aChInG bOdY
my body aches very badly this morning
think old liao
esther said her knees were ok
and she felt better than 2 weeks ago lesson
think i really cmi
bones lao "kok kok" liao
anyway, esther was carrying 3 bags yesterday lor
big, bigger and biggest.......she should be the one aching rite?
i only carried 2 bags!!
not sure is it lesson ended early or becoz not much students
but i do think its becoz we no need to eat dinner.
so we had spare time to bag shop
"tempted" esther to get 3 bags...........muahaha
same design but different colours. its for her sisters and herself lor
and i didn't "tempt" her as she claimed lor. she was eyeing the bags on our 1st lesson
want to buy just say so lor, no need to say its my fault
oh!! body aching
gg bed early tonight......
i LikE so I wAnt
was online with stephy today
she has some doubts so want to hear my views
not gg to give u much details here, coz not my problem mah...=))
anyway, i told her why not? should go for it.
afterall she made it a pt to check it out, if not interested, why bother rite
then she told me this and tt, many things to consider
but she likes and therefore she wants......
so i went "but u likes and wants but does not mean she really want to do tt"
and she still response with "i like so i want"
and then i told her "actually she has the answer already. " she does not need my humble opinion lor. hehehe
I LIKE SO I WANT.........hehe
eVeR RegReT a DeCiSioN ??
Have u ever regretted studying for the wrong course? Be in the wrong line?
There was a survey recently and I was quite surprised there are ppl who regretted their decision.
But then what is holding them back now??
Becoz of commitment, family, pa cut, start from scratch, be at the lowest level of the hierarchy.
I used to think tt too
Study wrong course, in wrong line
And wanted so much to get out
Then tried and tried
But eventually like what honey said “our expertise and experience is in QS, if we dun do this, what else can we do to make full use of what we have studied. And the environment is something which we are all so used to it liao. So why change it”
And then zhuang said “sometimes we just need to go out and charge awhile, then we will know what is it tt we really want”
She citied an example tt she decided to change her working environment from the behind scene to the front desk type
But after tt change, she realized tt it was not she thought it was and what she wants and she disliked it so much
Then she got the opportunity to go back to behind the scene and now she loves her job……
I went out and came back in
Think I appreciate it more this time rd
So why sit there and be sad and keep complaining abt it
Just go out there and JUST DO ITThen really no regrets in future………..
HaPpY SuNdAy =)
This Sunday dear promised to bring me to ISTANA leh
I have never been there before
They are having open house…..muahaha
Must make sure batt to the digi cam fully charged leh
I even requested to go NATAs fair
He also said ok
I think he crazy liao
Work until ah siao like tt
Poor thing lor.
Whatever!!HAPPY SUNDAY!!
Is It Full nOw?
Saw this write up in the papers today
Actually we should have read it before in an attachment email
Abt a professor asking his students after pouring in golf balls in a cylinder
“is this full” and everybody went “YA”
And the pebbles were poured in and he asked again “is this full now?”
And the students went “YA”
Next the sand went in and he asked again “is it full now?” and the students went “YA”
Then he opened up can of drink and poured into the cylinder
And it filled up every single holes u can find and he explained
Life is like what they have just witnessed
Golf balls represent the goals, family, friends, relatives, r/s in life
Pebbles represents work or whatever u can think of
Sand represents the nitty gritty stuff in life
He further explained if in life, we put the sand as priority, then there will not have any more space left for the other impt stuff in our lives like family, friends and work
Well illustrated rite……
I see it in a different angle
Take it for an example for working in office
If u r in a high position of the org, and u choose to “micro” everything instead of “macro”
Then ur work life will be only filled with SANDs and no space for the pebbles or even the golf balls lor……then everyday u will be so busy everyday handling everyday operations tt u have no time for golf balls or pebbles……
Sometimes, u just need See BIG pic not small one. Small ones will have to let ur unit heads go handle liao as a manager or even higher post, u can only have time for golf balls or pebbles.
Like what I always say, “if I can do ur work, then why I need u for?”
The author of the write up sees it from another angle
Thinks he felt tt sand is impt but so are the pebbles and golf balls
Must spend time with family, go dinner date with wife or gf or bf.
In short, work life balance……=))
Frankly speaking, its easier said than done *wink*
StReSsEd OvEr AM DuTy.......
Even though I saw J doing it on tue, I still made a blunder today!!!
I keyed in the wrong dates………
Bloody pork!!!
1st time lor, what u expect
But not gg to make the same silly mistake again…….
I couldn’t sleep last nite ok
Scared I overslept
*slap forehead*
Tummy keeps giving me the terrible pain
I kept complaining to the little one “tummy pain tummy pain”
I think she buay ta han leh
Told me “tummy pain then go pang sai lah”
Could be becoz of my “auntie” coming soon or maybe I too excited abt this morning duty……
Dun know why recently, I kept having the fainting spell (the head suddenly become light light and then got the black out effect), tummy pain and breathless (happened once when I was watching show on my lappy)… I gg to die???
Hm……… =))
Perhaps my time is here……u know what is happening on 1st Aug rite?? =p
TOUCHWOOD!!!Pui pui pui
TanK Q u........ =)
thank you esther for the FREE dinner yesterday before the aqua aerobics
thank you esther for the FREE goodie bag today!!
wanted to take pic but hor, i think think think, better not lah. not very story behind one......still.........
THANK YOU YOU....... =))
I waNt 2 BuY HeEls
today i reached city hall earlier than the appointment time
so i went into URS for WINDOW SHOPPING
shoes were on sales lor
i very tempted to buy the shoes
heels heels heels
but no can buy =((
when will the pain go away..............
maybe just 1 pair???
what say u???
PrEsEnTs!!!!!! yIpEeeeeeeeeee

this is what i wanted to do.......turn our pic into........*drum roll*
cash card.........
nice bo?? swee bo? innovative bo??
my sista said "so stupid"
and the little said "why got ur pic one?"
now i worry *sweat*
will dear like it??
i was quite happy with this one
but the other 2 turned out quite nice too
except tt dun know why the guys' head were "chopped" off.
but the guy told me tt they have "tried their best"
TRIED????!!! not enough lor.
I fOuNd It!!!!!!!
Found the approval paper!!!
Omg!! KK found it for me
yeah yeah yeah
Apparently, it was in the PERSONAL folder of the staff who left
And so I happily made 2 copies to be filed in 2 separate folders
So nobody will have trouble finding it in future!!!
So smart….. =P
Yeah *victory sign*
ChEeR mE uP PrEsEnTs!!!

can u guess what is this??? =P

its a rabbit cup cake!! looks delicious rite?
yum yum
esther will "kills" me.......i broke its ear......i didn't listen to esther not to put into my bag........ =((
i got the body soap for last yr christmas and now i got the hair shampoo.....lolz
esther bought me these to cheer me up!! coz i was depressed and sad (remember??)
iS iT nEceSsArY???
Today’s paper someone came up with a bright idea “why not have library in all 3 Terminal buildings”
YA!! What a BRIGHT idea lor
Who needs a library in the terminal buildings??
Libraries are located all over Singapore lor
And this smart alec said tt visitors can borrow the books and pay upfront a refundable deposit upon returning of the books they borrow
Come on lor, u think the tourists want to or will fly back to return the borrowed books just for tt minimal refundable deposit meh?
Imagine the price of the air tickets???
Worth while or not……u go do up ur maths which is more economical??? Fly back to return the books or forfeit the deposit……sigh *shake head*
Innovative idea BUT pls dun work it out ok……..
