actually, the designs also very nice lor.......exp? no lor.... i think its still ok
imagine u go get those branded one, like NIKE, Adidas, Puma, will definitely set u back by min $60 dun play play. esp bb's feet grow very fast one de lor, so dun invest in branded ones so early.....
after meeting WY, i went to meet qi lor
i passed her the boy boy shoes
i tell u, she does not look like she preggie lor except for tt tummy of hers
she walked like a cheetah leh.......WY walked slowier than her lor
she zoomed here and there, can even run lor
tsk tsk!!! cannot lor. must walk slowly. =))
my job for the day almost done liao
meet up with friends for lunchie, passed the stuff to them
and so the next item on my to do list is SHOPPING
remember i said i want to get a new set of clothings for my 1st day of work......hehehe
passed by this push cart just outside funan and bought these........i know, i know, not very fantastic but its only $10 lor. what more do u still want?? =P

this one "mian chiang" can wear to work...... =))
this one i guessed more for weekend wear.. =))
i also bought this pink top from this shop called sixty whatever. but currently they dun have M size, so i placed an order and will go collect it in 3 days time..... i like it very muchie lor. coz of the 4 flowers and also the solid pink colour =)) will update the pic once i collected it =))
think i am all set and ready to va va vroom.......but the hr no call yet.........
this is my "zhan bao" hehehe....bought it and wore it to the interview same day =P
2nd LiFe - ThE ViRtUaL WoRlD
read this article in today's paper
its a virtual world where the players create their own avatar and goes ard making friends with other avatars, eat, drink, sleep and be merry. can have sex and then marry eventually. something like friendster, facebook, my space, irc, icq, etc, where u can make friends online lah. this one more special coz u have an avatar which u can like live in a virtual world.
anyway, read this 2 very extreme stories
a happy ending one and a sad ending one
guessed, its like this lah, ppl can "walk fire into demon world" lor. everything must be played with control and also self discipline bah!! dun get addicted!!
let's go for the happy story one
this guy and a girl each has their avatar lah
then they met and knew each other in the virtual world
then they decided to msn
then they decided to meet
and then they decided to dang dang dang dang comes this dec.
it marked their 4 yrs romantic hor.......they knew each other in the virtual world 4 yrs ago....... =)) happy ending........wish them all the best!!! the couple gg back to rome after the muslim wedding in singapore.....
and as for the sad story one, well, here it goes
guy and girl met in secondary school days
then girl goes to uni, guy go army
girl goes to work, guy studied
moved in together
and one fine day, guy told girl "let's stop putting our money into the rental. let's get our own flat"
and then a date was set for their wedding this coming sept
who knows, the girl noticed tt the guy has a sudden change in his behaviour
everyday without failed he will be in the virtual world
in the beginning, he showed the girl his avatar and the girl just laffed it off thinking tt its a game
subsequently it got from bad to worst, he can go without sleep and meal but he needs to be online lor
and the girl always find his avatar with the same female avatar whenever he is online
so she confronted him but he assured her tt its nothing afterall its just a game
finally, the girl buay ta han so she went to look for the guy's friend and told this friend of theirs to help stop the guy from "playing" this game lor
the friend told her tt "the other woman" is actually a korean girl lor and tt the guy has been emailing and calling her.
the girl was very sad and angry at the same time lor. BETRAYAL!! and unforgivable!!! so she called off the wedding and moved out of the rental place........
and the guy did not even feel remorseful and sorry and did not even bother to ask her to come back and try to salavage the r/s. LOSERS!!!!
sad hor, she said when ppl asked her what happened, she told them tt she lost her fiance to the virtual world!!!
she even found out at a later stage tt the guy is gg over to korea to meet up with the girl!!
well, advise to the girl is "BE STRONG AND MOVE ON" definitely not her fault lor and as for the guy, well "F*** OFF and DiE!!!!" u dun deserved such a good gf lor.......
i am sure there are many similar cases out there. be it good or sad endings. but hor, i think couples be it still dating stage or already married stage, u have to be responsible to ther r/s and to ur partner lor. what is it???? reel life and real life!!! pls, wake up!!! come back to reality....
