No MoRe "SoRrY"
my meeting was dragged and then ended late thus spoiled today's event of gg fishing......
but look here, its not exactly my fault ok
i am really very sorry......
i was told tt my item will be the 1st on the list and then after tt i am all set to go go go
but the chairman went ahead with all the items and thus my item became last and then end of the session, ppl complained abt the F***king colour tt was painted on the ledge " so bright" "so ugly" but look here lor, THE COLOUR WAS CHOSEN AND APPROVED BY THE CHAIRMAN OF THE R&R WORKS so stopped putting the blame on the consultants or even the poor contractors. we are all merely following instruction.......wtH of saying "consultant pls answer this qn poised by the resident?" HELLO?? uncle, i was not in the picture when u guys choose the colour so wtf u want me to say? and theni doubt u want me to tell the already angry and pissed off residents " hello folks! the bright and ugly colour u guys talking abt was chosen by him. so pls asked him"........bloody hell.....i already very good lor. keep smiling and then said " noted will look into it. but the colour was selected and approved before the contractor proceed"
and then tts why whole thing was further delayed and thus i cannot meet u on time to go fishing dear. so wtf of being angry with me? what can i do? u think i want to attend the meeting meh? in my 11 yrs of working i never ever have once late nite meetings or weekend meetings lor. u think i like meh? but its job lor.......what can i do? just like i dun like u to fly, but if u need to what can i do? kick up a fuss?? pls lor. i already passed tt stage of throwing tantrums. and i also know tt u have tried your very best not to fly so often.........i am the sorry lor........ =((
ok, yeah. i forgot. what can a "sorry" do? nothing....... at least to no matter how many sorry i say, i doubt u will cool down.........but its my job lor. what can i do?? i was also kana play out lor. 1st item becomes last item......i also sat there like a bloody fool.......u were at comfort of ur own home lor. tell u what. maybe, perhaps, in future, NO MORE SORRY from me.......... i tell u lor, it actually takes a lot of courage to say I AM SORRY. not many ppl can do it......and i never say it for fun. i meant every word of it........ but since it has no effect on u. i will save my breath.........
i think i had better get a new job and go go go........cannot go on like this.......either for u or myself.......i also have enough......... =))
slept early last nite but why am i still so tired huh??
old liao lor......what else rite
stayed over at al's place the nite before wy' wedding.
slept at 1 plus woke up at 6am and the nite before i already not enough of zzzzzz........
met up with angela at PPSC and then went over to wy's place
she was still doing her make up when we reached
so we proceeded to set up our stuff before the guys came
the guys were LATE
but who cares........we were assigned to tekan so tekan it shall be
we tekan wm and his 4 bro
but they were all very sporting even though wy' mama eventually opened the gate......they still stood outside and played .........lolz........way to go's the spirit!!!
u got to read back my blog to know more abt the tekan.......
anyway, end of the day, like wat al said we still earned $5 from the ang paows we collected......hehehe
on the whole, the whole evening, i think, should be a success........ =)) with me ard, sure success lor!! hm.......maybe i should try to be a wedding planner??? or*considering*
i saw stephy's blog got the clock the very cute one........wonder will it appear on just tt blog entry or will appear on all the subsequent one.......forgot to ask her. but she promised tt in the future when i also need one bb clock ticker, she will assist me in installing one......thanks stephy........ =))
sigh.......the thought of gg for the meeting later makes me want to sleep lor
i really dun feel like gg sure kana whack usual.......hopefully all will goes well.......and no residents will come.......hahaha........but i doubt lor, coz its SUNDAY......all very free lor.......and the repainting works really behind schedule and also giving lots of problem...... GOD BLESS ME!!
anyway god bless me, quickly find another job....... =)) A BETTER ONE too!!
and lim pei is so the beri the happie lor
finally someone made noise abt it!!!!!
"how can ur co send someone over without letting us approving or informing us?"
"pls tell them our concerns tt we need someone MORE experienced and NOT someone who just joined the co for 1 month!!!!???!!"
bloody hell! looked and listened here!!! u think i want to do? co asked me to "tong" first lor till they find someone.......i am not trained in this field lor. but i am willing to take up the challenge and just do it!! if u f***ing hell got some issues abt it, dun put the blame on me......... dun always give me the crap "dun be offended. i am not saying tt u no good or what?" ask ur inner soul lor......ppl willing to try and learn and u guys just dun want to let ppl have the chance. its becoz of such closed minded ppl tt many ppl out there are JOBLESS.....coz the employers will want ppl who are experienced, cheap, and blah blah blah.......
anyway, i understand lah. even if someone is new to the industry and willing to take up the challenge, u guys will not want the person to learn and make mistakes in YOUR ESTATE rite? u must be thinking, u want to learn, u want to take up the challenges, PLS LOOK FOR SOME OTHER ESTATE!!!!
anyway, no problem, no issue. i also dun want to do lor. late nite meetings, weekend meetings, NOT MY CUP OF TEA and for your infor again, i wasn't employed to do these lor, but becoz co no ppl liao so boss asked me to try. but since u all so unhappy abt it, well, i am most delighted to let boss know....... =))
thanks you hor......
TaSk CoMpLetEd
today me very tired leh
after an hour wait at ps last nite for a cab to come home from the late night meeting, today me very tired lor.........reached home 11 plus, washed hair and waited for it to dry till almost 2 plus but i still went to bed with wet hair......use a hairdryer lah, u will tell me. so its ur own fault for not using one. i tell u lor, use hairdryer to dry hair too often will damage your hair......and since me always perm and rebond better dun play play, later become botak then too late liao.......
next time i will not hesitate to DIAL A CAB
how could 50 over taxis come into the taxi stand of ps and all are BLOODY HELL ON CALL.......i am not exaggerating ok........really 50 over taxis all came in same time, one after another all ON CALL.......its either we have pampered these drivers too much or they have terrible working attitude. so pls stop complaining tt we the passengers are a fussy lot. coz u are not a saint too urselves......
even YC also said "y u looked like u dragging urself to work?" so i told her "in future when i have late night meetings, next day i will be in late so dun call me ok?" and she nodded her head
what a good pal....... =))
anyway, today really very tired a zombie
i tried to clear the paper works for last nite meeting but someone not helpful lor. never revert back to me, but i tried my best to complete whatever i can lor..... to the best of my ability
me booked a facial today coz WY's wedding is this coming friday!!! so fast hor, so scary...we were like just discussing about it last yr.......and this coming friday is THE DAY!!!
must be wondering why no meet old man rite? well, ecoz dear said he got course today and got provide dinner one so i decided not to meet him if not it will be too rushing for him to come home and meet me. so i went and booked the facial session and then hor, dear smsed me this morning and said "bookie said wrongly not all got the dinner i can meet u tonight liao" sorry dear, lim pei already booked a facial and i really need one as the dinner is this sorrieee......but help me thank bookie ok.....NICE JOB!!! good timing too =P
anyway, after the site inspection i went to get my eyebrow trimmed and shaped. $21 bucks lor and she plucked damn painful lor.... no skill like tt, pluck whole chunk of hair almost want to cry lor.......if go back to joanne, it will only cost me $0, hahaha, coz included in the facial. but i dun intend to go back to her coz her services getting exp and dun know why i feel tt her products no longer suitable for me.......