Then some one will definitely say “then let’s have a book drop at airports then we can collect the books back”
Frankly speaking, u think ppl’s countries no library??
Oh pls!!!
I think , having the library in airport, is good for those who are traveling and loves to read books during their flight.
So when they fly, they can borrow the books and upon their return, they can return the books.
But is it so necessary to have the library in airport?
They can go to their neighbourhood library and borrow the books lor
And now so advance lor. Can “order” books online and even extend the borrowing date online too
So where the inconvenience? Where's the hassle??
No have lor
So PLS….next better player......
S'pOrEaN LoVeS 2 Q???

this morning, while waiting for the feeder bus, i saw this........
why are the ppl q-ing up infront of the school SO EARLY in the morning???!!???
the early bird catches the worm??
hm.......*wonder wonder*
or s'porean just loves to q.......... hehehe
anyway, mama confirmed my suspicions.......P1 registration!!!
no joke ok
not "ma sha ma sha", play play one lor
very serious business.......
these children will be the future pillars of our nation.......and its impt to pile in a solid foundation
Honey send me this email........
of course got hidden message AGAIN!!!!!!!
If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behaviour. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. Stop trying to change yourself or other for a relationship that's not meant to be.Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't 'be friends'. A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is Don't stay because you think 'it will get better' You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. The only person you can control in a relationship is you.Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently? Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up. Never let a man know everything.* He will use it against you later. You cannot change a man's behaviour.* Change comes from within. Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are... Even if he has more education or in a better job. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less. Never let a man DEFINE who YOU are. Never borrow someone else's man. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you. All men are NOT dogs. You should not be the one doing all the bending...Compromise is two way street. You need time to heal between relationships...There is nothing cute about baggage...Deal with your issues before pursuing anew relationship You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...A relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals...Look for someonecomplimentary...not supplementary. Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr.Right. Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and you're always readily available to him - he takes it for granted Never move into his mother's house. Never co-sign for a man. Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need.*Keep him in your radar but get to know others. Never be Scared of being alone and continue in relationships that are abusive or hurtful.youdeserve better option. You should know that:You'rethe best thing that could ever happen to anyone and if a man mistreats you, he'll miss out on a good thing. If he was attracted to you in the 1st place, just know that he's not the only one.They're all watching you, so you have alot of choices.Make the right one. Ladies take care of your own hearts.... Share this with other women and men (just so they know)... You'll make someone smile, another rethink her choices, and another woman prepare. WOMEN ARE BORN TO CATER A MAN... BUT...THEY NEVER BORN TO BE SLAVE FOR A MAN...
SoRrY iN hIs OwN WaY
sat i went pot luck rite
so no meet dear ( i was still angry anyway)
he smsed me in the evening and then we ding dong ding dong the smses
and at 730pm, he said he is gg to sleep coz he was tired as he went gym and played badminton on fri nite
so i stopped sending him sms so tt he can go sleep
few mins later, he smsed me and asked me what i want to do tomolo
i told him tt i need to go buy a dvd player as my dad has been nagging at me for days
and i buay ta han!!
he immediately replied me tt he come and fetch me go courts and buy
i am very the touched leh
imagine he said he is tired but he volunteered to come NOW
why i so lucky!!!
really must count my blessings!!
my new dvd player.
btw, off track abit
after getting the player, my dad hor, stopped nagging at me but he also never watch dvd lor. sigh wonder why he wants to nag at me to get a new player???!!?! *scratch head*
Honey told me tt dear has his own way of saying "sorry" guess this is his way bah. and i was just telling Honey, it made me looked so petty and small gas to be mad at dear.
then i also told him tt i am gg to arrange a dinner buffet with my family. and he said what's the occassion. i told him no ocassion just tt he said tt he has not see my parents for a long time, so i am gg to arrange lor. he immediately told me to go find a rest which has the promotion with credit card he has lor. i am very the touched u know. dun know how to explain to u. *tears rolling down my cheeks*
if u think my dear is cheapo, i can tell u, i dun think so lor. i personally thinks tt he is a sweet man. REALLY!! love u dear!! *muack*. its not abt the promotion thingy with credit card, its the "SIM" tt he is coming to dinner with my family.......u won't know how i feel unless u knew my past.......sigh
think only the girls will understand.......coz they were by my side to witness all my ups and downs....
dUn TrY tHiS eVeN iF u NeEd FrEsH AiR
2 drunk British women created a joke of the day on a plane leh
Apparently they were DRUNK…… u know lor, when someone is drunk, either u sleeps or u make noise.
Either u become a clown or u be a nuisance.
And what did these 2 ladies do?
They hit a flight attendant with a bottle
And then wanted to force open the aeroplane’s door when it is flying in mid air becoz “ I WANT SOME FRESH AIR”
Think they really must think abt banning alcoholic drink on board…..
ReD cLiFf
Went to watch the 915pm Red Cliff last nite
Not bad lor the movie
Also dun know why old man said not nice
Really speechless
*shake head*
But need to mention abt a current trend leh
Singaporean men dun only bring CA to H81 or FH leh, they also love to bring CA to cinema and watched red cliff
no joke lor........
there was this uncle and his CA at my right side, 1 row below us, and another uncle with his CA just sitting directly beside me
The uncle on my right keeps telling and explaining the story to the CA. come on lor, she is CA leh, she knows the china history better than him or me lor
He really cmi leh!! Kept talking and explaining.
The one sitting beside me is so much better, the CA is the one doing the explaining
So we were sandwiched between 2 story tellers
Almost want to whack the man on the right lor
Even when someone “shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” he still continued to yak away
Why got such ppl???
And to make matter worst, the CAs’s hdp kept ringing (it was in silent mode though so not much disruption ) but they actually answered the call “ WEI! WO ZAI KAN XI………blah blah blah………”
So frustrating
So inconsiderate!!
And there were also handphone which were not switched to silent mode. It rang thru out the movie lor…really pek chey leh!!!
Old man and me kept laffing when either of them start to yak abt the story
Other than the interruption, I still think the movie is worth watching!!
Really!!!Go watch it……
PoP gOeS mY dReAmz..........
U know, its always my dream to go to club med!!!
Now got the promotion but no can go
Dear said he dun like to go such places, esp Malaysia
So there goes my dream…….
$692 nia I think….its really a steal lor. 1 for 1 leh……
Inclusive of tickets, accommodation, food (24 hrs) and activities and games at the resort
Any taker??=(
MIA (part 2)
She is here today!!
And very agitated too
She told 2 of the colls tt she was really sick why we dun believe her
Why we need to go tell no.2 abt it
Can’t be just discussed it at our level??
Sigh…….she still dun see what’s the issue here
The issue here is not tt she MIA, on mc or on leave
The issue here is, its very unfair to whoever is left in the office to do the work.
She is not the one doing it, of course she does not care
Ppl do her work for her when she is not ard
Who does not want rite?
But its really unfair to Q.
And all we did was ask for more man power on board and just citied tt she is always on mc if not leave. We need ppl who can produce results. Not just keep the seat warm. Worst, her seat is not even warm….sigh
Anyway, A told me tt the mia staff said tt if this goes on like tt, she will quit
Ok, by all means. Go ahead.
If she thinks tt she can finds another employer who will allow/tolerate this kind of attitude, this kind of behaviour, this kind of pattern, then by all means go…
I wish her all the best in her future endeavours!!!
ps: on my way out of office today, i saw her telling her stories to E......sigh

one word!!
2nd word
can skipped dinner lo....... =p
pin PIN piang PIANG
was watching the show on my lappy when i saw a black thiny flashes flashes outside my window.