there is also this story abt this girl, she was friend with this guy avatar for sometime and felt tt there is a bond b/w them and started to "fall in love with him" and turned out tt "HE" is a "SHE" lor. she was so devasted tt she closed down the account!!! she claimed tt she went into depression for 3 months!!!!!
bound to have cheaters out why subject urself to such risk!!! 2nd life is ma chiam like living in another world of urs which u dun want ppl to find out. coz u may be fat and short but u can create an avatar tt is tall, muscular and handsome!!! =)) REALLY CHEATERS AND LIARS!!!!
as i was telling chris tt day when he asked me abt my savings!! he said tt since i have been working for 11 yrs, i must have alot of savings in my bank acc why do i keep saying tt i am broke, no money!! i didn't want to tell him MY PERSONAL stuff so i told him "no money lor. just no money" he probed and angela also probed and finally i told them " coz all money gone to a jerk!! take it as a very exp paid lesson. and i just need to save all over again!!" and he went "huh?" and i went "ya, no money and no honey" hehehe =)) and he was sweet lor. he told me "tt guy will have his retribution." actually i dun need to know what happened to him lor. even of he dies also not my problem and i dun need to know. even if he kana cheated by others also none of my business!! i dun give a damn. but i told chris, "i dun mind he returned me my money" hahaha........
i think we should not need a 2nd life!! or rather i think we need a 2nd CHANCE in life!!!! pick up the pcs and be stronger and move on.........the sun still will rise and shine tomolo, for u and for me!! =))
nO GoOd FoOd???
hm...just saw garreth's blog on him 1st cereal meal......yum yum!!
looks like he really enjoyed himself.....
and tt reminds me of something
last nite, dear's mama not in so no dinner
as usual "we go to eat the buffet ok?"
and i just keep more cravings lor. eat what buffet.
along the way to the fishing spot, dear kept asking me what i want to eat later
and i shot off my mouth "no cravings liao eat what buffet. why dun u decide since i decide yesterday." and he also kept quiet
bo chap..... =P
we left the fishing spot at 7pm lor
reached home at 730pm and he asked me "quick think what u want to eat while i go bath"
then i went "dun want lah. u think lah. i have no cravings for anything"
and he actually replied me with "if i think, u can forget about having good food lor" and i replied " got food eat already can lor. what good food u want? i also dun need good food?"
Pui lor!! so he thinks i want to eat good food everytime?? i just want to eat lor. got food better than no food. who wants to go hungry, he very the bloody pork lor. so angry.
so anyway, in the end, he decided tt we do have the seoul garden since last week we dun get to eat lor. but we decided to go tampines instead of marina square, as its nearer home (to me lah). but the q to the carpark was very very long and so no choice, change of plan, i told him "go hawker eat lah" on the way back, we passed by the safra and then he said "why not we go eat sakura" and i went "u so clever. u still remember here got sakura" and off we went to have sakura for dinner........
luckily, i have no cravings for seoul garden this week lor, if not i think i will die leh.......u know lor. just like preggie women, must eat means must eat. no eat will die kind of feelings......luckily last week, got bring the little one go eat jap food lor. what cravings also no more......hahaha
but still want to comment lor. dear was very sweet lor. i told him "no more choco ice cream liao. i dun want to eat ice cream. u go ahead." he went and hor, came back with 3 scoops of choco ice cream and he gave it to me sweet hor........awwwww.....apparently the staff replenished the ice cream lor.....hehehe........saved a trip for myself. thank you dear....