this one i now go to, is home facial lor. u go to her house one. its at east side and cost only $55 for aroma facial. so those staying east side and dun know who to go to, i think she is ok lor. but if compare with the gua sha one, i would have to say if based on extraction, gua sha one is the better one. really very clean very thorough. this one, not thorough and clean lor. still got bits and pcs here and there. so i dun really like. in term of location, i will go for this one, coz i stayed in the east mah, gua sha at AMK so sort of out of the way for me. imagine u go home whole face red on the MRT, ppl will be looking at u lor. for this one face no red so u can proceed to go to anywhere after the facial NO PROBLEM...... =))
anyway, whatever now tt i gotten my face clean, me happy girl liao....... yippppeee
ok, think me off track liao, so now must get back on right track, after eyebrow shaping, me went to get dinner at .........hehehe u guessed it rite......
one of a eateries inside parco
becoz today no the dried mee me ordered one of my favorite from the menu.......
fried rice with 3 chicken wings....yum yum =P
the fried rice got ikan bilis one lor.......dun play play.....with green pea, corn, ham, carrot, crabmeat stick.. and tt is a bubble tea....hehehe
and today i must say it was a fruitful trip at bugis coz hor, i trimmed and shaped my brows, ate my favourite fried rice and most impt, i got the dress for Wy's wedding dinner lor..muahahaha...coz she said she prefers us not to wear black despite me telling her ppl will wear even if i dun wear. but to please and make her happy on her special day, i roamed whole of singapore and finally found this!!! and pls bear in mind, me very busy for the last 2 weeks but i still tried to sneak a little time off to source for the perfect heart ok

fyi, it still has black colour lor but at least the main colour is green........and actually hor, green was never my colour lor. but i dun have such colour so try lor.....moreover the shop having sales so.......hehehe........make my friend happy at a little cost........ =)) promised to get a pic of me wearing in........ =))
LoAn ShArKs
today when moi walking down the stairs i saw a police memo clipped to tt unit.........
whats so special abt tt unit u must be wondering.......
the special thingy is tt its being hounded by loan sharks.......
if u have read this article one fine sunday on buying resales flat in the SUNDAY TIMES
they have skillfully and professionally listed 10 commandments for the buyers to follow strictly to when buying resales flats. actually not all need to be followed but this particular one i think must lor. spend a bit of time and save all the trouble later on...... =))
the report mentioned tt u must played detective yourself
dun listen to what the agent or the buyer tells u
u must one fine day "disguise" urself and then park urself near the unit or at void deck listen to those "3 gu 6 po" yakking at the common areas. if u lucky u will get to hear gossips and these are not just normal gossips lor, these gossips might affect your decision to purchase the flat or not. Imgaine u kapo kapo sit ard them and some one mentioned something interesting like "LS blah blah blah........" dun u think u would have strike gold??!!?? =)) hehe
imagine, while doing your own investigation, u noticed tt certain floors have many paint markings or wordings like " O $ P $" then below stating the hdp number and name and unit no. if its the buyer's unit or even the neighbouring units, advise is, drop the idea of buying tt unit no matter how attractive the buying price is or how much u like the flat.........
this particular unit of my block, well, u got to see the pics then u will know........sometimes must listen to advise from the professional....... =P
1st action taken by LS
actually i also dun know is this the 1st action they took, coz suddenly at tt particular landing got cat's dropping lor.......everyday without failed and its damned smelly, really pity those who stayed at that floors..
they the proceeded to write the "OP" thingy at other floors except his floor, and i thought, why write also write wrongly one......*arm chio inside* but then later i realised its tactics action from unit but neighbours repainted the walls
and worst, they came back and scribbled again and again until pek chey dun repaint liao.........
anyway subsequently, they splashed paint at his unit and even pad lock his gate.....still no action
neighbours reported to police, police came, look see look see, action or not i dun know
then LS splashed paint at his neighbour's units (upstairs and downstairs both affected lor) dun play play........(neighbour unhappy liao. clean the mess. ) see the tactics??
then i thinking the LS so stupiak meh? the padlock was not removed since day 1 lor, so how can the guy still be ard.......they just want to cause nusiance lor......and irritate everybody.......
anyway, till today padlock there, paint markings there, wordings there.......everything still there
i just wished tt the guy and his family is safe lor......poor things......sigh
can u see the patches on the poor wall
its repainted and repainted .....
look at the poor unit, first it was orange, then white, red, finally purple and the bicycle lock (can see)
anyway, back to today's topic, so u buyers out there, just be careful rite? dun be conned into buying a problematic flat........
but i also want to say something abt the LS
i know its their job, their bread and butter
but why want to cause so much inconvenience to others
we very innocent lor
we not asked them to go borrow money from u all lor, we not the guarantor leh, so why come kar jiao us...........
moroever we also got pay town council monthly conservation fees one leh, their duties to make sure our estate is clean clean lor. sparkling clean ok........then u all create so many graffitis then how?? they only cleaners lor, why make life so difficult for them......later residents complained said the cleaners no do good job then again, becoz of the inconvenience u created, u caused ppl their jobs leh......its also ppl's bread and butter lor.......sigh
*speechless* *shake head*
I wAnT tO sCrEaM
i really cannot stand the blackies lor
i just instructed them to clean the walls and floor with detergent last week coz one ang mo tenant complained and ............
yesterday the supervisor called and said "i personnaly supervised the cleaning and all in order now. clean" i thanked him coz i was like "wow!! so fast service" and hopefully the ang mo will be happy with the cleaniness
but OH BLIND ME!! i went down and inspect myself coz i still have my reserves abt them and WTF!! instead of the black 5 finger prints all over the bloody wall, i have now a world map!! wTF are they doing? trying to ruin my rice bowl is it?
how can u tell me for F***ing goodness sick tt u were on site to supervise the bloody cleaning and inspected and check all in order and then called me to go down and see........
u called this cleaned? u called this supervised?? i tell u lor, its f***ing telling lies.......and i bloody cannot accept it.....if this wall belongs to ur house, u think u will let the issue go so lightly
so i called him and made hell lot of a noise and he still dare dare rebut tt the tenant is unreasonable tomolo meeting he will be bringing up this issue to the chairman!! hell to u lor!! i dun care even if u complain to LKY lor, the fact is tt this is ur f***ing hell job and u f***ing hell PLEASE do a good job............even if the tenant is fussy or unreasonable tts beyond the pt here. the pt here is tt, from 5 finger markings on the wall, u developed into a WORLD MAP!!!
and let me tell u this, the tenant actually took out some jif and a sponge and went down on his knees and cleaned the bloody stains and the floor and within secs.......VIOLA!! its gone.........i gave such simple instructions " please use the detergent and wet cloth to clean the stained walls and also some detergent to remove the staining on the floor tiles" as simple as 1, 2, 3 so difficult meh??
u made my life difficult, u will have to pay back double lor.......this i promised.......
then today dun know why i think its complain day leh
so many projects kana complained.
whats wrong with the ppl.....
all i can said its tt its the MC's fault lor
if they could have followed my instructions to clean the floor after painting everyday, take precautions and measures when doing their work and bloody hell i will not get so much complains.....
i just want to do my job and take my salary. make my life difficult, what good does it do for u. why so difficult i just dun understand, simple instructions lor. u want a simple life, me too . u make things difficult for me, u go answer for them........
me blood boils........sigh
DrIvE yOuR oWn CaR
i just want to say there are really some funny ppl in singapore
just last fri, i was on my way to site in the mrt
then hor, this woman in power suit was standing beside me
true the mrt was not packed like sardine but at least it was still crowded
so never mind, as i was saying, i was standing beside her then suddenly "excuse me?"
then i looked at her and then her gesture hor told me to move slightly away
so ok lor, i definitely didn't touch her in anyway lor, but i just shifted for her
and guess wat??