wa kao!! why need just a BIG equipment??

wa lao!! got hook one leh!! no joke lor. what they want to do??*ponder*

take a look at ground

now i know why the pin pin and piang piang!!! they want to use the crane to move that crate of dun know what from one pt to the hor.....but too pin pin and piang piang liao.......
like what my daddy said "when can the pin pin and piang piang end???"
was having this 4 D conversation during lunchie yesterday
KS was saying tt no luck one always buy
and CW said no buy no chance, got buy got chance
then i went "well, next time want luck remember to wear ur red undies lor."
and we all laff laff laff
then i continued with "now u know why superman so lucky?"
and we all laff laff laff again
CW then chipped in and said "hey wonder woman also wears red lor"
and i went "hey!! is robin in red too?"
and laff laff laff again
then the jing dian came
J said "why batman in black hor? like tt he not lucky"
then KS said "tts becoz he was borned RICH"
laff laff laff again.......
true rite? tts why he can afford to be in all black and not red.......
StEaDy PoM Pi Pi
Was in the news today
This guy very suk kee lor
Went into the police station at geylang serai
Said want to lodge report
Then went to use the toilet
Office on duty (so heng lor.he alone nia) stopped him coz not meant for public usage mah
So what happened??
The visitor took out a stick from his bag and “hoot” the police man on his head and ran away
Siao har??
Eat full full and Nothing better to do? *scratch head*
An attack on police officers or civil servants is a serious crime punishable with a jail term of up to seven years, or a fine, or caning.
wHaT a DaY!! =((
Today really bad mood lor
Dun know why
Maybe I small gas but….its our entitlement rite??
But already not feeling too happy liao so why me!!!?? *shake head*
Anyway, my coll wanted to put up a claim for my project
But cannot find the approval papers
So what to do? I also dun know
The project was called and started way before my time lor
So she said go asked buddy
Dun know why today buddy also not in good mood (I supposed)
So she went “go ask SY lah. Its her project”
Then I went “ya I know. But I also dun know head or tail”
Then she went “but there is nothing I can do” (which is very true)
So I went “but I also dun know lor. I also big question marks all over. “
Then she said “where is ur contract doc”
And I went “tts the problem. I am trying to compile the contract doc and dun know what to do?” (sort of raise my voice liao) but I still smiling lor
“but since its your project, u must go find the papers rite?”
“but where to find? Last time find already but no paper lor”
Then a look at buddy I knew immediately she unhappy liao
So she replied “but nothing I can do rite?” (which is true lor)
Then I said “true lah. But I also cannot do much” and I walked away and said “thank you”
And then next moment, buddy became moody, black face or whatever
she said “I am not lunching with u guys today” when I went over to jio her for lunch
Fine!! I also not here to be a clown and entertain lor
So off to lunch the 3 of us. Apparently, J also bad mood leh
She also no talk much during lunchie
But I am very sure I didn’t make her angry lor
I came in this morning and straight to meeting, comes out at 10 plus and then gotten myself into a stupiak storm and then searched for the papers in registry for 1 hr. and NO APPROVAL PAPER!!!
And is it my fault???
I also know its not mine lor. But due to the fact tt IT IS NOW MY BABY, its my responsibility to find the paper
Oh oh oh!!so pissed off!!!!!!
LiVe wItHoUt ItS hEaD!!!
Read this on yahoo
Actually I chanced upon it today
Cockroach can live for a week without their heads!!
Thenafter, they will die, coz no head, no got mouth, no food so die…….
Imagine u see a headless flying roach
MIA for too long, I also buay siong liao lor
Bad working attitude, no responsibility then why do I still want u???
If i have to do ur work for u, then why do I need u???
Have they ever asked themselves this qn??
Do we owe them anything?
NO. with a capital N and an O. we worked for every single penny tt we earned. So we must be accountable for the work we produced.
No work no money, as simple as tt.
Already so short handed and u “choot” patterns then what u want me to do??
I see Q do until like tt, trying hard to clear 3 person works, I also pity her lor
Last time, we also short handed but hor as we have few of us, we can helped each other out, not an issue
Now??!!?? Wa kao!! 3 left with 2 and then 1 always MIA so left 1…….1 is doing 3 person jobs and bosses ma chiam sleeping or blind I dun know, and I dun care
But I really pity the survivor lor!! Really!!
And if one day she also sayonara, I think, tts it lor. Really sayonara leh. Then nobody to do the job liao.
We went to talk to no. 2 yesterday. Not to complain or what. But to surface this matter and also to reinforce our proposal to get in staff. Whether tt staff still wants to continue to MIA or “choot” pattern, we already gave up!! But we just want ppl to come in asap. And if mgt decided to keep the MIA staff, by all means. I won’t stop them. But pls give us ppl who can work, produce results and not create problems for us to solve.
No. 2 said we have temp help from the admin. I said “we see long term. Not short term. Every temp comes, we teach. Temp goes, bye bye. Then temp comes again, we teach, then goes and bye bye.” Ridiculous rite!!!! So we must have LONG TERM plans. Cannot afford to take short cuts. No.2 said we need to tender loving care our coll. Which I also do agreed. But if she does not want to come clean with us then what u want us to do? We already so shorthanded whether at admin section or contracts section, how can we afford ppl who cannot contribute to the unit……..sigh…….
And to think the staff do not think tt she is in the wrong. She conveniently told no. 2 tt she has difficulties working with my buddy and tts why her asthma attack came back!! WA KAO!!!! What rubbish!! For the whole of this month, she always on MC or “choot” pattern, so how did my buddy cause her asthma to come back? And moreover, her mc is due to flu, sore eyes, lao sai, headache, never once was it ASTHMA lor…..
what also piss me off was that before we go see no. 2, we had a short discussion among ourselves. we asked Q if she is keen to talk to no. 2 we will all back her up. BUT when we were in the discussion with no. 2, J kept completely quiet and she looked BORED!! omg!! how could she.......she too got contribute to her grumblings abt tt MIA staff lor. but now........*shake head*
anyway, WHATEVER
Will No. 2 believe her story?? I also dun know
But I dun care lor
Like I said, she can “choot” patterns, go on MC, MIA, I already dun care. JUST give us staff…….
As simple as tt……

Thanks WL for watching the movie with me yesterday =))
The show was NICE. Really should go watch
What is it tt dear said “he was cursing when he was watching it”
Oh, come one lor.
His standard really very hard leh
Maybe we really do have gap, just tt we choose to ignore it…..
Back on track, I think the joker guy did a great job!!
A pity he committed suicide??!!?? For what???!
Really lor, for what??!!?
I thought jack Nicholson was GREAT but heath ledger was SUPERB???
He really crazy in his character
Good job!! *pat on shoulder*
"why r u so serious? why r u so serious?" hehehe
Batman was ok. But wonder why must he have a funny voice when he don on his bat suit??
Can’t he talked normally??
Hm…….ma chiam rebot lor
2 faced is HANDSOME!! Hahaha
Too bad, last last, he key siao and went over the “orh orh” side
And then go “orh orh” side only 1 ending lor, which is MATI
Why the love interest no pretty one huh?
Or no need pretty one, just an average will do
Coz when she kana bombed up, no pity…..
Go watch!! Really
Go go go……..
And get a free paper holder…..muahaha
At GV nia I think…….
Fyi, its not FOC as in FOC lor, FOC coz we bought the popcorn set. Muahaha
WL treated me to popcorn and coke lor
In the end, both of us did not finish the drink and pop corn, left half of each leh
THANK YOU WL...... =))
RIght MAn? wrong man? Right Job? wrong job?
the right man for the right jobthe right job for the right manwell said rite?
by my chairman..........
but means what huh???