and oh yes, i forgot an inccident tt happened in the library the night before. we proceeded to the 2nd floor to look for empty seat with the power socket mounted on the floor. all the tables were taken and we went right to the end and so happened tt a couple was leaving lor and we were there just in time. dear said we are so lucky. which i think so too!! =)) i noticed tt the guy looked familiar but i couldn't put a name to the face. and when he left with his gf, i asked dear "is he a jurong guy? i think he looked familiar." and he replied "no lor. never see before. dun know which bf of yours." then i still continued with "no meh? but he really looked familiar leh." and dear ignored me told me to "go go go, go find urself a book." i thought the story ends there and then. on our way back, dun know what was the topic, he suddenly told me "these few days i very stressed at work and am busy lor. no time to scold u lor. just now see guys i also never say anything liao lor. still dare to look at other guys! i have many things on my mind now lor. no time to punish u lor." pls if i care.......u can look at girls, i cannot look at guys meh? at least i only look lor, no touch leh........lolz *unbelieveable* =P
anyway, as if he really bothers tt i am looking at other guys....pui lor =P
ever have hicups till it hurts so much??
wa lao!!
i also dun know why, just now, i was like hic upp-ing non stop
and then suddenly the side ma chiam like cramp leh
pain until speechless lor
the moment i hic up, the pain comes and its damn bloody unbearable lor
could not even walk to kitchen for a cup of water lor
so i just got a packet of green tea from the fridge in the living room....muahaha....quickly drank it and viola!! hicups had stopped and i am painless........hahahaha.....
then it suddenly came upon me why i didn't try to hold my breathe for 10 secs just now??
*slap forehead* =(( silly me!!!
we went fishing today...(as usual, i know......hehehe) then dear was using prawns as bait (as usual...hehehe). after he de shelled the prawn, he threw the shell near where i am sitting. and i went "di!!! how could u? can u throw it else where? the ants will come near me..." and he went "ants? dun worry then the ant eaters will come and eat them and we will eat the ant eaters." then i went "siao ah u? here no ant eaters lor. go to zoo will have." then he went "go zoo then can see ant eaters?" and i went "ya lah. hey!! lets go to the zoo." he went "u want to go zoo?" and i went "ya lah. if not how to see ant eaters and other animals. will be so fun lor." and his reply "ok, u wait. our co's family day, they are organsing either to go zoo, bird park or wild wild wet. we shall see where they go ok. but most probably is bird park." and i went "huh? bird park? see birds nia lor. go www lah, more fun." inside my heart ( better than nothing lor) and he still went on to explain "u see, our female bosses, those very high post one, if go to WWW, then got to wear bikinis and all let their suborniates see, no good lor. so hor, go bird park the best. got to understand them." i still won't give up and replied "but hor, can wear t shirt and shorts ones lor. no scare lor. and hor, cathay cinema is opened at downtown east lor. can go watch movies too and got other things to do there." and dear went "see how lor. see how the mgt decide. i also dun know them"
ok lor, see what's the final decision lor. as if u will bring me lor.......pui!! co got staff pass to go zoo, bird park and this and tt (actually i not very sure have or not lah) also no bring me lor. this family day outing, u will bring me meh? later got to pay for family members, only staff is FOC, doubt u will bring me lor.......see ant eaters?? think i go myself can see faster and earlier than u bring me lor....... =P
actually, last and this weekend, i got to say dear very "talkative" lor. he tells me abt what is happening at work, and we exchanged our views and opinions and how things are being done. and he told me abt problems or hic ups at work and i just listen. of course, i also like to give my 5 cents and 10 cents lah. which i read somewhere before, should not be this way. coz u know lah, when Men talks, they only want to talk, they actually have things all under control they dun need our opinions or views. they just want a listener. not like us, we need views, suggestions, opinions and then we will reasoned it within ourselves and then come to a conclusion. tts the way men and women work......if both talk, then die ending one......quarrel till the pigs fly home also no conclusion.....
tt makes me wonder, last time someone told me if one day u find a partner, try to find someone not in the same industry as u. coz when the industry is not doing well, his/her industry might not be affected and therefore the bread is still rolling into the house lor. at tt time, i do agreed with such a statement lor. but imagine, if u are not in the same industry, its very difficult to communicate what u have done today, what r the problems u encountered at work and why u need to work so late everyday to complete a report or a project which dateline is so damn bloody tight. imagine, if i am not in this line, i will not understand or know why dear is so tight up at work and have 101 things to do every day. why need to have 3 meetings in a week for the same project!! i will think tt its ridiculous and waste of time, which in actual fact IS ridiculous lah......hahaha........remember CLN in dpa??? well, she did tell me once tt she does not bother to tell her hubby what's happening at work coz her hubby not in this line and simply dun understand at all. so if she talks to him, its really a waste of time........
