Re VaMp ReSuMe
ah boy found a job
starting work on 2nd June
Ivan and Amanda still searching
hm.....why so long
J told me perhaps something wrong with the resume
maybe need to help him take a look
so i suggested to him
and he is alright with it
so i helped him lor
not tt my resume writing is very good
but imagine, after so many yrs, should have some standard rite
when i opened his file
i was like *blank look*
only 1 page!!!!!
ok, 1 page might still be ok
but hor, mistakes i spotted :-
1) no personal particulars (no photo too)
2) no state job applying for $$$ and commencement date
3) past experience - never state what he did when with us
4) some of the heading not suk kee enough, so i amended for him
5) education - never state his JC and sec only his uni.
6) he stated his strengths, but not attractive enough, so i added more for him
so i did all those as mentioned above for him
and told him to add in his own inputs
thats all i can do
the rest is up to him and fate
anyway, congrats!!! he got 2nd class lower...... =))
wonder what did ah boy get??? hm......
actually, i didn't do much. u just need to go onto the net and surf and search
copy and paste.
amend and u are on ur way
like i said, not tt i am good at resume writing, just tt i am free to do it.....muahaha
maybe should start a free lance service hor *evil grin*
but i do know tt agencies do "re vamp" our resumes before sending out to the potential employers.
so maybe won't be able to survive if really venture into this free lance lor *ponder*
i actually smsed to dear on thur nite and told him tt we go watched movie on weekend
u know, narnia is screening now
and dun know why he smsed me yesterday morning and asked me "watch what time show?"
i was not really prepare to go watch on fri nite
i know i know, what u mean not prepared??!!??
but i really have no intention to go watch yesterday
i know he is busy at work, so i prefer tt he work and finish his work then we enjoy on weekend mah
anyway, its ok. so i checked the timing on the net for 3 cinemas and asked him to decide. i told him if he is busy with work then we watch on weekend
then his reply came almost immediately "so u want to watch today or tomorrow?"
and i replied him "actually my previous sms to u is to watch on weekend. but if u busy at work today then we watch tomorrow lor." afterall, he was the one who asked me watch what time toay lor
my head started to pound very hard. very pain lor
then instantly another reply "u make up ur mind, to watch today or tomorrow lor"
and i was so fed up lor. dun he understand SIMPLE english? need me to talk in mandarin, tamil, malay or whatever lanaguage then he understand tt "ITS HIS CALL"
and here my head very pain and here he made such remarks, i got so mad, i took a deep breathe, count to 10 first before i send back my reply "tomorrow. headache now"
and instantly a reply from him "chey"
and i just *argh*
MEN!! only gave me headache!!!
anyway, the head pain hor
really killing me lor
i left office at 6pm, walked to the gym
today, no crowd lor
so i stayed till 8pm then leave
actually, i was waiting for my favourite machine (coz was occupied)
but before tt i was on the tread mill for 30 mins. ....
my last machine for the day was osim's igallop
frankly speaking, i dun know what it can do
just virbate lor
u mean my cellulite or fats can be vibrated till they broke down???
thnking of getting the osim belt......what say u?
strap it on during office hours, afterall, desk bound......
good or not? any comments??
maybe i should ventured into the internet world and search for DISCOUNTs!!!
afterall its the GSS.......
HuMiLiAtEd? UpSeT? BiG DeAl........
yesterday i got to go site
finally get to step out of office!!
but it was so so hot out there, still ok lah, better dun complain too much, afterall, we seldom have chance to go to site
so the 3 of us in the van. and HT was telling me abt the PM of the MC. she commented tt the PM's ang mo not powderful. so i went ok lah, can understand him can already lor. then she said "but he is a degree holder. though his degree comes from malaysia but still a degree holder lor." frankly speaking, my ang mo also not very good lor. so i just shut up but i did comment "tts explained rite?" HT replied me "no lor. i also studied in malaysia, but my english not like tt." then the other coll, B, looked at me and then at HT "she not malaysian meh?" and HT took a look at me and went "no. think she local. singaporean" ONCE again!! do i really looked like a malaysian!!!!!!!argggghhhh....
tt brings me to the next topic. i read in the papers recently abt this woman who wrote in to "complain" abt her humiliation and disgraced.
what happened:- (just a simple outline)
she came back from her morning excercise
so u imagine sweaty look. hair messy.
then got this officer came by her house, saw her and asked "IS YOUR MADAM OR SIR AT HOME?"
and she went "I AM THE OWNER OF THE HOUSE"
deep down she felt humiliated and was very depressed and upset for being mistaken as a maid.......
i can understand how she feel, being mistaken for a maid
but what abt the maids who were treated as a maid??!!!??
dun tell me, "they are maid wat. so being treated like one is alright?"
come on lor, maid or not, waitress or not, cleaner or not, washer or not, sweeper or not, manager or not, clerk or not, WE SHOULD ALL BE TREATED WITH RESPECT"
dun u agreed?
u mean just becoz u are a maid, its ok to be ill treated?? eat little, sleep little, do many many. clinb out on the ledge to clean windows??!!?? oh pls.....use ur buttock think also not like this lor.
remembered the inncident where one club refused the entry of a maid?
ok, they did not refused her entry, they told the madam "maid not allow to dine here!!!"
wa kao!!!
high class club lor
so the madam replied "this is not maid, this is my guest!!"
suk kee rite?
but after tt incident she wrote into the papers and complained lor
should be maid be treated like this?
how they resolved the issue, i forgot liao.
but if u r the maid in this incident, how could u feel??? u will also be upset, depressed and also HUMILIATED lor.
maid no need to eat? sleep? drink? shit?
come on lor.
we should be treating everybody equally. no need to look down on who and who. i heard before somewhere, only 1 person is capable and has the rights to look down on ppl and tt is GOD!! steady rite
we are also of no position to judge ppl lor. so, here u are complaining abt being humiliated and upset for mistaken as maid, then what can the maid do when they are ill treated for being just a maid.....sigh
CPG girl
u know?
here, i am known as the CPG girl
ya, u no see wrongly, not SIA girl but CPG girl
when i heard it the 1st time i was like "huh?"
second time, i almost faint
wonder why i am not the SIA girl but CPG girl leh
one coll was asking J "so r u the CPG girl or the other one?"
CPG should collect some fees from cpg leh
advertise for them....
apparently J is known as the "married woman no work for 1 yr liao"
she lagi suk kee lor
she can afford not to work lor. she has a hubby to take care of her
she just work for fun
but then again, pls stay......dun leave me.......pls pls pls
wHoSe IsLaNd??
tt day when i came home, dad told me "singapore got the island and malaysia got the middle rocks"
then i went "har?"
so ignorant rite
i also dun know what is happening
but vaguely i remembered tt few months ago we were actually fighting for some islands lor
anyway so what if we got the island and they got middle rocks
i have absolutely no idea why we need to "fight" for the islands
but since everybody so happy abt the outcome, then so be it lor
very ignorant i know....but can't blame me lor
too politics liao
then next moment "foreign cars no can buy petrol in malaysia"
to me, i dun really care lor
then i read in the papers tt the petrol stations over there said tt "business will be affected. coz most of their businesses comes from foreign cars"
then some malaysians commented tt they working in singapore so drives singapore cars so very unfair for them if they cannot pump petrol in malaysia just becoz they are driving foreign cars
sigh.......wonder did they think abt this issue when they put this act in place
there are also comments tt what if the foreign cars ran out of petrol when driving. ( u know from one place to another state in malaysia is a very long journey lor), then how? cannot pump petrol. then how? car stranded in the middle of no where. cry lor...
wonder did they think abt this when they put the act in place.....
hm.........anyway, not my problem.....=))
i just wait and watch show.......
cLoThInGs NoT EnOuGh
actually i just realised tt i actually have clothings enough to last me for 3 weeks leh
*faint can*
i remember telling the girls tt i have to rotate my clothings coz i dun have enough clothings in my wardrobe
* poor thing rite*
but now, i suddenly have 3 weeks of clothings joke =P
am so proud of myself
no wonder every morning when i am looking for stuff to wear, i have difficulties "finding" my way in the wardrobe. hahaha. find tt its getting harder to move the hangers
no more free space
now i truly understand why girls like to buy clothings
coz everyday wear nice nice to work, feel confident, mood also happier
i suddenly felt tt clothings not enough lor
muahahaha....which will lead to $$$ not enough lor........hehehe
coz no $$$ to buy new clothes!!!!!
how how how
i actually came to a pt in week 3 tt i dun want to be caught wearing the same thing again!!!!!!
can u imagine!!!
ME!!! mind being seen in repeated clothings!!!!
OMG!!! =P
where should i go shopping since its GSS now!!!! *evil grin*
dad is bringing the little one to shanghai in june!!!
(ya. again)
its confirmed!!!
mum not gg, she said 2 weeks!! sian
so she is staying put with me ...........
phew!! frankly speaking, luckily mama dun want to go lor
i dun have to fork out so muchie money
i know i know, i very stingy lor
but, i tell u lor, very "siong" one leh
no joke.
last june when we went for the 8 days tour to jiang nan and shanghai, i paid for mum and my own ticket lor. ......but hehehe i spend my sister's money lor........muahaha....... =P
anyway, the little one is looking forward to her trip
i also looking forward to my weekend trip to batam lor
i just went to renew my passport today
was told tt i cannot renew need to apply for a new one
takes abt 3 working days to get a new one
so got to wait lor
hopefully the agency "tolong" me and let me go.....pls pls......
tHe CaT is BaCk!!!!
boss is on overseas business trip from monday to today
she will be back tomolo
as the saying goes "when the cat away, the mice will come out and play"
this is so so true
all the mices comes and goes as they wished
J always told me tt "there goes the floating ghost again!!"
apparently, this coll of us just float all over the place. cannot find him one
the three little pigs were like. who cares!!! lolz
one never turn up for work, the other 2 worked like mad
but they also know when to release the "stress"
J and i saw them go for breakfast from 930 to 10am
they will not be in their cubicle when u walked pass at 1pm
they will still not be in their cubicle when u walked pass at 2pm
at 6pm, when u are preparing to leave the office, u also can't find them there.........expected lor...
only 3 staff are working like the boss is ard
coz got 2 "blur sotongs" but 1 hardworking staff lor
anyway, frankly speaking, all of us went home on the dot (we tried)
now dun go home on the dot, when go home rite???!!?
anyway, expected lah. cat not ard why should the mice stop playing........