*blur look*
mIsSeD LeSsoN =(
today supposed to be aqua aerobics day lor
but hor, stupiak meeting lasted from 930am to 830pm lor
bloody pork
just becoz budget burst, just becoz we need to do this, just becoz we need to do tt
just becoz big boss is only free at 6pm that we all have to stay till then to brief him
in the end, esther went home, i missed my lesson
and bloody pork lor, WASTE MONEY!!!!
i already misses the 1st lesson, attended the 2nd one and 3rd one gone..........
bloody pork!!
my money is hard earned one lor
so hor, pls, no more late meeting ok
pui pui pui
must make sure i attended all my lessons if not why bother to gate crash to the lesson in the 1st place...... =((
still dare to say sat come back for meeting!!
u come back lor........ dun have so many meetings and we can thus all do our work......
oh pls.......*faint*
So FuNny MeH??
today in a meeting, as usual, i am the "trouble maker"
i went "but the estimated amt must be below $70K to call quotation rite?"
and then i was asked "SY, how much can air con unit cost?"
and i went "i dun know"
and he went "its the same price as those units for your house. so how much does it takes to install the air con units in your house?"
and i went "sorry but my house no air con"
and everybody in the room broke out into laughter.........HEE HAW HEE HAW HEE HAW
very funny meh?
house no air con very funny meh?
my house also no washing machine lor
is tt even funnier??
sickening bunch of losers??!!?
really wonder, is tt so funny?? no air con in house??
let's just wait and see who will have the last laff lor.
at least i won't complain tt the utilities bills suddenly shot up to $X lor
my "air con" does not consume EXTRA energy to adjust itself to the hot weather.......and i dun on my "air con" for longer hours thru out the day =))
air con only on when we are sleeping and also when dad is watching t bee. other than tt nobody will at home to on the "air con" so i dun know and won't understand why the bills will increased lor.
if suddenly i were to be charged more than usual months, i tell u, i will complain all the way to who huh?? maybe should complain to the who can't sing. but who can't sing is very busy now lor. who can't sing is promoting balance work and family life. and then suddenly got business men donating rewards for infor of MS, and who can't sing suddenly in the papers reported (in my own words hor. i never quote and unquote ok) that we cannot assumed tt MS is not in singapore and have dun know go to no man's land!!! few months ago, who can't sing said tt no news or indication tt MS has left our FINE city......and few months later, we cannot ASSUMED tt he is still in FINE city.......*ponder ponder*
anyway, he in or out, not really my concern, its the ppl who loses him, so pls go find him back. dun point fingers and say "its everybody's responsibility"my concern now is "is it funny tt my house no air con?"
*shake head*
sO BlEsSeD
i feel so blessedreally!!no joke!!i have a bunch of very good friends who were always by my side when i most needed them.....i really feel that they are heaven send!!Honey send me this today........i think she is trying to tell me something!!! hehehemaybe i too sensitive but i do think so.........but i just want to say tt i am pissed off not becoz i was given "toast bread" but becoz he just dun get it!!!nevertheless, i find the email very meaningful so decided to share it to u out there......... =))HAPPY READING!!!Subject: The Secret to a Lasting Marriage: Embrace ImperfectionWhen I was a little girl, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and extremely burned toast in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet, all my dad did was reached for his toast, smiled at my mom, and asked me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that toast and eat every bite!When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the toast. And I'll never forget what he said:
"Baby, I love burned toast."Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his toast burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said,"Debbie, your mommy put in a hard day at work today and she'sreal tired. And besides, a little burnt toast never hurt anyone!" In bed that night, I thought about that scene at dinner...and the kindness my daddy showed my mom. To this day, it's a cherished memory from my childhood that I'll never forget. And it's one that came to mind just recently when Jack and I sat down to eat dinner.I had arrived home usual...and decided we would have breakfast food for dinner. Some things never change, I suppose! To my amazement, I found the ingredients I needed, and quickly began to cook eggs, turkey sausage, and buttered toast. Thinking I had things under control, I glanced through the mail for the day. It was only a few minutes later that I remembered that I had forgotten to take the toast out of the oven! Now, had it been any other day -- and had we had more than two pieces of bread in the entire house -- I would have started all over.But it had been one of those days and I had just used upthe last two pieces of bread. So burnt toast it was!As I set the plate down in front of Jack, I waited for a comment about the toast. But all I got was a "Thank you!" I watched as he ate bite by bite, all the time waiting for some comment about the toast. But instead, all Jack said was, "Babe, this is great. Thanks for cooking tonight. I know you had a hard day." As I took a bite of my charred toast that night, I thought about my mom and burnt toast hadn't been a deal-breaker for them. And I quietly thanked God for giving me a marriage where burnt toast wasn't a deal-breaker either!You know, life is full of imperfect things...and imperfect people. I'm not the best housekeeper or cook. And you might be surprised tofind out that Jack isn't the perfect husband! He likes to play his music too loud, he will always find a way to avoid yard work, and he watches far too many sports.Believe it or not, watching " Golf Academy " is not my idea of a great night at home! But somehow in the past 37 years Jack and I have learned to accept the imperfections in each other. Over time, we have stopped trying to make each other in our own mold and have *learned to celebrate our differences.*You might say that we've learned to loveeach other for who we really are!For example, I like to take my time, I'm a perfectionist, and I'm even-tempered. I tend to work too much and sleep too little. Jack, on the other hand, is disciplined, studious, an early riser, and is a marketer's dream consumer. I count pennies and Jack could care less!Where he is strong, I am weak, and vice versa. And while you might say that Jack and I are opposites, we're also very much alike. I can look at him and tell you what he's thinking. I can predict his actions before he finalizes his plans. On the other hand, he knows whether I'm troubled or not the moment I enter a room.We share the same goals. We love the same things. And we are still best friends. We've traveled through many valleys and enjoyed many mountain tops. And yet, at the same time, Jack and I must work every minute of every day to make this thing called "marriage" work! What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each other's faults - and choosing to celebrate each other's differences - is the one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting marriage relationship.And that's my prayer for you today. That you will learn to take the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your married life and lay them at the feet of GOD. Because in end, He's the only One who will be able to give you a marriage where burnt toast isn't a deal-breaker! Have a great day! May God bless your marriage.
sInGaPoRe FlYer
office organising FAMILY DAY
end of aug we are gg to SINGAPORE FLYER!!!
yippppeee and old man agreed to go with me
and its at a discounted staff price of $6 only!!
inclusive of lunchie
*arm chio*
WaNt 2 PlAy RuGbY??
have u ever wondered when trying to get into or out of the mrt cabin, ma chiam playing rugby like tt??
last sat on my way to bugis to meet the sisters, it just came across my mind lor
i wanted to alight at bugis
and then when the door opened, wa kao!! i tell u lor, the ppl from inside the cabin wants out but the passengers on the platform wanted in
so both sides no give way and then u push me and i push u, in the end, hahaha
"do do do do do do do" door closed.
really CMI lor
playing rugby is it?
really lor. 2 grps of ppl
and the ppl inside the cabin told the ppl on the platform to let them get off first before they board the train, but i also dun know they KSi, KSoo, KSai, k dun know what else, they just dun give way.......*shake head*
only the smart ones will get to alight and board the train lor
those ppl who were smart to give way.