guess there is pros and cons bah.....and i am glad tt i am able to share some of his woes and burdens and stories ....... god bless and really count our blessings too!! =))
tSk TsK....
did a despicable thing on fri......
i actually accepted a date to go karaoke with my ex colleagues, donkey weeks actual fact only 1 week ago lah
then fri morning, dear smsed me and asked me whether want to meet him for dinner
so me in dilemma..... to meet or not to meet, tt's the qn..... *shake head*
never before i have done it lor
i never cancelled my already made appointment unless last min really have something very urgent coop up if not, all things can wait regardless of who u r!!!
but then, this is dear lor. and so what rite? becoz he is always busy at work so to meet him for dinner or whatever is very PRECIOUS (see i used the word "precious" ok) to me.
so what i did? i debated half a day with myself and decided to go meet him for dinner and then go down to karaoke if the library has no wireless network for him to do his work...(he actually planned tt after dinner we will go to the library where he will do his work and play his game while i read my books)
so happily, i smsed WL and told her i won't be joining them for dinner and i will sms her later to see whether can i meet them at the room. so met dear at 7pm. had our dinner. and then off to the library. VIOLA!!! have wireless net work lor. so i went to look for a book to read and to keep myself occupy while he works and plays his game. we left at 930pm coz library closed at tt time and i smsed WL to tell her tt i am unable to join them but will do so next time!! i felt so ...dun know what's the word to could i!!! i have never done this before!! ask my friends......never!!!! sigh.......looked so low on myself........ i am so sorry gals!!! i really am!! but do believe me, its really very rare and precious for me to meet dear lor. despite of his heavy workload.... if he can put down everything to meet me, i think i must at least make an effort to meet up with him too!!!! hope u all understand!!!
anyway, what made me so sad after i have done all these is when dear told me we can go to his office's lounge to sing songs, coz its FOC. i told him i have actually made arrangement with ex coll to go singing lor. and i thought if the library no wireless, then we can pop by. he actually told me "if u have made an appt already then just go lor. no need to come meet me. meet me for what." and i fell from cloud 9!!! =(( can u believe it!!! men really are from mars!!!!! we think totally differently........afterall all tt i have done, feeling so bad and gulity, this is all i got in return. tsk tsk......... not his fault the stupiak one lor...... think A and yet he thinks B. see things differently........
guess, i will NEVER EVER do it again.......coz its not worth it!! *heart breaks into many pcs*
NiWa SuShI

location map
part of the little shop....
part of the menu ...not very exp rite....

part of the menu ..affordable rite....
bento sets also affordable and also comes in big portion...
this sushi outlet was first introduced by mama. My mama knows best!!! hehehe.....she said its selling sushi and bento sets at very very cheap prices. subsequently, it was aired on channel 8. hosted by the quan yi feng and the guy, i dun know what's his name. and then since nowadays i am so the very the free, i brought the little one there to CHECK IT OUT!!
not difficult to find its exact location. just take mrt to EUNOS and then u turned left (opposite direction from THIS FASHION) and walked along the shops and u will find it "NIWA SUSHI"
i think its managed by malaysians. coz they sounded like one....hehehe!! not tt i dun like malaysians ok, just dun associate me with them for WHATEVER REASON!!! I AM PROUD TO SAY I AM A SINGAPOREAN!!! =)) (steady bo)
the little one saw this and said "can we take one and eat first while waiting? pls...... it cost $3
drinks come at $0.50 each with every bento set ordered....left is iced peach tea(darker) right is iced lemon tea....
moi's order....BEEF

little one's order......salmon (just in case u r wondering, tt lump there is potato)
overall experience and rating i got to say GOOD!!! and good!! and i am very the full lor. this meal set me back $12.80 (including the ta bao). thanks to the little one, we had a 20% discount off our meal. student's discount from 230 to 430pm EVERYDAY!!! and EVERY SUNDAY its 10% discount!!!