BLOODY PORK......she took out her papers and started flipping thru the papers and reading lor
HELLO!!! AUNTIE!!! so what if u r in powersuit and reading BUSINESS TIMES!!!!! do u know basic courtesy.........OMG!!
why got such ppl.....
then never mind, there was a grp of ang mo in the train and they were talking and was quite loud lah, she kept turning ard and STARED at them ok....i used the word STARED.....
then i think the man beside her was making some funny noises and she turned and looked at him too....a few times lor. as long as he made the noise, she will turned ard and looked at him with a disapproving look
then hor, the man standing behind her, i think kept knocking into her she also turned and looked at him
in my heart, i want to tell her "auntie, this is public transport lor. what u expect? if u want go get own car with driver lah......."
then the jing dian is, the sitting passenger in front of me stood up and alighted and she hor, quickly zoomed towards the seat and i was like bloody hell, then she turned and asked me politely " u want to sit?"
auntie i tell u lor, if i said i want to sit, then dun u think tt u will be damn malu.........sigh
tyipcal pattern if a singaporean...........
No MoRe DrY sPelLs
FINALLY!!! broke the dry spell!!!
dear caught 3 fishes today
not like da tiao and xiao tiao lor, its "sheng yu"
i also dun know what lah
but hor, becoz from 2 plus to 6 plus and the fishes were kept in the plastic bag and in the small pail, they "key cha" lor
and guess what?? I AM ACCUSED OF BEING A MURDERER lor....bloody hell
just becoz i sat on the director's chair holding on to umbrella and never go to his car and take the bigger pail for him, i was accused of killing his 3 fishes
so he said in future no can go with him
and i was so WTF......KNN.......KNS lor......
he could have signal to me to go to his car and take the pail for him
but he no have lor
said i no initative
bloody pork
he was at the breakwater but i not lor
so he could have signal to me to go and take the car keys from him and take the pail mah
what initiative......i dun have lor, so he must tell me wat
still dare to tell me, if everything also must he tells me, then die liao lor
die meh? will die meh?
then why no see me die? coz i always tell him mah.... =))
anyway, he kept saying tt i am the murderer and bloody pork, keep telling the dead fishes tt i am the murderer.......later i nite mare tomolo he will get it from me lor
so on the way home, i refused to talk to him coz i was so angry at him....and i think he knows lor, coz he tried his best to break the ice but i just refuse to laff or talk, just reply him with with as little words as could he accused me when he no do his part lor.....unless he asked me and i refused to take the pail then ok its my fault but like this he no tell then its my fault. i told him to change his surname to "lai" better
anyway, we released da tiao back into his home.........hope he happy happy swimming around the reservior.
fri nite, dear said want to romantic abit so we jio al and ivan to LOOF at odeon........ yayaya, i know u will be wondering romantic still call other ppl.......tts what i asked him too, he said he thought i would prefer to have them... old man. anyway, i really dun mind their company, nice bunch of friends to be with.
anyway, we went to pick ivan first then back to cpg at 1130pm to pick al up
imagine tt poor girl still working .......and its a fri nite better pays her well, to keep such loyalty staff
anyway the place, LOOF, was recommened by AL. not bad lor
but downstairs got those "bu sna bu si" de cha dun let the males go there alone......
we left the place ard 3 plus, al said she can go home herself, so we send ivan home
along the way, we went for supper at balestier, ya ya ya we went to eat bak ku teh.......coz old man thought tt the shop got sell "zhu za tang" but no have lor. he forgotten liao...only sell bak ku teh........
anyway, i think we ate too fast so poor ivan......he didn't get to finish his meats.....
nice outing........and i slept till 130pm the next day just woke up for lunchie then back to bed again......and on sunday.......hehehe......woke up in time for lunch at 12 plus.......
i think i really old more late nite outings.......
BrAiN dEaD
dun ask me why
coz i also dun know why
me is confirmed the brain dead.......
very tired......must be haven gotten over the NITEMARE of yersterday...
talking abt nitemare
i had a dream on sat
its a funny dream =P
told dear abt and he just laffed it off.......
in my dream, there was only him and me
we dun know go where and then came home
dear said " u sleep first"
then i "ok lor"
then i fell asleep. then someone came into our room. i blur blur can see tt its a woman lor. and a big boobs one lor
then dear told her "why u come in? she is sleeping, dun disturb her"
then she said "its ok. never mind." and next moment i heard her said " kiss me"
and dear went " no cannot. i cannot kiss u. u want to kiss, u find someone else" is so proud of my old man lor.....and all these while me still sleeping
then tt cha bo hor, buay ta han leh, she hor no give up she walked up to dear and kissed him lor
and hor, tt bloody man hor, actually kissed her back.......KNN!!!
then i remembered i cried cried cried, and in my dream, after crying, i fell dream sleep, in real life also sleep......
after i told dear abt this dream, he said i very good leh. after crying can sleep. but i thought whoever cried will surely fall asleep lor? rite??? its very tiring to cry ok......u think what.......chey!!
anyway, the issue is not i cried and slept after tt...the issue is WHY THE HELL DID U KISS HER BACK AND WHO IS TT BIG BOOBS!! bloody hell.......think me under huge stress and pressure recently.......
looking forward to a good and relaxing weekend........ =))
ToTaLlY wIpEoUt
i am very the exhausted and mentally drained........
the 8pm meeting sure not an easy task
i am sure Z is very happy tt tonight is her last nite with the monsters!!! =P
the cm really sharpen their knives just for tonight lor
poor Z, she really kana "butter and kaya" for no ah pu really too much lor. keep trying to find faults with us. and for goodness sick, i just joined the co so whatever happened before me is not within my controls so stopped making things difficult for me.......what not in the contract, what no advise accordingly, what no check before hand, why u guys need to pay the contractor whatever amt tt we certified, pls lor.....u engaged our services then u must trust us!! if u dun trust us then why bother to engage us.... omg!! my head aches again!!!sigh......bloody hell....
what u mean tt we need to send u my cv to screen thru first. how do u know tt i am capable or not.....this is not up to u to say lor. as long as my boss thinks me ok, me is ok lor...not for u to say.....u can say all u want, 101 reasons why u want to replace me but pls dun doubt my capabilities.....
every report wants my boss or Z to sign...i can understand tt boss's signature lah. but i am taking over from Z lor, so why still need hers?? and she has other commitments else where so cannot be here anymore so pls accept the fact......if u want her to stay here then fine with me!! call my boss tomolo and i will be out of here...... =)) i also buay ta han
anyway, true lor, as u said, why the contractor is doing more of the talking than me. so we not pro like tt but dun u understand its the norm tt contractor does the reporting of the progress in the industry. sure it made us looked stupiak why we dun know the progress meh? but let me tell u this, we know, just tt the contractor can gives u guys a more detailed presentation!!! pig head!! we only monitor the progress, the workmanship, the quality, scold the contractor, control the contractor for u coz u are too busy to do it so u guys paid extras for ppl to take care for u. and i tell u, my take pride in my work ok.....every amount which u paid is worth every cents of it.... =P
anyway, sorry lor, i wear skirt just like ur great grandma, grandma, mama,wife, gfs and aunties, and tt doesn't mean tt we cannot do a guy's job......and pls dun get me wrong, i am not trying to say tt "men and women are equal" lor...coz there is never equal lor even twins have slight what if u claimed tt u have "nothing against me, its the co" then u call my boss tomolo and said u want me out of the project coz i wear skirt and not pants lor, i will be very delighted to go go go..........
and just for the record, i also have nothing against u too......but just tt becoz u were expecting a guy, i think i will not give any more face next time if u dun show me a single respect......i will shut up and refuse to talk to u bunch of LOSERs!!!