*evil grin* even though when cat is ard, the mice still playing lor but discreetly...muahahaha
WhAt HaPpEnEd??
i kept forgetting to blog abt this
maybe let what i told qi, i am old liao
very forgetful
actually also nothing serious lah
but i simply dun understand..............
perhaps this is life and perhaps this is love........
"asked the world what is this thing called love.........blah blah blah"
long long time ago, this guy met a girl thru his friends
they hit it off and soon became an item
one cny evening, they had a talk over the phone
they are raising an issue b/w them
guy = christian. girl = non christian
girl dun want = christian. guy dun know what to do
they talked and discussed and decided to "let it go"
girl cried but promised tt she will be strong. guy also cried and was sad
suddenly, guy drove out to meet girl and decided tt "what the heck. as long as they both love each other can already. religion is afterall just a religion"
so couple made up but did their r/s become stronger????
girl went overseas for study. guy wanted to go ago
but to go along, they need to get married
they decided tt "dun want to so hurry everything just becoz want to go overseas together"
so guy stayed but went over with the girl for one month just to make sure tt everything is alright and make sure she settled down well
so sweet rite???!! ahhhh.......
but did their r/s become stronger??
1 yr plus passed by
i happened to be online and emailed this guy
updated him on my job searching and i asked him for some update
when i said tt he can marry once his gf come back for good
he told me "no. something happened."
and i went "har? what happened?"
he said "somehow or rather, i decided tt my partner must have the same religion as me. i cannot accept tt she is a non christian"
and i went "blank"
what the F*** is this kind of crap reason!!! but honestly speaking, i respect his religion, but i thought they have settled their differences long time ago? why now?
frankly speaking, i was very sad
very very sad
i could have cried like a baby if i were his gf
and i am over there and he is over here
i cannot see or touch him, let alone let him know what he said has just torn me apart
why like this?
if it happened to me last time, i could have fight on
but the TODAY me, as i said before, i would still cry (i supposed. afterall its the rights of women rite) but i will not fight
as i mentioned before, if ppl want to snatch my thing and my thing decides for himself/itself, tt its time to leave, then i will let it go and also give them my blessings from the bottom of my heart. i will not fight for something which is not meant to mine. in other words, i dun have to fight if that thing belongs to me. if it no longer loves me, then why fight............
but still, i am sad to hear this pc of news...really am
i do hope tt they can work out something
dun let the religion be an obtacle b/w them
afterall so many ups and downs, so many obtacles, i doubt this should be the kind of ending lor
anyway, on a happier note
akai emailed us yesterday and informed us tt he is holding his customary dinner in JULY
a bit of shocking to me
coz i thought he didnt want a wedding dinner
and it has been like donkey years (at least to me lah) but then, must have lah. complete the cycle. once a life time experience.
so happy for them =))
read in the papers 9 personnel were disciplined for the escaped of u know who
demoted, pay cut, warning letter, sacked, u name it u get it
r they really the one at fault? should they be disciplined?
i also dun know
not in the position to comment lor
but quite poor thing lor
imagine, u already mid 30 to 40 plus and then kana sacked or demoted or condemned then how?? who will want to employ u at this age
u dun laff lor
its true u know
i realised tt when u reached a certain age, employers are more skeptic to employ u
dun tell me the ginger is best when its old lor.
i also know, but employers see it in a different way
they want the young ones, nothing but the young ones.
fresh blood, ppl whom they can manipulate. not like the old ginger, very rigid. not flexible. cannot adapt to changes or should i say REFUSED to accept change.
very poor thing one lor
dun say them lor, just take me for example, after PFS, i took abt 3 months before i got the dpa job and then another 3 months before i got this, no joke ok =(
not tt i very experienced or very pretty or very versatile, I WAS JUST PLAIN LUCKY tt they needed ppl URGENTLY and i am able to render my services to them lor
so pls, MR U KNOW WHO, pls come back wherever u r. dun let any moreINNOCENT, "INCOMPETENT" ppl kana punished for ur escapade. u have ur fun liao. should be more than enough lor. do spare a thought for the innocents. come back pls..... =))
i really pity the 9 ppl even though i dun know them personally. but life is like this, forever so unfair.....dun u agreed
WoRk OuT
me hit the gym to day
30mins on my favorite machine ( diun asked me, i dun know what's it called)
10 mins on the tread mill
5 mins on the bicycle
and wanted so badly to try out the osim IGALLOP or whatever it is called, but the guy cycling next to it have not stoppped cycling since i went in at 615pm all the way to 730pm!!!
wow rite? dun wow him lor, he practically cycles to "bio" cha bos lor
so now u will ask me back "if u no bio him, how u know he bio cha bo?"
caught me rite.........
pls lor, coz i didn't on the tv screen in front of me, so i was looking out the windows and then saw his reflections lor
he really need to reflect lor. bio until so obvious
let;s dun talk abt him
lets talk abt the gym
apparently, its not FREE
we need to pay $2.50
wonder what is it for?
for the usuage? or the locker? or for the bathing facilities?
last time in jurong, one cent also not need to pay lor
here?? dun know why must pay
then u must be asking "why no no ask?"
ya lor, why i no ask
but i got to tell u lor, all the machines are equipped with its own TV lor
except for those train the muscles one and the bicycle and of course the gallop machine
so u choose ur own channel no need to share with ppl or being forced to watch the show u dun want to watch
crowd? not much crowd actually.
less than 1o from the moment i entered till the time i left
10 fingers also can use to count the ppl who went lor
is it becoz of the $2.50??
u dun look down on this $2.50 ok
if those who goes every day one, this $2.50 will amount to $12.50 lor
and tts "WOW"!!!
maybe they should relook into this
anyway, for just $2.50, i get to wash, bath and blow dry my hair
save water at home...... =p
think i will have to skip dinner at home if i want to go gym in future
i was so so hungry when i got home lor
but got to say "i am aching all over now" argghhhhhh
good sign or not??
obviously its bad sign lor, shows tt i am OLD liao
SiNgApOrE dReAmInG
this is a singapore production movie
i didn't intend to watch this movie
but tt day i read in the papers abt this local production
so when i chanced upon it on the net, i decided to give it a shot
frankly speaking, very local lor
father who adores the son and belittled his daughter
father send son overseas to get a degree, daughter only study up to o levels
son's gf also gives him money to go overseas so tt when he comes back, can earn big bucks and eventually marries her
mother is the typical housewife who literally knows nothing
very typical singaporean story rite
cut a long story short, daughter sad abt such unfair treatment, son is a good for nothing, father strike lottery and dies, mother in shocked, son wants mama to give him all the winnings from the lottery, daughter hopes tt mama wil give her some of the winnings, and then gf eventually found out tt her bf is good for nothing and left him.
none the wiser is the mama lor.......lolz..... =P
want to know the ending then go watch it yourself
although i know not many ppl will want to watch local production
but just watch it just like any other movie. won't lose hair or lose money lor
just watch it WHEN U R FREE
dun watch it when u busy lah, later pui chao nua then blame me
but its really not a bad movie
just like jack neo's i not stupid, i not stupid too, money no enough, etc. very local lah
but dear commented "only f*** up ppl watched such f*** up show"
u go decide for urself *wink*
tHe AwAkEnInG part 2
sunday we went fishing in the afternoon
coz dear couldn't wake up
told me "we shall go fishing at 9am"
bloody pork 9am still sleeping lor
so throw face
but frankly speaking he must be very tired, if not, usually he will be up and then complained "why so late"
anyway, we no luck lor
we wanted to catch "blackie" in the end, no blackie lor
but we saw 2 men caught "the awakening"
i was very envy lor. not sure abt dear
it was bigger than the one we caught the other day
anyway, we went home at ard 6 plus
and guess what??!!!
dear's mama cooked "the awakening" for dinner
i tell u, ITS YUMMY!!!! =9 *slurp*
i think i want to have more "the awkening" rather than what "blackie"
SwOlLeN EyEs
sat i woke up and felt tt how come my left eye like swollen like tt
quickly peeped into the mirror and "ok lah. can still accept"
who knows dear saw it and went "what happened to u?"
i just smiled smiled at him
then he no asked further
few mins later, he asked the same qn
so i replied "went to do eye brow shaping lor"
then he said "do for what?"
then i went "do already neater and nicer lor"
then he went "ya, now more ugly"
WA KAO!!!!
really cannot accept lor
what is skin ard the eye area is "soft"
i did threading so many times but no such thing happened before lor
esther also assured me tt it did not happened to her
i was just thinking, what abt those ppl who do threading to their face
instead of removing facial hair from their face, they now have cuts all over their face
then next day, swollen pig head???
sAy GoOdIe bYe
remember tt day J and i saw a white envelope on boss's table
so we were wondering what is it
coz tt afternoon, we saw L and boss talking in the corridor and L was crying
and so we both thought tt it was TT LETTER!!
apparently, nobody mentioned anything to us the following days
so we both assumed tt its dun know who lor
until yesterday, i found tt whose tt letter belongs to and why she did tt
why is evetrybody leaving when i just gotten in
so actually, now u can see the changed in her attitude lor
she ma chiam the "biggest" liao
J and i was quite upset tt we were not informed of her leaving lor
what is this!!!
as a team mah, at least must let us know
and the worst thing is now Q will be "all by herself" coz the other one is always MIA.........
wonder how long can she "tong" by herself
when will the new staff comes in!!!!!!!!!!!!
hopefully J will stay on.
can see tt she quite stressed up
today she told me tt she "DUN CARE LIAO"
and i told her cannot lor
she said what can she do?
then i explained to her what to do and why must do it
and she said nobody tells her and she fed up
she poor thing lor
i really think she has too many things to handle liao
and for me, mine just piled up waiting to explode one day nia
coz all the officers like "nobody's business"
*faint can*
at first i thought she was quite lucky when she came in, the person whom she is gg to take over from is still ard the guide her and i was like "floating" myself. learning step by step from my buddy.