tts the way rite? one party gives way and then all smooth smooth transaction
think they really want to play rugby everyday lor. esp during peak hours.......*evil grin*
maybe the national squad team should engaged these grp of ppl to play for the nation. Die die also won't give way one. all hug together and spirit...... =P
want to play rugby??
sTuPiAk FoOt
remember my left foot damn bloody pain
well, i finally went to see the TMC
one look and she told me "no cure"
i almost want to cry lor. like gg to chop off my foot leh
she said i just need to give it more TLC and then no heels and then let it heel by itself
since she like tt say, i also no choice rite
but no heels?? u must be joking lor......
i have been like wearing flats for 1 month liao lor
except for akai's wedding and of course the D&D
but tts all lor, other days all flats
then i proceeded to go see the ang mo one
took a x ray and then was told "nothing wrong with ur foot leh"
then i went on and said "its swollen rite?"
and then he sees, touches and did some tip toes action and then he told me "its the soft tissues. only thing u can do is wear good sport shoes and dun wear heels for time being.
i must have gave him a dirty look and he went "u are quite tall actually, no need to wear heels lor"
but women all loves beauty lor. u know what i mean rite
so since ang mo also like this say, the TCM also like tt say
then u know what i did??
hehehe, think i will just continued to wear my heels and then go to gym
which means to say i will just revert back to my normal lifestyle
just got to bear with the pain lor and when the weather turns cold, the stupid foot will be "wind wet" lor. damn pain ful lor
anyway, the ang mo told me me "if after 1 month, the pain still persistance, come back we do a blood test, could be other thing, eg gaut (did i spell correctly?)
anyway, doubt i will go back lor. just live with it
at least i know no broken bones or fractured bones.
so just carry on with my daily activities
went to gym today lor
think tomolo morning, will kana the after effect, but wtf lah
there's nothing i can do lor
GoOd DEaL.........DuN MisS It
apparently the NATAs fair is coming
and i chanced upon this promotion!!!
*arm chio*
wonder will i be able to go......*ponder* *pray hard*
anyway, since planned to go on a trip with S12 and S1, i guessed i cannot be too greedy lor
got vietnam no club med. got club med no vietnam lor
one must learn to be contended
anyway, if anybody interested just go go go
what r u waiting for??
T L (part 2)
today got staff meeting
we were asked to attend (contracts unit)
so i went
then big boss asked abt a particular project which was handled by ex boss previously
so big boss asked "so now which one of u take over?"
and we shook our heads, how we know??!? was not assigned lor
then tt big boss went "SY, u rite? U no. 2"
bloody pork lor
dun anyhow arrow lor. if i can cover my ex boss then give me the RIGHTFUL salary and title lor
but dun bother, coz i not interested lor
too much responsibilities and expectations liao
and i am not up to it
then apparently ex boss now in INDIA mah
so he went
!@#@$$@%@^@&@* u know, the tamil language
so insulting rite?
insulting to the race......really
he just anyhow mumbled some words out lor
really damn rude
then we proceeded with the meeting
and then suddenly came upon a project which just HAPPENED to be mine YESTERDAY
i was only informed abt it YESTERDAY lor
and then big boss dun know asked what qn abt "is the dates impt? why cannot call the tender now?"
and the project officer dun know gave what answer which big boss dun accept
so he opened the qn to the contracts unit and i dun care lor. to me, u want to call when not my issue. just put the draft on my table for my checking and comments by that time comes lah. immediately, tt JC, ma chiam those game show, lifted up her hand to my direction and smiled. i really damn pissed off lor. so what if that project is mine?? since the qn is posed to contracts unit, anybody can answered lor. why point to me?? WTF RITE
i already pissed off, TL, pek chey, and she just want to add on it
i think she is a bit too much liao
she really if can push, she will push everything away.........really yeeks me off
today dun know what she asked my buddy. and then my buddy dun know reply her what but i heard it was something like "hey!! i cannot be doing everybody's job lor....blah blah blah"
settle my own problems before i go kapo abt others
T L (part 1)
i knew tt he will called on either one of the weekdays and tell me tt he will finish his work so tt we can go out one evening
i already thought of a reply and tt is "N O"
ok ok, i small gas or whatever
but i am really damn pissed off
if it was last time, i could have jumped on the wagon and told him "OK. YES. NO PROBLEM" but its not last time anymore....... =( sorry dear.....
1) whole of last week, no call no sms, no nothing
2) sat then smsed and said tt "shredder mati"
3) when i told him tt he no take care, he replied "i am busy lor" BUT busy is not an excuse. really.....this is just one incident and its a pet, what abt other things in life. how can u take it for GRANTED!! (if u know tt i have hidden agenda)
4) then sunday evening smsed me asked me what i am doing. i already unhappy liao. and to make matter worst told me to watch DARK KNIGHT myself, as he has watched it
WTF!! NB!! CCB!! i really cannot take it lor. everything just added up.......
ok, conclusion, its not his fault. its my fault ok. happy? really, its never his fault....... i made him this way.
anyway, today after lunchie time, he smsed me and told me tt he will finished all his work today so tt we go watch movie tomolo. and my reply was
"nope"immediately came "angry har?"
immediate response
"nope""no then why dun want to watch movie"
"no movie to watch. and u busy with work"he gave me long, short story tt he intended to work very late to clear his back log. and we can watch red cliff and hellboy
i replied (i damn tl liao lor. he didn't want to watch the 2 movies in the first place and now tt i buay siong then he said want to watch. think i wat???)
"dun want lah. work so late for wat. tomolo u have a long day lor. go home and rest early" (apparently he has meetings from morning to evening on tue)and he damn bloody pork immediately replied "ok =)"
CB rite?
damn CCB!!!
i stopped replying his smses............
i am totally speechless
he just dun get it or i just dun get it???!!!??
but i am really very pissed off...........really.......
i know he loves me and cares alot abt me, if not, he won't be bother to do these. but but but........sigh.......arrrgggghhhhh.........I JUST WANT TO CRY........(crying now)
then suddenly i remembered i wanted his another email acc so tt i can send him the club med 1 for 1 promotion thingy as the email was bounced back to me last evening
he told me his acc got 100GB so sure can recieved one
and i went "apparently all the mails tt i send to u kana bounced back one lor" (which is true)
and he replied "but the bbq buffet i got received lor"
and i went "tt is the only exceptional one. also dun know why"
and he replied "u dun want to watch movie but want bbq buffet dinner?"
WTF!!!! i really want to vomit blood u know
think all my internal organs gg to throw out leh
aarrrrgggghhhhh........really NB lor
old man just smsed me and said tt he had watched dark knight
so i got to watch it myself
bloody pork lor
what is this man!!
i am totally speechless
if dun give him a pc of my mind, i cannot take it leh
i didn't attend my co's bonding session to watch the movie
so tt i can watch it with him
and he treated me like this
second time liao........
this is the second time!!!!
no 3rd time!!
1st time was he watch the "huo yuan jia" with one of his gf
then 2nd time was IRON MAN
then now this
really WTF!!!
HiGh TeA!!
met s12, s1 and s7 for high tea today at intercontinenial (how u spell)
very limited variety of food but does not matter as tt is not the main objective of the gathering
is for us to meet up and update each other...... =))
S5 and S11 supposed to join us
but apparently, last min kana put aeroplane lor
ok lah, S5 needs to work so cannot blame her
ya, on a SUNDAY!! so really, pls stopped complaining abt ur work ok. coz u working 5 day week instead of 24/7 ok.......
and S11, well, her youngest daughter last min sick so no choice home bound.......=))
some updates though:-
S1 - said she wants to go overseas to work probably next yr??!!?? told her to stay here afterall her friends and family are here lor. go "ME" oh pls!!! *faint can* weather so darn hot too.....