AuLd LaNg SaNg
yesterday dear told me tt his papa said must release da tiao and xiao tiao into the "long gang" i told dear to release them back to the reservior but he said "too late liao if wait till weekend" but what can we do? weekday all busy sorrie lor, fishes u got to bear with it for a while...
but before we can release them or i can post the pics of da tiao and xiao tiao, i was informed by dear this evening tt "da tiao killed xiao tiao"........bye bye xiao tiao......*sob sob*
here's the pic of da tiao and xiao tiao........
make a guess...who is who =))
on a happier note, me took a pic of the nutty bar choco from ROYCE which Stephy bought for me...yum yum!! i only left with 2 bars so got to ration leh...... =))

Stephy's birthday coming soon......actually its this coming fri.......i have made a date with her will "branja" come must got go lor....but i still have no idea what to get for her leh.....*scratch head*
she so lucky wor!! her hubby goh got for her the LV Neverfull bag lor...... its was in her wish list...weeeeeeeeeeeeeee...actually its junior goh's wish list...hehehe.....branded bag for his diapers, milk powder, bottle, extra clothings, blah blah blah.......happy woman!!! =)) moi also happy for her...... =))
on a much happier note, just now the 4 gals met up and discussed abt WY's wedding day. what pranks to play on her hubby to be.......we thought of 3 mild pranks. so dun u worry ok, mr fan!! i heard from WY tt u have a good impression of me, hopefully u still have after 28th Sept 2007 after 8am, when the pranks are over.*evil grin*
me only thought of 2 pranks.....1 was suggested by Stephy to do waxing!!! hahaha!! its a painful process but then again "no pain no gain" and we are also trying our best to make tt day a memorable day for the groom rite!! so sorrie brothers.....u guys will have to sacrifice your 33yrs of leg hairs.........but if mr fan can provide the correct answers to the qn we are gg to pose, then u guys will be saved!! so pray hard ok.....anyway, we, sisters are also working hard for our ang pao lor...... =))
actually very mild only lah. so far i haven played any pranks until overbroad one lor...... *evil grin*... qns were provided by WY...common stuff lah.....when and where they offically pronouced themselves as bf/gf? when and where is their first kiss? what is her favorite cartoon character? name of her pri and sec school? easy rite? not difficult lah........we only want their leg hair.....hahaha =P
then next the guys will be asked to solve a puzzle drawn on the paper panties, wear the panties in the correct order, run downstairs and shout "up" the answer...dun worry, WY stayed on the 6th floor so we expect to hear the answer loud and clear....."WM LOVES WY!!!!!!" very simple rite....... =))
the final one will be to write down the 10 love commandments......we will provide him the photo frame and paper. he needs to write the commandments, sign it and frame it up and with the correct amt of $$ in the ang pao, we shall open the gate to let them come in and he got to sing a song and pass the commandments to WY and then our duties are done for the day!! most of the forefits were from AL. wasabi coated with choco( dun know how she will do it, but she claimed tt it can be done) , pole dancing or whatever dance they can performed, add up certain numbers from WY's birthdate, IC, hdp no, and hm number ( so mr fan, u better get the numbers correctly).........
as simple as 1, 2 and guys are u game???!!
Da TiAo & XiAo TiAo
gone fishing yesterday
this time fully equiped with the bread and the prawns.......
went there abt 2pm and stayed till 6pm......or was it
FINALLY!! we caught a fish.......i heard ppl said its a lohan.....i also not sure what is it...but since ppl said lohan then lohan it shall be......being bo liao i told dear to give it a name and he told me to name it instead.....i didn't want to coz he caught it so he named it "qu ming" story one lor....coz i said "di, quick..qu ming qu ming mah.......give the fish a name" then being lazy he said "ok lor, call "qu ming" bloody time his kid also call "qu ming" lor......... =P
qu ming was our 1st fish after 2 weekends of dry i bet dear must be very happy......after qu ming, no more fish wants to eat the we packed up and went home. before tt an uncle also caught a fish and put it in the man made pool which dear made we being good samitrians brought the fishy home with us too.....didn't want the fish to die coz the pool was too shallow and small for him to swim about........
when we reached home, found a bigger pail and put the 2 fishes in.......and guess what's the name of the other fish....... i got the honoured of naming it and i name it "da tiao" just becoz its bigger than qu ming......but i decided to call them da tiao and xiao tiao...........lolz........ =))
i asked dear "why ppl go fishing come back got fish to eat? we go fishing come back must take care of the fish?".......*scratch head*....hahaha......he exclaimed "OMG!! u want to eat them. but we came back from fishing got crabs to eat rite?"........coz mummy cooked chilli crabs yesterday and its YUMMY!!
after dinner, we peeped at the 2 fishes and da tiao ma chiam want to sleep like tt. lying flat on his side. so dear quickly go look for his pump and pump air into the pail and when its time for me to go, da tiao was ALIVE!!! hahaha..........
NutTy BaR ChOcOlAtE
tts what i got from stephy for my bird day present.......i tell's so so the beri the choco and nutty nuts......yum yum!! stephy said she actually wants to get a small fondue sweet hor.....she went to 2 places to find but no touched leh.....preggie and still walked ard.......but never mind, no fondue set but have got the chocolate, same same......
It's Stephy treat at Cafe Iguna at riverside pt........i tell u......u better made a reservation if u want to eat there if not GO is so packed full with ppl, esp the ang mo......i think they go there to "lim lim lim"...........its mexician food.....not bad actually.......we couldn't make a reservation coz the guy over the phone said "we are fully booked for reservation" so we walked in and try our luck......luckily they entertained us, then this made me wonder why reservation full huh?? hm........everyday got a quota to meet for reservation??!??? hmm....
i ordered the wrap thingy......i get to wrap my grilled chicken like po piah....4 pcs of po piah skin....hehehe........very tasty and yummy but if u eat the grilled chicken on its own, i have to say i find it too dry.....stephy ordered the i forgot but it came with rice and she said hers is the chicken with a layer of cheese and she said very nice........
overall, i rate it GOOD!! so remember to make a reservation if u want to go there...... =P
so now i got to think where to go for stephy's birthday on the 21st but she has arranged to go photo taking, a package which she took up during a i will have to book her either before or after her bird day......still have to think of what to get for her as a present.......maybe pampers.......hehehe what u say, steph??
didn't get to meet up with dear so like what he said "no mooncake for me" but its ok i think, COZ WHAT CAN I DO RITE?? not as if we are hard up for the mooncakes, oh pls........ =))
today another pcs of news BOMBED said to me "come join us for the 3pm meeting." then i went and realised tt 2 TM are leaving and they are splitting the "meat" and i also dun know why so heng huh kana 3!!! so now me into property management on top of the sec work and on top of what i am employed to do.....good hor....but pay the same.......KNN.....WTF!!