but now, i think think hor, i think i very lucky tt my buddy is ard for me even though the person whom i suppose to take over from has left before i came in.
hope we will survive well
god bless us!!! =P
EaT SoMeThInG GoOd
i realised tt i forgot to blog abt one incident
last monday, dear's mama no home, so no cook
so dear said let's go out have dinner then i send u home"
so i said "ok"
what esle can i say rite?
anyway, he then asked me "eat what?"
i told him"anything"
then he said "let's eat something good"
and i asked "what?"
then i said "tampines or parkway?"
he asked "there got what good food?"
then i said "dun know"
then he said "lets go eat crab, since tt day no get to eat."
then i said "its 8pm now. no more lor. and dun feel like eating crab"
then he said "go changi also abit far hor"
i looked at him "changi eat what?"
he said "nasi lemak lor"
i dun feel like eat tt lor, so i no made any comments, if not i will shoot him with "got car lor. go where also not far"
then anyway, he suddenly said lets go east coast food centre then"
then i said "crowded lor. sure car jam one"
then he said "its weekday lor"
and i went "but its a PH lor"
then he said "no jam one lah"
fine, so we went
and then JAMMED!!! muahaha
then he said "lets go to the big splash there and eat ok"
then i said "ok lor." what else can i say rite?
so when we arrived, wa kao!! so different lor. its really revamped ok
can go there and eat if u can......
nice place. some of the outlets are not fully occupied. so i think u better be wise enough not to enter the restaurant ok
apparently, the OLD TOWN COFFEE OR whatever it is called is damned bloody popular lor. also got genki shushi there.
but u know what we had in the end??
we had KFC!!!! hahahahaha
so tts his definition of GOOD FOOD!!
must go to big splash then can eat meh?? *ponder*
No 2Nd ChAnCe
i went to this beauty salon in the oppposite office building after work today to have my eyebrow reshaped.
then hor, they told me "miss, we do threading for u."
i said "ok" anyway, got do before mah. so no big deal lor
end of the session, wa lao!!
told me "miss, ur skin very delicate(SOFT), so easily gets tear"
and i was like "wtf!! what have u done?"
she showed me the mirror and still continue, "miss do u know its very common to have tear during threading esp u have soft skin"
i was like *TL* liao lor after looking into the mirror
and she went "miss, as i told u, its very common"
bloody pork lor!!
i have done it so many times at this shop at peninsula plaza lor
i have never encountered such thingy!!!
so the very the angry lor. imgaine if i have a dinner or appointment later, how am i gg to meet ppl.........wa kao!!!
at first i told myself if service good, i will come again and try their other services lor
but hor.......PUI LOR
never gg to step in again
esther told me to take pictures and make a complain. u know me one, i dun complain. normally i will just smile smile and said "good good. not bad. ok" then i will come back and complained lor.muahahaha...........
maybe u guys can go lah. try their other services. maybe not as bad as my 1st encounter
btw, if u wondering what's the name of the salon
i decided not to tell, coz not very good mah
but hor, its the only beauty salon in T3 u should be able to know =P *wink*
i kana a fri evening duty!!!!!!!
and to make matter worst, fri ends at 530pm lor.
that duty happened to start at 830pm and then the report has to be out by 930pm
only got 1 hr to prepare
coz got to wait for the relevant parties to email their portion of the report and then we collate!!!
so what shall i do from 530 to 830pm besides having my dinner!!!???!!!!!
told J tt i shall go gym......
and there is another duty which starts from 6pm all the way to 10pm.
its a 4 hrs walk thru all 3 buildings!!!!!!!!
haven kana tt one, but soon..........
my first duty, 6/6........luckily not on aaron's wedding day =P
tts the only consolation tt i can think of.
and do u know tt 6/6 happened to be YK's (fish tank) birthday
so many donkey years thing liao
i think only qi will know abt this YK
what "silly" things i have done for him......actually, strictly speaking is not "done for him"
i remember i will not pay attention in class whenever its recess time !! (we have 2 different timing for recess in school) what i did? i just stared out of the swiel door lor and watch him walk to the parade square.......hahaha
luckily teacher no see or scold me lor. but i do think qi got a little bit buay ta han abt me. hahaha =P
its a everyday event thingy....
those were the days then........ =P can't blame me
So ObSeRvAnT
dear asked me yesterday "why u never wear the red watch i bought for u?"
before i could reply him, he answered it himself "battery stopped again is it? why never bring let me fix for u?"
inside my heart me thinking "tt time u fixed for me, fixed until buay ta han lor. scold me somemore, i not stoopig to let u scold for nothing lor" but i got to tell you lor, he is really very observant
then i asked him "how u know?" then he said "so long never see u wear, so should be lor. u bring let me fix for u" then i told him "we only meet on weekends lor. weekends i no wear watch one. so how u know tt i no wear?" then he said "i never see u wear mah. or want to learn and fix it urself" so i told him "next week, i bring let u fix." *arm chio* lor.......
of course let him fix lah. "jia yong" no give me, fix my watch also ok rite? hehehe... =P just like pecky once told me tt her hubby always buy things for her, whether she likes it or not, or wants ir or not. just a comment and he will go out there and get it. so i asked her "why u never scold him? waste money lor." her reply "if he wants to buy things for u, let him buy lor. at least the money is spend on u and not other women. so dun stop him" wa lao!! so well said least he helps me fixed my watch and not other women's watch lor......hahaha.......
love deep deep lor =))
CaN'T bEaT tHeM, JoIn ThEm
wanted to do an update of my morning blogs in the morning
but apparently, office network dun allow me to do so
got error message popped up:-
"all internet movement are under monitor. do not enter site. if u choose to enter, it shall be reported" (it goes something like tt lah) =P
sounds so serious, so i dun want to attempt to be reported lor. afterall only 3 weeks here nia. but J and i felt tt we have been here for like years!!!
muahahaha =P
she is still giving herself some time to get adjusted to the environment
i told her abt an article i read in the weekend paper.
"if u can't beat them join them" lolz
the article mentioned tt when u first join a new environment, u might not be used to the culture and might have culture shock!!
ppl go to lunch and have extended lunch not like the previous co u worked in, where everybody goes on the dot and back on the dot. so u just have to change the mindset and dun need to grumble or "man yuan" just follow suit lor.......tts why "if u can't beat them, join them"
most impt is dun lugi lor ( this sentence i added one)
she totally agreed with the article
and i told her the most impt thing is to change the mindset and try to accept the way the ppl work here
told her if staff go for breakfast at 930 and back by 10am, if we want to , we can also follow suit. if not, we just keep quiet and do our work lor. no need to complain one...
i do want her to stay. after all, its only her and me lor =P
she needs to prepare 2 tender docs by this week ( i think) so just now she was reading thru the draft. i told her "forget abt the specs, not our perview" (how do u spell it?) hmmm...told her to go into the FOT, ITT, PRELIM, etc. giving her the shortcut way. which section to read and which to ignore as most of it are standard so tt she will feel tt "its an easy job" imagine she go thru the whole doc??!!?? faint can lor.
last time i also never go thru all one lor. coz its the standard. i just amend those items tt suit the project. so its actually not tt tedious lor. even the PM also know where to SPOT OUR MISTAKEs!!!! hahaha.....=P which is also good lah. our QUALITY CHECKER. coz u know lor, we then to use a previous project and amend to suit our own. so human not perfect lor. so tend to make mistakes. got ppl to check for us. goodie goodie!! =))
can only help in a certain way, the rest is for her to adjust... =))
hOw MuChiE dO u LoVe ThOu??
last fri was watching the match making show
the lady contestant asked the 4 male contestants
"in future, how much of ur salary will u be giving ur wife for JIA YONG?"
one of the guy answered "i will gave her 1/2 of my salary." and i was quite impressed "1/2 leh. not bad lor. without blinking an eye lid lor (actually he is sitting behind the door lah, i no see he blink or no blink"
then the next one replied "i no considered whether she is working or not, but i will give her ALL my salary and see how much she gave me." WA LAO!!! i thought hor, in this world, only my papa gives my mama ALL his salary lor. there is this guy who is also willing to do so........wa kao!! no need to think liao lor. choose him.....muahaha
anyway, the comperes asked her why she wants to ask such a qn. her reply "from the amt of $$ he gives, can see how much one loves a person." is it?? i also dun know lor. but the compere after hearing what the contestant said abt giving ALL his salary to the wife, she also chipped in and said "ya. u loves her so u gave her ALL, so now see how much she loves u back when she gives u the amt of money" hehehehe........but i do agreed with the compere lor (quan yi feng), she said something like so what if give her all the money, she in turn becoz of what u did might return all the money to u lor. coz she knows u loves her very muchie........agreed?
so u know me one lor, i went to test it out. "dear, in future how much will u give me for jia yong?" "why must give u? u working lor." bloody pork. jia yong leh. of course must give me lor. but he still insisted tt since i am working, i dun need a single cent from him. win liao lor. so he asked "why ask me this qn?" then i told him abt the match making show and then i ended with " now i know u dun love me lor. not even 1 cent." and then he told me "ok lah. give u 10 cents ok. dun say dun have".....=(( to laugh or to be mad at him.......
always cannot stay mad at him for long. he always have 101 ways to make me stop being mad... arrggghhhhh
So WaRm
i tell u, the weather is so so so the every hot, tt i woke up thrice last nite lor...... =((
in the end when the little one's alarm rang, i decided to wake up, cut my nails (which i forgot to do it last nite, hehehe) and then filled up a form for work (which i also delayed in doing it and forgot to do so last nite, heehee)
ya , i know, why dun on the air con or turn on the fan. matter of fact, house no air con. then go install one lor. NEA now encourages ppl to save energy and thus save money lor. so how to install? must listen to good advise.......lolz. and then the next thingy is then why dun i turn on the fan rite? well, the little one is using the fan lor. if i rotate the fan, i tell u lor, she will perspire like mad lor. she is the afraid of hot type. so what to do , the yee yee will have to suffer lor.