the little one said tt i must thanks her for the 20% discount. so i told her next time if we have no money for exp sushi, we can come here for a meal. and i told her we will only go sakae when she starts to work and earn her own money. and she replied me " when i start to earn money, u old liao lor. u dun like to eat sushi liao. u dun like to eat raw food" u see lah, dun know want to cry or want to laff.....she no heart to treat me lor......sob sob =((
So FoRtUnAtE
i was awaken by the little one's alarm clock this morning
apparently, she didn't hear it ringing and its only when it gotten louder than she woke up and off it immediately
mama came into the room few mins later and got to coax her to wake up
she always have her 101 reasons and excuses not to wake up and mama will always say "better wake up now. if not, later yee yee wakes up, see u still in bed, she will scold lor." and immediately POP! she will sit up and then walk out of the room with mama
inside my heart, i am thinking, my sister and this little one is so fortunate
hopefully they both knows it
sister is in shanghai and we have to look after her BURDEN for her. sorry to use such a HEAVY word, but its a burden lor......lolz take care of her, feed her, clothed her, coach her and all
and she in shanghai just enjoying herself and partying to death and still refuse to come back and take over her burden!!! *speechless*
i hope i will not be like her one day. i always think and feel tt if i want to pop one out one day, my hubby and i must be able to provide for him or her or them and also be there for him or her or them. if i gg to pop him or her or them out and not gg to be there for them ( unless of course i mati lah) then why bother to pop ???!!??
imagine, after so many donkey years, the school syllabus has changed so much. but my mama can still coach the little one and every year she comes in top in class!!! fantastic rite??? i not saying the little one i am saying my mama!!! she is so wonderful...... and as i was lying on my bed, listening to the commotion outside the room, i am wondering when i have children of my own, will they also enjoy the benefits tt this little one is enjoying now. she has someone to look after her despite the parents being away and someone to coach ........will my children be fortunate enough to have their maternal grandma to be there for them and coach them and my hubby and i can work hard out there earning money to provide for them and i dun have to worry a single thing, coz i know they are in good hands.......
hope u guys out there knows how fortunate u are!!! =)) i dun have to tell u lor........u should know what ur mama has been doing for the family......besides taking good care of the house, ur well being, ur children, every little nitty gritty stuff tt u no put in ur eyes, can shows how wei da ur mama is........ let me tell u this "its always the women who sacrifices for the family"......
mothers' day is coming soon.......know wat u should do rite.........a simple gesture of appreciation will touched ur mama's heart!!! =)) and go a long way too..........
mama, u r the best!!!
now an update on what was conveyed to me on Tue by the HR
apparently, there is no probation period in this job
so everything is like u are already confirmed like tt
pro and cons? well, u have to give 1 month notice lor
u get to enjoy everything the confirmed and permanent staff is enjoying..woooooohhoooooo!! =P
have many benefits but not all are entitled to me yet
coz their confirmed staff here means u complete the 2 yrs contract with them then u are considered as CONFIRMED
some benefits are applicable after ur 6 months periods with them, some are with immediate effect, like the gym!!!??!!?? hehehe......can go gym lor. hopefully this time got time to go......chalets and flexi have to wait for 6 months later lor
apparently, i have to say they offered a good package lor. but some since not applicable to me now till 2 yrs later, like loans..... think i still prefer higher pay. if i can stay on for 3 months, i will get a salary adjustment on july and then after every july....... =))
how long will i stay here and will i get extended after 2 yrs later, nobody knows....... =))
but as i told myself previously, i will do my best in this job if i am being offered. its so much near home, so nothing more to ask for. =)) except of course for more pay......hehehe money no enough lor.......anyway, will work hard to prove and show tt i am worth every penny they spend on me!!!
hope the hdp will ring ring ring said end of april mos likely. i think if possible, start on MAY bah. lets see how....
dEbAtE oR fAcT???
last nite, dear smsed me and asked me abt my 1st day of work
and i was like ?????
he mentioned something like since i did not sms him, it just means tt the job is nothing special and i will not last long here
and i was like ????