see how it goes bah......good i stay no good then bye bye. afterall i really only want to do PM work. but if the co cannot substain the PM work then too bad, nothing can stop me to realise my dreamz...............
can u believe it!!
earthquake on my birthday!!!! hm........but i didn't feel anything movement under my feet leh.....
today i have many surprises leh......actually 2 lah
first, a bouquet of flowers were delivered to office
i am so the very the touched and delighted lor
actually i sweet until no can work properly lor
"sincerity", honey said one..........
tulips with "kang nan xin".......
anyway, one coll happened to came by my cubicle and saw the flowers and commented ' the flowers very nice. very exp leh' then i replied " is it? i dun know." then he said 'is this tulip?" then i was so shocked!! he knows leh.....i was wondering what flowers they were whole morning until i saw the receipt then i knew it was tulips........told u, i dun fancy flowers.. =P but it did made my day though =)) then he added something which made me want to faint?? he said " why got carnation one huh?" and i went blank and replied"well, maybe he lacks of motherly love"......hahaha..... gentle reminder to myself must asked dear whether he knows what he send me later........he told me"i saw from the net, the tulips very nice lor. white white flowers so small i cannot see. but now i know its carnation" he even joked and said " luckily not chrysathemen leh" my mama commented cannot use rose coz the color of roses does not blend with the colour tulips....... my mama also "hang jia" leh.....
then I planned for dinner. as usual after surfing the net and came up with 3 venues, i was tasked to make the final decision becoz "u decide. i am busy today". i was afraid got more surprises, so i decided fullerton is out, my secret garden is out(coz review said the food so so only ambience is good) and final decision is ESPLANADE!!! coz i dun want him to spend unnecessary money.....if no flowers maybe i will choose a more exp place to eat.......the flowers could have easily set him back by $70 bucks?
i gave him 2 choices, jap or chinese and final decision still lies with me. as i just had jap with zhuang and gang on sun, i decided to go for chinese. so we went to Space@ My Humble House......
i tell u lor, even though the menu damn limited food we still need to wait sometime for the food to come.....he ordered chicken rice and lamb "bak ku teh" and me "warm the heart or warm into the heart" (or something like that)...its actually jasmine rice with scallop, crab meat, mushrooms, egg and big prawns in claypot style..he said the "bak ku teh' not very nice, but i liked mine.....yum yum
but then again, very limited choices of main dish lor.....chicken rice, 'bak ku teh" or warm the heart"
during dinner, the next surprise came. so where we go buy presents? then i looked at what should i get? psp or tiffany?? so i told him "well, simple lah, get me a flat with a maid then a car with a driver. 4 items very simple rite?" and he gave me a look....." last chance. quick say what u want to buy?" then i just quietly eat my dinner.......
anyway, after dinner, moi wanted desserts. so proceed to hagen dasz for ice cream, i was looking ard and when i finally decided, i asked him "di, have u decided what u want before i order" and he replied " i coughing, cannot eat. only u eat" then i sian liao lor. he had been coughing like for a month already?? hm...why never cough the liver and lungs out huh?? anyway, i see him so poor thing, so i decided not to eat lor. afterall, yesterday i was drinking cola and he no can drink only can see me drink. poor thing........dear, pls go see doc ok.......
anyway, no ice cream, dear said " ok lets go taka. buy ur tiffany. if not later u will write in blog tt i every year owe u tiffany. KNN!!"..... ma chiam he got read my blog we went to taka and i tell u lor...i asked him"what do u want to get for me?" he replied "u choose lah. how i know what u like?" then i sian liao lor. at least tell me buy necklace, buy pendant or buy bracelet, then i look at tt range lor. what also dun say. how i know what to get...OLD MAN!!! i told him "di, i already have necklace, bracelet, ring, earrings, anklet, whatelse u want me to buy?" he looked at me and quickly added, "up to u, but u cannot exceed the budget of $500!!!" i was shocked leh....$500 can buy many things i decided to get either a pendant if not a bracelet and he said " huh? pendant or bracelet?" then i asked "why? cannot huh?" then he said "no lah. u like lor"....of course i like lah, since u also no tell me what to look out we walked ard the display counter, 1 round, i didn't see anything..2nd round, ma chiam the design no change leh. same designs when i came with Esther few years back to get her pendant cleaned. 3rd round, still nothing, no pendant or bracelet catched my attention....coz the sales were so so snobbish...i think their eyes on their heads leh, nobody bother even to entertain us.......i also dun want to buy things from them lor....few years back like this, few years later still no chance......cmi...... bunch of losers!!
found this website.....not sure is it authentic or AAA grade.....but no harm gg in and look see look see rite? so many choices......but i didn't see most of the designs when we were touring inside
anyway, then we passed by Coach, thinking of getting a wallet but i think think think, maybe get Gucci then.......then we went over to Paragon......but i only have a budget of $500 so i decided no Gucci......dear said i can top up myself if its over his budget......but i wanted the present to be 100% from i decided not to. then i saw the SWASOKI(how to spell) went in, 1 round later i am out if the shop. why? becoz their designs cannot wear everyday one....too classy too sparkling too chunky......but the sales very polite, the moment we walked in the sales greeted us liao.....this kind of service i like and will definitely buy from them, but too bad i no see anything i like......
then dear i think got a bit xian, he said " still asked me to get a present for u when u urself also have difficulties getting something" then i told him "hey!! if u buy one, i sure like lor. its the sim lor. just like this watch u bought me. i like it very muchie" hehehe.....then i told him " and hor, ur birthday i already planned liao lor. where to eat what to do? not like mine, i got to plan everything myself. so low man tic one" then he dare dare rebutted me with "how u know what i want to eat, what i want to do? later u plan something tt i dun like how?" pls lor.......its the thoughts tt count lor, and as long as i dun let u eat "sai" already very good lor....then he said"what if the present u buy i dun like?" then i went "sorry lor, present i haven plan"........u think i stupiak meh....still got 2 months, i slowly monitor and observe see wat u eyeing at lor....
anyway, finally at montblanc i saw a bracelet quite nice leh.......but 18K gold and got diamonds on it leh, dear said sure few thousands one, then i said forget it. then he said we asked for the price lor. i told him forget it lah.....dun buy liao.......dear said we should have gone to jewellery shops instead, sure got something i like......but shops are closing by then lor. no choice......dear said "never mind. friday we shop again....." i wonder friday how to shop when i will be meeting stephy for dinner.....think he cake cake leh then no need to buy......maybe should have follow his idea, remit the $500 to my accounts.......hahaha!! good idea rite?
then on way home, he asked " u actually wanted to get a pendant or bracelet or what?" then i said " i also dun know, but if sees anything i like then buy lor. tentatively is like this" then he said actually can also buy ring rite? then i asked him why. he said coz u have 10 fingers!! wa piang!!! then i told him "ya wear on all 10 fingers and later fingers all kana chopped away u very happy rite?" then he smiled.....silly man with silly smile......
actually, only Honey knows lor....coz she once told me "ring cannot anyhow buy for ppl one lor. the person must say whats the significant of buying the ring?"or something like tt lah..tio bo??..and dear's significant is"becoz u have 10 fingers!!" *vomit blood*...... dun worry, i know he is not hinting anything coz he once said he no hurry to get married and settle down even though mama "chased" him many true i dun know........since all no hurry then take snail pace lor.......