luckily, i brought back the anto mosquito sticker from dear's place last nite. so i assumed tts why the mosquitoes no come disturb me and let me sleep in peace. hehehe.....but its the weather lor. i also perspired like mad. can feel i perspire all over. sigh. maybe go to work early today to "blow air con" hahaha........ =P
tonight must use the fan liao. cannot dun use. even when i sitting here next to the wdw typing this and filling up the form, i also perspiring lor....poor yee yee........ at least at dear's home, he turned on the aircon for me........hehe. waste his house energy and his money.....but he also smart lor. he charged me $15 per hour for the aircon. and we turned it on for 4 hrs leh. he "earned" $60 just like tt. i even asked him "what if one day i disappear and u no can find me will u be angry?" he asked me back "why will disappear? why must be angry?" then i replied cheekily "coz i owed u money lor. everything also charge me".......muahahaha.....he buay ta han looked at me......=P
cHaPtEr ClOsEd
i decided to close a chapter of my life
why i decided to close.........i dun want to tell
why this chapter of all chapters.........i also dun want to tell
will i re open this chapter again.......maybe will, maybe not, i still dun want to tell
am i sad tt i am closing it....perhaps i am, perhaps i am not, i still refused to tell
the reason is, if i read back one day, i wished i will not remember which chapter and the reason for closing it.....coz who knows at tt time, a new chapter has begins............
remember its not the end when a chapter closes, its a beginning of a new chapter.......suk kee rite???? hehehe...... =P its like "no go great wall no hero, no go yellow river heart no die" hahaha........
told old man, if one day we go china, we must go visit the great wall and the yellow river. we must be hero and heart must die. tt stupiak man told me "why must go with u? i go with my other gf lor." *whack him on the head* and said "if u dun bring me, u have nobody to bring lor" hahaha.........
No Hero or Got Hero? Heart Die or no die?
we were watching one taiwan fighting serial on the net
then this character said something literally translated to
" i am finally at the great wall!!! no go great wall no hero!!!!! i am a hero!!!!" and he fainted....apparently he was injuried lor
u know my mandarin, less than a pail of water so i was quite impressed and so i commented "see, ppl so suk kee. what can u say or have to say?"
then he looked at me and said "like this call suk kee? i also have lor. "no go yellow river heart no die" and i was like "WA!!! u also know huh? u also suk kee lor." then old man said "these 2 phrases actually is one lor." and i went "is it? but why ppl always only say no go great wall no hero, never mentioned abt the 2 part?" he also dun know lor.
i very curious. who said such suk kee phrases lor so i probed further "who said one huh?" and old man confidently replied "li bai lor. u know him?" i replied "wow!! li bai huh. he said this for what? when and what prompt him to say these?" and old man replied " u know how he die?" and i went "he on the sampan, drink drink drink, then fell into the river and mati lor" then old man said "ya lor" then i asked him "but tt does not tell me what and why he said these lor" then old man looked at me and said "actually, i dun know who said these." WTf!!! and i believe him lor. bloody pork. but till now, i still believed tt it was li bai who said it leh. who can enlightened me?? who said it and why said it?? hehehe...... =P
anyway, talking abt lying. old man lied to me lor. but i just dun want to make a scene. he told me tt he left office at 10 plus on friday nite and on the way back, he called me. i told him "u where got called me at 10 plus u called me at 12 mn lor" then he said "no lor. its 10 plus. i remember i left office then called u one. who knows u sleeping lor. and i still wonder why u slept so early." then i went "is it? then i must have remember wrongly lor. but i thought i saw 12 mn lor." and then i very curious, took out my hdp and then time clocked in at need to argue, frankly speaking, its fri nite lor, who sleeps at 10 plus??? the truth is there. why he wants to lie i also dun know......=(( do i want to know? frankly speaking no...... why i also uncertain. is it becoz there goes the trust??coz he betrayed it?? lied to me and u bear the consequences. or i choose to be blind for this time? or i dun want to know the truth? or perhaps he made a blunder? or i simply can't be bother anymore.......
ShOe ShOpPiNg
went shoe shopping on sunday!!!
yeah!! u no read wrongly. we went shopping
but not to buy my shoes. old man needs a pair of working shoes remember?
on sat evening, he told me "sun we go eat high tea ok?"
i looked at him "ok. u decide on the place"
then he said "u do the surfing lah. then let me know. if not dun eat."
then i went "fine. dun eat" =((
comes sunday, i told him "we either go suntec eat kunshi bo, or marina square for steamboat buffet or marina mandarin for high tea." he said "ok" then he bloody pork, woke up at ard 12 noon and told me "late liao. no can eat high tea." i of course "fired up liao lor" always like this, make me think where to go in the end always have change of plans. tts why i dun like and dun want to think lor. bloody pork!! then he said "where else did u say want to go eat huh?" then i looked at him and said "i already told u. u go decide" and i went silence. then he dare dare tell me "u told me when i was sleeping lor. how u expect me to remember." then i went " pls lor. ur surname is "LAI" huh? i told u tt time, u told me "yayayaya. ok" now u say i told u when u sleeping" then he went to bath and then came back and said "ya. now i remember, u said go suntec eat kunshi bo. and marina dun know eat wat." at least got the "sim" to remember lor. so i repeated myself tt marina square for the steamboat or the marina mandarin for high tea.
off we go. nicole highway, he asked me "so suntec or marina?" i really buay ta han liao lor. i already told him tt he decide since he is driving. its always like this lor. the arrangement is i choose the food, the destination (if i know where the food is) if not, he will have to decide on the destination coz he is driving........ then i sat there silent, refused to open my mouth, then he said "marina square lah. coz got 400 over parking space." then i said "ok. marina square we shall go."
after parking the car, we proceeded to the hotpot culture for the steamboat buffet, was informed tt the buffet starts at 330pm and they are having the porridge buffet now. but since old man dun like to eat porridge, i told him tt i dun want the porridge buffet lor........ANYBODY FREE?? WANT TO GO EAT PORRIDGE BUFFET WITH ME AT MARINA SQUARE??? =)) any takers?? pity pity me.....
so i got to decide the next venue. "lets go waraku. do u want to eat waraku?" and his promt reply was "u want to eat we go eat lor." so we went, ordered and ate and then when the bill came "FAINT!! 2 of us $70 plus........hahaha.......looked at the bill again and the food we had, why so exp?? also dun understand lor. we ordered the set which ping intro me tt time, i got the seafood one and he ordered the beef one. tt set us back $40 liao. ordered the cocktail abt $13 for both. and then he ordered the cod fish egg another $7 and add this and tt ta ta $70 lor........hahaha......not sure he heart pain or not. but i am lor. its too exp!!!! but if we go kunshi bo its also ard tt price whatever!! but kunshi boi will have more variety to eat lor. anyway, whatever lor!!! got to save money for the next few weeks to come. hard earned money lor. everyday worked till so late....poor old man......
and u must be wondering we have earning powers lor why heart pain over $70 rite? well, hahaha......coz when we both reached home, we went to "bomb hiroshima" quite wasted. think dear didn't enjoy himself. actually, me too =((
anyway, after tt we went shoe shopping. frankly speaking, i just realised tt men's shoes all the same one even though its different brand. i was like looking at the same type and kind despite of the different brand. POLO CLUB, EVERBEST, TRACCE, BATA, CROCODILE, RENOMA, HUSH PUPPIES.....and i tell u, their shoes not cheap lor. some over $100, over $150 and slightly below $100 or $69 or $59....i asked old man "all same hor, the prices different leh. why so exp? ladies's shoes also not tt exp lor." old man replied "tts becoz ladies have to buy many many pairs of shoes tt why cheaper than men's shoes." surprisingly, i do have to agree with him on this.......hahaha. if every pair of ladies shoes is priced over $100, i doubt we will buy shoes every day lor.......hahaha.. =P
anyway i walked until leg abit aching lor. but surprisingly not thirsty leh. men shopping and ladie shopping almost the same leh. hahaha......look at the design, the material, the quality and the price. inside my heart i thinking lor 'all the same lor. just decide on the brand u want" hahaha.......not like ours, we have many designs to choose and ponder over lor....... =P dun u agreed??
we started the shopping spree in marina sqaure, walked to suntec, drove to funan, walked to peninsula plaza and then to city hall......we finally bought a pair of shoes in robinson....... =))
frankly speaking, for us, we dun walked to so many places just to get a pair of shoes lor.......hahaha.......we can get the shoes anywhere......... =))
so sad to say, actually quite pity the guys. no wonder they go shopping with girls, face will be black black lor. coz we really have many things to buy........hahahaha actually not TO buy but more like CAN buy...... =P

this fish is called "CHAO XIN" literally translated is "THE AWAKENING" hehehe....... old man said it looked like the "white face scholar" hahaha.....wat say u?? =P this is a new species to us lor. but i can see its also the envy of others. old man was the only LUCKY one who caught this fish today.

today's catch...........not bad lor. 10 fishes!!! we reached there abt 10 plus and fished till u can imagine the last few hours were like "just waiting"
btw, we caught over 10 fishes (mainly catfishes) on saturday. we also went at 10 plus but left at 4pm. old man and his papa were very pleased with themselves.....i also quite proud of myself, sitting there reading my mag and training my eyes!! =P
talking abt eyes. i saw the advertisement on the false eyelashes. so i asked old man nice or not, i go buy and stick on my eyes. these are his comments :-
1) "later those feather go into ur eyes then u know lor"( the pic was the normal eye lashes with 2 feathers sticking out at the end) u know something like fann had when she attended one of the star awards (i think) but hers are very long one.
2) "why u want to put shit on ur eyes?" (the pic is the eyelashes very very thick one. like a doll like tt) i also dun like it lah. too drama effect
3) "nothing lor. put what? waste money" ( the pic is the normal lashes but coz its longer. let u have a longer eye lash type)
so my conclusion? money, dun buy lor. buy mascara. apply on own original eyelashes.....also pretty pretty lor.... =))
anyway, the men JUST DUN GET IT? they will never understand why we need so many pair of shoes, handbags, etc........ =P they only know tt we like to spend money on UNNECESSARY stuff!!! =))
2 fIRsT
today is results day
i saw a little red book on the table when i came home
flipped open and i saw what i wanted to see and told dad "wow!! at least still got 1 lor" hahaha
and dad said tt the little one came home and told him "gong gong, i have 2 1st lor"
cheeky girl
well done lah
what's more can we ask for
no tuition, no nothing.
she did it herself
managed to guess what she got? she is the 11th student in her class lor.