S2 - bb no. 3 on the way........hehehe. factory still in operation leh!! hehehe..... 2 sons so i bet they want a girl this time......
S7 - planning for bb next yr.......
so the girls were asking what abt S3 and also dun know
must be planning too lah.
as for S4 and S6, well, its time for them to start anew
and for S9 and S10, apparently lost contact........
and then S8, well, S12 asked "do u plan to remarry?"
hm........*pondering* must ask old man when he wants to marry me
S7 said she has a guy friend whom she wants to intro to S1.......muahaha........=))
and we all so happy leh
told S7 to go arrange and we will attend the session with S1......can't wait......haha
but apparently S1 dun seemed interested leh...*ponder*
S7 quipped in tt who knows S1 and her guy friend are fated lor. both waiting for each other.....
hm......dun laff lor but i do believe leh. there is this funny thingy called "FATE"
next gathering in the pipe line.......
3 of us (the singles) gg on a trip.....we planned to jio either S4 or S6 lor. bring either one of them to go walk walk. relax relax. its either trip to vietnam or club med!!!
hippie...........any takers??
and then come christmas time........another gathering with the grp
this will depend on S12's programme.....u know lah, she very irregular hours one
so we all must work ard her programme.....
but still un sure where the venue will be..........
any volunteer?? muahaha....... *got the hint S5*???!!??
WaT ThAt VoW MeAnS??
read this article in TODAY dated wed 16th.......i find its meaningful so i decided to share it with u guys........
WHAT THAT VOW MEANSRemember when u promised to stay together no matter what during your wedding vows??Couples don't promise to stay together becoz they think things will never change.They promise becoz they know things will change. And unless their commitment to the marriage is solid, those changes will likely come between them.Life is made up of a series of surprises and alterations. Nothing stays the same for very long.Jobs change, people get older, children grow up, parents die, friends leave and other friends take their place. Few people go through more than a few years without feeling drastic changes in the way their lives operate.Unless couples go into a marriage understanding the fact, they're likely to struggle with each new change.That's what a wedding vow is all about - it's a promise to commit, no matter what.So, unless you plan to keep that promise, think twice before heading to the altar..............well said
clap clap clap
Bye Bye Shredder..........sob sob
dear smsed me yesterday afternoon
broke the sad pc of news to me
shredder, our bunny, had passed away.......
sob sob sob
my 1st response was "Y Y Y"
and he came back with a long reason abt dearest mama never give shredder any water. the vege tt deareast mama gave to shredder has been aired for few days before feeding her with it. no more water in the vege by then and so she died of thrist. (my dear is also a VET leh) =))
and my 2nd response to him is he also never bother to take care (inside my heart = so dun blame others) and things will die in his hands lor
his reply (which i also long expected) "I AM BUSY LOR"
win liao lor *tsk tsk*
finger pointing when things happened
i also dun see armour, our dog die (TOUCHWOOD) or BLB, our fish die (TOUCH WOOD)
but rabbit can die........sigh
obviously he does not like rabbit as much as fish and dog lor
and i am a rabbit lor.......borned in the yr of rabbit........pui pui pui.......
busy is not an excuse lor
busy also must take care and nurture whatever........
stupiak old man
take for granted tt the rabbit will go find its own drink meh??
Did A GoOd JoB??
i thought after the talk i did on last wed was over, IT'S OVER
literally OVER, and let's not talk abt it or even mentioned abt it, EVER. PERIOD!!!
but apparently, ppl came to me and said "hey!! heard tt u did a good job tt day!!"
and i went "who said so? it was lousy lor. KMS helped me. he ended the last 1/2 hr for me"
and they went 'no lah. heard tt u did a great job"
ok, so compliment or sacartism????
who so big mouth go spread the thingy?? and who??
i did ok only lor. not as "GREAT" as they said it was........
i think i did better than what i expected.......think tts becoz i did the necessary research and then as the saying goes "practice made perfect" after 5 tries, i think its PERFECT!!
and oh ya!! i forgot to add......besides practice, and upstairs answered my prayers, i think the
RED thingy works man!! hahahaha =)
believe it or not, its up to u......... *wink*

July was the month of promotion.............=))
and for breakfast, someone passed me this....... *blank and blur look*
"sy, i have placed urs on ur table"
"oh, ok. thanks" for what i also dun know
then i asked buddy what's tt for?
and she went "oh promotion"
and i happily thought "wow!! this bakery shop so good leh. got promotion for staff" *arm chio*
then during lunchie time, it then came into my pig brain tt its someone's promotion treat lah!!
*slap forehead*
CorDiNalLy InViTeD............
invitation card cum highlights of the evening....
did a glitter tatoo during the pre dinner activities........on my wrist...=PThru out the dinner/programme, i think i only enjoyed myself during kurma's section. really darn his jokes......crude but straight to the pt......laff until i peng san lor..... =))
didn't win any prizes though, but ok lah. for a minium amt paid, this is still consider "OK LOR"
qUiTe uPsEt
wed morning, i smsed dear and told him tt i won't be able to meet him on both coming sat and sun
coz sat got d&D and sun i gg to high tea with my uni friends
then i asked him how how how
we won't get to meet
his reply to me (which i also expected) "like this lor. what how?"
and i went " dear, u dun miss ppl one hor. whatever. there's nothing u can do also"
and he never replied me since then...............
i was quite upset
are guys like this? they simply dun know how to express themselves or i am too demanding!!!
imgaine leh, ONE WHOLE WEEK no see ur partner and u also dun call or sms. like tt also can???!!??
faint can......... =((
pretty upset though
Hellboy 2 : The Golden Army
hey!! i watched it!!
no disappointment lor
nice!!! good!! good job!!
not as dark as part 1
and got humourous part too
quite light hearted
i watched it from the net though
coz since dear not really keen in watching this
so i watched it myself lor
no big deal
but decided tt i should not pamper him too much
must train him to the extend tt i want means i want and he must provide
then will be perfect!!!
but then again, nothing perfect in this world
i esp like the part when they sang
"u know i can't smile w/o u.........."
adrian sang it to me before.
it was so sweet
i remembered he sang it over the phone........
so was it our song?? i dun know.......
anyway, its HISTORY
jerk sang one leon's song for me before
he learned it esp for me
*arm chio*
but then again, its HISTORY........
so u must be wondering what's old man and my song rite?
i also dun know. coz he never sang one song esp for me........ =((
anyway, thats beyond the pt
the movie, is nice, go watch it........u dun need to know part 1 to watch part 2
to cut long story short, its abt this all white man, searching for the 3 pcs which form a crown to "wake up" the golden army lor
so hellboy and gang were supposed to stop him
simple storyline, should be able to follow rite??
nothing complicated..........
i thought the golden army is undestructable one?
how come so easily mati one???