anyway, a war broke out..........
i replied him 'who told u tt i have started work? i dun even know when i start work lor"
and he replied " opps!! send to the wrong gf. haha! he said i told him its on tue or is it next tue?"
and i of course replied "u have many gfs is it? all starting work on tue is it? definitely not me lor. =("
and he immediately replied with "u got say lor. u told me they paid u $3.8K low is pay but bonus is good. u must have told ur different bfs a different start date. =("
and i replied "its ONLY one and only U lor. who told u its $3.8K? i said bonus good is they said one i prefer higher pay ..blah blah blah"
and then his replied "you got say lor. blah blah blah"
and then i went "actually very touched lor. showed tt u concerned abt me. blah blah blah" which is very true lor. even though he got the date wrong, but at least it showed tt despite him being so busy and stressed at work, he got listen to what i say and complain abt......
this sms came immediately after i send mine"ai ya. dun want to argue with u liao. waste my precious time"
i was so sad lor. how could he!! i never argued with him lor. in actual fact, i never tell him when i start work. u guys also dun know when i start work lor. and if i know the start date, i will definitely inform him lor......what is this!!! bloody pork!! and he dared to say WASTE HIS PRECIOUS TIME!! only his time precious is it? mine not precious lah? everybody else's time not precious lah. talk to me awhile is waste time lah.........
then i replied him "so sad lor. i just said u concerned abt me, then next moment said i waste your time"
then he replied "ya lor. showed concern tt i care and engage in a debate with u"
wa kao!!!! it wasn't a debate at all lor. i was just stating the fact
if i tell u, i will admit lor. but if i didn't, then what u want me to say
if i start work on tue, all of u will know lor. really angry lor.....arghhhh!!!!
and think u guessed correctly, i didn't reply his last usual, he always have the last word .....he always must win..if i continued with the sms-ing, we will be gg no where and i will be futher hurt......i rest my case......didn't know tt i am wasting ppl's precious time. but now i know.......
MiSpLaCeD?? or LoSt?
oh bOy!!!
the medical centre called me yesterday afternoon and told me tt apparently i had to sign on a BLUE form so tt they can proceed with the payment for the check up and their payment dept is requesting for the form and they couldn't find it. so they asked me whether can i make a trip down to sign on the form
WHY LIKE THIS!!!! sigh.......i dun mind gg down but just to sign a form!!!! and to make matter worst, it's RAINING now!!! argghhhhh......
fyi, i did asked the doc "is tt all? can i leave now?" and the doc told the nurse to check and let me know whether can i leave. she looked thru the papers and said "ya. tts all. u may leave." and smiled and i left and now this!!!! do u know i waited from 11 to 1 something for the check up!!!! or was it 12 something coming to 1........omg!!!! i dun remember the time, but i know tt i am HUNGRY!!!!!! coz i didn't take breakfast!!!! thought check up should not consume food 8 hrs before the check up rite?? no? wrong?? hm.......*ponder*
after post entry:i went to the medical centre in the morningi told the counter tt i was there to sign a form coz they misplaced the blue formall looked at me BLURso one kind soul told me to take a seat first while she check it outand i was like "WTH!!! u should have the form ready mah. asked me to wait?"so i smiled and took a seatwithin mins, the nurse called me, asked for my ic no. and then viola, she suddenly remembered what form i need to signand when she passed me the form, i was like "WTH!! i signed this form during registration lor. apparently the form needs to be filled up during the registration. and i was like HOW COULD U HAVE LOSE IT!!"so i just casually said "i thought i signed this upon registration?"and she smiled back and replied casually "well, think we must have misplaced it. we couldn't find pls sign here"so i said ok and signed and she told me "tt's all"can vomit blood ok!! imgaine if i stayed in the west????!!!?? wa piang!! travelled all the way to the east just to sign on a "lost" form......sigh and it takes only few mins to do soanyway, i left and went jalangand ring ring ring, i thought the hr called me to confirm the start datebut it was from the clinic and i was like quite piss off coz "WHAT'S THE PROBLEM THIS TIME!!!"she asked me" did u happened to have the blue chip?"and i was like "u asked me yesterday? i already said NO NO NO. why keep asking?" so i replied "NO" and then she said "u sure u dun have?" and i went "ya" and she said "did u give it to us during registration?" and i went "yes" and then she said ok" and hang upif u lose tt sheet of paper or whatever chip, then go look for my employer. and apparently, the so called blue chip or blue form needs to be filled up upon registration!!! if i did not pass u the paper during registration and i did not sign on the form, do u think i can have the check up??!!??? OMG!!!!!never before such a blunder from this established clinic lor......*shake head*jeopadise my work and u will get it from me!!! hehehe.....ok ok lah, not tt serious. ...its only a form for them to make payment. but definitely not my fault...... *wink*
3 kInGdOmS
went to watch the 3 kingdoms tt other nite
not bad leh
esp if u like ur history very much
i dun really know the chinese history well, but at least i know who is zhang fei, guan yu, zhu ge liang.