2 1st......lolz
aCcIdEnTs DaY
when i got back home today, dad told me tt he was involved in the car accident
apparently, the fork lift driver just zoomed straight into my dad's car despite my dad's warnings!!
he sounded the honk.......
the boss of the company was very apologetic, but the driver was very got the attitude lor
he told the boss" pay lah. pay up and no problem liao"
imagine!!! can u imagine it!!!
dad was complaining to me what a bad day he had!!! but i really think must count our blessings lor.........luckily dad was unhurt and still live to tell the story lor......
2nd inccident, the little one went to library after school. dun know why students need to remove their shoes. anyway, SOME ONE STOLE HER SHOES!!!!! so she called dad, dad went to school and made a big din!!! "THERE IS A THEIF IN UR SCHOOL" he exclaimed. hahaha.....wonder is the little one embrassed by what her gong gong did.......guessed next tue she will be the STAR of the school. the student whose shoes kana stolen.....
wHat A cOmMent!!
yesterday the PM wants to know whether can we call a certain contract. so she asked me to help her check with E.
i went to check and kana "tell her tt project officer in charge's responsibility to check"
so i went to pass the message to her
then i was asked to sit down and long and short story and then finally "if i can do everything myself and i MUST and HAVE to do everything myself then why do i need u?"
i stared at her!!! how could she said such a thing???!!??
we worked as a team. if this is the procedure, then she as the project officer, whether she likes it or not she has to go find it out herself. but on good will, i can help her but not to the extend of doing her work for her lor. coz frankly speaking, if i do her work, then who does mine?? and she also should not say "THEN WHY DO I NEED U?"
we have other scopes and responsibilties too!!! we dun just sit there and open our mouth. apparently, the LAW here is that project officer do everything from start to end and the CM will check for them and advise them. so how could she said things like tt
but i do agreed tt E was a bit rude. but i think we should help and check for them and then they do the follow up action lor. no big deal. afterall if it involves $$$, we should be kept in the loop. and frankly speaking, who can do this much better than US???
was i offended by her remarks??!!?? frankly speaking "NO" u dun like the way the things work here, then u go complain and tell big boss. apparently, this is the way things is run here lor. tts why ppl always want to go work for the client side. this is why. as simple as tt. i dun need to argue with u if i know tt i am right. coz what's the pt. u have ur own pt of views. nobody can change it. so even if we argued till the pig flies home, we also will have no conclusion.
then the jing dian is when E popped over to my cubicle today and passed me the cd which she helped me burn. she said "dun think she left u many stuff. not as many as i am giving to J" then i clicked open the folders and "VIOLA" might as well dun give me lor. only the tender doc, what abt the correspondence and all?? these are the main buck of the work lor. no give me. its as good as me starting from scratch and asking ppl to forward me a similar draft and i amend to suit my own projects!!!
anyway, whatever!! the issue here is tt, when she saw the projects tt the previous girl handed over to me. she was very very SHOCKED, UNBALANCED and UNHAPPY. she commented "do u know how many projects J is taking over from me?" i replied "ya, i saw it 3 pages full of projects." then she said "she is taking over 53 projects, unlike urs. urs is too little liao. i must talk to boss to ask her to distribute the projects b/w the 2 of u." then i went "but a CM is coming in lor. she is sharing the projects with J" and she went "u sure its a CM and not another ACM." and i went "ya." frankly speaking whether is A or no A, still can do work rite??? u mean A dun do a good job as no A?? can't be lor. its like a degree holder might not do a better job as compared with a diploma holder lor. or a degree holder might not have better experience than a diploma holder lor. so pls, dun look down on the As lor.
then she shouted for another engineer to come to my cubicle and exclaimed tt the previous girl is handing so little projects and tt boss dun know how to distribute the projects one. the engineer told her "dun look at the qty, must look into depth" then i just smiled and the engineer sneered. apparently, i think she very buay siong tt she is struggling like mad while the previous girl handles so little projects. she then told me "u r lucky lor." then i told her "well, J is more senior than me" and then she left my cubicle and went to J's cubicle and started complaining and told her to go tell boss abt it. and distribute the projects out. then she also went to complain to my buddy tt the nos. of projects tt i am handing is too little as compared with J.
what a comment to make lor!!! sigh. my fault lah?? my fault for not being her buddy but J is her buddy?? new projects coming in, i also handling lor, just tt its not in the list. coz the list of projects are projects tt are handed over to me from her. new projects are not in the list lor. whats the big deal? and like what dear said who knows the previous girl managed to clear most of the FA for the projects before she left, so tts why the remaining projects are tt little. but tt doesn't mean tt she is handling very few projects.......
anyway, in my own humble opinion, i think she is just unbalance lor......tomolo her last day with us. i still will wish her all the best. she is gg overseas with her hubby. uprooting. i wish i also no need to work. just stay at home and shake leg. too bad!! no husband to take care of me lor..........*shake head* then i dun need to hear such unreasonable comments!!
another comment was from my buddy. coz i was preparing a tender doc. so i asked her where to find the standard. after telling me where i can retreive it she made a remark "i am quite shock u only ask me now lor. u dun be shy. must ask one. dun sit there quietly" J and i was like "huh? of course now then ask lah. coz now we want to do mah. no do ask already also waste time. coz now not using. so no pt asking. wait till we want to do the task, then we ask long and short qns, then we can remember more. J was actually quite offended by her remarks. but frankly speaking, my buddy is like tt one. dear told me if u need to offend ppl to get work done, by all means just do it. no choice one. just got to be firm and both feet strongly rooted on the grd. but i really dun feel like offending anyone.........actually, have not done it before. but as the saying goes "always have 1st time one" =P
btw, Wl smsed me today and asked me whether want to join the co for a batam trip in june!!! hippy!!! me gg on a 1 day tour to BATAM........basically to eat and shop!!! muahaha =P
Am I Tt FaT??
can someone pls tell me HONESTLY "AM I FAT?"
omg!! dear has been telling me tt i am fat
ok, i AM fat. coz i can actually see those cellulite and the orange peel skin on my big fat thighs!!
but is there anything i can do besides gg for slimming sessions, gg on a diet, rely on diet tea, pills, milk, whatever!!!
ya, i know go excercise lor
but sometimes really hor, got the heart no the strength leh
but am i really tt fat???
sigh.......i am totally speechless.
so far, when pecky saw me after so many months of no see each other, she told me tt i am so so thin, "what happened? u jobless leh? everyday at home. eat and sleep. should be fat not thin lor" ex coll saw me, when i go see WY, also claimed tt i grew thinner. so WTF!!! why did dear keep saying tt i am FAT!!
i really dun know leh. i very the sad lor
he smsed me just now and said "di di, we no see 4 days only i think u got put on weight leh" can't remember is it "MORE weight" or just "weight" but whatever lah. already so depressed. =((
dear once told me he dun like fat ppl to be his gf. and if one day i ever grow fat, then he will boot me out. seemed like this D day is coming REAL soon. really aka datang lor. no joke.
frankly speaking, who will not be fat lor. sigh. love me as what i am and who i am. if so superficial then FORGET IT!! pui!! but i am really sad lor. imagine next time if preggie, then sure will be fat lor. then how???!!!?? dun be preggie meh?
so tell me honestly, AM I SI TUA PUI???
i tell u lor
just realised tt $5K also can start a business lor
in actual fact she came to s'pore to work
then hor, when she saw tt other ppl doing well in tt business, she also went in lor.
follow the crowd.
and guess tt she went in at the correct time
but frankly speaking, there is no wrong or correct time lor. coz tt kind of business, anytime is also the right time!!
and hor, i think her side line do until so well hor, she recruited a runner lor
listen again, she came to s'pore to work and then start a side line and then RECRUIT ppl lor
so u curious to know what business she running??
well, she is a loan shark lor.....she came to s'pore to work as a maid, then she went into being a loan shark, when business got bigger and the risk is there, she recruited a runner to go find the "ah kum" for her........sigh.......when the law caught up with her, she in turn went to the jail......
but u really got to give it to her lor. started a business with onky $5k in hand. and even went into the "right" business. wonder what shall i do with my $5K?? hm..........*evil grin*
wHaT's ThE BiG dEaL???!!!??
today also dun know what happened, L cried in office during lunch time while talking to boss
everybody who knows her flocked to her cubicle and asked her "what happened? why no can "kan de kai""
she just smiled and said "small matter lah. nothing"
i also kaypo to know why, but apparently, everybody is lip tight lor
630pm when we are getting to go home and i also just ended a meeting, J told me tt she saw an envelope on boss's table........OMG!!! WTF!!!! is it what we think is it?? also dun know lor. but soon will know.........hehehe =P
then this one small thing. coz does not affect me. what really affect me is J told me tt she still cannot get use to it and if she buay ta han she will go go go........omg!!! i told her not to keep thinking of the neg stuff. look on the bright side. and when i asked her "will u get a job first before u go or what?" her reply "just go lor. afterall, last time also like this." then i exclaimed "wa!! u rich lor!" she can be jobless for 1 yr leh. what say u?? she more suk kee than me ...... =))
i really wish she will stay on lor. afterall, if she leaves, who is gg to "hang in there with me"?? and who is gg to be my lunch partner?? most impt who is gg to listen to my complains!!!!!
sigh......maybe have to "chop" esther liao.....lolz........ =))
today we went to Transit for our lunchie
then we went shopping
apparently, everything outside have, inside also have lor
except tt some merchanise we can get staff price
J saw the dior perfume and was quite interested coz they are giving a few pendant with it
but hor, when we enquried, "sorry, CD and chanel no staff price"
so she decided not to get it coz i commented tt the perfume has a fruity smell, ma chiam like "guava" hahaha......
i told her "go outside can get "chiong" one lor" and she said "true lor. might consider" i think she likes branded stuff. even her handbag is from coach
wow!! rich ppl lor......