HaPpY bIrThDaY tO yOuRs TrUlY
Still have no idea where to go for dinner later.....any surprise?? any sincerity?? hm......still too early to say.....but he did warned me" cannot think of a place then we come home eat" touched leh......KNS......
but i got a watch from dear yesterday. thanks dear!! i asked him " is this my birthday present?" and he replied "NO"'s a red strap watch........not digital but i will still wear it afterall like what honey said, "sincerity......" since he got the sim to buy then i must have the sim to wear.......he very cute one lor, he said "even though its imitation pls dun wear it to bath or go swimming ok but can wash hands lah" pls lor, think i cukoo or what...... since when u see me wear watch to bath or swim.......old man.....never pay attention....=P but thanks dear......i love the watch and u too!! =)) steady bo.......
stephy also very nice, she got me a little something. said we shall arrange for a dinner either on thur or sweet of her hor. preggie and yet took the time and the effort to buy me a little something and have dinner with me.......think should have tell more ppl of my blogs then i can get many presents and free meals for the month of Sept.........lolz.......
anyway, the 1st person who wished me wasn't old man, he smsed me and said he forgot to wish me........luckily got the watch if*evil grin* was MY SISTER who wished me lor.......send an sms all the way from reminds me, maybe i should request for a NEVERFULL bag......what u say *wink*
clap clap clap
well done......very the well done
the politicians managed to uproot M and transferred her to site for "till further notice"
what did M do or what happened tt this thing happened??
anyway, i also dun want to know. so dun get me involved......
sigh......anyway, the old man in the room, sigh..speechless i dun want to talk abt him.....another cukoo one
anyway, whatever politics they are playing why dragged me in??!!??
and WHY ME??
just becoz i am new or what
but pls lor. i am not someone whom u guys think can be pushed ard even though i am easy gg one lor
i am employed to do X so dun expect me to do Y or Z
after lunchie, M happily handed over everything to me, including the ic, birth date of the man in the room. then this and tt, to the contacts of the vendors.....and i went " hey! sorry but i dun want to know all these. i just want to know the contractor's list. the rest i am not interested coz i am not a sec" then she went tt sooner or later i will be me, i will be gone before tt day arrives..... i tell u, she was happy to she will not engaged in any tug of war with the politicians.....imagined when she was asked to hand over the work to me, i can sense tt she happy lor. work little and yet earn same amt of salary everyday, who doesn't want rite? sigh......politicians......why play such game? what do u guys gain from it?
u happy only nia, me sad lor.....anyway, not to worry, i will find an ideal job soon........ =)) god bless me.......
after all the hoo ha this morning, the old man in the room told me " want u to try out doing property management?" i was shocked!! what is this lor...tts not what i was employed in to do.....but never mind i gave him a chance, so i asked "ceo, so what is my main scope?" "what u mean?" he gave me a blur i tried again" i am now currently doing this so this new thing u want me to try out is it side track or what?" " oh, dun u worry, i will give u 2 projects to try out. then slowly phase u in. will not immediately put u in charge of the properties one" wa lao!! another bomb!! WHY ME!!! this co and mgt really waste my time!!!i just want to do what i want to do.........why cannot just let me do what i want to........time to diligently start looking for a job.......
remembered my dream which i wrote in one of the blog entries........dreamt tt i dun like this new job......and viola!! now i know why......told u, my dream dun play play one lor, really means something.......
too much havoc today.....even the "peanut man" also can find a heart almost cannot take it.......sigh..anyway i got 3 months. i will monitor for 3 months.....then decide what i want to do...... =)) to stay or to wise is good, work wise also good......but politics not my cup of tea.......
on a happier note. today wy, al and angela treated me to vienna for my bird day......too bd angela cannot make it, she lao the 3 of us chit chat and have a wonderful dinner. food so so nia........alot of varieties but not fresh lor. could have be better......anyway, thanks for the dinner!!
now i feel sick lor. sore throat leh.......either i sang too much yesterday or ate too much for the past 3 to drink more herbal tea?? hm..........
MeLt @ OrIeNtAl HoTeL
yum yum yum..........
highly recommended.....if u want to have international buffet, consider MELT..........
its very GOOD!!!! 2 hands, 10 fingers, 2 legs and 10 toes (do u call them toes??) high up in the air......
bascially, the service is damn good lor.....all "foreign talents".......but they are very polite and served u with a smile........coz we were all first timers, the waitress actually gave us a tour ard the rest........ =))
the moment we were seated " mdm, may i get u any drinks? wine, champagne, juices, soft drinks?" good service rite? normally we have to wait and wait and see which kind soul waiter or waitress is kind enough to bring us some SKY JUICE.........but here, i tell u 10/10 for water service......
in terms of variety, well, ok my favorite LAKSA!!! and i tell u i always swear by Furama's tiffany cafe........but MELT's laksa can fight lor..... =)) go try for yourself...... and i tell u, here got all kind of noodles for u to choose.....thin bee hoon, thick bee hoon, yellow noodle, mee tai mak......suk kee rite??!!? mee tai mak ok.......dun play play........and the ingredients i tell u, no joke lor and they not stingy at all. fish cakes, BIG prawns, mussels, egg, crab stick and dao gay too........yum yum yum........
and i tell u, the plates and bowls were cleared from the table the moment, u finished the food.........not like elsewhere, no naming of places, u stack the plates high high also nobody come and clear..........and even if u politely request for the plates to be cleared, they tell u "wait awhile" and the wait is a long wait i tell u......if not they will tell u "shorthanded. will clear as soon as someone is available" and there is always nobody available.......until the plates are gg to topple then someone is willing to come over and clear it...... ok ok, maybe i did exaggerate abit, but i am sure u know what message i am trying to put across
but of course lah, coz every cent is worth what u paid the way, i dun know how muchie per person coz WL's treat..... =)) thank you WL if u reading this!!!
then there is a section of the indian stuff......i no take lor.....hehehe.........then another section is the BEEF section........all kind of cooking method of beef..........i must say the califlower soup taste so much like mushroom soup, I LOVE IT!!
then another section is all the fishes......and u guess it!! i no take also...... =)) not tt its no nice lor, its me no like fish.......except for shark fin soup, seafood soup, fish slice soup and fish and chips......dun ask me why........coz it will be a long story.........long long time ago, in a province of china.......blah blah blah..........hahaha tan ah it?? slow lah u, maybe u not in my era tts why u dun know........*evil grin*
then got one section is Japanese........sashimi, sushi, cold noodle and maki.........the chef stood there and fillet the i guessed the quality of the food is at its peak and also freshness is not compromise bah.......
then here comes the most impt part.......CHOCO FONDUE.........muahaha.......i ate the mashmallow, pineapple, star fruit, jampu and waffle..........i skipped the ice cream waffle coz there were many many small small desserts.......yum yum yum =P
and they were promoting their mooncakes, but dun know why, too full to even squeeze a 1 x 1 cm cube of mooncake into my tummy.....
then finally, i made my own ice kacang and took a plate of fresh fruits.........
overall VERY GOOD!!!! i am beri the full.......and a satisfied customer.......
regret no pics to show.....coz its really good........good spread too....... =))
i see ppl's blog got pics to show, i got nothing but words only. so boring rite........think i must go get a digi camera?? hm.......any sponsor??? =))
my bird day leh........who wanna sponsor me digi cam, mp4, Nokia N95, prada LG, psp, ds lite, tickets to Sammi's concert(the most exp one lor), a gym membership?? (coz dear said me very fat. anything more than 50kg and he will dump me!!!) and maybe a LV neverfull bag!!!!! then i can in turn give it to its for junior Goh.......coz stephy said the neverfull bag is to put junior's bb stuff..........and i cannot afford to buy it for her birthday which is also this month!!! *scratch head* wat to get for her huh? any hint?? can't send her a AAA coach key chain like last chuan yi one.....not sure she got use or maybe chuck somewhere liao......coz she got her bag afterall...... =)) surprised from hubby goh.....ppl got surprise and i got .....erm.......i got .......erm......low man tic old man??