but asked me who is "zhao zi long." i will go HUH??? who the hell is he.......hehehe
according to dear, zhao zi long ( acted by andy lau) is actually zhao yun. and so who is this zhao yun, how do i know lor......hahahaha
i also dun know who is he. he not tt famous lor. or should i say not as famous as the 3 brothers.
and according to dear, zhao yun is one of the 5 tigers
so who are the rest of the tigers???
dun ask me lor, how i know......lolz *faint can*
i still haven get to watch untraceable lor......dun know when....sigh
we managed to watch FLOOD, THE SPARTANS, THE WARLORDS, SUPERHEROS, P.S I LOVE U........tried to watch 21, step up 2 and27 dresses but no can watch leh. sigh......dun know whats wrong. maybe need to find the correct link lor.
anyway, want to watch the renee liu and the louis koo new movie. watched their HAPPY BIRTHDAY the other time!!! wa lao!! watched until want to cry lor. its similar to P.S. I LOVE U, just tt the female lead doesn't know tt the male lead has passed away.........sad hor......but very romantic lor.......
dear said "where got romantic?" usual, men they just dun get it!! kept complaining to me "why u find such a boring movie to watch?"........*shake head*
So CuTeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

i saw these booties in garreth's blog. stephy "bought" it for him (the blue one ok not the flowery pink one). i was like "so so so so so cuuttttteeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" die die also must get lor
so i made a request to Stephy and hehehe.......viola!!
the flowery pink one will be for WY's bb girl popping out end of April, which is this month and the blue one will be for........hehehe.......make a guess!! =))
both pairs are in M sizes. so new born no can wear. unless of course they have BIG feet!!hopefully by their 1st month they can slip in comfortably lor. and hopefully the parents remember to let them wear!! hahaha...u know lah, preggie women tend to be forgetful. and i mean VERY FORGETFUL....... =P
anyway, the seller very professional hor. she even gift wrapped the shoes for me.......very nice wrapping lor. those draw strings bag!!! and it does not cost me a bomb lor!!! =)) nice gift too!! also presentable!!
cUrB mY cRaViNgS.......
brought the little one to one of our favourite jap rest for lunchie today!! we made the date last fri though....and becoz of her project, she only came back home at 230pm and i was STARVING lor....we forgot to take the photos of what we ate earlier. when i remembered, we left with the egg maki lor...hehehe
one thing i got to comment abt my niece is tt she always will share the food. she will take whatever she wants, and then she will eat one and the other one she will say "yee yee, this is urs." then when she took the kani maki, she ate 3 and pointed to the leftovers "urs" see!! she is so what is the at least she knows tt she has to share. anyway, to tell the truth, by sharing, u actually gets to eat more variety lor. so dun be selfish!!! =))

this is the kani chawamushi lor. i took a 1st bite and it tasted "yucks" then the little one took over and she said "yee yee, normally, i will mixed it up and eat it with the egg." and i was like "huh? what egg? where got egg?" and then she digged deep into the bowl and viola!!!!

this is what it looked like after mixing and it tasted so much better!! yum yum =9

she ordered the udon tempura........and i was like "wa kao!! she really can eat lor."