anybody wants anything? just let me know...hehehe
i let u have my bank acc number.... =))
RuMbLiNg TuMmY..........
i was very hungy today
also dun know why????
i can't wait to go home lor
when i finished my work, it was already!! how times fly when i am having fun....pui lor.....i am busy preparing my material for tomorrow's 10am meeting lor. (pray hard tt i did the right thing)
anyway, when i entered the lift just now, there was this guy who came in with me lor
"13th pls" and i pressed for him
and then hor, i smelt "wow!!! chicken chop leh!!"
stomach started to rumble liao
very hungry lor. then i started to think what my mama has cooked for dinner today
then hor, tt passenger hor, he very the wat one lor. one of the kind
lift only he and me lor, why must he choose to face me and poke the straw into his cup of bubble tea and slurp so loudly....
i am so the very the hungry already lor
no offer still want to tempt me........sigh
why got such ppl one............ =((
NoBoDy WaNts Us.......... =((
today, i sensed tt the atmosphere not correct leh
but still what the heck just go for lunch only wat
so together with J, we tagged along with the "junior rank" staff
when we were buying our food, J told me "something wrong hor?"
i nodded and said "maybe they busy lah"
but hor the both of them really face black black lor
and i dun like it
its too quiet
so i made some comments and she finally said "when i am stressed i am like this. so no offend."
then J went "understandable"
then suddenly she asked "why ur buddy dun lunch with u? she never jio u one meh?"
then i went "no lor. she no jio. anyway, lunch lor. we can choose to eat with who we want. not necssary to be with buddy."
then she went "but hor, its best for u guys, to lunch with buddy, coz all div 1 ppl and she can intro u all to them and also make work life easier."
then i went "dun want lah. lunch is lunch, dun want to talk abt work."
and she insisted lor and said "u should go and eat with ur buddy. never bluff u one. its best for u two. go and meet the other div 1 ppl. maybe WHEN ur buddy not free, then u join us lor.last time i also lunch with my buddy"
wtf!!! so direct leh
so J told me tt in future, we lunch ourselves lor
then i said ok lor what to do?
ppl also dun want us. die die also want to go with them, it will be nuisance lor. but its only lunch lor. whats the big deal. 1hr nia. no need to split until div 1 or 2 or 3 rite? all also need to eat wat
never encounter such thingy before leh
1st time.
and moreover, they are assisting us lor. so we also need to have good working r/s wat. eat together also no wrong lor. she even said "we are actually doing different things"
thought they are assisting us? then how different could it be?? sigh
why like this?
why nobody wants us??? =((
the little one just pointed out to me tt 22nd may is next week and not this week
and i went "oh!!"
i made a blunder lor.
told dear tt indiana jones is screening this week, which in actual fact is next week
me so blur one
how come huh?
very forgetful and blur leh
need more ginko nuts??
hEaRt PaIN
poor dear!!
he told me tt he has been working till 1am for past 1 week
so many things to do yet so little time
like me, he has endless meetings to attend and many work to do
what to do? ppl in this sector likes to do work like this
also dun know why
*scratch head*
he said he did not go gym for 2 weeks liao and wants very badly to go this week.
told him to go during lunch time lor. but i doubt he can go. he has many meetings how to make it???!!
he said tt he go for evening meetings. then go for his dinner and then rushed back to office to work till mn then go home. and the cycle repeats again every day
he really needs to take care of himself lor
i rather he bring work back to do. but of course must be discipline enough to do the work instead of playing games and watch shows lah
coz hor, if he worked so late in the office, he will be very tired then he drives all the way home, i afraid he very tired and cannot concentrate lor. very dangerous. dun u agreed??
but i doubt he will listen. he has his own way. i also dun want to "nag" at him.
he already very poor thing liao lor
i told him tt he just have to hang in there lor. coz his dept only his boss and him and another new guy and the 3 of them needs to oversee 40 over projects. he just need to hang in there till the dept expand bigger!! will tt day comes?? i also dun know. just want to encourage him lor. afterall he was the one who told me "its all abt endurance, determination and responsibilities..."
still, it pains my heart to see him like this. esp when u see how tired he is lor. sigh. and still want to go fishing. faint can!!!
he told me abt his consultants, his coll, his projects, etc. i think he just want to let out some steam though. nothing serious. then i asked him "so this yr no can go tour lor?" and he told me can lah. year end, when his project start to move. then he will take 2 weeks off. and i said "yippee!! we either go taiwan or aust ok?" *clap hands* he looked at me and said "we will go holiday. but not with u lor, with my other gfs" bloody pork lor. i no can go, u also no can go lor. *dream on* pui =P
i told him i want to watch "what happens in vegas" he said "go find in the net" and i continued with next week Indiana Jones will be screening lor. he told me we shall watch from the net. i told him " I WANT TO GO CINEMA" and he said "ok. i buy u one tix, u go watch urself ok" and i went "one weekend we go fishing, one weekend we go out" *pout* how can always i accompany him, he got to accompany me too rite? *wink*
sat no meet dear
coz at first he said he needs to work rite, then 12 plus am he smsed me and said he will bring work back to do instead
but sat morning i received an sms from cute tt she has just popped out her 2nd bb. ITS A GIRL!! one boy and 1 girl......good lor.
subsequently, jane smsed me and asked me whether want to go visit her
and i was like "ok lor. long time no meet liao"
so i smsed dear and said tt i will meet him later (coz me thinking tt he will be at home to do his work lor)
who knows he smsed me back and said "he wants to go fishing"
wa kao!! how to split i told him "my gf in hospital. i gg to visit her. i just knew it this morning" then he told me "why cannot go earlier?" then i told him "my other gf needs to work today so i can only meet her at 130pm" then dear said "ok. then u sms me after tt. we confirmed again"
who knows when i was abt to leave the hospital at 315pm, he smsed me and said tt he is leaving his house now. so he decided tt we shall not meet. i am fine with the arrangement coz after all, even if i rushed down now, he will be gone lor. but i felt very sad and bad too. coz i have a feeling tt he brought work home to do so tt he could meet me. yayaya, i know what u all gg to think and say lor. said i am thick skinned rite? he just want to bring work home so tt he need not travel all the way back to office to work. but i just want to think of it MY WAY lor..... =))
anyway, cute's eldest son very cute lor and also handsome. big round eyes!! too bad, he doesn't speak mandarin. only malay lor. he is so hyper active!! u could not imagine tt he was actually a prematured baby lor. the new born girl also cute lor. cute said she has not think of a name for her coz she only knew abt the gender of the bb after she pop out lor. coz the earlier scans, showed tt the bb very shy, she always crossed her legs and hide her gential areas......lolz.....young young so shy liao....... anyway, her hubby wants to name the girl "fatimah" but apparently many ppl disagreed with him. so they have to think of another name for her. for her boy, his name is "mohamed, yi en" yi en is his chinese name. wonder what name will her girl
we left the hospital ard 4 plus bah. and jane asked me since i am free why not pop by her place. so i went. and i saw her boy too!! gene kai!! wa lao!! boys are so hyper active lor. active until i also dun know what to say. i really cannot catch up with them lor. i think its age lah. i no the stamina to run, jump, carry, and etc etc with them.
proud of my friends. who are parents now!!! =)) they must have come a long way. from dun know anything abt parenting to being so expert lor. jane used to be so garang and so i dun know how to describe her when we were in poly. she always have the "1 is 1. cannot 2, 3, 4" but she is so patient with her boy. allows him to do this and tt. want this and tt. i really got to "ke tou" to her lor. she is fantastic. if tt is my boy, i tell u, whack him upside down liao lor....muahaha......but its easy for me to say now lah, coz i dun have mah. hahaha =))
as for cute, well, she said she will stop at one, but aparrently, number 2 came long and she said "can close shop liao" then hor, she said tt her hubby said "no. 3 go to sgh" muahaha.......guess they will go to all hospitals in singapore then they will officially "close shop"
the 2 of them said "let's meet up again after my confinement." i was like "sure. no problem" =)) the problem is tt now one of them has 2 "monkeys" to look after and the other got 1. its difficult to meet up lor. but i am sure, if there is a will, there will be a way lor......
i am always available. just give me a ring ok *wink*
SkiPpEd MeAlS
last week alone, i skipped 4 meals leh
2 dinners (fri and sat), 1 breakfast and 1 lunch (sunday alone).......
already reminded myself not to skip anymore meals, coz sooner or later will kana gastric then i really gg to get it lor
apparently, there is one coll in office, who also kana gastric flu and she is on medication for 1 month liao and still no cure.
she needs to go see doc and go monitor and go for regular check up lor
so poor thing lor
she said she also need to cut down on the coffee, tea and spicy food intake
she said she has been taking medication for 1 month liao until she also afraid tt she might kana stomach cancer *TOUCH WOOD*
so u see, dun take health for granted
one small thing might lead to a big thing lor......
so dun play play
try not to skip meals ok =P
and i must try not to skip meals for the next few days........
wHo'S fAuLt?? =P
dear asked me what i want to eat for "supper" when sending me home last nite
i told him "anything. u r the fussy one"
then he said "quick say. what u want to eat." and i repeated myself again
and he asked again and then i went "let's go eat ice cream"
and he went "where?"
and i thought to myself "WTF!! like tt also need me to think. bloody pork"
and so i took the easy way out "mac lah. the easiest" (we went swenson the other time)
then he went "which MAC?" and i was so pek chey "u dun tell me here nearby no mac lor. mac is all over the world" and he made a U turn and Potong Pasir here we go..........
along the way, i suddenly thought of eating the ice shaving at the 24hrs XIN WANG. we were there last weekend after fishing at punggol at 130am!!!!
but then since he is driving and i already said "mac" i decided not to say anything.