*scratch head*
pHeW!! fOuNd It
i actually didn't want to check it out with the other provider for the personalise cashcard thingy
but i have no other just send an email to make an enquiry and heng ah!!!
luckily the other cashcash service is still in operation lor
so after emails ding ding and dong dong
decided to do the card with her
no other choice, she is the "PREFERRED" choice
so now waiting for her to tell me whether the photos can be used or not
apparently the photos must be taken at certain resolution and dun know what size and colour one
and i didn't set the camera to the requirements
but i remembered last time, i also no have set leh
last time, i remembered, i only have hard copy lor and they can do it for me
now soft copy yet so many problems
hopefully can be done lor
waiting anxiously leh
hope the end product will be nice....... =))
the truth is out, FINALLY........
i dun need to act blur anymore
but neither do i want to elaborate too much on it or harp on it
"ITS OVER"......."but i still love her very much".........."we are still friends"
glad tt he finally let it go........gone with the wind.......
frankly speaking, the part on the "still friends" i have my doubts. coz the r/s was really soured when he decided tt its time to let it all go........
we all tried our very best to keep something by our sides
but sometimes, its really not up to us
though i knew tt they r gg to call it a day. but when he finally announced to us.......well, as usual, i was very affected.......i went into depression stage again!!! =((
still am happy for them
coz both have decided to let it go and move on
which is actually not a very bad idea afterall rite???
why hold on to something tt does not belongs to u anymore??
why cry for someone who does not cry for u too???
gOOd JoB 2
i gotten over with my presentation!!!
really got to give myself a pat on my back
"job well done"
at least my hard work and effort pay off.
no joke abt it
not sure whether the students understand or not,
but i was great!!!
at first i was nervous. u know me. i never give presentations in my schooling days
even if i did, i was very fast and cannot never understand what i said
but today, i was fantastic
not sure why i was so calm after my first few slides
i can control my speed, and i was very steady and calm
didn;t rush thru my slides.
no joke!!
DD said we were tasked to give another talk
i told him to go find the others liao
since he said "rotate"
he told me "since u did quite well in this, why not u continue"
and i went immediately " no lor. u said rotate. so u better rotate'
think i no give him face leh
but mio is so proud of myself
good job!!
aQuA AeRObIcS paRt 2
went for the class today
i tell u lor, not as easy as it seemed to be
i am so the very tired lor
its very diffcult to move in the water actually
and my hands/arms/ very the aching lor
think still got 8 more lessons to go
apparently esther said the course will last us thru sept 08
like what i told esther "pay money to torture myself" hehehe
really, really cant imagine, its really not easy to move in the water...........
overall experience "FUN"
after lesson, we went for dinner
poor esther, missed lunch and snack time
abit apologetic to her coz when i left office on the dot and go meet her, she no time to get a quick bite
since i get to choose the venue for dinner, i decided to patronise ramen ten
not bad except tt the fried gonza (dun know how u spell it. fried dumpling) is BIG until i dun know how to describe it to u. Ajisen one better lor..... *shake head*
an interesting incident took place, actually 2. when we attended the shop and indicated "table for 2" the waitress told us tt the back section is closed. and so we took the front table. subsequently, out of no where, the crowd started to come and then the closed section suddenly becomes OPEN!!
then a couple came and were looking at the menu and the waitress went "our last order is in 5 mins time" then the couple replied "its ok then" and left
few mins later, someone came and said "takeaway" and i was Shocked (with a CAPTIAL S) tt they actually took orders!!!!! so i told esther "so last order is in 5 mins time, and 5 mins over liao but can still take orders" *scratch head*
i am speechless........
esther said next week we go KFC. ramen ten "ok lor" i told her, we still need to eat ramen ten coz we have till sept in far east lor........hehehe.....but next week KFC here i comes.......then its LJS.......muahaha......and then its the mgu mgu, or whatever, dun know what they selling, but esther said "can try" muahaha........
aqua aerobics is so much fun!! esp after lesson........the only time, i go to orchard......lolz
wanted to go watch a movie on sat evening
told dear hellboy 2 and dark knight
he said he not gg to watch hellboy 2 coz "NOT NICE"
and i went "i dun care, i want to watch it"
then face black black, i mean me lah
anyway, while playing his pc game, he asked me "watch where? orchard or balestier"
and i went "up to u lor. u driving"
and then i continued with "u want to go shopping buy ur clothings? we go orchard then"
and off we went to ORCHARD ROAD lor
i think he really likes the ZARA top lor
coz after we couldn't buy any tic (coz realised tt dark knight screening next week lor and hellboy 2 is selling fast. the time slot not ok with us. MN leh then what we gg to do for the next few hours, no more buffet lor. hahaha) , he said "lets go taka"
and then once we reached there, he kept asking me where is the shop located
and i was like *blank look*
anyway, i suddenly remembered tt zara is located next to guess lor
and we proceed there and found out zara on sales leh.....50%........!!! muahaha
so what r u gals waiting for........go cheong ah........
anyway, he didn't find tt top we saw last weekend at the store next to wheelock place
so u know wat? we proceeded to that store lor
once there, we went back to check out tt top which dear was eyeing since last weekend
so i told him "dear u want? i buy it for u lor. for birthday and christmas!!" *smile at him*
he told me "dun make me buy u a present for birthday, christmas and vd lor" *arm chio*
win liao lor. always must win
but its ok rite? just a top. a hooded top from zara for $75. ok wat, can buy for him if he really likes it. since he didn't want, then forget it lor. save money
then he saw this girl with very very slim legs and went as usual "i just dun get it"
i smiled at him and said nothing. already told him so many many thousands time, "u JUST DUN GET IT and WILL NEVER GET IT" hahaha.......i said until i sian liao lor. told him so many times, dun keep comparing me with those skinny ppl. compared with those on the plumb side one then he will get it lor. but he just want to said such things and make me so sad. why why why. why dun he just get it??? sigh
anyway, today while fishing, he mentioned abt slim legs again. and i was so mad (coz i already angry with him on the way to fishing. he said something which made me pissed off. but i dun remember what is it now. hahaha. short memory) then i told him "go get urself a model lah." *pek chey* then there was this guy, he brought his gf along and he quietly came and tell me "i will compared u with her, i finally got it!!" =P then i smiled at him and said "ya, now u FINALLY get it" dun know why must be angry then can get it across his pork brain.....*speechless*
on our way home, i told him, "just now tt guy very bad hor, he deliberately allow his gf to eat so many things then expand horizontally." dear said "he afraid his gf will leave him lor. tts why let her eat" then i went "ya lor. so bad hor" and then he actually told me "i cannot let u eat too much, if not ppl will not chase u" *arm chio* win liao lor. pui pui pui..........
ok ok, i off track liao. so now back on track. back to the shopping spree at zara
and then suddenly, i saw who u know?
i turned and saw this guy at the counter, wa kao!! "spaceman"
he was talking to the sales man and i quickly walked away
i suddenly felt so can faint lor
and the air started to thin leh. really "NO AIR" leh
i couldn't breathe
i quickly walked to a corner and stood there
wanted to ask dear to "let's go" but decided not to. cannot "beat the grass and make a din lor" since he was looking at clothings, i just stood in a corner lor. well hidden and dun follow him ard
not sure is it the air too thin or i didn't want to see him..........
but after we left the store, i was feeling so much better, suddenly "GOT AIR"........ =))
dear was nice lor
he brought us to balestier to check out the movie lor
apparently the next time show was 11 and 1130pm
and it was only 10pm lor
there was no more shopping at balestier plaza lor. and i dun want to sit in the mac. so i told him "forget it dun watch liao"
and we left, on the way back to retrive the car, he asked me "do u remember what is part 1 all abt? still want to watch part 2"
and i went "part 1 is he born lor. and got professor and a girl with fire one lor"
he shook his head
think he buay ta han me
but i read the review and it mentioned tt those who didn't watch part 1 dun despair, coz part 2 and part 1 not much related. can still understand what is it all abt
luckily today channel 5 showed the hellboy part 1 lor
dear went to watch it and afterwards told me "ok. part 1 watched finished liao. now we go watched part 2"
he went to surf the net, think he went to check out the time slots lah"but think too late liao. so he send me week got to squeeze in 2 movies le. hellboy and dark knight
but i dun think i can meet dear this coming weekends
coz sat is D&D and sunday is the gathering with the nus friends
think he will pop champagne.......=)) must be damn happy tt he no need see me for 1 whole week...muahaha......
so next next weekends then can watch the 2 movies by that time i think THE MUMMY part 3 will be screening liao lor.....arrggghhhhh
then got to squeeze in 3 movies......hehehe
really marathon liao...
wHo Do U lOvE MoRe?
was watching the dvd just now
and decided to ask dear this qn
in the show, the uncle was telling his nephew, if he loves the girl more than himself then as a man he should put down his ego and everything for the girl.........