this is the sakae chawamushi which she ordered. i didn't want to order this i ordered the kani one coz must try new thing mah =P

she was so fulled tt she asked me "yee yee can i dun eat the flour. i just eat the prawns." i told her "ok" better than wasting food rite.......look at the amt of flour!!! omg!! should have taken a photo of the prawns.........faint can!!
i had the craving for jap curry. so i ordered this. i only managed to finish half the bowl....i was so fulled after eating the sushi while waiting for the MAIN course to come.........wasted lor

and this is our final bill!!!! no more 10% from UOB card lor. so sad. =(( and its the 1st time tt we ate till almost $50 bucks!!! hahaha.....never before!!! think we were both hungry........whatever it is, no more cravings and now i am down with the horrible flu..........ahhhh cccchhhhhooooo!!
ever had cravings???
and i mean strong cravings tt u die die also must have it?
i had once, i had the cravings for "tao suan" dun asked me why but i was like die die also must have it, in the end it lasted for 2 weeks and i still didn't get to it eat and soon the cravings died down.....hehehe
anyway, recently i had a craving for steamboat!! coz i wanted to eat prawns!! hahaha! must have seen dear using them as bait and then decided tt i must have them for my meal. told dear abt it and it has been like weeks (2 weeks) and he had not bring me go eat. so come last sat, his mama had an appt so i get to eat outside....hehehe......"what do u want for dinner?" "is it me the final decision maker?" "yeah. always rite? u want to eat what, i the driver and the pay master" "ok, let's have the steamboat at suntec?" "ok" *happy happy*......few mins later, "why not we go seoul garden instead" "ok. where?" "marina sqaure" "ok" *arm chio* thinking of my prawns..muahahaha =9
we left the fishing spot at 7pm and reached home at 730pm. dear went to bath and i was watching the online movie. then he came out from the bath room and said "u want to watch or eat?" "of course, eat lah" "we watched finished this episode then go eat" "but by tt time, the rest closed liao lor. last order. nothing to eat" " this movie will end in 30 mins time lor." "whatever lah. up to u." *sulking*
we left the house at 830pm. and he went "wa lao!! so late liao. i thought it was only 730pm" *silence* "so late go there nothing to eat lor. sure close liao" *silence* "whats there to eat at marina square? " "nothing lor. every where closing lor." "Macdonald lor. 24 hrs" and he still hahahaha......"ok lor. then we eat tt lor. no choice" *sad, depressed, unbalance* there goes my prawns....
on the way to marina square, we passed by the beach road and he said we go buy the reel now. i said ok. anyway already late liao lor. delayed for another few mins makes no difference. so he went to get his weights, his reel, his hooks. and then we went to marina sqaure. on the way, we passed by bugis and he said why not have the steamboat here? so i said ok. makes no difference to me lor. went round the blk but no parking so final decision we proceeded to marina sqaure.
we dashed to seoul garden and when we saw the sign "closed at 1030pm" we were very happy. we have 1 hr to eat lor. but the manager told us the food at the counter will closed at 945pm which is like 15 mins later. so no pt lah. we left. walked ard the shopping center and decided to eat at HANS........
ok lah. no steamboat, no prawns. only disappointed lor. but what to do.........NOTHING!!!
dear asked "why u want to eat steamboat?" "nothing lor. just had cravings for prawns." "ai yo!! then tell me earlier mah, i go supermarket buy prawns for u to eat lor" the men just dun get it rite? sigh *speechless*
on a lighter note, in exchange for a massage( dear has a aching back), i got myself a seoul garden dinner lor!!! hahaha =)) but when i dun know lor. anyway, the craving is go, went and gone.......currently no craving...... i just treated the little one to sakae sushi for lunchie lor.....lolz
next entry will flashed u the pics........=P
btw, just for info, UOB card no more 10% discount. only the HSBC and OCBC ( i think) have. so sad hor, cannot eat sakae sushi liao...... =((
who has the cards? do remember to give me a treat ok...=P it's a date!!!