but i think great minds do think alike lor coz suddenly dear asked me" u want to eat ice cream or..." and i continued it for him "the 24hrs xin wang rite? eat the ice shavings!! yayaya, let's go!!" so happy lor. =P we thinking on the same frequency leh. then dear smiled and said something. but i dun really remember what exactly he said but he did said too "great minds think alike" oh ya!! he said "so late liao not sure still open or not?" and i looked at him, gave him a look and said "have lah. its 24 hrs lor and last weekend we went at 130am lor!!" then he "yayaya" old man lor. stupiak old man........ =))
i tell u lor. when we reached there, dear said he wants to eat some food beside the ice shavings. so i said ok. and decided to order the porridge lor. something light for me. since its already 10 plus. anyway, once we decided, we waited for the waiter to come, i tell u lor. i almost fainted
I : i want a 68 (in mandarin)
i saw the waiter wrote 648 on the paper
I : 68 not 648 (in mandarin)
W: 648 lor (in mandarin)
then i buay ta han and i went "68, 68, 68 ( this time in ang mo) and pointed to the menu
then he wrote "68" on his paper
then i thought i am very smart and decided to order in ang mo instead
I : 901 (pointed to the menu)
I: and a 566 and a 550
then he asked "this one served now or later?" (in mandarin)
and dear replied "now"
and he left with our order and i said "xie xie"
happily talking and then my dessert came
mango and watermelon with the qing chow!!
mango very sour but went very well with the qing chow. sour and sweet so compliment each other.
then suddenly a bowl of soup noodle came
and dear said "did we order this?"
i shook my head and was like "i ate this last weekend lor. why do i want to order again?"
then i took a look at the order and BLOODY PORK lor!!!! 501!!!!!!!!!!wtf!!!!!!!!!
i ordered in ang mo 901 and then he wrote 501
i ordered in mandarin 68 and he wrote 648
both times i did point to the menu lor!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i almost fainted leh
no choice lor. i eat lor
what to do?
dear said "not only ur mandarin lan lor. ur ang mo also cmi"
told dear my mistake for not looking at what he wrote
dear then told me "cannot ask u to do things one. such a simple thing also can order wrongly"
then i went "well, as long as i dun order urs wrongly lor"
do u know tt jerk said the same thing to be before?? =((
and i retorted back "then next time u do it urself!!"
why these 2 guys so similar huh? why? why? why?
anyway, my fault meh? its the waiter lor
my only fault is tt i didn't monitored what the waiter wrote down lor
and then in the end i was so FULL.........
si tua pui.........
dun know why, all the co i went to, i was invited to the DnD lor
ok, maybe DPA dun have
but then they were organising lor
coz we got to vote for the chairman for the DnD mah
anyway, july is the D&D event!!!
kumar will be performing lor
actually he is one of the celebrities lah
and its at swissotel stamford........ =))
i dun know where? is it the one at city hall??
most impt is must have mrt there lor.
its a weekend though
all 166 staff will be there bah.......
psssssttt, btw, heard tt we can employ to a max of 188 leh. want to come join us??!!! hehehe =P
did i say tt i got my lappy already yesterday?
apparently so troublesome with lappy one leh
go to "locked" it so tt cannot be removed
so u can actually see a "metal chain" ard my desk, tts becoz i secured the lappy to my desk
funny hor. last time i see other ppl also no such thingy one lor
here is different, got to "lock" one
hm.......something is wrong lor
u know why?
coz apparently they allowed visitors, be it consultants or contractors or whoever to roam freely ard the office looking for staff
this is no good practise lor
not like last time got receptionist one.
want to see who also must go thru the receptionist
here is, so good, until u walk in and out of the office ma chiam ur own office lor
luckily, i am seated inside lor. so i am "out of sight, out of mind" muahahaha, i like lor
but just now i heard the admin told our dd tt he is gg to propose to renovate our areas so tt contracts ppl can sit together in a cluster and the planning ppl in another cluster. so won't "fight" so u see, even if monday when big boss is back, so what? even if J and i change seats, end of the day still need to shift again why are the heads "fighting" for? very obvious lor, just to "win a mouth breathe" so stupiak lor.
my boss also dun care liao lor. she told me just sit lah. why bother......i also just sit lor. i already "moved" alot of my stuff over liao. personal stuff. including a radio cum cd lor. coz the cubicle i sitting hor, very lonely, so i brought some music there to entertain myself when i am alone in the cubicle, but just realised tt if everyday also got meeting, then end of the day, i dun need music to keep me company lor...... =)) just found out who the planning head wanted to relocate to the cubicle which i am sitting now. coz tt staff of his is sitting at one corner. far from him. so he wanted to relocate her to nearer the unit. but i really wonder, if he really wants to do tt, then why didn't he do so 3 weeks ago???? i really scratch head lor. anyway, i dun care. just give me a seat, let me settle down, bring the docs over and read thru and i am on my way, hopefully =))
EnD oF 1St WeEk
1st week of work has passed
and what have i done?
practically nothing, still adjusting myself to this new environment
just realised today really no system one lor
everyday meeting, also dun know meet for what
and they always by pass the contracts unit
then wtf rite?? why bother to have this unit?
is to help them control and also monitor the budget wat
but apparently, according to my boss, they "simply cannot be bother" dun follow the system
so boss did mentioned tt we need to be "pro active" in this area and keep asking them and reminding them to keep us in the loop
the problem is "i also dun know who is who? and who is in charge of the projects tt i am handing!!!" muahaha...*faint can*
anyway, today, boss brought me to find some of the doc which belongs to the staff who just left us. she told me to "Take over all these docs. they are yours" so i went "got to wait till monday then i will know where i will be sitting." then she said "wa!! still not solved meh? then u gg to sit where?" i told her "i also dun know. anyway, just a seat lor." and she went" i feel so sad for the staff u know. so embrassing. new staff comes in everything must be there for them to start work, but no pc, no telephone and no seat. sigh" and i just listen lor. what can i say or do rite?
joke of the day:- the admin gave J a HANDPHONE to use temporary as a OFFICE DID PHONE till the big boss comes back on monday and tell us all where we gg to be seated......muahaha......can u believe it!!! they rather spend money on hdp bills then just connect a line for her.......*faint can*
anyway, today is a busy day for me. meeting meeting meeting, no need to do work lor. luckily after lunch i am free lor. so i tidied up the files and then rush out whetever i need to. 6pm then leave office........not bad liao. J still working when i leave lor, hope she hangs in there. maybe she too long no work liao, or she really was given too much to handle at on time.......i saw her list. she has 3 PAGES full of projects, mainly could be due to the fact tt she has many NSCs. u know lor, one BIG project will definitely have many NSCs. hopefully soon she will get used to it. and as for me, well, hopefully, i also can handle well lor. *wink*
anyway, the moment i came back just now, dad told me tt "maybe we gg to shanghai in june. see whether can get cheap air tickets or not? u pay half for mummy ok? u want to come?" sigh.....very tempting lor. but shanghai, china???!!?? hm........think i give it a pass..=)) gg to save up for BALI lor....muahaha....and i think now better dun go on leave lah. wait till i settle down. if not now i go, i still not familiaise with the things here lor, later after the trip come back, dun want to work liao.....muhahaha.........
think this could be a good chance for the little one to go enjoy herself bah. afterall she was "stressed" recently...muahaha....i forgot to mentioned in my earlier blog tt she refused to let dad tell me tt she cried in school and what exactly happened!!! can see from here she really want face lor. anyway, i just pretend tt i dun know. even though i lied tt her principal called me so she better tell me what happened? she so smart u know, she asked me" my principal is male or female voice?" could i know rite? so i replied "principal is principal voice lor. what male and female." hahaha, i also not a "save oil lamp" lor.... =)
dear gg back to office work tomolo. dun know real or not. but doesn't really matter lah. he like so poor thing lor. he worked till past mn everyday for this week. told me cannot meet DEAD LINEs so dun have a choice. sigh!! tts becoz the ppl everyday have endless meetings so how to do work!!! i really dun know lor.....really. am so speechless u know. now i do know why qi has so many meetings to attend to and sometimes is after office hours kind of thingy. wonder did ping used to have numerous meetings when she was in her ex co??? *wonder* the PM told me to "enjoy ur 1st month" soon u will know............waaaaaaa........horrible, terrible, whatever!!! =))
today, i went to the registry to photocopy, then there was this guy there already photocopying his stuff. then i just photocopied mine lor. then he said "u looked familiar. seen u somewhere before." then i smiled and said "is it? but i dun recognised u" then he said "i really met u before somewhere but couldn't remember" then i smiled and said "is it? maybe i do have a common face" later he tells me "u looked like pat mok, i think i will faint lor" anyway, then he asked me where have i been working "i said cpg." then he said "all along there?" then i went "no." i looked at his pass "ALEX" i dun remember seeing this guy lor. definitely i dun know him. unless met in SDU........muahaha.......such a handsome guy, i should remember if i see him before lor..... =)) anyway, then i finished my stuff and i bid him farewell "i am done. see u ard" and tata out i go.......would like to think tt i still have "MARKET VALUE" lor......hahaha!! =P
ya lah, i know lah, u want to vomit lah. dun like this lor. give me some face can or not??!!?? =))
ended my 1st week on a sweet note??!!?? =P yipeee
omg!! i thought last sun was mama's day
what a blunder i made till i read stephy's blog then i realised my blunder
pardon me ok!!
pOoR hEr
the little one cried in school today
she got 81 for her maths
and WTF!!??!! why cry??
her teacher asked her " what happened?"
she cried cried cried and said she was afraid tt her gong gong will caned her for getting poor results!!!
and then the teacher called her gong gong up lor
so poor thing lor
i think she stressed out lor
pressurized to do well and excel........???
now i know how stressed i was when i was young under my papa's strict supervison lor
i never had good grades. always managed to just scrap thru lor
but i didn't really care much just tt when the cane land on my skin, OMG!!! can die lor
tt time, i always dun understand why must get caned if i failed or do badly. and tt makes me dislike studying lor
why like this?
i finally got out of tt "nitemare" and now its the little one turn??? muahaha
i never pressure her to do well, except tt to tell her tt good results will land her good job in the future. but whatever results she gotten, i will just tell her "good job" and once awhile will laff at her for being "last in class" . i always remind her tt "as long as she done her best, she should be happy with whetever results she get" hehehe......tts what my mama always tell me mama the best. never give me any pressure.....