"dear, who do u love more? me or urself?"
"ai yo! of course myself lah. need u ask?"
"bloody pork lor. i dun care, let u say one more time"
"love me or urself more?"
"i dun lie one. i love myself more. why u cannot just accept it? why must say again?"
"becoz tts not what i want to hear lor. so u better say what i want to hear"
"like tt, u dun ask me lor."
arrggghhh..stupiak old man. pui pui pui..........
anyway, dear has decided to get a iphone
he asked me whether i want one too.
so i asked him "u getting for me i dun mind lor"
and he readily went "ok wat. if u want. for birthday. quick register for it now lor"
"pls lor. if u really want to get it for me, u should have registered for 2 sets just now instead of 1 lor."
pui pui pui
think he really loves himself more than me...... =((
anyway, my hdp contract ending next yr lor.
so but the iphone now also no use. no contract, phone will be more exp rite?
anyway, i dun need such a sophiscated phone lor
even though it does look nice tt both of us are using the same hdp..... =))
jUsT SePaRaTeD b/w a ThIn LiNe
dun really understand why 2 ppl madly in love can suddenly become enemies within a split seconds
a sweet young thing kana murdered, lost a life just like tt............
wonder really, do ppl really know what is LOVE???!!??
love doesn't mean u can hurt the person u love lor
love doesn't mean u can make the person u love cry
love needs time and effort to dun destroy what u have build...... got it??
wEiRd DrEaM AgAiN
i had a strange dream AGAIN
i was in campus (yes, dun know why, always schooling)
and then there is this guy, i can see his face very clearly in my dream
he was chasing after me with a bouquet of flowers all over the corridor of the campus
i kept running away from him and explaining tt i already have a BF (but actually i not sure in my dream whether am i attached or not. hehehe =P) anyway, he just won't take no for an answer and kept chasing me.......
i ran and he chased until i kana woke up by the ringing from the phone or someone talking, i dun really remember. hahaha
but it is very weird lor......hehehe =P
PoOr ThInGy
Friday i was on time off.......becoz i did a night duty on wed nite
anyway, messaged dear and asked him whether can he knock off on the dot then we can meet
he said will let me know on fri morning itself
he smsed me on thur evening ard 11 plus and said tt we will go for the bbq buffet if he can knock off early
fine with me....... =))
anyway, i came home after lunchied with the gang
and just when i got out from the bathroom, dear called
"i got to work late tonight" (sounded so sad)
"ok lor. what to do. so u want me to go find u instead?"
"up to u ok. but i will not be able to entertain u"
"ok when i reached i sms u. what abt dinner?"
"no. dun want dinner"
"ok then"
click and i went to watch my dvd
watched half way, my eyes cannot take it anymore
so i went for a short nap
really very short lor, 430pm went to bed, abt 445pm woke up
sigh!!! what is this!!
dad woke me up lor said derrick (his godson) is coming later and he needs to go wash his car now, so i need to open the door for him
bloody pork lor
i am on time off to REST!! my own time!! what is this lor
so i went "then u dun go wash car if u know he is coming. i am not here to open door for him lor"
but he insisted tt he needs to go was his car and off he went
so angry
anyway, to make a long story short, i didn't nap well lor
arrggghhh =((
i left home at abt 615pm and went all the way from east to west to look for dear
before i left, i even asked him "want anything?" and his reply is "not hungry"
sigh, so poor thing, wonder why he got so many things to do
took me appr 1 hr and dun know how many mins to reach his work place
went up to look for him
whole office nobody except him and his neighbour. but his neighbour left few mins later
and his big boss came back to take his stuff and left
whole office only 1 person and u know who he is rite........
i sat there quietly watching my dvd
ya, i so smart, i brought my own lappy lor
i not so cukoo as to sit there and stared at him doing nothing rite
so i watched my dvd and he did his work
930pm suddenly the lights went off. whole office was so damn dark lor
omg!! shared the shit out of me lor. but dear was so calm, within few sec, the lights were on again and he continued with his work and me with my show
1030pm suddenly the aircon went off and its starting to be stuffy lor
poor dear imagine he works in such condition every day
i do think on some days he went home early lor
cannot be everyday worked so late one. ridiculous, and no life lor
anyway, we left at11pm after he passed some papers to his coll
actually he went to his cubicle on another floor and place it on his table and we left for dinner.........
wow!! fantastic!!!!
now i know why he always tell me he has late dinner
poor thing
but i really do wonder, does he need to work so late EVERYDAY??
i do noticed his has 101 emails to attend to lor.
if he would listen to me and get his boss approval to access to his email at home, he would have gone home and do many things
but he said he rather not bring work back home
which i do agreed lor
now i cannot access emails at home not like what i used to be able to
which i think has its pros and cons.......
coz after the weekends, monday alot of emails to clear.......arrggghhhhh
it really reminded me when i was working in dpa lor
but here he is different lor, dear has the chance of getting promotion and all
afterall, he is responsible and take his works seriously
just got to hang in there, dear!!
tts all i can do for u, i will support u lor, mentally......hehehe
fInGeR PoInTiNg
"pls lah, u guys dun convienently pushed the blame to someone who has left the co lor"
bloody pork lor
what kind of statement is this!!!
she is the one assigned to do the project
she oversees the project
and then never do a REALLY good job, but got do job lah
now i have problems, i dun blame her then i blame myself??
know what my reply was??!!??
i also not save oil lamp lor
i went "ya, i dun blame her, i blame myself for coming in, for accepting this post"
really CCB lor
really wonder what kind of statement is tt
i dun want to blame anybody at all
but tt project was LAST YEAR
and till today the document is not done
then what am i suppose to do?
i also no blaming anyone
i just wondered aloud "WHY THE DOC IS NOT DONE?"
and someone was kind enough to tell me tt "it's not her fault. its the previous officer. she passed her the stuff and never print the doc for her to compile" and i went "yaya, i understand"
went back to my cubicle almost want to bang head lor
why ppl cannot take initiative huh?? sigh
i am really speechless
and now someone is telling me "pls dun CONVIENENTLY put the blame on someone who has left"
aQuA AeRoBiCs
esther told me tt she enrolled herself to classes for aqua aerobics
and i went "no jio"!!!
few yrs back i was looking for such classes
but it was located at YWCA or was it at SDS or dun know where lah. but i do remember it was somewhere got of the way one (at least to me)
she told me it was organised by the cc one so she was so nice to provide me the website to check it out
and check it out i did. "REGISTRATION CLOSED" i saw
"wa kao!!!" so sad lor
and esther was so nice again, she volunteered to call and check it out for me
the reply was "NO CAN NO CAN"
bloody pork lor
missed it again.........argggghhhhh
last time nobody go with me and out of the way, so nothing to say lah
this time, got ppl go with and in orchard but no can enrolled
what is this lor.........
maybe really must start to wear the red thingy*ponder*
2 LoVe biRds