(lioness open BIG mouth leh...hehehe) once a year nia, never mind rite?? anyway i am a good girl this year lor, hopefully got a santa claus lor.....santa, do u happened to be reading my blog? hehehe.......see my blog no pic very the boring lor, nobody will want to come and read lor....... =((
please please please.......... =)) arigato!!!
ya, got to go buy my once a year 4D.....if i strike......ho say liao lor..........what also can buy, no need sponsor liao leh........
talking abt low man tic old, ST told me not to bad mouth him or scold him in my blog.......since when did i bad mouth or scold any one here?? i also no bad mouth or scold my dear, loves him so muchie rite dear?? =)) one day i should bad mouth ST make sure he got visit my blog.....told me he very busy one no time to read blog only got time to reply and send emails......
his gf gg to study in UK for a yr......he is gg to be a lonely man......he wanted to go over with her and be a house man....but but but.......ST's mama said no no must work so in the end, no can convinced mama so he got to stay in Singapore and be a lonely man and work hard too.....and wait for her return......then i guessed will be dang dang dang dang liao.....=)) all the best!!! no lah no lah, actually ST wanted to go over with her, provided he can find a job over there, but he said he couldn't find one, so in the end, his gf goes over alone but he also very sweet lor, he will be gg over with her for ONE month, help her settle down, go tours and all and then he will come sweet so romantic rite. =))
i think i have enough of long distance r/s.......not tt i pestimistic abt it, but how many more 2 years do i have ..........hey!! dun get me wrong ok, i am not desperate to get married ya, u dun know me.....if u know, u will know what i mean, rite Honey........
btw, Honey has moved into the new apartment eric and her bought. nice views and nice place. she send me the pics to ogle over......coz when we were in HK we didn't get to meet up so did not manage to go over her place. i think currently they are decorating the place and she said she will send me pics once everything in order and then she will also send me a spiderman pic......its not a normal spider man lor....its spidey desperately hanging onto her balcony railing..........hahaha......dun asked me why she hang it there, but she mentioned tt he must live up to his name.......hahaha....... =)) guess once settle down and all, next year another set of wedding bells will be ringing........dang dang dang dang.........
btw, tomolo my dear will be back.........yippie......... yeah!!
BoNuS tReAt
supposed to go dinner with WL and ho fang
but last min, WL said got to postpone to tomolo lunchie coz someone asked her to go attend a 7pm meeting........sigh.........there goes my dinner treat......... *sian*
must be wondering y got treat rite......well, its becoz WL once said if the bonus this year very good, she will give me a treat. and i ON her lor......actually, i only asked for either KFC or Long John (my favorite) but she said "dun want lah. if BIG bonus we go buffet" so buffet it shall be at oriental is it Melt..... wonder how much is the bonus??!! can ask for birthday present???......*evil grin*
anyway, so no programme tonite so here i am sitting in front of the lappie and typing my "life story".........
sunday me also got another treat........this time is my birthday treat.......turning 3X.......hahaha.....u go guess...... =P. gg to vivo city's sushi tei.......and can u believe its also esther's bird day on!!! so i think we will be celebrating the 2 beauties bird day........
then comes monday, another round of birthday treat by AL and to vienna at united square......i remembered AL once said tt she wants her farewell at is it a sign??!!??
then tue rest day and then WEDNESDAY is my BIG DAY!!!!!!!!! but i still have no idea where to go.......OMG!! might end up having dinner at home or maybe the romantic....... =))
*faint* to be hard working abit and source for the rest.....sigh........
CrAzY me
guess what did i do??
after the site inspection today, me actually took a bus from the west all the way back to east........
ya, i know......what the hell am i thinking rite? esp i cannot take long distance bus, will have the head spin and vomit feeling......... but i did it!!!!!!
whoppiiee........(give myself a pat on my back) =P
actually, along the way, i did want to give up.......when the bus passes buona vista, i was telling myself why not alight and take the mrt instead. but i decided to finish the journey which i started.......then at commonwealth again the thought of alighting came into me, but i told myself to hang on........
subsequently i wanted to alight at outram(which i didn't) , raffles place (which i missed it) and city hall (need to walk very far so i didn't alight) and finally bugis (also need to walk so i "refused" to allow myself to alight) mrt stations............ i told myself not to give up afterall its already half the journey and its already 630pm........i almost want to fall asleep on the bus by this time.........
by 7pm i was at PARKWAY PARADE......ya, by now i think u guys will think "why u so free huh? gg to be 1 yr older liao but still no wiser." i knew i could have been home earlier than tt if i not stubborn to want to take bus and my i presumed will reached home by 730pm. true enough i touched base at 730pm. bath, have my dinner and its 8pm !!!!!!!!!!!!
so moral of the story is " if i want to do it, i can be that determine to get things done it my way. only a matter of want or dun want nia"
and just in case u wondering and want to buy 4D....the bus licence plate is SBS7345K..........go go go..go STRIKE it big!!!!!!!! dun forget me when u strike it rich ok *wink*
FlY, fLeW, fLoWn................
went to peek at stephy's blog before i came in
and i couldn't help laffing........*lmao*
not abt the breast pump or the neverfull LV bag lor...but becoz of "MY OLD MAN" =))
i guess not many ppl know who is "my old man", so not to keep u all in suspend, me is going to reveal the mystery of "my old man" if u still dun know who.........and he is NOT my dad......lolz
"my old man" flew off today.......5 days working trip to.......(OMG!! i dun even know where the hell he flown to)........erm......anyway, whatever, anything....... =)) so stephy, now u know who "my old man" is?? hahaha
my dad will NEVER rememeber our bird days except for his own.......he will tell us "hey! let's go to where where where to eat. i saw the advertisement, very good and cheap leh" HELLO??!!?? saw only and know its very good, then no need to go eat liao lor........lolz..
anyway, back to "my old man", he be back on sunday evening and i am going out with gang for my birthday celebration........volunteered to go fetch him at the airport but he said "dun want lah. later u come fetch me then i still got to send u home so troublesome" u see lor......said he low man tic, really low man tic lor.......never ever miss me once.......sigh.....stupiak old man
before he left this morning, only one sms "do u want to buy anything?"....wa lao!! so romantic lor...... no wonder i love him so the beri the muchie........ thought he will say something like "u take care. enjoy urself....dun miss meeeeeeeeeeee...........blah blah blah" and he just asked "do u want to buy anything?" i waited whole morning for the sms and its only THIS???!!?? well, at least better than none.....guys seldom expressed themselves or perhaps they dun know how to. they expressed themselves wonder the saying men are from mars women from venus......*clap clap clap. well said*
and i think some one from US recommended a place for us to go on my birthday.....but erm.....we are in singapore erm..*scratch head*...but also thank you for reading my blog.......if u can find me, then oh dear!! one of these days dear will also find me.......then i really omg!!! think i better sing some praises of him in my next few blogs........