I LOVE U MUMMY!! *muack*
J got her lappy today and i got my pass
i can buy food at staff price but she still cannot
she can start work and i still "slacking"
she uses the pc to work and i used the pen and paper
as slow as a snail
wait till i laid my hands on the lappy tomolo (PRAY HARD) and my engine will be expected to roar roar roar!!!
J met her buddy E today. FINALLY!!!
she seemed like a nice girl =)) until she started to dump all projects to J
J said tt seemed like E cannot wait to pass her all the projects lor =((
i told her to take it easy herself afterall, E will still be ard. so anything can still ask her. just get familiarise with the projects while she is still ard...
J told me tt she is feeling the heat and the pressure is building up!!!
can tell tt she has more projects than me.....muahahaha
i told her to take it easy as a new girl will be coming in soon
she seemed to happy when she heard it. asked me when, but how would i know......hehehe
i just heard boss mentioned to E this morning lor
the new girl will be the new CM......
anyway, do hope tt J will stay on lor. afterall, we came in together. so need to encourage each other.....
i so worry tt she will go lor. even though she assured me tt she will stayed on. apparently, she rested for 1 yr before she got herself this job!!! so suk kee rite? ok, what actually happened was boss told us today tt she needs to contact us. esp if we are not at our desk. so hdp no. need to give her. so i told her maybe should go get the corporate rates. and she said she might not want to coz what if she resigns!!! and i was like "DUN LIKE THIS LEH" then i told her tt its ok even if after resign still can enjoy one. then she said "well. let me think abt it" i really very scare tt E's projects scare her off lor. but at least E is still ard and as for me??!!?? i have nobody lor. i just got to ask ard and irritate ppl.......hahaha
tts what i did today with E. i went to ask her some qns and i think i asked too many and she got abit fed up. who cares!!! dun ask, then how to do work.....muahaha =P and she is CM lor. even though my buddy is ard for me to ask, but CM is still CM lor.......
my work load getting heavier boss cannot wait for my lappy to come. she asked me twice today. she can't wait to send me emails lor. but there is nothing i can do if the IT not ready. they taking an ex staff's lappy and confirgurating it and pass it to me. i also dun know why so long. hehehe. if i know, i can do it myself liao......hahaha.......anyway, as they said no pc, no need to do work. hehehe =P
i will have my first meeting tomolo at 930am.........hopefully all goes well. and no follow up action requried. so tt if tomolo i get my lappy, i can finished the 2 tasks which boss had given me earlier lor. =))
i decided tt due to the confidentiality of my work and also my due professionalism, i shall not blog abt my work anymore. too senstitive liao. maybe some day to day activities i can still mentioned but not work bah. not very good lor rite? =P
and today my buddy went to tell our DD tt she volunteered to shift out of her current cubicle but DD must relocate a bigger cubicle to her coz she needs a big space!! J and i told her "for what?" since boss already approved just sit there lor. she said "got ppl green eyes" wa kao!! just a seat lor. *faint can* eat so much rice and salt and still like this......childish lor. so i asked "so what if u move out?" she said she is the kind of person who does not like ppl to talk at lor. who not like this? frankly speaking, who wants to be talk at?? sigh........its really a small issue lor. sigh.....over a cubicle. anyway, i brought my own stuff to the cubicle which i am seating now lor. whether tt head likes it or not. sorry lor. wait till BIG boss comes back on monday and see how it goes bah. if i got to shift, then i just move everything lor. no big deal...... =P then at least they will know tt shifting is very troublesome lor.
Oh BlInD mE
recently cases of road accidents esp for mini buses fetching students flashed all over the papers
1 death lor
so poor thing
just becoz no seat belt in the bus? or becoz driver's fault?
but so far nobody commented tt its the driver's fault. all said "NO SEAT BELT"
so the is seat belt really the culprit???
today there is another case
no death though but injuried the knee lor
all becoz of NO SEAT BELT in the bus???
apparently, there is seat belt in the bus lor but the boy claimed tt "he no see" OMG!! BLIND leh??? how can u not spot a seat belt???? ITS SO OBVIOUS lor!!!!! cannot see??? u must be joking lor!! unless u really blind lor. and another one commented tt "the bus driver did not say must put on seat belt" OMFG!!! nobody ask u to breathe lor but u still breathing...... nobody ask u to eat, sleep, drink, shit lor, but u still do all these. dun fault others when u ownself also at fault lor........ so what if u study in the TOP schools, cukoo brain also like this lor...*look u no up*
so now parents urged the gahmen to enforce the seat belt ruling in all school buses. so the bus co said tt in that case they want to increase the bus fare. but parents argued tt its one time off thingy lor. so why should they bear the costs with the bus co. both also right lor. but hor, NOTHING IS FREE IN THE WORLD LOR. so u want something, u pay for it.
frankly speaking school buses might not want to install the seat belt lor. last time, my era tt time, one seat hor, can squeezed 4 students lor. so u imagine, how many ppl can be stuff in a bus?? and how much money the driver made for each trip. now u said must strap up, i tell u lor, its 2 students per seat, u imgaine how many businesses they would have lost lor. they will not want to install one lor unless parents pay!!! u know as in cover their "losses" and i tell u lor. make matter worst, no more school bus lor, ur children take public transport to school lor. u faint lor. or u got to ferry to and fro ur children to school lor. u think SBS will install seat belt??? u wait lor. then ppl will comment what abt those passengers standing?? also dangerous for them wat. they could also be flung out of the bus, etc etc.......U CAN NEVER PLEASE EVERYBODY ONE u either take it or leave it.
just remind ur children to glue their buttocks to the seat no matter what happen. dun stand and talk to their friends who are sitting behind. or run ard the bus. there is a heavy price to pay if they dun listen lor....... then u can blame no one except ur child for having ears which does not listen and eyes which cannot see seat belt........*faint can*
pEng SaN cAn
guess today boss no can hold it any longer so she had a short discussion with us and handed us our assignments!!!
and the lucky moi has 13 projects!!! omg!! never in my life i have 13 projects pass to me ALL AT ONCE!! normally, i will accumulate the projects along the way. but this time, apparently its not the case!!! Boss said she thought it over and feel tt its "cleaner tt i take over the projects of the staff who had already left and J will take over the buddy's projects and she will under study her when she comes back from her mc till her last day which is next fri. she added tt she INTENDED to take out one project from her and passed it to YOURS TRULY!! ya, and i will have 14 projects!! she said tt its too heavy for J so to lighten her load, i take the project. *faint* =P so i bet J has more than 13 projects.....muahaha........or it could be lesser but value is much higher and bigger scales one.
J is lucky lor. she has someone whom she can study from and i have none!! i have to bang head on the wall and learn along the way with many injuries.......why me?? sigh..but then again i have a buddy too lor. and my buddy is ard for me to ask ask i also have ad hoc work lor. i have to evaluate a tender and then prepare a LA. both separate contracts. and NO PC!!! and boss wants it by tomorrow for a quick and short discussion. how how? luckily the admin guy today not here. if not boss sure zoom to his place and demand tt we be given our lappy.....lolz
and apparently the issue on the seating arrangement is still unsolved. they were talking abt boss has a big row with the other unit head lor. so now can only wait for the big boss to come back and settle it. it's like a battle b/w unit heads. u know what i mean? sit where is ok one, but they just cannot "lose". my boss stand is she already "chop" the seat lor and the other side just suddenly out of nowhere said he wants the seat for his staff. well, let them fight lor. i dun care. just tt if my boss 'loses"i will be shifting to the cubicle opposite hers lor. its actually the same size as the one i am sitting now except tt no metal cabinets but only metal drawers which is not very useful to us lor. some ppl just dun understand tt QSs needs many storage spaces tt also want to fight.
so i asked one of the junior staff where exactly did the other cm sit? she said in the cubicle occupied by my buddy now beside boss. she said tt my buddy used to sit in the cubicle opposite boss and when tt staff left she shifted to the vacant cubicle lor. and so now if big boss said tt the planning unit will have the cubicle then i will be sitting in my buddy's previous cubicle.'s just a battle of the unit heads. just let me know where to sit ok........hahaha =P
best is out of sight out of mind.....muahaha.......
today 4pm, boss asked J and me to attend a meeting. she said she wants us to familiarize ourselves with the way things work here. and this is part of it. after the evaluation of the tender what comes next. and i tell u lor, luckily i no drink water if not i will pui out lor.......
this was what happened
8 of us in the room
4 sitting at opposite side and the other 4 sat at the other side
every body has the report on hand and i was like, "ok. so now what? approved or not? quick say"
then suddenly the man opposite went "dear chairman, blah blah and blah blah. today i have a paper to seek your approval...blah blah blah"
i dun know what to say?
its all written in the paper lor. can't they read? i am wondering, is this how they do it in other org?? this is my 1st time lor. so to me its like "huh? what is it? why like this?"
what if the staff are very busy rushing for dun know wat projects? then sit in to listen to the officer in charge to explain why he needs the board approval, when all is written in the paper lor. i am speechless lor. *peng san* then the funny thing is tt the board will comment on his paper and if the need to, he must go amend the paper before putting up for i know why they are busy ppl......... =)) and i dun want to be like them lor......
ItChY iTcHy ScRatChY ScRaTcHy....
ppl go fishing, i also go lor.
why i kana so many bites huh? buay ta han lor. =((
i tell u, its so damn bloody itchy lor. kept "scalding" myself with hot water...shiok!!!
and i need the fan all the time if not i will feel itchy and start to scratch myself again
i like it best at aircon premises lor......shiok shiok ...
the following pics after the first few are not the faint heart.........scroll down at ur own risk ok.....dun say i no warned...... muahahaha........*evil laff*

5 bites on my right hand.... =((

4 on my left.........

1 on right thigh

u see for urself........

my poor left hoo boo hoo

my left foot!!!!!!!

my right knee

my right foot.........

my right foot!!!!

my poor feet!!!!!!arghhhh........
so pity rite? i also think so leh. but wait till u see old man's. he got a SWOLLEN leg lor.....hahaha dun know what mosquitoes so "poisonous" dun know how many bites he kana and whole of his lower leg SWOLLEN lor......hahaha.........but at least better than mine rite? disfigured liao lor......he better marry me......if not he will regret lor......its his loss not mine........*evil grin*