wHeRe To EaT.......
who can tell me where to go eat.............sigh.......
i am given this task by my old man "di di chan, where do u want to eat on your birthday?"
wa lao!! this is my old man lor, so LOW MAN TIC rite.......i got to plan for my own birthday dinner........
already saved him a task. dun need to crack his brains to get me a present and instead he threw me one....
ya i know, it is very thoughtful of him and sweet of him to let me decide where and what i want to eat. afterall its my birthday, he only want me to be happy...........but IT'S MOI BIRTHDAY least plan a little surprise tt also cannot have meh?? or i request for too much things huh??!!? sigh......... *scratch head*
so where to eat huh??
my new samsung hdp U600...........
first day i used so so so not used to it.......its so different from the samsung i took awhile to get used to it.........
then i realised a problem........smses comes in but it doesn't reflect the NAMES!!!!!!! no names how the hell would i know who send..........WTF!!! head i took the time and scrolled thru my contact list and viola!! i knew who send me smses......but tts very troublesome rite? and its so RIDICULOUS!!!!!
so i complained to dear and he being a smart alec as usual, solved the problem for me........add +65 in front of all the numbers and VOILA!! smses with sender's names will appeared in the inbox........and then another problem arises.......bloody hell, one after another, i got sick of the phone already, and dear readily said he is willing to "adopt" my new hdp if i am really ready to discard it..........and oh yes, and the problem is now with a +65 in front of all the numbers, incoming calls no reflect the caller's name............argh.........this is driving me mad and crazy.......never before have i ever encountered such problems with my previous it nokia, motorola, ericsson ( tt time sony have not bought ericsson over) and latest is samsung.......what is happening!!!!!!!
dun tell me tt i need to save the numbers two time for one with +65 and the other just the normal 9.......but its stupiak rite?? and it will used up my memory space be it in the phone or sim card......and why i need 2 same numbers for one contact........argh...........really getting on my nerves =((
so no choice, i send it for "repair" today......went down to the samsung customer service centre and was told " OH, ITS THE PROGRAMME FAULT. JUST NEED TO UPDATE THE SOFTWARE AND PROBLEM WILL BE SOLVED." then since they knew of it, then why dun they just update the software before selling the phone.......or informed the buyer tt the software needs to be upgraded........afraid tt no one will want to buy the phone if they think its troublsome to update the software......dun worry lor, consumers beside gg for cheap stuff, they also want the stuff to be economical, worth the price, size, function, the look, the brand...... so they will still buy your stuff if its really good........but if u scare ppl will find it troublesome to bring it down to the service centre for upgrading of software then UPGRADE IT u know how inconvenient it is for me when i dun know who send me smses and later part who is calling.......sigh =(( u must be wondering, "well, u should at least knows some of the impt or frequently used numbers rite? so whats the fuss?" well, i tell u " THE FUSS IS BECOZ U HAVE A FUNCTION CALLED CALLER ID.......and if u cannot at first glance knows who calling u, then why have tt service................"
and what if the person is so busy tt she/he has not time to go to the service centre and upgrade the software, the phone will just be discarded away and buy a new phone but this time, definitely not a samsung liao.........then u lose a customer FOREVER dude..........not trying to scare u........or imagine, the person is so angry and displeased tt she/he is made to go thru so many days of agony and then the time , money wasted to go to service centre and get it upgraded ( i waited for 3 hrs to get my hdp upgraded lor)......he/she will write letter to the ceo and complained and then........i dun know who or which dept will kana lor, but definitely i am sure that unsatisfied customer will need to be compensated with a voucher or perhaps a new phone.......if not u again will lose a customer and u know lor, by word of mouth, sooner or later everybody will knows and tts it.......sales will drop and who to blame.........think u know, i know lor....... so prevention is better than cure.........
anyway, to keep a long story short, i got my problem a happy and satisfied customer........... =)) but it was only after a week of "torture" and "painful" experience........
So SwEeT.............
dear asked me last nite " let u choose, psp or tiffany?" for ur birthday....... =))
so sweet hor, he knew i was eyeing .......but every year also asked for tiffany, every year also no have, sian lor........but its becoz i told him dun buy coz what i really want is he is here with me no need to fly lor =))
AGAIN!! this year he is scheduled and confirmed flying on my birthday month!!!! never once he no need to fly on my birthday month leh.....why huh?? fated tt my birthday no loved ones to be with me meh?? luckily still have family and friends.......must be contended with life tt then will be HAPPY =))
as for psp, well, ping's hubby, franics, said i more suitable for ds lite, coz i dun need such sophisticated gadget.........(he knows me an IT nerd).....pros is ds lite is cheaper but the cons is ds lite no can play "pirated" games lor......yayaya, i know.....we should not support piracy......but one game very exp lor, $80 plus to survive........
frankly speaking, i dun need either........earrings, braclet, anklet, rings, necklace, all i have, though they not from tiffany, but at least I BOUGHT IT WITH MY OWN HARD EARNED MONEY lor....... psp or ds lite, well, IT nerd liao, so no matter how hard i try, i doubt i will play games lor, me not so hardcore.........think just becoz everybody having one, tts why i want one....."fan jian"
anyway, u guys out there, dun try to "di gong" birthday coming u guys better know what to do...... =)) a simple email or sms on tt day, will make my day........ =))
HeArd Of It??
ever heard of gua sha facial??
well, neither do i
i was surfing the net one fine nite and came across this in the forum
ppl were swearing by it, how good how i decided to give it a try
got the email and wrote in and viola, the girl replied but too bad, the timing weren't right for in the end told her i will book an appt with her again
and so few weeks long the road, my chance came. dear had a dinner appt with his "zi min"s and i need a facial badly on my "full of blackheads and pimple face" so i wrote in for an appt and VIOLA!! the timing and date was just perfect...........and so gua sha facial here i come.......... =P
at first i thought gua sha facial was from start to end gua sha. but i was wrong......very started with the normal facial procedure........"EXTRACTIONS" and i tell u, it was so so painful but i knew tt the pain was all worth it coz end of the session its pretty pretty face.......and after extraction came the 15 mins or so gua sha.......she took an instructment and gua gua gua. it was painful when she gua to the ear......but again i knew it was worth the pain coz of the blood circulation and all and sooner or later i will no longer have panda eyes and carrot will not always see me and say " hey!! today panda on leave huh?".........*rolled eyes*
after the session, my face feels so "clean"......but i need to say tt actually after each facial session my face does feel clean and what diff huh? i also dun know........ but come to think of it, blood circulation leh, so must be good lah......
overall experience GOOD!! recommendable lah....... try once and u will know........its a bit out of the way for me though, coz its at AMK........dun worry, not shop lor, its at her if u want her to go to ur place also can but i think pay extra lor..........1st trial is $50 only....subsequent will be $70 or $90......cannot really remember........ =)) not trying to advertise lor, just want to share my gua sha experience........
and ya, i took mrt all the way back home lor, so i guess many ppl will be wondering why my face like this.......not red red lor. its not the gua sha......its the extractions........but who cares, at least today my face radiant lor.......... =p
so if u r wondering what gua sha facial like this lor.........
and btw, zhuang is also gg to attend a gua sha session organised by her co bah. think she will learns a few strokes, i dun mind to be her guniea pig if she needs one, provided she gua the correct strokes......... *wink*